DRACUT-CATIMAGES8June 2009Linuxdracut-catimagescreates initial ramdisk image by concatenating imagesdracut-catimagesOPTION<initramfsbaseimage><image>DESCRIPTIONdracut-catimages
creates an initial ramdisk image by concatenating several images from the command
line and /boot/dracut/*.imgOPTIONS, overwrite existing initramfs file., Directory with additional images to add (default: /boot/dracut/), Overlay directory, which contains additional files that will be used to create an additional imageDo not use the overlay directoryDo not use the additional image directory, display help text and exit.output debug information of the build process, verbose output during the build processFILES/boot/dracut/*.imgAUTHORS
Harald Hoyer <harald@redhat.com>
AVAILABILITYThe dracut-catimages command is part of the dracut package and is available from
http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/dracut/wikiSEE ALSOdracut8