/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2019 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include "dotnode.h" #include "classdef.h" #include "config.h" #include "memberlist.h" #include "membergroup.h" #include "language.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "textstream.h" /** Helper struct holding the properties of a edge in a dot graph. */ struct EdgeProperties { const char * const *edgeColorMap; const char * const *arrowStyleMap; const char * const *edgeStyleMap; }; /*! mapping from protection levels to color names */ static const char *normalEdgeColorMap[] = { "steelblue1", // Public "darkgreen", // Protected "firebrick4", // Private "darkorchid3", // "use" relation "grey75", // Undocumented "orange", // template relation "orange" // type constraint }; static const char *normalArrowStyleMap[] = { "empty", // Public "empty", // Protected "empty", // Private "open", // "use" relation 0, // Undocumented 0 // template relation }; static const char *normalEdgeStyleMap[] = { "solid", // inheritance "dashed" // usage }; static const char *umlEdgeColorMap[] = { "steelblue1", // Public "darkgreen", // Protected "firebrick4", // Private "grey25", // "use" relation "grey75", // Undocumented "orange", // template relation "orange" // type constraint }; static const char *umlArrowStyleMap[] = { "onormal", // Public "onormal", // Protected "onormal", // Private "odiamond", // "use" relation 0, // Undocumented 0 // template relation }; static const char *umlEdgeStyleMap[] = { "solid", // inheritance "solid" // usage }; static EdgeProperties normalEdgeProps = { normalEdgeColorMap, normalArrowStyleMap, normalEdgeStyleMap }; static EdgeProperties umlEdgeProps = { umlEdgeColorMap, umlArrowStyleMap, umlEdgeStyleMap }; QCString escapeTooltip(const QCString &tooltip) { if (tooltip.isEmpty()) return tooltip; QCString result; const char *p=tooltip.data(); char c; while ((c=*p++)) { switch(c) { case '"': result+="\\\""; break; case '\\': result+="\\\\"; break; default: result+=c; break; } } return result; } static void writeBoxMemberList(TextStream &t, char prot,const MemberList *ml,const ClassDef *scope, bool isStatic=FALSE,const StringUnorderedSet *skipNames=nullptr) { if (ml) { int totalCount=0; for (const auto &mma : *ml) { if (mma->getClassDef()==scope && (skipNames==nullptr || skipNames->find(mma->name().str())==std::end(*skipNames))) { totalCount++; } } int count=0; auto dotUmlDetails = Config_getEnum(DOT_UML_DETAILS); for (const auto &mma : *ml) { if (mma->getClassDef() == scope && (skipNames==nullptr || skipNames->find(mma->name().str())==std::end(*skipNames))) { int numFields = Config_getInt(UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS); if (numFields>0 && (totalCount>numFields*3/2 && count>=numFields)) { t << theTranslator->trAndMore(QCString().sprintf("%d",totalCount-count)) << "\\l"; break; } else { t << prot << " "; QCString label; if (dotUmlDetails==DOT_UML_DETAILS_t::YES) { label+=mma->typeString(); label+=" "; } label+=mma->name(); if (!mma->isObjCMethod() && (mma->isFunction() || mma->isSlot() || mma->isSignal())) { if (dotUmlDetails==DOT_UML_DETAILS_t::YES) { label+=mma->argsString(); } else { label+="()"; } } t << DotNode::convertLabel(label); t << "\\l"; count++; } } } // write member groups within the memberlist for (const auto &mg : ml->getMemberGroupList()) { if (!mg->members().empty()) { writeBoxMemberList(t,prot,&mg->members(),scope,isStatic,skipNames); } } } } QCString DotNode::convertLabel(const QCString &l) { QCString bBefore("\\_/<({[: =-+@%#~?$"); // break before character set QCString bAfter(">]),:;|"); // break after character set QCString p(l); if (p.isEmpty()) return QCString(); QCString result; char c,pc=0; uint idx = 0; int len=p.length(); int charsLeft=len; int sinceLast=0; int foldLen = Config_getInt(DOT_WRAP_THRESHOLD); // ideal text length while (idx < p.length()) { c = p[idx++]; QCString replacement; switch(c) { case '\\': replacement="\\\\"; break; case '\n': replacement="\\n"; break; case '<': replacement="\\<"; break; case '>': replacement="\\>"; break; case '|': replacement="\\|"; break; case '{': replacement="\\{"; break; case '}': replacement="\\}"; break; case '"': replacement="\\\""; break; default: replacement+=c; break; } // Some heuristics to insert newlines to prevent too long // boxes and at the same time prevent ugly breaks if (c=='\n') { result+=replacement; foldLen = (3*foldLen+sinceLast+2)/4; sinceLast=1; } else if ((pc!=':' || c!=':') && charsLeft>foldLen/3 && sinceLast>foldLen && bBefore.contains(c)) { result+="\\l"; result+=replacement; foldLen = (foldLen+sinceLast+1)/2; sinceLast=1; } else if (charsLeft>1+foldLen/4 && sinceLast>foldLen+foldLen/3 && !isupper(c) && isupper(p[idx])) { result+=replacement; result+="\\l"; foldLen = (foldLen+sinceLast+1)/2; sinceLast=0; } else if (charsLeft>foldLen/3 && sinceLast>foldLen && bAfter.contains(c) && (c!=':' || p[idx]!=':')) { result+=replacement; result+="\\l"; foldLen = (foldLen+sinceLast+1)/2; sinceLast=0; } else { result+=replacement; sinceLast++; } charsLeft--; pc=c; } return result; } static QCString stripProtectionPrefix(const QCString &s) { if (!s.isEmpty() && (s[0]=='-' || s[0]=='+' || s[0]=='~' || s[0]=='#')) { return s.mid(1); } else { return s; } } DotNode::DotNode(int n,const QCString &lab,const QCString &tip, const QCString &url, bool isRoot,const ClassDef *cd) : m_number(n) , m_label(lab) , m_tooltip(tip) , m_url(url) , m_isRoot(isRoot) , m_classDef(cd) { } DotNode::~DotNode() { } void DotNode::addChild(DotNode *n, int edgeColor, int edgeStyle, const QCString &edgeLab, const QCString &edgeURL, int edgeLabCol ) { m_children.push_back(n); m_edgeInfo.emplace_back( edgeColor, edgeStyle, edgeLab, edgeURL, edgeLabCol==-1 ? edgeColor : edgeLabCol); } void DotNode::addParent(DotNode *n) { m_parents.push_back(n); } void DotNode::removeChild(DotNode *n) { auto it = std::find(m_children.begin(),m_children.end(),n); if (it!=m_children.end()) m_children.erase(it); } void DotNode::removeParent(DotNode *n) { auto it = std::find(m_parents.begin(),m_parents.end(),n); if (it!=m_parents.end()) m_parents.erase(it); } void DotNode::deleteNode(DotNodeRefVector &deletedList) { if (m_deleted) return; // avoid recursive loops in case the graph has cycles m_deleted=TRUE; // delete all parent nodes of this node for (const auto &pn : m_parents) { pn->deleteNode(deletedList); } // delete all child nodes of this node for (const auto &cn : m_children) { cn->deleteNode(deletedList); } // add this node to the list of deleted nodes. deletedList.push_back(this); } void DotNode::setDistance(int distance) { if (distance(it-m_parents.begin()) : -1; } /*! helper function that deletes all nodes in a connected graph, given * one of the graph's nodes */ void DotNode::deleteNodes(DotNode *node) { DotNodeRefVector deletedNodes; node->deleteNode(deletedNodes); // collect nodes to be deleted. for (const auto &dotNode : deletedNodes) { delete dotNode; } } void DotNode::writeLabel(TextStream &t, GraphType gt) const { t << "label="; if (m_classDef && Config_getBool(UML_LOOK) && (gt==Inheritance || gt==Collaboration)) { // add names shown as relations to a set, so we don't show // them as attributes as well StringUnorderedSet arrowNames; // for each edge for (const auto &ei : m_edgeInfo) { if (!ei.label().isEmpty()) // labels joined by \n { int i; int p=0; QCString lab; while ((i=ei.label().find('\n',p))!=-1) { lab = stripProtectionPrefix(ei.label().mid(p,i-p)); arrowNames.insert(lab.str()); p=i+1; } lab = stripProtectionPrefix(ei.label().right(ei.label().length()-p)); arrowNames.insert(lab.str()); } } //printf("DotNode::writeBox for %s\n",qPrint(m_classDef->name())); t << "\"{" << convertLabel(m_label) << "\\n"; auto dotUmlDetails = Config_getEnum(DOT_UML_DETAILS); if (dotUmlDetails!=DOT_UML_DETAILS_t::NONE) { t << "|"; writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubAttribs),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubStaticAttribs),m_classDef,TRUE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_properties),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pacAttribs),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pacStaticAttribs),m_classDef,TRUE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_proAttribs),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_proStaticAttribs),m_classDef,TRUE,&arrowNames); if (Config_getBool(EXTRACT_PRIVATE)) { writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_priAttribs),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_priStaticAttribs),m_classDef,TRUE,&arrowNames); } t << "|"; writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubMethods),m_classDef); writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubStaticMethods),m_classDef,TRUE); writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubSlots),m_classDef); writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pacMethods),m_classDef); writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pacStaticMethods),m_classDef,TRUE); writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_proMethods),m_classDef); writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_proStaticMethods),m_classDef,TRUE); writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_proSlots),m_classDef); if (Config_getBool(EXTRACT_PRIVATE)) { writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_priMethods),m_classDef); writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_priStaticMethods),m_classDef,TRUE); writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberListType_priSlots),m_classDef); } if (m_classDef->getLanguage()!=SrcLangExt_Fortran) { for (const auto &mg : m_classDef->getMemberGroups()) { if (!mg->members().empty()) { writeBoxMemberList(t,'*',&mg->members(),m_classDef,FALSE,&arrowNames); } } } } t << "}\""; } else if (Config_getString(DOT_NODE_ATTR).contains("shape=plain")) { if (m_isRoot) t << "<" << convertToXML(m_label) << ">"; else if (m_truncated == Truncated) t << "<" << convertToXML(m_label) << ">"; else t << '"' << convertLabel(m_label) << '"'; } else // standard look { t << '"' << convertLabel(m_label) << '"'; } } void DotNode::writeUrl(TextStream &t) const { if (m_url.isEmpty()) return; int tagPos = m_url.findRev('$'); t << ",URL=\""; QCString noTagURL = m_url; if (tagPos!=-1) { t << m_url.left(tagPos); noTagURL = m_url.mid(tagPos); } int anchorPos = noTagURL.findRev('#'); if (anchorPos==-1) { t << addHtmlExtensionIfMissing(noTagURL) << "\""; } else { t << addHtmlExtensionIfMissing(noTagURL.left(anchorPos)) << noTagURL.right(noTagURL.length() - anchorPos) << "\""; } } void DotNode::writeBox(TextStream &t, GraphType gt, GraphOutputFormat /*format*/, bool hasNonReachableChildren) const { const char *labCol; const char *fillCol = "white"; if (m_classDef) { if (m_classDef->hasDocumentation() && hasNonReachableChildren) { labCol = "red"; fillCol = "#FFF0F0"; } else if (m_classDef->hasDocumentation() && !hasNonReachableChildren) labCol = "gray40"; else if (!m_classDef->hasDocumentation() && hasNonReachableChildren) labCol = "orangered"; else // (!m_classDef->hasDocumentation() && !hasNonReachableChildren) { labCol = "grey75"; if (m_classDef->templateMaster() && m_classDef->templateMaster()->hasDocumentation()) labCol = "gray40"; } } else { labCol = m_url.isEmpty() ? "grey60" : // non link (hasNonReachableChildren ? "red" : "grey40"); fillCol = m_url.isEmpty() ? "#E0E0E0" : (hasNonReachableChildren ? "#FFF0F0" : "white"); } t << " Node" << m_number << " ["; writeLabel(t,gt); t << ",height=0.2,width=0.4"; if (m_isRoot) { t << ",color=\"gray40\", fillcolor=\"grey60\", style=\"filled\", fontcolor=\"black\""; } else { t << ",color=\"" << labCol << "\""; t << ", fillcolor=\"" << fillCol << "\""; t << ", style=\"filled\""; writeUrl(t); } if (!m_tooltip.isEmpty()) { t << ",tooltip=\"" << escapeTooltip(m_tooltip) << "\""; } else { t << ",tooltip=\" \""; // space in tooltip is required otherwise still something like 'Node0' is used } t << "];\n"; } void DotNode::writeArrow(TextStream &t, GraphType gt, GraphOutputFormat format, const DotNode *cn, const EdgeInfo *ei, bool topDown, bool pointBack) const { t << " Node"; if (topDown) t << cn->number(); else t << m_number; t << " -> Node"; if (topDown) t << m_number; else t << cn->number(); t << " ["; const EdgeProperties *eProps = Config_getBool(UML_LOOK) ? ¨EdgeProps : &normalEdgeProps; QCString aStyle = eProps->arrowStyleMap[ei->color()]; bool umlUseArrow = aStyle=="odiamond"; if (pointBack && !umlUseArrow) t << "dir=\"back\","; t << "color=\"" << eProps->edgeColorMap[ei->color()] << "\","; t << "style=\"" << eProps->edgeStyleMap[ei->style()] << "\""; if (!ei->label().isEmpty()) { t << ",label=\" " << convertLabel(ei->label()) << "\" "; } if (Config_getBool(UML_LOOK) && eProps->arrowStyleMap[ei->color()] && (gt==Inheritance || gt==Collaboration) ) { bool rev = pointBack; if (umlUseArrow) rev=!rev; // UML use relates has arrow on the start side if (rev) t << ",arrowtail=\"" << eProps->arrowStyleMap[ei->color()] << "\""; else t << ",arrowhead=\"" << eProps->arrowStyleMap[ei->color()] << "\""; } t << "];\n"; } void DotNode::write(TextStream &t, GraphType gt, GraphOutputFormat format, bool topDown, bool toChildren, bool backArrows) const { //printf("DotNode::write(%d) name=%s this=%p written=%d visible=%d\n",m_distance,qPrint(m_label),this,m_written,m_visible); if (m_written) return; // node already written to the output if (!m_visible) return; // node is not visible writeBox(t,gt,format,m_truncated==Truncated); m_written=TRUE; if (toChildren) { auto it = m_edgeInfo.begin(); for (const auto &cn : m_children) { if (cn->isVisible()) { //printf("write arrow %s%s%s\n",qPrint(label()),backArrows?"<-":"->",qPrint(cn->label())); writeArrow(t,gt,format,cn,&(*it),topDown,backArrows); } cn->write(t,gt,format,topDown,toChildren,backArrows); ++it; } } else // render parents { for (const auto &pn : m_parents) { if (pn->isVisible()) { const auto &children = pn->children(); auto child_it = std::find(children.begin(),children.end(),this); size_t index = child_it - children.begin(); //printf("write arrow %s%s%s\n",qPrint(label()),backArrows?"<-":"->",qPrint(pn->label())); writeArrow(t, gt, format, pn, &pn->edgeInfo()[index], FALSE, backArrows ); } pn->write(t,gt,format,TRUE,FALSE,backArrows); } } //printf("end DotNode::write(%d) name=%s\n",distance,qPrint(m_label)); } void DotNode::writeXML(TextStream &t,bool isClassGraph) const { t << " \n"; t << " \n"; if (!m_url.isEmpty()) { QCString url(m_url); int dollarPos = url.find('$'); if (dollarPos!=-1) { t << " 0) { t << " external=\"" << convertToXML(url.left(dollarPos)) << "\""; } t << "/>\n"; } } auto it = m_edgeInfo.begin(); for (const auto &childNode : m_children) { const EdgeInfo &edgeInfo = *it; t << " number() << "\" relation=\""; if (isClassGraph) { switch(edgeInfo.color()) { case EdgeInfo::Blue: t << "public-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Green: t << "protected-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Red: t << "private-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Purple: t << "usage"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange: t << "template-instance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange2: t << "type-constraint"; break; case EdgeInfo::Grey: ASSERT(0); break; } } else // include graph { t << "include"; } t << "\">\n"; if (!edgeInfo.label().isEmpty()) { int p=0; int ni; while ((ni=edgeInfo.label().find('\n',p))!=-1) { t << " " << convertToXML(edgeInfo.label().mid(p,ni-p)) << "\n"; p=ni+1; } t << " " << convertToXML(edgeInfo.label().right(edgeInfo.label().length()-p)) << "\n"; } t << " \n"; ++it; } t << " \n"; } void DotNode::writeDocbook(TextStream &t,bool isClassGraph) const { t << " \n"; t << " \n"; if (!m_url.isEmpty()) { QCString url(m_url); int dollarPos = url.find('$'); if (dollarPos!=-1) { t << " 0) { t << " external=\"" << convertToXML(url.left(dollarPos)) << "\""; } t << "/>\n"; } } auto it = m_edgeInfo.begin(); for (const auto &childNode : m_children) { const EdgeInfo &edgeInfo = *it; t << " number() << "\" relation=\""; if (isClassGraph) { switch(edgeInfo.color()) { case EdgeInfo::Blue: t << "public-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Green: t << "protected-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Red: t << "private-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Purple: t << "usage"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange: t << "template-instance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange2: t << "type-constraint"; break; case EdgeInfo::Grey: ASSERT(0); break; } } else // include graph { t << "include"; } t << "\">\n"; if (!edgeInfo.label().isEmpty()) { int p=0; int ni; while ((ni=edgeInfo.label().find('\n',p))!=-1) { t << " " << convertToXML(edgeInfo.label().mid(p,ni-p)) << "\n"; p=ni+1; } t << " " << convertToXML(edgeInfo.label().right(edgeInfo.label().length()-p)) << "\n"; } t << " \n"; ++it; } t << " \n"; } void DotNode::writeDEF(TextStream &t) const { const char* nodePrefix = " node-"; t << " node = {\n"; t << nodePrefix << "id = " << m_number << ";\n"; t << nodePrefix << "label = '" << m_label << "';\n"; if (!m_url.isEmpty()) { QCString url(m_url); int dollarPos = url.find('$'); if (dollarPos!=-1) { t << nodePrefix << "link = {\n" << " " << nodePrefix << "link-id = '" << url.mid(dollarPos+1) << "';\n"; if (dollarPos>0) { t << " " << nodePrefix << "link-external = '" << url.left(dollarPos) << "';\n"; } t << " };\n"; } } auto it = m_edgeInfo.begin(); for (const auto &childNode : m_children) { const EdgeInfo &edgeInfo = *it; t << " node-child = {\n"; t << " child-id = '" << childNode->number() << "';\n"; t << " relation = "; switch (edgeInfo.color()) { case EdgeInfo::Blue: t << "public-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Green: t << "protected-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Red: t << "private-inheritance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Purple: t << "usage"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange: t << "template-instance"; break; case EdgeInfo::Orange2: t << "type-constraint"; break; case EdgeInfo::Grey: ASSERT(0); break; } t << ";\n"; if (!edgeInfo.label().isEmpty()) { t << " edgelabel = <<_EnD_oF_dEf_TeXt_\n" << edgeInfo.label() << "\n" << "_EnD_oF_dEf_TeXt_;\n"; } t << " }; /* node-child */\n"; ++it; } t << " }; /* node */\n"; } void DotNode::clearWriteFlag() { m_written=FALSE; for (const auto &pn : m_parents) if (pn->isWritten()) pn->clearWriteFlag(); for (const auto &cn : m_children) if (cn->isWritten()) cn->clearWriteFlag(); } void DotNode::colorConnectedNodes(int curColor) { for (const auto &cn : m_children) { if (cn->subgraphId()==-1) // uncolored child node { cn->setSubgraphId(curColor); cn->markAsVisible(); cn->colorConnectedNodes(curColor); //printf("coloring node %s (%p): %d\n",qPrint(cn->label()),cn,cn->subgraphId()); } } for (const auto &pn : m_parents) { if (pn->subgraphId()==-1) // uncolored parent node { pn->setSubgraphId(curColor); pn->markAsVisible(); pn->colorConnectedNodes(curColor); //printf("coloring node %s (%p): %d\n",qPrint(pn->label()),pn,pn->subgraphId()); } } } #define DEBUG_RENUMBERING 0 void DotNode::renumberNodes(int &number) { if (!isRenumbered()) { #if DEBUG_RENUMBERING static int level = 0; printf("%3d: ",subgraphId()); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("> %s old = %d new = %d\n",qPrint(m_label),m_number,number); level++; #endif m_number = number++; markRenumbered(); for (const auto &cn : m_children) { cn->renumberNodes(number); } for (const auto &pn : m_parents) { pn->renumberNodes(number); } #if DEBUG_RENUMBERING level--; printf("%3d: ",subgraphId()); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("< %s assigned = %d\n",qPrint(m_label),m_number); #endif } }