path: root/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp b/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe77afef..000000000
--- a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/units/detail/dimension_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Boost.Units - A C++ library for zero-overhead dimensional analysis and
-// unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
-// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Steven Watanabe
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/mpl/begin_end.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/deref.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/next.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/less.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/dimensionless_type.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/static_rational.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/units_fwd.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/detail/dimension_list.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/detail/push_front_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/units/detail/push_front_or_add.hpp>
-/// \file
-/// \brief Core class and metaprogramming utilities for compile-time dimensional analysis.
-namespace boost {
-namespace units {
-namespace detail {
-template<int N>
-struct insertion_sort_dims_insert;
-template<bool is_greater>
-struct insertion_sort_dims_comparison_impl;
-// have to recursively add the element to the next sequence.
-struct insertion_sort_dims_comparison_impl<true> {
- template<class Begin, int N, class T>
- struct apply {
- typedef list<
- typename Begin::item,
- typename insertion_sort_dims_insert<N - 1>::template apply<
- typename Begin::next,
- T
- >::type
- > type;
- };
-// either prepend the current element or join it to
-// the first remaining element of the sequence.
-struct insertion_sort_dims_comparison_impl<false> {
- template<class Begin, int N, class T>
- struct apply {
- typedef typename push_front_or_add<Begin, T>::type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct insertion_sort_dims_insert {
- template<class Begin, class T>
- struct apply {
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_comparison_impl<mpl::less<typename Begin::item, T>::value>::template apply<
- Begin,
- N,
- T
- >::type type;
- };
-struct insertion_sort_dims_insert<0> {
- template<class Begin, class T>
- struct apply {
- typedef list<T, dimensionless_type> type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct insertion_sort_dims_mpl_sequence {
- template<class Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_mpl_sequence<N - 1>::template apply<typename mpl::next<Begin>::type>::type next;
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_insert<(next::size::value)>::template apply<next, typename mpl::deref<Begin>::type>::type type;
- };
-struct insertion_sort_dims_mpl_sequence<0> {
- template<class Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct insertion_sort_dims_impl {
- template<class Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_impl<N - 1>::template apply<typename Begin::next>::type next;
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_insert<(next::size::value)>::template apply<next, typename Begin::item>::type type;
- };
-struct insertion_sort_dims_impl<0> {
- template<class Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<class T>
-struct sort_dims
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_mpl_sequence<mpl::size<T>::value>::template apply<typename mpl::begin<T>::type>::type type;
-template<class T, class Next>
-struct sort_dims<list<T, Next> >
- typedef typename insertion_sort_dims_impl<list<T, Next>::size::value>::template apply<list<T, Next> >::type type;
-/// sorted sequences can be merged in linear time
-template<bool less, bool greater>
-struct merge_dimensions_func;
-template<int N1, int N2>
-struct merge_dimensions_impl;
-struct merge_dimensions_func<true, false>
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2, int N1, int N2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef list<
- typename Begin1::item,
- typename merge_dimensions_impl<N1 - 1, N2>::template apply<
- typename Begin1::next,
- Begin2
- >::type
- > type;
- };
-struct merge_dimensions_func<false, true> {
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2, int N1, int N2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef list<
- typename Begin2::item,
- typename merge_dimensions_impl<N2 - 1, N1>::template apply<
- typename Begin2::next,
- Begin1
- >::type
- > type;
- };
-struct merge_dimensions_func<false, false> {
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2, int N1, int N2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef typename mpl::plus<typename Begin1::item, typename Begin2::item>::type combined;
- typedef typename push_front_if<!is_empty_dim<combined>::value>::template apply<
- typename merge_dimensions_impl<N1 - 1, N2 - 1>::template apply<
- typename Begin1::next,
- typename Begin2::next
- >::type,
- combined
- >::type type;
- };
-template<int N1, int N2>
-struct merge_dimensions_impl {
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef typename Begin1::item dim1;
- typedef typename Begin2::item dim2;
- typedef typename merge_dimensions_func<(mpl::less<dim1,dim2>::value == true),
- (mpl::less<dim2,dim1>::value == true)>::template apply<
- Begin1,
- Begin2,
- N1,
- N2
- >::type type;
- };
-template<typename Sequence1, typename Sequence2>
-struct merge_dimensions
- typedef typename detail::merge_dimensions_impl<Sequence1::size::value,
- Sequence2::size::value>::template
- apply<
- Sequence1,
- Sequence2
- >::type type;
-template<int N>
-struct iterator_to_list
- template<typename Begin>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef list<
- typename Begin::item,
- typename iterator_to_list<N - 1>::template apply<
- typename Begin::next
- >::type
- > type;
- };
-struct iterator_to_list<0>
- template<typename Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct merge_dimensions_impl<N, 0>
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef typename iterator_to_list<N>::template apply<Begin1>::type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct merge_dimensions_impl<0, N>
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef typename iterator_to_list<N>::template apply<Begin2>::type type;
- };
-struct merge_dimensions_impl<0, 0>
- template<typename Begin1, typename Begin2>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct static_inverse_impl
- template<typename Begin>
- struct apply {
- typedef list<
- typename mpl::negate<typename Begin::item>::type,
- typename static_inverse_impl<N - 1>::template apply<
- typename Begin::next
- >::type
- > type;
- };
-struct static_inverse_impl<0>
- template<typename Begin>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct static_power_impl
- template<typename Begin, typename Ex>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef list<
- typename mpl::times<typename Begin::item, Ex>::type,
- typename detail::static_power_impl<N - 1>::template apply<typename Begin::next, Ex>::type
- > type;
- };
-struct static_power_impl<0>
- template<typename Begin, typename Ex>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-template<int N>
-struct static_root_impl {
- template<class Begin, class Ex>
- struct apply {
- typedef list<
- typename mpl::divides<typename Begin::item, Ex>::type,
- typename detail::static_root_impl<N - 1>::template apply<typename Begin::next, Ex>::type
- > type;
- };
-struct static_root_impl<0> {
- template<class Begin, class Ex>
- struct apply
- {
- typedef dimensionless_type type;
- };
-} // namespace detail
-} // namespace units
-} // namespace boost