/* // Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "pooling_inst.h" #include "primitive_type_base.h" #include "sliding_window_utils.h" #include "error_handler.h" #include "json_object.h" namespace cldnn { primitive_type_id pooling_type_id() { static primitive_type_base instance; return &instance; } layout pooling_inst::calc_output_layout(parent::typed_node const& node) { auto desc = node.get_primitive(); auto input_layout = node.input().get_output_layout(); auto input_offset = desc->input_offset; auto stride = desc->stride; auto window_size = desc->size; if (!desc->argmax.empty()) CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL(node.id(), "Pooling mode", static_cast(desc->mode), "should be max_with_argmax", static_cast(pooling_mode::max_with_argmax), "Pooling mode should be set to max_with_argmax when argmax primitive is present."); if (desc->mode == pooling_mode::max_with_argmax) { CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL(node.id(), "Argmax primitive", static_cast(desc->argmax.empty()), "should not be empty", static_cast(0), "Argmax primitive not present despite max_with_argmax mode."); auto argmax_layout = node.argmax().get_output_layout(); CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL(node.id(), "Argmax data type", static_cast(argmax_layout.data_type), "expected to be fp32", static_cast(data_types::f32), "Argmax data type is not fp32."); CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_PROPER_FORMAT(node.id(), "Input_layout.format", input_layout.format.value, "argmax_layout.format", argmax_layout.format); } // TODO: Consider moving general parameter verification to arguments constructor. CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "stride spatial X", stride.spatial[0], "", 0, "Stride spatial X must be positive (>= 1)"); CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "stride spatial Y", stride.spatial[1], "", 0, "Stride spatial Y must be positive (>= 1)"); CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "window size spatial X", window_size.spatial[0], "", 0, "Size X (of pooling window) must be positive (>= 1)"); CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "window size spatial Y", window_size.spatial[1], "", 0, "Size Y (of pooling window) must be positive (>= 1)"); CLDNN_ERROR_GREATER_THAN(node.id(), "Input offset spatial X", 2 * input_offset.spatial[0], "input layout size spatial X", input_layout.size.spatial[0], "Input offset is greater than input data range. There is no input data to process"); CLDNN_ERROR_GREATER_THAN(node.id(), "Input offset spatial Y", 2 * input_offset.spatial[1], "input layout size spatial Y", input_layout.size.spatial[1], "Input offset is greater than input data range. There is no input data to process"); CLDNN_ERROR_GREATER_THAN(node.id(), "Negate input offset spatial X", -input_offset.spatial[0], "input window size spatial X", window_size.spatial[0], "First pool is outside of image. please reduce input offset X"); CLDNN_ERROR_GREATER_THAN(node.id(), "Negate input offset spatial Y", -input_offset.spatial[1], "input window size spatial Y", window_size.spatial[1], "First pool is outside of image. please reduce input offset Y"); CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL(node.id(), "Input offset feature", input_offset.feature[0], "", 0, "Input offset in feature is not supported"); CLDNN_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL(node.id(), "Input offset batch", input_offset.batch[0], "", 0, "Input offset in batch is not supported"); if (desc->with_output_size) { CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "User-defined size of output X", desc->output_size.spatial[0], "", 0, "User-defined size of output layout (spatial X) must be positive (>= 1)"); CLDNN_ERROR_LESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN(node.id(), "User-defined size of output Y", desc->output_size.spatial[1], "", 0, "User-defined size of output layout (spatial Y) must be positive (>= 1)"); tensor output_size(input_layout.size.batch[0], input_layout.size.feature[0], desc->output_size.spatial[0], desc->output_size.spatial[1]); return { input_layout.data_type, input_layout.format, output_size }; } // TODO: Check compatibility of output size calculation (with caffe). auto output_range = calc_sliding_window_output_range( input_layout.size, window_size, input_offset, stride, {1, 1, 1, 1}, true, 1); tensor output_size(input_layout.size.batch[0], input_layout.size.feature[0], output_range.spatial[0], output_range.spatial[1]); return{ input_layout.data_type, input_layout.format, output_size }; } std::string pooling_inst::to_string(pooling_node const& node) { auto desc = node.get_primitive(); auto strd = desc->stride; auto mode = desc->mode == pooling_mode::max ? "max" : "average"; auto node_info = node.desc_to_json(); auto kernel_size = desc->size; std::stringstream primitive_description; json_composite pooling_info; pooling_info.add("mode", mode); pooling_info.add("stride", strd.to_string()); pooling_info.add("kernel size", kernel_size.to_string()); pooling_info.add("input offset", desc->input_offset.to_string()); if (desc->with_output_size) { json_composite ud_out_size_info; ud_out_size_info.add("size", desc->output_size.to_string()); pooling_info.add("with_user_defined_output_size", ud_out_size_info); } node_info.add("pooling info", pooling_info); node_info.dump(primitive_description); return primitive_description.str(); } }