# Author: Erwin Waterlander # Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Erwin Waterlander # This file is distributed under the same license as the dos2unix package. include version.mk prefix=c:/dos16 ENABLE_NLS= ifdef ENABLE_NLS LDFLAGS_EXTRA = -lintl -liconv endif all: wmake -f wccdos16.mak install: $(MAKE) install EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) LDFLAGS_EXTRA="$(LDFLAGS_EXTRA)" prefix=$(prefix) LINK="cp -f" docsubdir=dos2unix uninstall: $(MAKE) uninstall EXE=.exe prefix=$(prefix) docsubdir=dos2unix clean: $(MAKE) clean EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) prefix=$(prefix) dist: $(MAKE) dist-zip EXE=.exe prefix=$(prefix) ZIPOBJ_EXTRA="${ZIPOBJ_EXTRA}" ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) docsubdir=dos2unix ZIPFILE=d2u$(DOS2UNIX_VERSION_SHORT)b.zip strip: wmake -f wccdos16.mak strip