/* * Sandbox helper for CUPS. * * Copyright 2007-2014 by Apple Inc. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * Usage: * * cups-exec /path/to/profile [-u UID] [-g GID] [-n NICE] /path/to/program argv0 argv1 ... argvN */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SANDBOX_H # include # ifndef SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL # define SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL 0x0003 # endif /* !SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL */ # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif /* HAVE_SANDBOX_H */ /* * Local functions... */ static void usage(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); /* * 'main()' - Apply sandbox profile and execute program. */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int i; /* Looping var */ const char *opt; /* Current option character */ uid_t uid = getuid(); /* UID */ gid_t gid = getgid(); /* GID */ int niceval = 0; /* Nice value */ #ifdef HAVE_SANDBOX_H char *sandbox_error = NULL; /* Sandbox error, if any */ #endif /* HAVE_SANDBOX_H */ /* * Parse command-line... */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { for (opt = argv[i] + 1; *opt; opt ++) { switch (*opt) { case 'g' : /* -g gid */ i ++; if (i >= argc) usage(); gid = (gid_t)atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'n' : /* -n nice-value */ i ++; if (i >= argc) usage(); niceval = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'u' : /* -g gid */ i ++; if (i >= argc) usage(); uid = (uid_t)atoi(argv[i]); break; default : fprintf(stderr, "cups-exec: Unknown option '-%c'.\n", *opt); usage(); } } } else break; } /* * Check that we have enough arguments... */ if ((i + 3) > argc) { fputs("cups-exec: Insufficient arguments.\n", stderr); usage(); } /* * Make sure side and back channel FDs are non-blocking... */ fcntl(3, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY); fcntl(4, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY); /* * Change UID, GID, and nice value... */ if (uid) nice(niceval); if (!getuid()) { if (setgid(gid)) exit(errno + 100); if (setgroups(1, &gid)) exit(errno + 100); if (uid && setuid(uid)) exit(errno + 100); } umask(077); #ifdef HAVE_SANDBOX_H /* * Run in a separate security profile... */ if (strcmp(argv[i], "none") && sandbox_init(argv[i], SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL, &sandbox_error)) { cups_file_t *fp; /* File */ char line[1024]; /* Line from file */ int linenum = 0; /* Line number in file */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: sandbox_init failed: %s (%s)\n", sandbox_error, strerror(errno)); sandbox_free_error(sandbox_error); if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[i], "r")) != NULL) { while (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line))) { linenum ++; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %4d %s\n", linenum, line); } cupsFileClose(fp); } return (100 + EINVAL); } #endif /* HAVE_SANDBOX_H */ /* * Execute the program... */ execv(argv[i + 1], argv + i + 2); /* * If we get here, execv() failed... */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: execv failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return (errno + 100); } /* * 'usage()' - Show program usage. */ static void usage(void) { fputs("Usage: cups-exec [-g gid] [-n nice-value] [-u uid] /path/to/profile /path/to/program argv0 argv1 ... argvN\n", stderr); exit(1); }