# $Id: mk_bc3.mak 278 2003-02-24 02:27:53Z darren $ # # Simple makefile for Borland C++ 3.1 !include source.mak # Adjust the paths to your location of the borland C files BCCLOC = c:\borlandc CC = $(BCCLOC)\bin\bcc INC = -I$(BCCLOC)\include LIB = -L$(BCCLOC)\lib # Add this file for wildcard expansion (does NOT work with 4.0!) #EXTRA = $(BCCLOC)\lib\wildargs.obj # The following compile options can be changed for better machines. # replace -1- with -2 to produce code for a 80286 or higher # replace -1- with -3 to produce code for a 80386 or higher # add -v for source debugging OPTIMIZE= -1- -O1 CFLAGS = -DMSDOS -ml -d -w-ccc -w-par -w-pia -w-rch -w-sus $(INC) LFLAGS = $(LIB) $(EXTRA) EXTRA_LIBS = ctags.exe: $(SOURCES) respbc3 $(CC) $(OPTIMIZE) -e$@ @respbc3 debug: dctags.exe dctags.exe: $(SOURCES) respbc3 debug.c $(CC) -DDEBUG -v -e$@ @respbc3 debug.c respbc3: mk_bc3.mak copy &&| $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(SOURCES) $(EXTRA_LIBS) | $@ clean: del *.exe del *.obj del respbc3 del tags