#!/bin/sh # # Script that builds the print-job tests for all IPP Everywhere PWG Raster # documents. # for file in color.jpg-4x6 document-a4 document-letter gray.jpg-4x6 onepage-a4 onepage-letter; do for res in 150dpi 180dpi 300dpi 360dpi 600dpi 720dpi; do HAVE_RES="`echo HAVE_$res | awk '{print toupper($1);}'`" for type in black-1 cmyk-8 sgray-8 srgb-8 srgb-16; do if test -f pwg-raster-samples-$res-20111130/$type/$file-$type-$res.pwg; then HAVE_TYPE="`echo HAVE_$type | awk '{print toupper($1);}' | tr '-' '_'`" cat <