path: root/src/vhdlparser.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdlparser.h')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdlparser.h b/src/vhdlparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c5899a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vhdlparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */
+/* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
+ Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+ part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+ under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+ parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+ as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+ the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+ special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+ Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+ License without this special exception.
+ This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+ version 2.2 of Bison. */
+/* Tokens. */
+ /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+ know about them. */
+ enum yytokentype {
+ t_ABSTRLIST = 258,
+ t_CHARLIST = 259,
+ t_DIGIT = 260,
+ t_STRING = 261,
+ t_LETTER = 262,
+ t_ACCESS = 263,
+ t_AFTER = 264,
+ t_ALIAS = 265,
+ t_ALL = 266,
+ t_AND = 267,
+ t_ARRAY = 269,
+ t_ASSERT = 270,
+ t_ATTRIBUTE = 271,
+ t_BEGIN = 272,
+ t_BLOCK = 273,
+ t_BODY = 274,
+ t_BUFFER = 275,
+ t_BUS = 276,
+ t_CASE = 277,
+ t_COMPONENT = 278,
+ t_CONSTANT = 280,
+ t_DISCONNECT = 281,
+ t_DOWNTO = 282,
+ t_ELSE = 283,
+ t_ELSIF = 284,
+ t_END = 285,
+ t_ENTITY = 286,
+ t_EXIT = 287,
+ t_FILE = 288,
+ t_FOR = 289,
+ t_FUNCTION = 290,
+ t_GENERATE = 291,
+ t_GENERIC = 292,
+ t_GUARDED = 293,
+ t_IF = 294,
+ t_IN = 295,
+ t_INOUT = 296,
+ t_IS = 297,
+ t_LABEL = 298,
+ t_LIBRARY = 299,
+ t_LINKAGE = 300,
+ t_LOOP = 301,
+ t_MAP = 302,
+ t_NAND = 303,
+ t_NEW = 304,
+ t_NEXT = 305,
+ t_NOR = 306,
+ t_NULL = 307,
+ t_OF = 308,
+ t_ON = 309,
+ t_OPEN = 310,
+ t_OR = 311,
+ t_OTHERS = 312,
+ t_OUT = 313,
+ t_PACKAGE = 314,
+ t_PORT = 315,
+ t_PROCEDURE = 316,
+ t_PROCESS = 317,
+ t_RANGE = 318,
+ t_RECORD = 319,
+ t_REGISTER = 320,
+ t_REPORT = 321,
+ t_RETURN = 322,
+ t_SELECT = 323,
+ t_SEVERITY = 324,
+ t_SIGNAL = 325,
+ t_SUBTYPE = 326,
+ t_THEN = 327,
+ t_TO = 328,
+ t_TRANSPORT = 329,
+ t_TYPE = 330,
+ t_UNITS = 331,
+ t_UNTIL = 332,
+ t_USE = 333,
+ t_VARIABLE = 334,
+ t_WAIT = 335,
+ t_WHEN = 336,
+ t_WHILE = 337,
+ t_WITH = 338,
+ t_XOR = 339,
+ t_IMPURE = 340,
+ t_PURE = 341,
+ t_GROUP = 342,
+ t_POSTPONED = 343,
+ t_SHARED = 344,
+ t_XNOR = 345,
+ t_SLL = 346,
+ t_SRA = 347,
+ t_SLA = 348,
+ t_SRL = 349,
+ t_ROR = 350,
+ t_ROL = 351,
+ t_UNAFFECTED = 352,
+ t_ASSUME = 354,
+ t_CONTEXT = 355,
+ t_COVER = 356,
+ t_DEFAULT = 357,
+ t_FAIRNESS = 358,
+ t_FORCE = 359,
+ t_INERTIAL = 360,
+ t_LITERAL = 361,
+ t_PARAMETER = 362,
+ t_PROTECTED = 363,
+ t_PROPERTY = 364,
+ t_REJECT = 365,
+ t_RELEASE = 366,
+ t_RESTRICT = 367,
+ t_SEQUENCE = 369,
+ t_STRONG = 370,
+ t_VMODE = 371,
+ t_VPROP = 372,
+ t_VUNIT = 373,
+ t_SLSL = 374,
+ t_SRSR = 375,
+ t_QQ = 376,
+ t_QGT = 377,
+ t_QLT = 378,
+ t_QG = 379,
+ t_QL = 380,
+ t_QEQU = 381,
+ t_QNEQU = 382,
+ t_GESym = 383,
+ t_GTSym = 384,
+ t_LESym = 385,
+ t_LTSym = 386,
+ t_NESym = 387,
+ t_EQSym = 388,
+ t_Ampersand = 389,
+ t_Minus = 390,
+ t_Plus = 391,
+ t_REM = 393,
+ t_MOD = 394,
+ t_Slash = 395,
+ t_Star = 396,
+ t_NOT = 398,
+ t_ABS = 399,
+ t_DoubleStar = 400,
+ t_Apostrophe = 401,
+ t_LeftParen = 402,
+ t_RightParen = 403,
+ t_Comma = 404,
+ t_VarAsgn = 405,
+ t_Colon = 406,
+ t_Semicolon = 407,
+ t_Arrow = 408,
+ t_Box = 409,
+ t_Bar = 410,
+ t_Dot = 411,
+ t_Q = 412,
+ t_At = 413,
+ t_Neg = 414,
+ t_LEFTBR = 415,
+ t_RIGHTBR = 416,
+ t_ToolDir = 417
+ };
+/* Tokens. */
+#define t_ABSTRLIST 258
+#define t_CHARLIST 259
+#define t_DIGIT 260
+#define t_STRING 261
+#define t_LETTER 262
+#define t_ACCESS 263
+#define t_AFTER 264
+#define t_ALIAS 265
+#define t_ALL 266
+#define t_AND 267
+#define t_ARCHITECTURE 268
+#define t_ARRAY 269
+#define t_ASSERT 270
+#define t_ATTRIBUTE 271
+#define t_BEGIN 272
+#define t_BLOCK 273
+#define t_BODY 274
+#define t_BUFFER 275
+#define t_BUS 276
+#define t_CASE 277
+#define t_COMPONENT 278
+#define t_CONFIGURATION 279
+#define t_CONSTANT 280
+#define t_DISCONNECT 281
+#define t_DOWNTO 282
+#define t_ELSE 283
+#define t_ELSIF 284
+#define t_END 285
+#define t_ENTITY 286
+#define t_EXIT 287
+#define t_FILE 288
+#define t_FOR 289
+#define t_FUNCTION 290
+#define t_GENERATE 291
+#define t_GENERIC 292
+#define t_GUARDED 293
+#define t_IF 294
+#define t_IN 295
+#define t_INOUT 296
+#define t_IS 297
+#define t_LABEL 298
+#define t_LIBRARY 299
+#define t_LINKAGE 300
+#define t_LOOP 301
+#define t_MAP 302
+#define t_NAND 303
+#define t_NEW 304
+#define t_NEXT 305
+#define t_NOR 306
+#define t_NULL 307
+#define t_OF 308
+#define t_ON 309
+#define t_OPEN 310
+#define t_OR 311
+#define t_OTHERS 312
+#define t_OUT 313
+#define t_PACKAGE 314
+#define t_PORT 315
+#define t_PROCEDURE 316
+#define t_PROCESS 317
+#define t_RANGE 318
+#define t_RECORD 319
+#define t_REGISTER 320
+#define t_REPORT 321
+#define t_RETURN 322
+#define t_SELECT 323
+#define t_SEVERITY 324
+#define t_SIGNAL 325
+#define t_SUBTYPE 326
+#define t_THEN 327
+#define t_TO 328
+#define t_TRANSPORT 329
+#define t_TYPE 330
+#define t_UNITS 331
+#define t_UNTIL 332
+#define t_USE 333
+#define t_VARIABLE 334
+#define t_WAIT 335
+#define t_WHEN 336
+#define t_WHILE 337
+#define t_WITH 338
+#define t_XOR 339
+#define t_IMPURE 340
+#define t_PURE 341
+#define t_GROUP 342
+#define t_POSTPONED 343
+#define t_SHARED 344
+#define t_XNOR 345
+#define t_SLL 346
+#define t_SRA 347
+#define t_SLA 348
+#define t_SRL 349
+#define t_ROR 350
+#define t_ROL 351
+#define t_UNAFFECTED 352
+#define t_ASSUME_GUARANTEE 353
+#define t_ASSUME 354
+#define t_CONTEXT 355
+#define t_COVER 356
+#define t_DEFAULT 357
+#define t_FAIRNESS 358
+#define t_FORCE 359
+#define t_INERTIAL 360
+#define t_LITERAL 361
+#define t_PARAMETER 362
+#define t_PROTECTED 363
+#define t_PROPERTY 364
+#define t_REJECT 365
+#define t_RELEASE 366
+#define t_RESTRICT 367
+#define t_SEQUENCE 369
+#define t_STRONG 370
+#define t_VMODE 371
+#define t_VPROP 372
+#define t_VUNIT 373
+#define t_SLSL 374
+#define t_SRSR 375
+#define t_QQ 376
+#define t_QGT 377
+#define t_QLT 378
+#define t_QG 379
+#define t_QL 380
+#define t_QEQU 381
+#define t_QNEQU 382
+#define t_GESym 383
+#define t_GTSym 384
+#define t_LESym 385
+#define t_LTSym 386
+#define t_NESym 387
+#define t_EQSym 388
+#define t_Ampersand 389
+#define t_Minus 390
+#define t_Plus 391
+#define MED_PRECEDENCE 392
+#define t_REM 393
+#define t_MOD 394
+#define t_Slash 395
+#define t_Star 396
+#define MAX_PRECEDENCE 397
+#define t_NOT 398
+#define t_ABS 399
+#define t_DoubleStar 400
+#define t_Apostrophe 401
+#define t_LeftParen 402
+#define t_RightParen 403
+#define t_Comma 404
+#define t_VarAsgn 405
+#define t_Colon 406
+#define t_Semicolon 407
+#define t_Arrow 408
+#define t_Box 409
+#define t_Bar 410
+#define t_Dot 411
+#define t_Q 412
+#define t_At 413
+#define t_Neg 414
+#define t_LEFTBR 415
+#define t_RIGHTBR 416
+#define t_ToolDir 417
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef int YYSTYPE;
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+extern YYSTYPE vhdlScanYYlval;