PREREQUISITES Using GCC: Required * gcc : GNU C compiler * GNU binutils : A collection of binary tools * GNU make : make * sh : POSIX type shell * GNU coreutils: Core utilities package (chmod, install, mkdir, mv, rm, uname) Optional (depending on build targets): * perl : Practical Extraction and Report Language perl >= 5.10.1 is required for rebuilding the manual pages with pod2man. perl >= 5.18 is required for rebuilding the international manual pages correctly in HTML with pod2html. Self-tests require module perl-Test-Simple. * gettext : Framework to help GNU packages produce multi- lingual messages. * po4a : PO for anything, for rebuilding manuals. * groff : GNU troff text formatting system, for international messages and manuals. * ghostscript : An interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF (ps2pdf) Using LLVM CLANG: Clang can be used as a drop-in replacement for gcc. Just add CC=clang to the make command line. Using Watcom C: Required * Open Watcom : * Open Watcom V2 : (git repo) (binaries download) Using Microsoft Visual C++: Required * Visual C++ : You can get a free community version via this web page: Download Visual Studio for Windows Desktop. Visual C++ is part of Visual Studio. Out of the box compilation for 64-bit applications is supported since version 2012. BASIC INSTALLATION To build the program type: make To run the self-tests type: make check To strip the executables: make strip To install: make install Clean: make clean SELF-TESTS To run the self-tests you need a Perl installation including modules perl-Test-Harness and perl-Test-Simple. To check the native Windows ports you need to run the tests in the MSYS2 shell. To run the tests in a DJGPP environment you need to make sure that the bash shell is available (sh.exe). And you need to be in an environment that supports long file names (LFN), e.g. on 32 bit Windows. To run the tests: make test Via the make variable PROVE_OPT extra arguments can be given to the prove command. E.g.: make test PROVE_OPT=--color INSTALLATION NAMES By default the 'install' target will install the program in /usr/bin, the language files in /usr/share/locale and the man page in /usr/share/man. You can specify an installation prefix other than /usr by modifying the 'prefix' variable. An Example: make prefix=$HOME clean all make prefix=$HOME install DEBUG A debug enabled build can be made by adding DEBUG=1 to the make command. Example: make clean install DEBUG=1 With debug enabled you can debug the source code in gdb. DEBUG MESSAGES Extra debug messages can be enabled by adding DEBUGMSG=1 to the make command. Example: make clean install DEBUGMSG=1 With debug messages enabled dos2unix will print extra information about accessing the file system. NATIVE LANGUAGE SUPPORT Native Language Support (NLS) is by default enabled. To disable NLS add ENABLE_NLS=. Example: make clean install ENABLE_NLS= INTERNATIONAL MAN PAGES Since dos2unix 6.0.5 all man pages are encoded in UTF-8, because even Western-European man pages may contain Unicode characters not supported by the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character set. Originally the Unix man system supported only man pages in Latin1 format. Although the world is moving to Unicode format (UTF-8) there is still a lot of Latin1 legacy around. The English man page is a pure ASCII file and is readable on all platforms. Non-English man pages are encoded in UTF-8. These do not show properly on old systems. Man pages in UTF-8 format are shown properly on Linux. Not all roff implementations support UTF-8. In order to show UTF-8 man pages properly on Cygwin with traditional man you need to do the following: In /etc/man.conf, change the NROFF definition to use 'preconv'. NROFF /usr/bin/preconv | /usr/bin/nroff -c -mandoc 2>/dev/null To view the man page set the correct locale. E.g. for Ukrainian: export LANG=uk_UA.UTF-8 man dos2unix With man-db the manpages show correctly out of the box. Cygwin changed to use man-db in June 2014. Man-db is the default man system on the major Linux distributions. LARGE FILE SUPPORT Large File Support (LFS) is by default enabled. This enables the use of 64 bit file system interface on 32 bit systems. This makes it possible to open files larger than 2GB on 32 bit systems, provided the OS has LFS support builtin. To disable LFS make the LFS variable empty. Example: Disable LFS: make clean install LFS= The gcc compiler from the project does not support LFS. It is advised to use the mingw-w64 compiler tool chain for LFS on 32 bit Windows. UNICODE SUPPORT Unicode UTF-16 support is by default enabled for Windows and Unix. To disable make the UCS variable (Universal Character Set) empty. Disable Unicode: make clean install UCS= Unicode UTF-16 is not supported by the DOS and OS/2 versions. UNICODE FILE NAME SUPPORT ON WINDOWS Since version 7.3 dos2unix can read and write on Windows file names with Unicode characters. Prior to version 7.3 dos2unix could only open files with characters in the system ANSI code page. To see if dos2unix on Windows has unicode file name support type dos2unix -V. Unicode file name support on Windows is enabled by setting UNIFILE=1 in the makefile or on the make command line. To disable Unicode file name support, make UNIFILE empty: make UNIFILE= Unicode file name support is by default enabled. Dos2unix built with Watcom C is not able to display foreign characters correctly, even when option -D unicode is used. The correct file names are written though. DOCUMENTATION Manual pages are generated from Perl POD files. To rebuild the man pages from POD type: make maintainer-clean make man Manuals in PDF format are by default not created. To create manuals in PDF format type: make pdf PDF generation requires GhostScript to be installed. WINDOWS 32 BIT PORT Using Mingw , or MinGW-w64 . I advise to use mingw-w64, because mingw-w64 has support for Large File Support (LFS), and mingw doesn't. LFS is the ability to read/write files larger than 2GB or 4GB on a 32 bit operation system. LFS also makes processing files on network drives more reliable. I have had a problem report that output files were not always written when files on a network drive were concurrently processed. By switching from mingw to mingw-w64 the problem was solved. Earlier I got a problem report of accessing small files on a Windows network drive from Debian Linux. Here also the solution was LFS. Since dos2unix 6.0.4 (2013-12-30) I build the binary win32 packages with mingw-w64. I am using the MSYS2 project which includes the MinGW-w64 compiler. The MSYS(2) environment is required for building dos2unix with MinGW(-w64). Type these commands to build with mingw(-w64): make clean make make strip make install Using Open Watcom: wmake -f wccwin32.mak clean wmake -f wccwin32.mak wmake -f wccwin32.mak install Using Microsoft Visual C++: nmake /f vc.mak clean nmake /f vc.mak nmake /f vc.mak install The win32 binaries built with MinGW32 are packed with a patched version of MinGW's libintl-8.dll that has builtin support for relocation. See also and The MSYS2 project has the relocation patch already included. WINDOWS 64 BIT PORT To compile a version for 64 bit Windows, get the Mingw-w64 compiler . I am using the MSYS2 project which includes the MinGW-w64 compiler. The MSYS2 environment is required for building dos2unix with MinGW-w64. make clean make make strip make install Or use Microsoft Visual C++. Visual Studio Express supports out of the box C/C++ compilation for 64-bit applications since version 2012. Start an "x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt" and type: nmake /f vc.mak clean nmake /f vc.mak nmake /f vc.mak install DOS PORT, 32 BIT To compile a version for DOS, get the DJGPP compiler , and use makefile djgpp.mak. DJGPP 2.03 gcc >= 4.6 seems to cause problems. Crashes of gcc itself, or crashing dos2unix binaries (seen in DOSBox and DOSEMU). Use DJGPP 2.03 gcc <= 4.5.3. DJGPP 2.05 seems to produce correct binaries (I tried gcc 5.3.0). make -f djgpp.mak clean make -f djgpp.mak make -f djgpp.mak strip make -f djgpp.mak install Cross compilation with djgpp.mak works out-of-the-box in Cygwin if you have djgpp-gcc-core installed. On Linux you can add CROSS_COMP=1 to the command line. Or use Open Watcom Cross compiling from Windows 32 bit. This works. wmake -f wccdos32.mak clean wmake -f wccdos32.mak wmake -f wccdos32.mak install DOS PORT, 16 BIT To compile a version for DOS, use the Borland C compiler 3.1 or 4.0, and use makefile bcc.mak: make -f bcc.mak clean make -f bcc.mak Or use Open Watcom wmake -f wccdos16.mak clean wmake -f wccdos16.mak wmake -f wccdos16.mak install OS/2 PORT Using EMX make -f emx.mak clean make -f emx.mak make -f emx.mak strip make -f emx.mak install Open Watcom wmake -f wccos2.mak clean wmake -f wccos2.mak wmake -f wccos2.mak install