path: root/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/numeric/ublas/operation/begin.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/numeric/ublas/operation/begin.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 318 deletions
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--- a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/numeric/ublas/operation/begin.hpp
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- * -*- c++ -*-
- *
- * \file begin.hpp
- *
- * \brief The \c begin operation.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Marco Guazzone
- *
- * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
- * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- *
- *
- * \author Marco Guazzone,
- */
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/expression_types.hpp>
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/fwd.hpp>
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/traits/const_iterator_type.hpp>
-#include <boost/numeric/ublas/traits/iterator_type.hpp>
-namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
- namespace detail {
- /**
- * \brief Auxiliary class for implementing the \c begin operation.
- * \tparam CategoryT The expression category type (e.g., vector_tag).
- * \tparam TagT The dimension type tag (e.g., tag::major).
- * \tparam OrientationT The orientation category type (e.g., row_major_tag).
- */
- template <typename CategoryT, typename TagT=void, typename OrientationT=void>
- struct begin_impl;
- /// \brief Specialization of \c begin_impl for iterating vector expressions.
- template <>
- struct begin_impl<vector_tag,void,void>
- {
- /**
- * \brief Return an iterator to the first element of the given vector
- * expression.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of VectorExpression type.
- * \param e A vector expression.
- * \return An iterator over the given vector expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::iterator apply(ExprT& e)
- {
- return e.begin();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Return a const iterator to the first element of the given vector
- * expression.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of VectorExpression type.
- * \param e A vector expression.
- * \return A const iterator to the first element of the given vector
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::const_iterator apply(ExprT const& e)
- {
- return e.begin();
- }
- };
- /// \brief Specialization of \c begin_impl for iterating matrix expressions with
- /// a row-major orientation over the major dimension.
- template <>
- struct begin_impl<matrix_tag,tag::major,row_major_tag>
- {
- /**
- * \brief Return an iterator to the first element of the given row-major
- * matrix expression over the major dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return An iterator over the major dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::iterator1 apply(ExprT& e)
- {
- return e.begin1();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Return a const iterator to the first element of the given
- * row-major matrix expression over the major dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return A const iterator over the major dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::const_iterator1 apply(ExprT const& e)
- {
- return e.begin1();
- }
- };
- /// \brief Specialization of \c begin_impl for iterating matrix expressions with
- /// a column-major orientation over the major dimension.
- template <>
- struct begin_impl<matrix_tag,tag::major,column_major_tag>
- {
- /**
- * \brief Return an iterator to the first element of the given column-major
- * matrix expression over the major dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return An iterator over the major dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::iterator2 apply(ExprT& e)
- {
- return e.begin2();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Return a const iterator to the first element of the given
- * column-major matrix expression over the major dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return A const iterator over the major dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::const_iterator2 apply(ExprT const& e)
- {
- return e.begin2();
- }
- };
- /// \brief Specialization of \c begin_impl for iterating matrix expressions with
- /// a row-major orientation over the minor dimension.
- template <>
- struct begin_impl<matrix_tag,tag::minor,row_major_tag>
- {
- /**
- * \brief Return an iterator to the first element of the given row-major
- * matrix expression over the minor dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return An iterator over the minor dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::iterator2 apply(ExprT& e)
- {
- return e.begin2();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Return a const iterator to the first element of the given
- * row-major matrix expression over the minor dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return A const iterator over the minor dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::const_iterator2 apply(ExprT const& e)
- {
- return e.begin2();
- }
- };
- /// \brief Specialization of \c begin_impl for iterating matrix expressions with
- /// a column-major orientation over the minor dimension.
- template <>
- struct begin_impl<matrix_tag,tag::minor,column_major_tag>
- {
- /**
- * \brief Return an iterator to the first element of the given column-major
- * matrix expression over the minor dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return An iterator over the minor dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::iterator1 apply(ExprT& e)
- {
- return e.begin1();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Return a const iterator to the first element of the given
- * column-major matrix expression over the minor dimension.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return A const iterator over the minor dimension of the given matrix
- * expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- static typename ExprT::const_iterator1 apply(ExprT const& e)
- {
- return e.begin1();
- }
- };
- } // Namespace detail
- /**
- * \brief An iterator to the first element of the given vector expression.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of VectorExpression type.
- * \param e A vector expression.
- * \return An iterator to the first element of the given vector expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- typename ExprT::iterator begin(vector_expression<ExprT>& e)
- {
- return detail::begin_impl<typename ExprT::type_category>::apply(e());
- }
- /**
- * \brief A const iterator to the first element of the given vector expression.
- * \tparam ExprT A model of VectorExpression type.
- * \param e A vector expression.
- * \return A const iterator to the first element of the given vector expression.
- */
- template <typename ExprT>
- typename ExprT::const_iterator begin(vector_expression<ExprT> const& e)
- {
- return detail::begin_impl<typename ExprT::type_category>::apply(e());
- }
- /**
- * \brief An iterator to the first element of the given matrix expression
- * according to its orientation.
- * \tparam DimTagT A dimension tag type (e.g., tag::major).
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return An iterator to the first element of the given matrix expression
- * according to its orientation.
- */
- template <typename TagT, typename ExprT>
- typename iterator_type<ExprT,TagT>::type begin(matrix_expression<ExprT>& e)
- {
- return detail::begin_impl<typename ExprT::type_category, TagT, typename ExprT::orientation_category>::apply(e());
- }
- /**
- * \brief A const iterator to the first element of the given matrix expression
- * according to its orientation.
- * \tparam TagT A dimension tag type (e.g., tag::major).
- * \tparam ExprT A model of MatrixExpression type.
- * \param e A matrix expression.
- * \return A const iterator to the first element of the given matrix expression
- * according to its orientation.
- */
- template <typename TagT, typename ExprT>
- typename const_iterator_type<ExprT,TagT>::type begin(matrix_expression<ExprT> const& e)
- {
- return detail::begin_impl<typename ExprT::type_category, TagT, typename ExprT::orientation_category>::apply(e());
- }
- /**
- * \brief An iterator to the first element over the dual dimension of the given
- * iterator.
- * \tparam IteratorT A model of Iterator type.
- * \param it An iterator.
- * \return An iterator to the first element over the dual dimension of the given
- * iterator.
- */
- template <typename IteratorT>
- typename IteratorT::dual_iterator_type begin(IteratorT& it)
- {
- return it.begin();
- }
- /**
- * \brief A const iterator to the first element over the dual dimension of the
- * given iterator.
- * \tparam IteratorT A model of Iterator type.
- * \param it An iterator.
- * \return A const iterator to the first element over the dual dimension of the
- * given iterator.
- */
- template <typename IteratorT>
- typename IteratorT::dual_iterator_type begin(IteratorT const& it)
- {
- return it.begin();
- }
-}}} // Namespace boost::numeric::ublas