""" Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import logging as log import networkx as nx import numpy as np from mo.front.caffe.extractors.utils import get_canonical_axis_index from mo.graph.graph import Node from mo.ops.op import Op, PermuteAttrs class Crop(Op): op = 'Crop' def __init__(self, graph: nx.MultiDiGraph, attrs: dict): super().__init__(graph, { 'kind': 'op', 'type': __class__.op, 'op': __class__.op, 'infer': __class__.infer }, attrs) def backend_attrs(self): return [ ('axis', lambda node: None if not node.has_valid('axis') else ','.join(map(str, node.axis))), ('offset', lambda node: None if not node.has_valid('offset') else ','.join(map(str, node.offset))), ('dim', lambda node: None if not node.has_valid('dim') else ','.join(map(str, node.dim))), ('crop_begin', lambda node: None if not node.has_valid('crop_begin') else ','.join(map(str, node.crop_begin))), ('crop_end', lambda node: None if not node.has_valid('crop_end') else ','.join(map(str, node.crop_end))), ] @staticmethod def infer(node: Node): """ Crops the shape of the output blob according to input ones be specified params. Detailed Crop description can be found in IR Catalog specification. In short: crop layer can be represented in three ways: 1. Two inputs, where the shape of the second input is crop dim (axis and offset attrs) 2. One input and dim, axis and offset attributes. 3. Ont input and axis, crop_begin and crop_end attributes """ input_count = len(node.in_nodes()) if input_count == 2: Crop._two_inputs_infer(node) elif input_count == 1: Crop._one_input_infer(node) else: log.error('Wrong number of input tensors ({}) in {}'.format(input_count, node.name)) return @staticmethod def _one_input_infer(node: Node): input_shape = np.array(node.in_node().shape) if input_shape is None: log.error('input_shape is none for {} node'.format(node.name)) return if not node.has_valid('axis'): log.error('axis attribute is missing for {} node. should be set in crop extractor'.format(node.name)) return output_shape = input_shape if node.has_valid('dim'): if len(node.dim) != len(node.axis): log.error('number of axis should match number of dim') return output_shape[node.axis] = node.dim elif node.has_valid('crop_begin') and node.has_valid('crop_end'): if len(node.crop_begin) != len(node.axis) or len(node.crop_end) != len(node.axis): log.error('number of crop_begin/crop_end should match number of axis') return output_shape[node.axis] = output_shape[node.axis] - node.crop_begin - node.crop_end else: log.error('Crop node {} should have either dim or crop_begin and crop_end attributes'.format(node.name)) return node.out_node().shape = np.array(output_shape) PermuteAttrs.create_permute_attrs(node, attrs=[('axis', 'input:0')]) @staticmethod def _two_inputs_infer(node: Node): N = len(node.in_nodes()) shapes = [node.in_node(i).shape for i in range(N)] if any(s is None for s in shapes): log.error('Not all input shapes were defined for {} node'.format(node.name)) return if not node.has_valid('axis'): log.error('axis attribute is missing for {} node. should be set in crop extractor'.format(node.name)) return if not node.has_valid('offset'): log.error('offset attribute is missing for {} node. should be set in crop extractor'.format(node.name)) return input_shape = np.array(shapes[0]) start_axis = get_canonical_axis_index(input_shape, node.axis) node.axis = start_axis reference_shape = np.array(shapes[1]) input_dim = input_shape.size # set new shape to current shape new_shape = input_shape.copy() ir_axis = [] ir_offset = [] dim = [] for i in range(0, input_dim): if i < start_axis: new_shape[i] = input_shape[i] continue crop_offset = 0 if len(node.offset) == 1: crop_offset = node.offset[0] elif len(node.offset) > 1: crop_offset = node.offset[i - start_axis] if input_shape[i] - crop_offset < reference_shape[i]: log.error('The crop for dimension is out of bounds in ' + node.node) return dim.append(reference_shape[i]) ir_axis.append(i) ir_offset.append(crop_offset) new_shape[i] = reference_shape[i] node.axis = ir_axis node.offset = ir_offset node['dim'] = dim node.out_node().shape = new_shape PermuteAttrs.create_permute_attrs(node, attrs=[('axis', 'input:0')])