/* * "$Id: dirsvc.c 12458 2015-01-30 16:15:53Z msweet $" * * Directory services routines for the CUPS scheduler. * * Copyright 2007-2015 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include "cupsd.h" #include #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) && defined(__APPLE__) # include # include # include #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD && __APPLE__ */ /* * Local globals... */ #ifdef HAVE_AVAHI static int avahi_running = 0; #endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * Local functions... */ #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) static char *get_auth_info_required(cupsd_printer_t *p, char *buffer, size_t bufsize); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ #ifdef __APPLE__ static int get_hostconfig(const char *name); #endif /* __APPLE__ */ static void update_lpd(int onoff); static void update_smb(int onoff); #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) # ifdef __APPLE__ static void dnssdAddAlias(const void *key, const void *value, void *context); # endif /* __APPLE__ */ static cupsd_txt_t dnssdBuildTxtRecord(cupsd_printer_t *p, int for_lpd); # ifdef HAVE_AVAHI static void dnssdClientCallback(AvahiClient *c, AvahiClientState state, void *userdata); # endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */ static void dnssdDeregisterAllPrinters(int from_callback); static void dnssdDeregisterInstance(cupsd_srv_t *srv, int from_callback); static void dnssdDeregisterPrinter(cupsd_printer_t *p, int clear_name, int from_callback); static const char *dnssdErrorString(int error); static void dnssdFreeTxtRecord(cupsd_txt_t *txt); static void dnssdRegisterAllPrinters(int from_callback); # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD static void dnssdRegisterCallback(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *name, const char *regtype, const char *domain, void *context); # else static void dnssdRegisterCallback(AvahiEntryGroup *p, AvahiEntryGroupState state, void *context); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ static int dnssdRegisterInstance(cupsd_srv_t *srv, cupsd_printer_t *p, char *name, const char *type, const char *subtypes, int port, cupsd_txt_t *txt, int commit, int from_callback); static void dnssdRegisterPrinter(cupsd_printer_t *p, int from_callback); static void dnssdStop(void); # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD static void dnssdUpdate(void); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ static void dnssdUpdateDNSSDName(int from_callback); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * 'cupsdDeregisterPrinter()' - Stop sending broadcast information for a * local printer and remove any pending * references to remote printers. */ void cupsdDeregisterPrinter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer to register */ int removeit) /* I - Printer being permanently removed */ { /* * Only deregister if browsing is enabled and it's a local printer... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=%p(%s), removeit=%d)", p, p->name, removeit); if (!Browsing || !p->shared || (p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER))) return; /* * Announce the deletion... */ #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) if (removeit && (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_DNSSD) && DNSSDMaster) dnssdDeregisterPrinter(p, 1, 0); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ } /* * 'cupsdRegisterPrinter()' - Start sending broadcast information for a * printer or update the broadcast contents. */ void cupsdRegisterPrinter(cupsd_printer_t *p)/* I - Printer */ { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=%p(%s))", p, p->name); if (!Browsing || !BrowseLocalProtocols || (p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER))) return; #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) if ((BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_DNSSD) && DNSSDMaster) dnssdRegisterPrinter(p, 0); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ } /* * 'cupsdStartBrowsing()' - Start sending and receiving broadcast information. */ void cupsdStartBrowsing(void) { if (!Browsing || !BrowseLocalProtocols) return; #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_DNSSD) { # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD DNSServiceErrorType error; /* Error from service creation */ /* * First create a "master" connection for all registrations... */ if ((error = DNSServiceCreateConnection(&DNSSDMaster)) != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create master DNS-SD reference: %d", error); if (FatalErrors & CUPSD_FATAL_BROWSE) cupsdEndProcess(getpid(), 0); } else { /* * Add the master connection to the select list... */ int fd = DNSServiceRefSockFD(DNSSDMaster); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); cupsdAddSelect(fd, (cupsd_selfunc_t)dnssdUpdate, NULL, NULL); } /* * Set the computer name and register the web interface... */ DNSSDPort = 0; cupsdUpdateDNSSDName(); # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ if ((DNSSDMaster = avahi_threaded_poll_new()) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create DNS-SD thread."); if (FatalErrors & CUPSD_FATAL_BROWSE) cupsdEndProcess(getpid(), 0); } else { int error; /* Error code, if any */ DNSSDClient = avahi_client_new(avahi_threaded_poll_get(DNSSDMaster), AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL, dnssdClientCallback, NULL, &error); if (DNSSDClient == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to communicate with avahi-daemon: %s", dnssdErrorString(error)); if (FatalErrors & CUPSD_FATAL_BROWSE) cupsdEndProcess(getpid(), 0); avahi_threaded_poll_free(DNSSDMaster); DNSSDMaster = NULL; } else avahi_threaded_poll_start(DNSSDMaster); } # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * Enable LPD and SMB printer sharing as needed through external programs... */ if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_LPD) update_lpd(1); if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_SMB) update_smb(1); #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) /* * Register the individual printers */ dnssdRegisterAllPrinters(0); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ } /* * 'cupsdStopBrowsing()' - Stop sending and receiving broadcast information. */ void cupsdStopBrowsing(void) { if (!Browsing || !BrowseLocalProtocols) return; #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) /* * De-register the individual printers */ dnssdDeregisterAllPrinters(0); /* * Shut down browsing sockets... */ if ((BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_DNSSD) && DNSSDMaster) dnssdStop(); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * Disable LPD and SMB printer sharing as needed through external programs... */ if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_LPD) update_lpd(0); if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_SMB) update_smb(0); } #if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI) /* * 'cupsdUpdateDNSSDName()' - Update the computer name we use for browsing... */ void cupsdUpdateDNSSDName(void) { dnssdUpdateDNSSDName(0); } # ifdef __APPLE__ /* * 'dnssdAddAlias()' - Add a DNS-SD alias name. */ static void dnssdAddAlias(const void *key, /* I - Key */ const void *value, /* I - Value (domain) */ void *context) /* I - Unused */ { char valueStr[1024], /* Domain string */ hostname[1024], /* Complete hostname */ *hostptr; /* Pointer into hostname */ (void)key; (void)context; if (CFGetTypeID((CFStringRef)value) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)value, valueStr, sizeof(valueStr), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { snprintf(hostname, sizeof(hostname), "%s.%s", DNSSDHostName, valueStr); hostptr = hostname + strlen(hostname) - 1; if (*hostptr == '.') *hostptr = '\0'; /* Strip trailing dot */ if (!DNSSDAlias) DNSSDAlias = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); cupsdAddAlias(DNSSDAlias, hostname); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Added Back to My Mac ServerAlias %s", hostname); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Bad Back to My Mac domain in dynamic store!"); } # endif /* __APPLE__ */ /* * 'dnssdBuildTxtRecord()' - Build a TXT record from printer info. */ static cupsd_txt_t /* O - TXT record */ dnssdBuildTxtRecord( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer information */ int for_lpd) /* I - 1 = LPD, 0 = IPP */ { int i, /* Looping var */ count; /* Count of key/value pairs */ char admin_hostname[256], /* .local hostname for admin page */ adminurl_str[256], /* URL for the admin page */ type_str[32], /* Type to string buffer */ state_str[32], /* State to string buffer */ rp_str[1024], /* Queue name string buffer */ air_str[1024], /* auth-info-required string buffer */ *keyvalue[32][2]; /* Table of key/value pairs */ cupsd_txt_t txt; /* TXT record */ /* * Load up the key value pairs... */ count = 0; if (!for_lpd || (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_LPD)) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "txtvers"; keyvalue[count++][1] = "1"; keyvalue[count ][0] = "qtotal"; keyvalue[count++][1] = "1"; keyvalue[count ][0] = "rp"; keyvalue[count++][1] = rp_str; if (for_lpd) strlcpy(rp_str, p->name, sizeof(rp_str)); else snprintf(rp_str, sizeof(rp_str), "%s/%s", (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) ? "classes" : "printers", p->name); keyvalue[count ][0] = "ty"; keyvalue[count++][1] = p->make_model ? p->make_model : "Unknown"; if (strstr(DNSSDHostName, ".local")) strlcpy(admin_hostname, DNSSDHostName, sizeof(admin_hostname)); else snprintf(admin_hostname, sizeof(admin_hostname), "%s.local.", DNSSDHostName); httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, adminurl_str, sizeof(adminurl_str), # ifdef HAVE_SSL "https", # else "http", # endif /* HAVE_SSL */ NULL, admin_hostname, DNSSDPort, "/%s/%s", (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) ? "classes" : "printers", p->name); keyvalue[count ][0] = "adminurl"; keyvalue[count++][1] = adminurl_str; if (p->location) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "note"; keyvalue[count++][1] = p->location; } keyvalue[count ][0] = "priority"; keyvalue[count++][1] = for_lpd ? "100" : "0"; keyvalue[count ][0] = "product"; keyvalue[count++][1] = p->pc && p->pc->product ? p->pc->product : "Unknown"; keyvalue[count ][0] = "pdl"; keyvalue[count++][1] = p->pdl ? p->pdl : "application/postscript"; if (get_auth_info_required(p, air_str, sizeof(air_str))) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "air"; keyvalue[count++][1] = air_str; } keyvalue[count ][0] = "UUID"; keyvalue[count++][1] = p->uuid + 9; #ifdef HAVE_SSL keyvalue[count ][0] = "TLS"; keyvalue[count++][1] = "1.2"; #endif /* HAVE_SSL */ if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_FAX) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Fax"; keyvalue[count++][1] = "T"; keyvalue[count ][0] = "rfo"; keyvalue[count++][1] = rp_str; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Color"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Duplex"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Staple"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COPIES) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Copies"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COPIES) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLLATE) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Collate"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLLATE) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Punch"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_BIND) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Bind"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_BIND) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_SORT) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Sort"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_SORT) ? "T" : "F"; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_MFP) { keyvalue[count ][0] = "Scan"; keyvalue[count++][1] = (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_MFP) ? "T" : "F"; } snprintf(type_str, sizeof(type_str), "0x%X", p->type | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE); snprintf(state_str, sizeof(state_str), "%d", p->state); keyvalue[count ][0] = "printer-state"; keyvalue[count++][1] = state_str; keyvalue[count ][0] = "printer-type"; keyvalue[count++][1] = type_str; } /* * Then pack them into a proper txt record... */ # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD TXTRecordCreate(&txt, 0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { size_t len = strlen(keyvalue[i][1]); if (len < 256) TXTRecordSetValue(&txt, keyvalue[i][0], (uint8_t)len, keyvalue[i][1]); } # else for (i = 0, txt = NULL; i < count; i ++) txt = avahi_string_list_add_printf(txt, "%s=%s", keyvalue[i][0], keyvalue[i][1]); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ return (txt); } # ifdef HAVE_AVAHI /* * 'dnssdClientCallback()' - Client callback for Avahi. * * Called whenever the client or server state changes... */ static void dnssdClientCallback( AvahiClient *c, /* I - Client */ AvahiClientState state, /* I - Current state */ void *userdata) /* I - User data (unused) */ { int error; /* Error code, if any */ (void)userdata; if (!c) return; /* * Make sure DNSSDClient is already set also if this callback function is * already running before avahi_client_new() in dnssdStartBrowsing() * finishes. */ if (!DNSSDClient) DNSSDClient = c; switch (state) { case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_REGISTERING: case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_RUNNING: case AVAHI_CLIENT_S_COLLISION: cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Avahi server connection now available, registering printers for Bonjour broadcasting."); /* * Mark that Avahi server is running... */ avahi_running = 1; /* * Set the computer name and register the web interface... */ DNSSDPort = 0; dnssdUpdateDNSSDName(1); /* * Register the individual printers */ dnssdRegisterAllPrinters(1); break; case AVAHI_CLIENT_FAILURE: if (avahi_client_errno(c) == AVAHI_ERR_DISCONNECTED) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Avahi server disappeared, unregistering printers for Bonjour broadcasting."); /* * Unregister everything and close the client... */ dnssdDeregisterAllPrinters(1); dnssdDeregisterInstance(&WebIFSrv, 1); avahi_client_free(DNSSDClient); DNSSDClient = NULL; /* * Mark that Avahi server is not running... */ avahi_running = 0; /* * Renew Avahi client... */ DNSSDClient = avahi_client_new(avahi_threaded_poll_get(DNSSDMaster), AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL, dnssdClientCallback, NULL, &error); if (!DNSSDClient) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to communicate with avahi-daemon: %s", dnssdErrorString(error)); if (FatalErrors & CUPSD_FATAL_BROWSE) cupsdEndProcess(getpid(), 0); } } else { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Communication with avahi-daemon has failed: %s", avahi_strerror(avahi_client_errno(c))); if (FatalErrors & CUPSD_FATAL_BROWSE) cupsdEndProcess(getpid(), 0); } break; default: break; } } # endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * 'dnssdDeregisterAllPrinters()' - Deregister all printers. */ static void dnssdDeregisterAllPrinters( int from_callback) /* I - Deregistering because of callback? */ { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ if (!DNSSDMaster) return; for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) if (!(p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER))) dnssdDeregisterPrinter(p, 1, from_callback); } /* * 'dnssdDeregisterInstance()' - Deregister a DNS-SD service instance. */ static void dnssdDeregisterInstance( cupsd_srv_t *srv, /* I - Service */ int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { if (!srv || !*srv) return; # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD (void)from_callback; DNSServiceRefDeallocate(*srv); # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ if (!from_callback) avahi_threaded_poll_lock(DNSSDMaster); avahi_entry_group_free(*srv); if (!from_callback) avahi_threaded_poll_unlock(DNSSDMaster); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ *srv = NULL; } /* * 'dnssdDeregisterPrinter()' - Deregister all services for a printer. */ static void dnssdDeregisterPrinter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ int clear_name, /* I - Clear the name? */ int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "dnssdDeregisterPrinter(p=%p(%s), clear_name=%d)", p, p->name, clear_name); if (p->ipp_srv) { dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->ipp_srv, from_callback); # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD # ifdef HAVE_SSL dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->ipps_srv, from_callback); # endif /* HAVE_SSL */ dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->printer_srv, from_callback); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } /* * Remove the printer from the array of DNS-SD printers but keep the * registered name... */ cupsArrayRemove(DNSSDPrinters, p); /* * Optionally clear the service name... */ if (clear_name) cupsdClearString(&p->reg_name); } /* * 'dnssdErrorString()' - Return an error string for an error code. */ static const char * /* O - Error message */ dnssdErrorString(int error) /* I - Error number */ { # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD switch (error) { case kDNSServiceErr_NoError : return ("OK."); default : case kDNSServiceErr_Unknown : return ("Unknown error."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoSuchName : return ("Service not found."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory : return ("Out of memory."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadParam : return ("Bad parameter."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadReference : return ("Bad service reference."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadState : return ("Bad state."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadFlags : return ("Bad flags."); case kDNSServiceErr_Unsupported : return ("Unsupported."); case kDNSServiceErr_NotInitialized : return ("Not initialized."); case kDNSServiceErr_AlreadyRegistered : return ("Already registered."); case kDNSServiceErr_NameConflict : return ("Name conflict."); case kDNSServiceErr_Invalid : return ("Invalid name."); case kDNSServiceErr_Firewall : return ("Firewall prevents registration."); case kDNSServiceErr_Incompatible : return ("Client library incompatible."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadInterfaceIndex : return ("Bad interface index."); case kDNSServiceErr_Refused : return ("Server prevents registration."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoSuchRecord : return ("Record not found."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoAuth : return ("Authentication required."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoSuchKey : return ("Encryption key not found."); case kDNSServiceErr_NATTraversal : return ("Unable to traverse NAT boundary."); case kDNSServiceErr_DoubleNAT : return ("Unable to traverse double-NAT boundary."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadTime : return ("Bad system time."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadSig : return ("Bad signature."); case kDNSServiceErr_BadKey : return ("Bad encryption key."); case kDNSServiceErr_Transient : return ("Transient error occurred - please try again."); case kDNSServiceErr_ServiceNotRunning : return ("Server not running."); case kDNSServiceErr_NATPortMappingUnsupported : return ("NAT doesn't support NAT-PMP or UPnP."); case kDNSServiceErr_NATPortMappingDisabled : return ("NAT supports NAT-PNP or UPnP but it is disabled."); case kDNSServiceErr_NoRouter : return ("No Internet/default router configured."); case kDNSServiceErr_PollingMode : return ("Service polling mode error."); case kDNSServiceErr_Timeout : return ("Service timeout."); } # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ return (avahi_strerror(error)); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } /* * 'dnssdRegisterCallback()' - Free a TXT record. */ static void dnssdFreeTxtRecord(cupsd_txt_t *txt) /* I - TXT record */ { # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD TXTRecordDeallocate(txt); # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ avahi_string_list_free(*txt); *txt = NULL; # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } /* * 'dnssdRegisterAllPrinters()' - Register all printers. */ static void dnssdRegisterAllPrinters(int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ if (!DNSSDMaster) return; for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) if (!(p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER))) dnssdRegisterPrinter(p, from_callback); } /* * 'dnssdRegisterCallback()' - DNSServiceRegister callback. */ # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD static void dnssdRegisterCallback( DNSServiceRef sdRef, /* I - DNS Service reference */ DNSServiceFlags flags, /* I - Reserved for future use */ DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, /* I - Error code */ const char *name, /* I - Service name */ const char *regtype, /* I - Service type */ const char *domain, /* I - Domain. ".local" for now */ void *context) /* I - Printer */ { cupsd_printer_t *p = (cupsd_printer_t *)context; /* Current printer */ (void)sdRef; (void)flags; (void)domain; cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "dnssdRegisterCallback(%s, %s) for %s (%s)", name, regtype, p ? p->name : "Web Interface", p ? (p->reg_name ? p->reg_name : "(null)") : "NA"); if (errorCode) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "DNSServiceRegister failed with error %d", (int)errorCode); return; } else if (p && (!p->reg_name || _cups_strcasecmp(name, p->reg_name))) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Using service name \"%s\" for \"%s\"", name, p->name); cupsArrayRemove(DNSSDPrinters, p); cupsdSetString(&p->reg_name, name); cupsArrayAdd(DNSSDPrinters, p); LastEvent |= CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_MODIFIED; } } # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ static void dnssdRegisterCallback( AvahiEntryGroup *srv, /* I - Service */ AvahiEntryGroupState state, /* I - Registration state */ void *context) /* I - Printer */ { cupsd_printer_t *p = (cupsd_printer_t *)context; /* Current printer */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "dnssdRegisterCallback(srv=%p, state=%d, context=%p) " "for %s (%s)", srv, state, context, p ? p->name : "Web Interface", p ? (p->reg_name ? p->reg_name : "(null)") : "NA"); /* TODO: Handle collisions with avahi_alternate_service_name(p->reg_name)? */ } # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ /* * 'dnssdRegisterInstance()' - Register an instance of a printer service. */ static int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */ dnssdRegisterInstance( cupsd_srv_t *srv, /* O - Service */ cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ char *name, /* I - DNS-SD service name */ const char *type, /* I - DNS-SD service type */ const char *subtypes, /* I - Subtypes to register or NULL */ int port, /* I - Port number or 0 */ cupsd_txt_t *txt, /* I - TXT record */ int commit, /* I - Commit registration? */ int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { char temp[256], /* Temporary string */ *ptr; /* Pointer into string */ int error; /* Any error */ # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD (void)from_callback; # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Registering \"%s\" with DNS-SD type \"%s\".", name, type); if (p && !srv) { /* * Assign the correct pointer for "srv"... */ # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD if (!strcmp(type, "_printer._tcp")) srv = &p->printer_srv; /* Target LPD service */ # ifdef HAVE_SSL else if (!strcmp(type, "_ipps._tcp")) srv = &p->ipps_srv; /* Target IPPS service */ # endif /* HAVE_SSL */ else srv = &p->ipp_srv; /* Target IPP service */ # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ srv = &p->ipp_srv; /* Target service group */ # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD (void)commit; # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ if (!from_callback) avahi_threaded_poll_lock(DNSSDMaster); if (!*srv) *srv = avahi_entry_group_new(DNSSDClient, dnssdRegisterCallback, NULL); if (!*srv) { if (!from_callback) avahi_threaded_poll_unlock(DNSSDMaster); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_WARN, "DNS-SD registration of \"%s\" failed: %s", name, dnssdErrorString(avahi_client_errno(DNSSDClient))); return (0); } # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ /* * Make sure the name is <= 63 octets, and when we truncate be sure to * properly truncate any UTF-8 characters... */ ptr = name + strlen(name); while ((ptr - name) > 63) { do { ptr --; } while (ptr > name && (*ptr & 0xc0) == 0x80); if (ptr > name) *ptr = '\0'; } /* * Register the service... */ # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD if (subtypes) snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s,%s", type, subtypes); else strlcpy(temp, type, sizeof(temp)); *srv = DNSSDMaster; error = DNSServiceRegister(srv, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, 0, name, temp, NULL, NULL, htons(port), txt ? TXTRecordGetLength(txt) : 0, txt ? TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(txt) : NULL, dnssdRegisterCallback, p); # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ if (txt) { AvahiStringList *temptxt; for (temptxt = *txt; temptxt; temptxt = temptxt->next) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS_SD \"%s\" %s", name, temptxt->text); } error = avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst(*srv, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, 0, name, type, NULL, NULL, port, txt ? *txt : NULL); if (error) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS-SD service add for \"%s\" failed.", name); if (!error && subtypes) { /* * Register all of the subtypes... */ char *start, /* Start of subtype */ subtype[256]; /* Subtype string */ strlcpy(temp, subtypes, sizeof(temp)); for (start = temp; *start; start = ptr) { /* * Skip leading whitespace... */ while (*start && isspace(*start & 255)) start ++; /* * Grab everything up to the next comma or the end of the string... */ for (ptr = start; *ptr && *ptr != ','; ptr ++); if (*ptr) *ptr++ = '\0'; if (!*start) break; /* * Register the subtype... */ snprintf(subtype, sizeof(subtype), "%s._sub.%s", start, type); error = avahi_entry_group_add_service_subtype(*srv, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, 0, name, type, NULL, subtype); if (error) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS-SD subtype %s registration for \"%s\" failed." , subtype, name); break; } } } if (!error && commit) { if ((error = avahi_entry_group_commit(*srv)) != 0) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS-SD commit of \"%s\" failed.", name); } if (!from_callback) avahi_threaded_poll_unlock(DNSSDMaster); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ if (error) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_WARN, "DNS-SD registration of \"%s\" failed: %s", name, dnssdErrorString(error)); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS-SD type: %s", type); if (subtypes) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "DNS-SD sub-types: %s", subtypes); } return (!error); } /* * 'dnssdRegisterPrinter()' - Start sending broadcast information for a printer * or update the broadcast contents. */ static void dnssdRegisterPrinter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { char name[256]; /* Service name */ int printer_port; /* LPD port number */ int status; /* Registration status */ cupsd_txt_t ipp_txt, /* IPP(S) TXT record */ printer_txt; /* LPD TXT record */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "dnssdRegisterPrinter(%s) %s", p->name, !p->ipp_srv ? "new" : "update"); # ifdef HAVE_AVAHI if (!avahi_running) return; # endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */ /* * Remove the current registrations if we have them and then return if * per-printer sharing was just disabled... */ dnssdDeregisterPrinter(p, 0, from_callback); if (!p->shared) return; /* * Set the registered name as needed; the registered name takes the form of * " @ "... */ if (!p->reg_name) { if (p->info && strlen(p->info) > 0) { if (DNSSDComputerName) snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s @ %s", p->info, DNSSDComputerName); else strlcpy(name, p->info, sizeof(name)); } else if (DNSSDComputerName) snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s @ %s", p->name, DNSSDComputerName); else strlcpy(name, p->name, sizeof(name)); } else strlcpy(name, p->reg_name, sizeof(name)); /* * Register IPP and LPD... * * We always must register the "_printer" service type in order to reserve * our name, but use port number 0 if we haven't actually configured cups-lpd * to share via LPD... */ ipp_txt = dnssdBuildTxtRecord(p, 0); printer_txt = dnssdBuildTxtRecord(p, 1); if (BrowseLocalProtocols & BROWSE_LPD) printer_port = 515; else printer_port = 0; status = dnssdRegisterInstance(NULL, p, name, "_printer._tcp", NULL, printer_port, &printer_txt, 0, from_callback); # ifdef HAVE_SSL if (status) dnssdRegisterInstance(NULL, p, name, "_ipps._tcp", DNSSDSubTypes, DNSSDPort, &ipp_txt, 0, from_callback); # endif /* HAVE_SSL */ if (status) { /* * Use the "_fax-ipp" service type for fax queues, otherwise use "_ipp"... */ if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_FAX) status = dnssdRegisterInstance(NULL, p, name, "_fax-ipp._tcp", DNSSDSubTypes, DNSSDPort, &ipp_txt, 1, from_callback); else status = dnssdRegisterInstance(NULL, p, name, "_ipp._tcp", DNSSDSubTypes, DNSSDPort, &ipp_txt, 1, from_callback); } dnssdFreeTxtRecord(&ipp_txt); dnssdFreeTxtRecord(&printer_txt); if (status) { /* * Save the registered name and add the printer to the array of DNS-SD * printers... */ cupsdSetString(&p->reg_name, name); cupsArrayAdd(DNSSDPrinters, p); } else { /* * Registration failed for this printer... */ dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->ipp_srv, from_callback); # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD # ifdef HAVE_SSL dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->ipps_srv, from_callback); # endif /* HAVE_SSL */ dnssdDeregisterInstance(&p->printer_srv, from_callback); # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } } /* * 'dnssdStop()' - Stop all DNS-SD registrations. */ static void dnssdStop(void) { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ /* * De-register the individual printers */ for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) dnssdDeregisterPrinter(p, 1, 0); /* * Shutdown the rest of the service refs... */ dnssdDeregisterInstance(&WebIFSrv, 0); # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD cupsdRemoveSelect(DNSServiceRefSockFD(DNSSDMaster)); DNSServiceRefDeallocate(DNSSDMaster); DNSSDMaster = NULL; # else /* HAVE_AVAHI */ if (DNSSDMaster) avahi_threaded_poll_stop(DNSSDMaster); if (DNSSDClient) { avahi_client_free(DNSSDClient); DNSSDClient = NULL; } if (DNSSDMaster) { avahi_threaded_poll_free(DNSSDMaster); DNSSDMaster = NULL; } # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ cupsArrayDelete(DNSSDPrinters); DNSSDPrinters = NULL; DNSSDPort = 0; } # ifdef HAVE_DNSSD /* * 'dnssdUpdate()' - Handle DNS-SD queries. */ static void dnssdUpdate(void) { DNSServiceErrorType sdErr; /* Service discovery error */ if ((sdErr = DNSServiceProcessResult(DNSSDMaster)) != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "DNS Service Discovery registration error %d!", sdErr); dnssdStop(); } } # endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ /* * 'dnssdUpdateDNSSDName()' - Update the listen port, computer name, and web interface registration. */ static void dnssdUpdateDNSSDName(int from_callback) /* I - Called from callback? */ { char webif[1024]; /* Web interface share name */ # ifdef __APPLE__ SCDynamicStoreRef sc; /* Context for dynamic store */ CFDictionaryRef btmm; /* Back-to-My-Mac domains */ CFStringEncoding nameEncoding; /* Encoding of computer name */ CFStringRef nameRef; /* Host name CFString */ char nameBuffer[1024]; /* C-string buffer */ # endif /* __APPLE__ */ /* * Only share the web interface and printers when non-local listening is * enabled... */ if (!DNSSDPort) { /* * Get the port we use for registrations. If we are not listening on any * non-local ports, there is no sense sharing local printers via Bonjour... */ cupsd_listener_t *lis; /* Current listening socket */ for (lis = (cupsd_listener_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Listeners); lis; lis = (cupsd_listener_t *)cupsArrayNext(Listeners)) { if (httpAddrLocalhost(&(lis->address))) continue; DNSSDPort = httpAddrPort(&(lis->address)); break; } } if (!DNSSDPort) return; /* * Get the computer name as a c-string... */ # ifdef __APPLE__ sc = SCDynamicStoreCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("cupsd"), NULL, NULL); if (sc) { /* * Get the computer name from the dynamic store... */ cupsdClearString(&DNSSDComputerName); if ((nameRef = SCDynamicStoreCopyComputerName(sc, &nameEncoding)) != NULL) { if (CFStringGetCString(nameRef, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Dynamic store computer name is \"%s\".", nameBuffer); cupsdSetString(&DNSSDComputerName, nameBuffer); } CFRelease(nameRef); } if (!DNSSDComputerName) { /* * Use the ServerName instead... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Using ServerName \"%s\" as computer name.", ServerName); cupsdSetString(&DNSSDComputerName, ServerName); } /* * Get the local hostname from the dynamic store... */ cupsdClearString(&DNSSDHostName); if ((nameRef = SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName(sc)) != NULL) { if (CFStringGetCString(nameRef, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Dynamic store host name is \"%s\".", nameBuffer); cupsdSetString(&DNSSDHostName, nameBuffer); } CFRelease(nameRef); } if (!DNSSDHostName) { /* * Use the ServerName instead... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Using ServerName \"%s\" as host name.", ServerName); cupsdSetString(&DNSSDHostName, ServerName); } /* * Get any Back-to-My-Mac domains and add them as aliases... */ cupsdFreeAliases(DNSSDAlias); DNSSDAlias = NULL; btmm = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(sc, CFSTR("Setup:/Network/BackToMyMac")); if (btmm && CFGetTypeID(btmm) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "%d Back to My Mac aliases to add.", (int)CFDictionaryGetCount(btmm)); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(btmm, dnssdAddAlias, NULL); } else if (btmm) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Bad Back to My Mac data in dynamic store!"); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "No Back to My Mac aliases to add."); if (btmm) CFRelease(btmm); CFRelease(sc); } else # endif /* __APPLE__ */ # ifdef HAVE_AVAHI if (DNSSDClient) { const char *host_name = avahi_client_get_host_name(DNSSDClient); const char *host_fqdn = avahi_client_get_host_name_fqdn(DNSSDClient); cupsdSetString(&DNSSDComputerName, host_name ? host_name : ServerName); if (host_fqdn) cupsdSetString(&DNSSDHostName, host_fqdn); else if (strchr(ServerName, '.')) cupsdSetString(&DNSSDHostName, ServerName); else cupsdSetStringf(&DNSSDHostName, "%s.local", ServerName); } else # endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */ { cupsdSetString(&DNSSDComputerName, ServerName); if (strchr(ServerName, '.')) cupsdSetString(&DNSSDHostName, ServerName); else cupsdSetStringf(&DNSSDHostName, "%s.local", ServerName); } /* * Then (re)register the web interface if enabled... */ if (BrowseWebIF) { if (DNSSDComputerName) snprintf(webif, sizeof(webif), "CUPS @ %s", DNSSDComputerName); else strlcpy(webif, "CUPS", sizeof(webif)); dnssdDeregisterInstance(&WebIFSrv, from_callback); dnssdRegisterInstance(&WebIFSrv, NULL, webif, "_http._tcp", "_printer", DNSSDPort, NULL, 1, from_callback); } } /* * 'get_auth_info_required()' - Get the auth-info-required value to advertise. */ static char * /* O - String or NULL if none */ get_auth_info_required( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ char *buffer, /* I - Value buffer */ size_t bufsize) /* I - Size of value buffer */ { cupsd_location_t *auth; /* Pointer to authentication element */ char resource[1024]; /* Printer/class resource path */ /* * If auth-info-required is set for this printer, return that... */ if (p->num_auth_info_required > 0 && strcmp(p->auth_info_required[0], "none")) { int i; /* Looping var */ char *bufptr; /* Pointer into buffer */ for (i = 0, bufptr = buffer; i < p->num_auth_info_required; i ++) { if (bufptr >= (buffer + bufsize - 2)) break; if (i) *bufptr++ = ','; strlcpy(bufptr, p->auth_info_required[i], bufsize - (size_t)(bufptr - buffer)); bufptr += strlen(bufptr); } return (buffer); } /* * Figure out the authentication data requirements to advertise... */ if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) snprintf(resource, sizeof(resource), "/classes/%s", p->name); else snprintf(resource, sizeof(resource), "/printers/%s", p->name); if ((auth = cupsdFindBest(resource, HTTP_POST)) == NULL || auth->type == CUPSD_AUTH_NONE) auth = cupsdFindPolicyOp(p->op_policy_ptr, IPP_PRINT_JOB); if (auth) { int auth_type; /* Authentication type */ if ((auth_type = auth->type) == CUPSD_AUTH_DEFAULT) auth_type = cupsdDefaultAuthType(); switch (auth_type) { case CUPSD_AUTH_NONE : return (NULL); case CUPSD_AUTH_NEGOTIATE : strlcpy(buffer, "negotiate", bufsize); break; default : strlcpy(buffer, "username,password", bufsize); break; } return (buffer); } return ("none"); } #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */ #ifdef __APPLE__ /* * 'get_hostconfig()' - Get an /etc/hostconfig service setting. */ static int /* O - 1 for YES or AUTOMATIC, 0 for NO */ get_hostconfig(const char *name) /* I - Name of service */ { cups_file_t *fp; /* Hostconfig file */ char line[1024], /* Line from file */ *ptr; /* Pointer to value */ int state = 1; /* State of service */ /* * Try opening the /etc/hostconfig file; if we can't open it, assume that * the service is enabled/auto. */ if ((fp = cupsFileOpen("/etc/hostconfig", "r")) != NULL) { /* * Read lines from the file until we find the service... */ while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (line[0] == '#' || (ptr = strchr(line, '=')) == NULL) continue; *ptr++ = '\0'; if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, name)) { /* * Found the service, see if it is set to "-NO-"... */ if (!_cups_strncasecmp(ptr, "-NO-", 4)) state = 0; break; } } cupsFileClose(fp); } return (state); } #endif /* __APPLE__ */ /* * 'update_lpd()' - Update the LPD configuration as needed. */ static void update_lpd(int onoff) /* - 1 = turn on, 0 = turn off */ { if (!LPDConfigFile) return; #ifdef __APPLE__ /* * Allow /etc/hostconfig CUPS_LPD service setting to override cupsd.conf * setting for backwards-compatibility. */ if (onoff && !get_hostconfig("CUPS_LPD")) onoff = 0; #endif /* __APPLE__ */ if (!strncmp(LPDConfigFile, "xinetd:///", 10)) { /* * Enable/disable LPD via the xinetd.d config file for cups-lpd... */ char newfile[1024]; /* New cups-lpd.N file */ cups_file_t *ofp, /* Original file pointer */ *nfp; /* New file pointer */ char line[1024]; /* Line from file */ snprintf(newfile, sizeof(newfile), "%s.N", LPDConfigFile + 9); if ((ofp = cupsFileOpen(LPDConfigFile + 9, "r")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open \"%s\" - %s", LPDConfigFile + 9, strerror(errno)); return; } if ((nfp = cupsFileOpen(newfile, "w")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create \"%s\" - %s", newfile, strerror(errno)); cupsFileClose(ofp); return; } /* * Copy all of the lines from the cups-lpd file... */ while (cupsFileGets(ofp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (line[0] == '{') { cupsFilePrintf(nfp, "%s\n", line); snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "\tdisable = %s", onoff ? "no" : "yes"); } else if (!strstr(line, "disable =")) cupsFilePrintf(nfp, "%s\n", line); } cupsFileClose(nfp); cupsFileClose(ofp); rename(newfile, LPDConfigFile + 9); } #ifdef __APPLE__ else if (!strncmp(LPDConfigFile, "launchd:///", 11)) { /* * Enable/disable LPD via the launchctl command... */ char *argv[5], /* Arguments for command */ *envp[MAX_ENV]; /* Environment for command */ int pid; /* Process ID */ cupsdLoadEnv(envp, (int)(sizeof(envp) / sizeof(envp[0]))); argv[0] = (char *)"launchctl"; argv[1] = (char *)(onoff ? "load" : "unload"); argv[2] = (char *)"-w"; argv[3] = LPDConfigFile + 10; argv[4] = NULL; cupsdStartProcess("/bin/launchctl", argv, envp, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, NULL, NULL, &pid); } #endif /* __APPLE__ */ else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Unknown LPDConfigFile scheme!"); } /* * 'update_smb()' - Update the SMB configuration as needed. */ static void update_smb(int onoff) /* I - 1 = turn on, 0 = turn off */ { if (!SMBConfigFile) return; if (!strncmp(SMBConfigFile, "samba:///", 9)) { /* * Enable/disable SMB via the specified smb.conf config file... */ char newfile[1024]; /* New smb.conf.N file */ cups_file_t *ofp, /* Original file pointer */ *nfp; /* New file pointer */ char line[1024]; /* Line from file */ int in_printers; /* In [printers] section? */ snprintf(newfile, sizeof(newfile), "%s.N", SMBConfigFile + 8); if ((ofp = cupsFileOpen(SMBConfigFile + 8, "r")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open \"%s\" - %s", SMBConfigFile + 8, strerror(errno)); return; } if ((nfp = cupsFileOpen(newfile, "w")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create \"%s\" - %s", newfile, strerror(errno)); cupsFileClose(ofp); return; } /* * Copy all of the lines from the smb.conf file... */ in_printers = 0; while (cupsFileGets(ofp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (in_printers && strstr(line, "printable =")) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), " printable = %s", onoff ? "yes" : "no"); cupsFilePrintf(nfp, "%s\n", line); if (line[0] == '[') in_printers = !strcmp(line, "[printers]"); } cupsFileClose(nfp); cupsFileClose(ofp); rename(newfile, SMBConfigFile + 8); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Unknown SMBConfigFile scheme!"); } /* * End of "$Id: dirsvc.c 12458 2015-01-30 16:15:53Z msweet $". */