path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-07-15determine gflags namespace automaticallySergiu Dotenco1-0/+5
2011-09-05Suppress warnings around return value of write and symlink.1-1/+3
2009-07-27Add cast for pthread_self() to avoid warning.1-1/+6
2009-07-08Suppress warnings. Most of this patch was given by keir (thanks!).1-0/+2
2009-01-28Add license information for all source code.1-2/+30
2009-01-05Initialize gflags in signalhandler_unittest.1-0/+3
2008-12-19Flush logs unsafely before program fails in the signal handler.1-0/+3
2008-11-17Re-organize the way to produce stacktrace.1-1/+1
2008-10-30Forgot to add file for the previous change...1-0/+54