path: root/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp b/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c230055ab..000000000
--- a/inference-engine/thirdparty/clDNN/common/boost/1.64.0/include/boost-1_64/boost/mpi/detail/mpi_datatype_primitive.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// (C) Copyright 2005 Matthias Troyer
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// Authors: Matthias Troyer
-#include <boost/mpi/config.hpp>
-#include <cstddef> // size_t
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-namespace std{
- using ::size_t;
-} // namespace std
-#include <boost/mpi/datatype_fwd.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpi/exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/detail/get_data.hpp>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-namespace boost { namespace mpi { namespace detail {
-// class mpi_data_type_oprimitive - creation of custom MPI data types
-class mpi_datatype_primitive
- // trivial default constructor
- mpi_datatype_primitive()
- : is_committed(false),
- origin(0)
- {}
- mpi_datatype_primitive(void const* orig)
- : is_committed(false),
- origin()
- {
-#if defined(MPI_VERSION) && MPI_VERSION >= 2
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Get_address,(const_cast<void*>(orig), &origin));
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Address,(const_cast<void*>(orig), &origin));
- }
- void save_binary(void const *address, std::size_t count)
- {
- save_impl(address,MPI_BYTE,count);
- }
- // fast saving of arrays of MPI types
- template<class T>
- void save_array(serialization::array_wrapper<T> const& x, unsigned int /* version */)
- {
- if (x.count())
- save_impl(x.address(), boost::mpi::get_mpi_datatype(*x.address()), x.count());
- }
- typedef is_mpi_datatype<mpl::_1> use_array_optimization;
- // create and return the custom MPI data type
- MPI_Datatype get_mpi_datatype()
- {
- if (!is_committed)
- {
-#if defined(MPI_VERSION) && MPI_VERSION >= 2
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Type_create_struct,
- (
- addresses.size(),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(lengths),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(addresses),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(types),
- &datatype_
- ));
- (
- addresses.size(),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(lengths),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(addresses),
- boost::serialization::detail::get_data(types),
- &datatype_
- ));
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Type_commit,(&datatype_));
- is_committed = true;
- }
- return datatype_;
- }
- // default saving of primitives.
- template<class T>
- void save(const T & t)
- {
- save_impl(&t, boost::mpi::get_mpi_datatype(t), 1);
- }
- void save_impl(void const * p, MPI_Datatype t, int l)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT ( !is_committed );
- // store address, type and length
- MPI_Aint a;
-#if defined(MPI_VERSION) && MPI_VERSION >= 2
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Get_address,(const_cast<void*>(p), &a));
- BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Address,(const_cast<void*>(p), &a));
- addresses.push_back(a-origin);
- types.push_back(t);
- lengths.push_back(l);
- }
- std::vector<MPI_Aint> addresses;
- std::vector<MPI_Datatype> types;
- std::vector<int> lengths;
- bool is_committed;
- MPI_Datatype datatype_;
- MPI_Aint origin;
-} } } // end namespace boost::mpi::detail