// // "$Id: ppdc-driver.cxx 9793 2011-05-20 03:49:49Z mike $" // // PPD file compiler definitions for the CUPS PPD Compiler. // // Copyright 2007-2011 by Apple Inc. // Copyright 2002-2006 by Easy Software Products. // // These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the // property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright // law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" // which should have been included with this file. If this file is // file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". // // Contents: // // ppdcDriver::ppdcDriver() - Create a new printer driver. // ppdcDriver::~ppdcDriver() - Destroy a printer driver. // ppdcDriver::find_attr() - Find an attribute. // ppdcDriver::find_group() - Find a group. // ppdcDriver::find_option() - Find an option. // ppdcDriver::find_option_group() - Find an option and its group. // ppdcDriver::set_custom_size_code() - Set the custom page size code. // ppdcDriver::set_default_font() - Set the default font name. // ppdcDriver::set_default_size() - Set the default size name. // ppdcDriver::set_file_name() - Set the full filename. // ppdcDriver::set_manufacturer() - Set the manufacturer name. // ppdcDriver::set_model_name() - Set the model name. // ppdcDriver::set_pc_file_name() - Set the PC filename. // ppdcDriver::set_version() - Set the version string. // ppdcDriver::write_ppd_file() - Write a PPD file... // // // Include necessary headers... // #include "ppdc-private.h" // // 'ppdcDriver::ppdcDriver()' - Create a new printer driver. // ppdcDriver::ppdcDriver(ppdcDriver *d) // I - Printer driver template : ppdcShared() { ppdcGroup *g; // Current group PPDC_NEW; if (d) { // Bump the use count of any strings we inherit... if (d->manufacturer) d->manufacturer->retain(); if (d->version) d->version->retain(); if (d->default_font) d->default_font->retain(); if (d->default_size) d->default_size->retain(); if (d->custom_size_code) d->custom_size_code->retain(); // Copy all of the data from the driver template... copyright = new ppdcArray(d->copyright); manufacturer = d->manufacturer; model_name = 0; file_name = 0; pc_file_name = 0; type = d->type; version = d->version; model_number = d->model_number; manual_copies = d->manual_copies; color_device = d->color_device; throughput = d->throughput; attrs = new ppdcArray(d->attrs); constraints = new ppdcArray(d->constraints); filters = new ppdcArray(d->filters); fonts = new ppdcArray(d->fonts); profiles = new ppdcArray(d->profiles); sizes = new ppdcArray(d->sizes); default_font = d->default_font; default_size = d->default_size; variable_paper_size = d->variable_paper_size; custom_size_code = d->custom_size_code; left_margin = d->left_margin; bottom_margin = d->bottom_margin; right_margin = d->right_margin; top_margin = d->top_margin; max_width = d->max_width; max_length = d->max_length; min_width = d->min_width; min_length = d->min_length; // Then copy the groups manually, since we want separate copies // of the groups and options... groups = new ppdcArray(); for (g = (ppdcGroup *)d->groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)d->groups->next()) groups->add(new ppdcGroup(g)); } else { // Zero all of the data in the driver... copyright = new ppdcArray(); manufacturer = 0; model_name = 0; file_name = 0; pc_file_name = 0; version = 0; type = PPDC_DRIVER_CUSTOM; model_number = 0; manual_copies = 0; color_device = 0; throughput = 1; attrs = new ppdcArray(); constraints = new ppdcArray(); fonts = new ppdcArray(); filters = new ppdcArray(); groups = new ppdcArray(); profiles = new ppdcArray(); sizes = new ppdcArray(); default_font = 0; default_size = 0; variable_paper_size = 0; custom_size_code = 0; left_margin = 0; bottom_margin = 0; right_margin = 0; top_margin = 0; max_width = 0; max_length = 0; min_width = 0; min_length = 0; } } // // 'ppdcDriver::~ppdcDriver()' - Destroy a printer driver. // ppdcDriver::~ppdcDriver() { PPDC_DELETE; copyright->release(); if (manufacturer) manufacturer->release(); if (model_name) model_name->release(); if (file_name) file_name->release(); if (pc_file_name) pc_file_name->release(); if (version) version->release(); if (default_font) default_font->release(); if (default_size) default_size->release(); if (custom_size_code) custom_size_code->release(); attrs->release(); constraints->release(); filters->release(); fonts->release(); groups->release(); profiles->release(); sizes->release(); } // // 'ppdcDriver::find_attr()' - Find an attribute. // ppdcAttr * // O - Attribute or NULL ppdcDriver::find_attr(const char *k, // I - Keyword string const char *s) // I - Spec string { ppdcAttr *a; // Current attribute for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) if (!strcmp(a->name->value, k) && ((!s && (!a->selector->value || !a->selector->value[0])) || (s && a->selector->value && !strcmp(a->selector->value, s)))) return (a); return (NULL); } // // 'ppdcDriver::find_group()' - Find a group. // ppdcGroup * // O - Matching group or NULL ppdcDriver::find_group(const char *n) // I - Group name { ppdcGroup *g; // Current group for (g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->next()) if (!_cups_strcasecmp(n, g->name->value)) return (g); return (0); } // // 'ppdcDriver::find_option()' - Find an option. // ppdcOption * // O - Matching option or NULL ppdcDriver::find_option(const char *n) // I - Option name { return (find_option_group(n, (ppdcGroup **)0)); } // // 'ppdcDriver::find_option_group()' - Find an option and its group. // ppdcOption * // O - Matching option or NULL ppdcDriver::find_option_group( const char *n, // I - Option name ppdcGroup **mg) // O - Matching group or NULL { ppdcGroup *g; // Current group ppdcOption *o; // Current option for (g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->next()) for (o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->first(); o; o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->next()) if (!_cups_strcasecmp(n, o->name->value)) { if (mg) *mg = g; return (o); } if (mg) *mg = (ppdcGroup *)0; return (0); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_custom_size_code()' - Set the custom page size code. // void ppdcDriver::set_custom_size_code( const char *c) // I - CustomPageSize code { if (custom_size_code) custom_size_code->release(); custom_size_code = new ppdcString(c); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_default_font()' - Set the default font name. // void ppdcDriver::set_default_font( ppdcFont *f) // I - Font { if (default_font) default_font->release(); if (f) { f->name->retain(); default_font = f->name; } else default_font = 0; } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_default_size()' - Set the default size name. // void ppdcDriver::set_default_size( ppdcMediaSize *m) // I - Media size { if (default_size) default_size->release(); if (m) { m->name->retain(); default_size = m->name; } else default_size = 0; } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_file_name()' - Set the full filename. // void ppdcDriver::set_file_name(const char *f)// I - Filename { if (file_name) file_name->release(); file_name = new ppdcString(f); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_manufacturer()' - Set the manufacturer name. // void ppdcDriver::set_manufacturer( const char *m) // I - Model name { if (manufacturer) manufacturer->release(); manufacturer = new ppdcString(m); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_model_name()' - Set the model name. // void ppdcDriver::set_model_name( const char *m) // I - Model name { if (model_name) model_name->release(); model_name = new ppdcString(m); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_pc_file_name()' - Set the PC filename. // void ppdcDriver::set_pc_file_name( const char *f) // I - Filename { if (pc_file_name) pc_file_name->release(); pc_file_name = new ppdcString(f); } // // 'ppdcDriver::set_version()' - Set the version string. // void ppdcDriver::set_version(const char *v) // I - Version { if (version) version->release(); version = new ppdcString(v); } // // 'ppdcDriver::write_ppd_file()' - Write a PPD file... // int // O - 0 on success, -1 on failure ppdcDriver::write_ppd_file( cups_file_t *fp, // I - PPD file ppdcCatalog *catalog, // I - Message catalog ppdcArray *locales, // I - Additional languages to add ppdcSource *src, // I - Driver source ppdcLineEnding le) // I - Line endings to use { bool delete_cat; // Delete the catalog when we are done? char query[42], // Query attribute custom[42]; // Custom attribute ppdcString *s; // Copyright string ppdcGroup *g; // Current group ppdcOption *o; // Current option ppdcChoice *c; // Current choice ppdcMediaSize *m; // Current media size ppdcProfile *p; // Current color profile ppdcFilter *f; // Current filter ppdcFont *fn, // Current font *bfn; // Current base font ppdcConstraint *cn; // Current constraint ppdcAttr *a; // Current attribute const char *lf; // Linefeed character to use // If we don't have a message catalog, use an empty (English) one... if (!catalog) { catalog = new ppdcCatalog("en"); delete_cat = true; } else delete_cat = false; // Figure out the end-of-line string... if (le == PPDC_LFONLY) lf = "\n"; else if (le == PPDC_CRONLY) lf = "\r"; else lf = "\r\n"; // Write the standard header stuff... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PPD-Adobe: \"4.3\"%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%%%%%%%% PPD file for %s with CUPS.%s", model_name->value, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%%%%%%%% Created by the CUPS PPD Compiler " CUPS_SVERSION ".%s", lf); for (s = (ppdcString *)copyright->first(); s; s = (ppdcString *)copyright->next()) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%% %s%s", catalog->find_message(s->value), lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FormatVersion: \"4.3\"%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FileVersion: \"%s\"%s", version->value, lf); a = find_attr("LanguageVersion", NULL); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LanguageVersion: %s%s", catalog->find_message(a ? a->value->value : "English"), lf); a = find_attr("LanguageEncoding", NULL); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LanguageEncoding: %s%s", catalog->find_message(a ? a->value->value : "ISOLatin1"), lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PCFileName: \"%s\"%s", pc_file_name->value, lf); for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) if (!strcmp(a->name->value, "Product")) break; if (a) { for (; a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) if (!strcmp(a->name->value, "Product")) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Product: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Product: \"(%s)\"%s", model_name->value, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Manufacturer: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("ModelName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ModelName: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ModelName: \"%s %s\"%s", catalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), catalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ModelName: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("ShortNickName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ShortNickName: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ShortNickName: \"%s %s\"%s", catalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), catalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ShortNickName: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("NickName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*NickName: \"%s\"%s", catalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*NickName: \"%s %s, %s\"%s", catalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), catalog->find_message(model_name->value), version->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*NickName: \"%s, %s\"%s", catalog->find_message(model_name->value), version->value, lf); for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) if (!strcmp(a->name->value, "PSVersion")) break; if (a) { for (; a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) if (!strcmp(a->name->value, "PSVersion")) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PSVersion: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PSVersion: \"(3010.000) 0\"%s", lf); if ((a = find_attr("LanguageLevel", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LanguageLevel: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LanguageLevel: \"3\"%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ColorDevice: %s%s", color_device ? "True" : "False", lf); if ((a = find_attr("DefaultColorSpace", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultColorSpace: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultColorSpace: %s%s", color_device ? "RGB" : "Gray", lf); if ((a = find_attr("FileSystem", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FileSystem: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*FileSystem: False%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Throughput: \"%d\"%s", throughput, lf); if ((a = find_attr("LandscapeOrientation", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LandscapeOrientation: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90%s", lf); if ((a = find_attr("TTRasterizer", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*TTRasterizer: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else if (type != PPDC_DRIVER_PS) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*TTRasterizer: Type42%s", lf); struct lconv *loc = localeconv(); if (attrs->count) { // Write driver-defined attributes... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%% Driver-defined attributes...%s", lf); for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) { if (!strcmp(a->name->value, "Product") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "PSVersion") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "LanguageLevel") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "DefaultColorSpace") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "FileSystem") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "LandscapeOrientation") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "TTRasterizer") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "LanguageVersion") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "LanguageEncoding") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "ModelName") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "NickName") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "ShortNickName") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsVersion")) continue; if (a->name->value[0] == '?' && (find_option(a->name->value + 1) || !strcmp(a->name->value, "?ImageableArea") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "?PageRegion") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "?PageSize") || !strcmp(a->name->value, "?PaperDimension"))) continue; if (!strncmp(a->name->value, "Custom", 6) && find_option(a->name->value + 6)) continue; if (!strncmp(a->name->value, "ParamCustom", 11) && find_option(a->name->value + 11)) continue; if (!a->selector->value || !a->selector->value[0]) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s", a->name->value); else if (!a->text->value || !a->text->value[0]) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s", a->name->value, a->selector->value); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s/%s", a->name->value, a->selector->value, a->text->value); if (strcmp(a->value->value, "False") && strcmp(a->value->value, "True") && strcmp(a->name->value, "1284Modes") && strcmp(a->name->value, "InkName") && strcmp(a->name->value, "PageStackOrder") && strncmp(a->name->value, "ParamCustom", 11) && strcmp(a->name->value, "Protocols") && strcmp(a->name->value, "ReferencePunch") && strncmp(a->name->value, "Default", 7)) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, ": \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, ": %s%s", a->value->value, lf); } } if (type != PPDC_DRIVER_PS || filters->count) { if ((a = find_attr("cupsVersion", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsVersion: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsVersion: %d.%d%s", CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR, CUPS_VERSION_MINOR, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsModelNumber: %d%s", model_number, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsManualCopies: %s%s", manual_copies ? "True" : "False", lf); if (filters->count) { for (f = (ppdcFilter *)filters->first(); f; f = (ppdcFilter *)filters->next()) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"%s %d %s\"%s", f->mime_type->value, f->cost, f->program->value, lf); } else { switch (type) { case PPDC_DRIVER_LABEL : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-raster 50 " "rastertolabel\"%s", lf); break; case PPDC_DRIVER_EPSON : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-raster 50 " "rastertoepson\"%s", lf); break; case PPDC_DRIVER_ESCP : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-command 50 " "commandtoescpx\"%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-raster 50 " "rastertoescpx\"%s", lf); break; case PPDC_DRIVER_HP : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-raster 50 " "rastertohp\"%s", lf); break; case PPDC_DRIVER_PCL : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-command 50 " "commandtopclx\"%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsFilter: \"application/vnd.cups-raster 50 " "rastertopclx\"%s", lf); break; default : break; } } for (p = (ppdcProfile *)profiles->first(); p; p = (ppdcProfile *)profiles->next()) { char density[255], gamma[255], profile[9][255]; _cupsStrFormatd(density, density + sizeof(density), p->density, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(gamma, gamma + sizeof(gamma), p->gamma, loc); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++) _cupsStrFormatd(profile[i], profile[i] + sizeof(profile[0]), p->profile[i], loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsColorProfile %s/%s: \"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s " "%s\"%s", p->resolution->value, p->media_type->value, density, gamma, profile[0], profile[1], profile[2], profile[3], profile[4], profile[5], profile[6], profile[7], profile[8], lf); } } if (locales) { // Add localizations for additional languages... ppdcString *locale; // Locale name ppdcCatalog *locatalog; // Message catalog for locale // Write the list of languages... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*cupsLanguages: \"en"); for (locale = (ppdcString *)locales->first(); locale; locale = (ppdcString *)locales->next()) { // Skip (US) English... if (!strcmp(locale->value, "en") || !strcmp(locale->value, "en_US")) continue; // See if we have a po file for this language... if (!src->find_po(locale->value)) { // No, see if we can use the base file? locatalog = new ppdcCatalog(locale->value); if (locatalog->messages->count == 0) { // No, skip this one... _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("ppdc: No message catalog provided for locale " "%s."), locale->value); continue; } // Add the base file to the list... src->po_files->add(locatalog); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", locale->value); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\"%s", lf); } for (cn = (ppdcConstraint *)constraints->first(); cn; cn = (ppdcConstraint *)constraints->next()) { // First constrain 1 against 2... if (!strncmp(cn->option1->value, "*Custom", 7) || !strncmp(cn->option2->value, "*Custom", 7)) cupsFilePuts(fp, "*NonUIConstraints: "); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "*UIConstraints: "); if (cn->option1->value[0] != '*') cupsFilePutChar(fp, '*'); cupsFilePuts(fp, cn->option1->value); if (cn->choice1->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", cn->choice1->value); cupsFilePutChar(fp, ' '); if (cn->option2->value[0] != '*') cupsFilePutChar(fp, '*'); cupsFilePuts(fp, cn->option2->value); if (cn->choice2->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", cn->choice2->value); cupsFilePuts(fp, lf); // Then constrain 2 against 1... if (!strncmp(cn->option1->value, "*Custom", 7) || !strncmp(cn->option2->value, "*Custom", 7)) cupsFilePuts(fp, "*NonUIConstraints: "); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "*UIConstraints: "); if (cn->option2->value[0] != '*') cupsFilePutChar(fp, '*'); cupsFilePuts(fp, cn->option2->value); if (cn->choice2->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", cn->choice2->value); cupsFilePutChar(fp, ' '); if (cn->option1->value[0] != '*') cupsFilePutChar(fp, '*'); cupsFilePuts(fp, cn->option1->value); if (cn->choice1->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, " %s", cn->choice1->value); cupsFilePuts(fp, lf); } // PageSize option... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *PageSize/Media Size: PickOne%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageSize%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultPageSize: %s%s", default_size ? default_size->value : "Letter", lf); for (m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->first(); m; m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->next()) if (m->size_code->value) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageSize %s/%s: \"%s\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), m->size_code->value, lf); if (strchr(m->size_code->value, '\n') || strchr(m->size_code->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageSize %s/%s: \"<>setpagedevice\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), m->width, m->length, lf); if ((a = find_attr("?PageSize", NULL)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*?PageSize: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CloseUI: *PageSize%s", lf); // PageRegion option... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *PageRegion/Media Size: PickOne%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *PageRegion%s", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultPageRegion: %s%s", default_size ? default_size->value : "Letter", lf); for (m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->first(); m; m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->next()) if (m->region_code->value) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageRegion %s/%s: \"%s\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), m->region_code->value, lf); if (strchr(m->region_code->value, '\n') || strchr(m->region_code->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PageRegion %s/%s: \"<>setpagedevice\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), m->width, m->length, lf); if ((a = find_attr("?PageRegion", NULL)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*?PageRegion: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CloseUI: *PageRegion%s", lf); // ImageableArea info... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultImageableArea: %s%s", default_size ? default_size->value : "Letter", lf); char left[255], right[255], bottom[255], top[255]; for (m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->first(); m; m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->next()) { _cupsStrFormatd(left, left + sizeof(left), m->left, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(bottom, bottom + sizeof(bottom), m->bottom, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(right, right + sizeof(right), m->width - m->right, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(top, top + sizeof(top), m->length - m->top, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ImageableArea %s/%s: \"%s %s %s %s\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), left, bottom, right, top, lf); } if ((a = find_attr("?ImageableArea", NULL)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*?ImageableArea: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } // PaperDimension info... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultPaperDimension: %s%s", default_size ? default_size->value : "Letter", lf); char width[255], length[255]; for (m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->first(); m; m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->next()) { _cupsStrFormatd(width, width + sizeof(width), m->width, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(length, length + sizeof(length), m->length, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*PaperDimension %s/%s: \"%s %s\"%s", m->name->value, catalog->find_message(m->text->value), width, length, lf); } if ((a = find_attr("?PaperDimension", NULL)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*?PaperDimension: \"%s\"%s", a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } // Custom size support... if (variable_paper_size) { _cupsStrFormatd(width, width + sizeof(width), max_width, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(length, length + sizeof(length), max_length, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(left, left + sizeof(left), left_margin, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(bottom, bottom + sizeof(bottom), bottom_margin, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(right, right + sizeof(right), right_margin, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(top, top + sizeof(top), top_margin, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*MaxMediaWidth: \"%s\"%s", width, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*MaxMediaHeight: \"%s\"%s", length, lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*HWMargins: %s %s %s %s%s", left, bottom, right, top, lf); if (custom_size_code && custom_size_code->value) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CustomPageSize True: \"%s\"%s", custom_size_code->value, lf); if (strchr(custom_size_code->value, '\n') || strchr(custom_size_code->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CustomPageSize True: \"pop pop pop <>setpagedevice\"%s", lf); if ((a = find_attr("ParamCustomPageSize", "Width")) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Width: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else { char width0[255]; _cupsStrFormatd(width0, width0 + sizeof(width0), min_width, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(width, width + sizeof(width), max_width, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Width: 1 points %s %s%s", width0, width, lf); } if ((a = find_attr("ParamCustomPageSize", "Height")) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Height: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else { char length0[255]; _cupsStrFormatd(length0, length0 + sizeof(length0), min_length, loc); _cupsStrFormatd(length, length + sizeof(length), max_length, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Height: 2 points %s %s%s", length0, length, lf); } if ((a = find_attr("ParamCustomPageSize", "WidthOffset")) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize WidthOffset: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize WidthOffset: 3 points 0 0%s", lf); if ((a = find_attr("ParamCustomPageSize", "HeightOffset")) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize HeightOffset: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize HeightOffset: 4 points 0 0%s", lf); if ((a = find_attr("ParamCustomPageSize", "Orientation")) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Orientation: %s%s", a->value->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*ParamCustomPageSize Orientation: 5 int 0 0%s", lf); } // All other options... for (g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->next()) { if (!g->options->count) continue; if (_cups_strcasecmp(g->name->value, "General")) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenGroup: %s/%s%s", g->name->value, catalog->find_message(g->text->value), lf); for (o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->first(); o; o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->next()) { if (!o->choices->count) continue; if (!o->text->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *%s/%s: ", o->name->value, catalog->find_message(o->name->value)); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OpenUI *%s/%s: ", o->name->value, catalog->find_message(o->text->value)); switch (o->type) { case PPDC_BOOLEAN : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Boolean%s", lf); break; default : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "PickOne%s", lf); break; case PPDC_PICKMANY : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "PickMany%s", lf); break; } char order[255]; _cupsStrFormatd(order, order + sizeof(order), o->order, loc); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*OrderDependency: %s ", order); switch (o->section) { default : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "AnySetup"); break; case PPDC_SECTION_DOCUMENT : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "DocumentSetup"); break; case PPDC_SECTION_EXIT : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "ExitServer"); break; case PPDC_SECTION_JCL : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "JCLSetup"); break; case PPDC_SECTION_PAGE : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "PageSetup"); break; case PPDC_SECTION_PROLOG : cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Prolog"); break; } cupsFilePrintf(fp, " *%s%s", o->name->value, lf); if (o->defchoice) { // Use the programmer-supplied default... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Default%s: %s%s", o->name->value, o->defchoice->value, lf); } else { // Make the first choice the default... c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->first(); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Default%s: %s%s", o->name->value, c->name->value, lf); } for (c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->first(); c; c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->next()) { // Write this choice... if (!c->text->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"%s", o->name->value, c->name->value, catalog->find_message(c->name->value), c->code->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s/%s: \"%s\"%s", o->name->value, c->name->value, catalog->find_message(c->text->value), c->code->value, lf); // Multi-line commands need a *End line to terminate them. if (strchr(c->code->value, '\n') || strchr(c->code->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "?%s", o->name->value); if ((a = find_attr(query, NULL)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s: \"%s\"%s", query, a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CloseUI: *%s%s", o->name->value, lf); snprintf(custom, sizeof(custom), "Custom%s", o->name->value); if ((a = find_attr(custom, "True")) != NULL) { // Output custom option information... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s True: \"%s\"%s", custom, a->value->value, lf); if (strchr(a->value->value, '\n') || strchr(a->value->value, '\r')) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*End%s", lf); snprintf(custom, sizeof(custom), "ParamCustom%s", o->name->value); for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) { if (strcmp(a->name->value, custom)) continue; if (!a->selector->value || !a->selector->value[0]) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s", a->name->value); else if (!a->text->value || !a->text->value[0]) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s/%s", a->name->value, a->selector->value, catalog->find_message(a->selector->value)); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s %s/%s", a->name->value, a->selector->value, catalog->find_message(a->text->value)); cupsFilePrintf(fp, ": %s%s", a->value->value, lf); } } } if (_cups_strcasecmp(g->name->value, "General")) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*CloseGroup: %s%s", g->name->value, lf); } if (locales) { // Add localizations for additional languages... ppdcString *locale; // Locale name ppdcCatalog *locatalog; // Message catalog for locale // Write the translation strings for each language... for (locale = (ppdcString *)locales->first(); locale; locale = (ppdcString *)locales->next()) { // Skip (US) English... if (!strcmp(locale->value, "en") || !strcmp(locale->value, "en_US")) continue; // Skip missing languages... if ((locatalog = src->find_po(locale->value)) == NULL) continue; // Do the core stuff first... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation Manufacturer/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("ModelName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ModelName/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ModelName/%s %s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ModelName/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("ShortNickName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ShortNickName/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ShortNickName/%s %s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation ShortNickName/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), lf); if ((a = find_attr("NickName", NULL)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation NickName/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(a->value->value), lf); else if (_cups_strncasecmp(model_name->value, manufacturer->value, strlen(manufacturer->value))) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation NickName/%s %s, %s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(manufacturer->value), locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), version->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation NickName/%s, %s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message(model_name->value), version->value, lf); // Then the page sizes... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation PageSize/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, locatalog->find_message("Media Size"), lf); for (m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->first(); m; m = (ppdcMediaSize *)sizes->next()) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.PageSize %s/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, m->name->value, locatalog->find_message(m->text->value), lf); } // Next the groups and options... for (g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->first(); g; g = (ppdcGroup *)groups->next()) { if (!g->options->count) continue; if (_cups_strcasecmp(g->name->value, "General")) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation %s/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, g->name->value, locatalog->find_message(g->text->value), lf); for (o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->first(); o; o = (ppdcOption *)g->options->next()) { if (!o->choices->count) continue; cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.Translation %s/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, o->name->value, locatalog->find_message(o->text->value ? o->text->value : o->name->value), lf); for (c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->first(); c; c = (ppdcChoice *)o->choices->next()) { // Write this choice... cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.%s %s/%s: \"\"%s", locale->value, o->name->value, c->name->value, locatalog->find_message(c->text->value ? c->text->value : c->name->value), lf); } } } // Finally the localizable attributes... for (a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->first(); a; a = (ppdcAttr *)attrs->next()) { if (!a->localizable && (!a->text || !a->text->value || !a->text->value[0]) && strcmp(a->name->value, "APCustomColorMatchingName") && strcmp(a->name->value, "APPrinterPreset") && strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsICCProfile") && strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsIPPReason") && strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsMarkerName") && strncmp(a->name->value, "Custom", 6) && strncmp(a->name->value, "ParamCustom", 11)) continue; cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%s.%s %s/%s: \"%s\"%s", locale->value, a->name->value, a->selector->value, locatalog->find_message(a->text && a->text->value ? a->text->value : a->name->value), ((a->localizable && a->value->value[0]) || !strcmp(a->name->value, "cupsIPPReason")) ? locatalog->find_message(a->value->value) : "", lf); } } } if (default_font && default_font->value) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultFont: %s%s", default_font->value, lf); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*DefaultFont: Courier%s", lf); for (fn = (ppdcFont *)fonts->first(); fn; fn = (ppdcFont *)fonts->next()) if (!strcmp(fn->name->value, "*")) { for (bfn = (ppdcFont *)src->base_fonts->first(); bfn; bfn = (ppdcFont *)src->base_fonts->next()) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Font %s: %s \"%s\" %s %s%s", bfn->name->value, bfn->encoding->value, bfn->version->value, bfn->charset->value, bfn->status == PPDC_FONT_ROM ? "ROM" : "Disk", lf); } else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*Font %s: %s \"%s\" %s %s%s", fn->name->value, fn->encoding->value, fn->version->value, fn->charset->value, fn->status == PPDC_FONT_ROM ? "ROM" : "Disk", lf); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "*%% End of %s, %05d bytes.%s", pc_file_name->value, (int)(cupsFileTell(fp) + 25 + strlen(pc_file_name->value)), lf); if (delete_cat) catalog->release(); return (0); } // // End of "$Id: ppdc-driver.cxx 9793 2011-05-20 03:49:49Z mike $". //