/* * $Id: lisp.c 717 2009-07-07 03:40:50Z dhiebert $ * * Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * This module contains functions for generating tags for LISP files. */ /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* must always come first */ #include "parse.h" #include "read.h" #include "vstring.h" /* * DATA DEFINITIONS */ typedef enum { K_FUNCTION } lispKind; static kindOption LispKinds [] = { { TRUE, 'f', "function", "functions" } }; /* * FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ /* * lisp tag functions * look for (def or (DEF, quote or QUOTE */ static int L_isdef (const unsigned char *strp) { return ( (strp [1] == 'd' || strp [1] == 'D') && (strp [2] == 'e' || strp [2] == 'E') && (strp [3] == 'f' || strp [3] == 'F')); } static int L_isquote (const unsigned char *strp) { return ( (*(++strp) == 'q' || *strp == 'Q') && (*(++strp) == 'u' || *strp == 'U') && (*(++strp) == 'o' || *strp == 'O') && (*(++strp) == 't' || *strp == 'T') && (*(++strp) == 'e' || *strp == 'E') && isspace (*(++strp))); } static void L_getit (vString *const name, const unsigned char *dbp) { const unsigned char *p; if (*dbp == '\'') /* Skip prefix quote */ dbp++; else if (*dbp == '(' && L_isquote (dbp)) /* Skip "(quote " */ { dbp += 7; while (isspace (*dbp)) dbp++; } for (p=dbp ; *p!='\0' && *p!='(' && !isspace ((int) *p) && *p!=')' ; p++) vStringPut (name, *p); vStringTerminate (name); if (vStringLength (name) > 0) makeSimpleTag (name, LispKinds, K_FUNCTION); vStringClear (name); } /* Algorithm adapted from from GNU etags. */ static void findLispTags (void) { vString *name = vStringNew (); const unsigned char* p; while ((p = fileReadLine ()) != NULL) { if (*p == '(') { if (L_isdef (p)) { while (*p != '\0' && !isspace ((int) *p)) p++; while (isspace ((int) *p)) p++; L_getit (name, p); } else { /* Check for (foo::defmumble name-defined ... */ do p++; while (*p != '\0' && !isspace ((int) *p) && *p != ':' && *p != '(' && *p != ')'); if (*p == ':') { do p++; while (*p == ':'); if (L_isdef (p - 1)) { while (*p != '\0' && !isspace ((int) *p)) p++; while (isspace (*p)) p++; L_getit (name, p); } } } } } vStringDelete (name); } extern parserDefinition* LispParser (void) { static const char *const extensions [] = { "cl", "clisp", "el", "l", "lisp", "lsp", NULL }; parserDefinition* def = parserNew ("Lisp"); def->kinds = LispKinds; def->kindCount = KIND_COUNT (LispKinds); def->extensions = extensions; def->parser = findLispTags; return def; } /* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */