diff options
3 files changed, 95 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/include/flatbuffers/flatc.h b/include/flatbuffers/flatc.h
index 4fab34ca..b3730521 100644
--- a/include/flatbuffers/flatc.h
+++ b/include/flatbuffers/flatc.h
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class FlatCompiler {
explicit FlatCompiler(const InitParams &params) : params_(params) {}
- bool RegisterCodeGenerator(const std::string& flag,
+ bool RegisterCodeGenerator(const FlatCOption &option,
std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_generator);
int Compile(const FlatCOptions &options);
diff --git a/src/flatc.cpp b/src/flatc.cpp
index d43b4ed0..dc7dcb9a 100644
--- a/src/flatc.cpp
+++ b/src/flatc.cpp
@@ -241,6 +241,9 @@ const static FlatCOption flatc_options[] = {
"Currently this is required to generate private types in Rust" },
+auto cmp = [](FlatCOption a, FlatCOption b) { return a.long_opt < b.long_opt; };
+static std::set<FlatCOption, decltype(cmp)> language_options(cmp);
static void AppendTextWrappedString(std::stringstream &ss, std::string &text,
size_t max_col, size_t start_col) {
size_t max_line_length = max_col - start_col;
@@ -312,12 +315,19 @@ std::string FlatCompiler::GetShortUsageString(
const std::string &program_name) const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Usage: " << program_name << " [";
+ for (const FlatCOption &option : language_options) {
+ AppendShortOption(ss, option);
+ ss << ", ";
+ }
// TODO(derekbailey): These should be generated from this.generators
for (size_t i = 0; i < params_.num_generators; ++i) {
const Generator &g = params_.generators[i];
AppendShortOption(ss, g.option);
ss << ", ";
for (const FlatCOption &option : flatc_options) {
AppendShortOption(ss, option);
ss << ", ";
@@ -335,6 +345,11 @@ std::string FlatCompiler::GetUsageString(
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Usage: " << program_name
<< " [OPTION]... FILE... [-- BINARY_FILE...]\n";
+ for (const FlatCOption &option : language_options) {
+ AppendOption(ss, option, 80, 25);
+ }
// TODO(derekbailey): These should be generated from this.generators
for (size_t i = 0; i < params_.num_generators; ++i) {
const Generator &g = params_.generators[i];
@@ -1018,12 +1033,31 @@ int FlatCompiler::Compile(const FlatCOptions &options) {
bool FlatCompiler::RegisterCodeGenerator(
- const std::string &flag, std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_generator) {
- if (code_generators_.find(flag) != code_generators_.end()) {
- Error("multiple generators registered under: " + flag, false, false);
+ const FlatCOption &option, std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_generator) {
+ if (!option.short_opt.empty() &&
+ code_generators_.find("-" + option.short_opt) != code_generators_.end()) {
+ Error("multiple generators registered under: -" + option.short_opt, false,
+ false);
return false;
- code_generators_[flag] = std::move(code_generator);
+ if (!option.short_opt.empty()) {
+ code_generators_["-" + option.short_opt] = code_generator;
+ }
+ if (!option.long_opt.empty() &&
+ code_generators_.find("--" + option.long_opt) != code_generators_.end()) {
+ Error("multiple generators registered under: --" + option.long_opt, false,
+ false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!option.long_opt.empty()) {
+ code_generators_["--" + option.long_opt] = code_generator;
+ }
+ language_options.insert(option);
return true;
diff --git a/src/flatc_main.cpp b/src/flatc_main.cpp
index 1280c3d2..88238447 100644
--- a/src/flatc_main.cpp
+++ b/src/flatc_main.cpp
@@ -78,88 +78,17 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
g_program_name = argv[0];
const flatbuffers::FlatCompiler::Generator generators[] = {
- { flatbuffers::GenerateBinary, "binary", false, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kBinary,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{
- "b", "binary", "",
- "Generate wire format binaries for any data definitions" },
- flatbuffers::BinaryMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
{ flatbuffers::GenerateTextFile, "text", false, nullptr,
"t", "json", "", "Generate text output for any data definitions" },
flatbuffers::TextMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateCPP, "C++", true, flatbuffers::GenerateCppGRPC,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kCpp,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "c", "cpp", "",
- "Generate C++ headers for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::CPPMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateGo, "Go", true, flatbuffers::GenerateGoGRPC,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kGo,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "g", "go", "",
- "Generate Go files for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateJava, "Java", true, flatbuffers::GenerateJavaGRPC,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kJava,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "j", "java", "",
- "Generate Java classes for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::JavaMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateDart, "Dart", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kDart,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "d", "dart", "",
- "Generate Dart classes for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::DartMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateTS, "TypeScript", true, flatbuffers::GenerateTSGRPC,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kTs,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "T", "ts", "",
- "Generate TypeScript code for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::TSMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateCSharp, "C#", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kCSharp,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "n", "csharp", "",
- "Generate C# classes for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::CSharpMakeRule, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GeneratePython, "Python", true,
- flatbuffers::GeneratePythonGRPC, flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kPython,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "p", "python", "",
- "Generate Python files for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateLobster, "Lobster", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kLobster,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "lobster", "",
- "Generate Lobster files for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
{ flatbuffers::GenerateLua, "Lua", true, nullptr,
flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "l", "lua", "",
"Generate Lua files for tables/structs" },
nullptr, bfbs_gen_lua.get(), nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateRust, "Rust", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kRust,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "r", "rust", "",
- "Generate Rust files for tables/structs" },
- flatbuffers::RustMakeRule, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::GenerateRustModuleRootFile },
- { flatbuffers::GeneratePhp, "PHP", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kPhp,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "php", "",
- "Generate PHP files for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateKotlin, "Kotlin", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kKotlin,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "kotlin", "",
- "Generate Kotlin classes for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateJsonSchema, "JsonSchema", true, nullptr,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kJsonSchema,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "jsonschema", "", "Generate Json schema" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
- { flatbuffers::GenerateSwift, "swift", true, flatbuffers::GenerateSwiftGRPC,
- flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kSwift,
- flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "swift", "",
- "Generate Swift files for tables/structs" },
- nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
{ nullptr, "Nim", true, nullptr, flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kNim,
flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "nim", "",
"Generate Nim files for tables/structs" },
@@ -174,84 +103,75 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
flatbuffers::FlatCompiler flatc(params);
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> binary_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewBinaryCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> cpp_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewCppCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> csharp_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewCSharpCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> dart_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewDartCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> go_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewGoCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> java_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewJavaCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> json_schema_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewJsonSchemaCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> kotlin_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewKotlinCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> lobster_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewLobsterCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> php_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewPhpCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> python_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewPythonCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> rust_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewRustCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> swift_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewSwiftCodeGenerator();
- std::shared_ptr<flatbuffers::CodeGenerator> ts_generator =
- flatbuffers::NewTsCodeGenerator();
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--binary", binary_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-b", binary_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{
+ "b", "binary", "",
+ "Generate wire format binaries for any data definitions" },
+ flatbuffers::NewBinaryCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--cpp", cpp_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-c", cpp_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "c", "cpp", "",
+ "Generate C++ headers for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewCppCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--csharp", csharp_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-n", csharp_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "n", "csharp", "",
+ "Generate C# classes for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewCSharpCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--dart", dart_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-d", dart_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "d", "dart", "",
+ "Generate Dart classes for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewDartCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--go", go_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-g", go_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "g", "go", "",
+ "Generate Go files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewGoCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--java", java_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-j", java_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "j", "java", "",
+ "Generate Java classes for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewJavaCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--jsonschema", json_schema_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "jsonschema", "", "Generate Json schema" },
+ flatbuffers::NewJsonSchemaCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--kotlin", kotlin_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "kotlin", "",
+ "Generate Kotlin classes for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewKotlinCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--lobster", lobster_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "lobster", "",
+ "Generate Lobster files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewLobsterCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--php", php_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "php", "",
+ "Generate PHP files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewPhpCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--python", python_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-p", python_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "p", "python", "",
+ "Generate Python files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewPythonCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--rust", rust_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-r", rust_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "r", "rust", "",
+ "Generate Rust files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewRustCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--swift", swift_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "", "swift", "",
+ "Generate Swift files for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewSwiftCodeGenerator());
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("--ts", ts_generator);
- flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator("-T", ts_generator);
+ flatc.RegisterCodeGenerator(
+ flatbuffers::FlatCOption{ "T", "ts", "",
+ "Generate TypeScript code for tables/structs" },
+ flatbuffers::NewTsCodeGenerator());
// Create the FlatC options by parsing the command line arguments.
const flatbuffers::FlatCOptions &options =