@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @REM @REM This script provides x86 LEGACY_BACKEND JIT test environment settings @REM @REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set COMPLUS_AltJit=* set COMPLUS_AltJitNgen=* set COMPLUS_AltJitName=legacyjit.dll set COMPLUS_NoGuiOnAssert=1 set COMPLUS_AltJitAssertOnNYI=1 @REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @REM A JitFuncInfoLogFile is a per-function record of which functions were @REM compiled, and what asserts and NYI were hit. @REM @REM If you wish to collect FuncInfo, choose one of the following collection @REM methods to use, by uncommenting the appropriate option. @REM Option 1: collect a single FuncInfoLogFile for all tests. @REM TO DO: set a single, fully-qualified pathname here. @REM ==== Uncomment below @REM set COMPLUS_JitFuncInfoLogFile=%TEMP%\JitFuncInfoLogFile.txt @REM ==== Uncomment above @REM Option #2: collect one FuncInfoLogFile per test, and put it in @REM the same directory as the test. Note that each tests lives in @REM its own directory, and the current directory is set to the unique @REM test directory before this script is invoked. @REM ==== Uncomment below @REM set __TestDir=%CD% @REM if %__TestDir:~-1%==\ set __TestDir=%__TestDir:~0,-1% @REM set COMPLUS_JitFuncInfoLogFile=%__TestDir%\FuncInfo.txt @REM ==== Uncomment above @REM Option #3: collect one FuncInfoLogFile per test, and put all of @REM them in a separate directory tree rooted at %__FuncInfoRootDir%. @REM If that is set globally already, then use it. Otherwise, use a @REM default set here. The directory tree will mirror the test binary tree. @REM Note that the current directory is set to the unique test directory @REM before this script is invoked. @REM ==== Uncomment below @REM if not defined __FuncInfoRootDir set __FuncInfoRootDir=c:\FuncInfos @REM set __TestDir=%CD% @REM if %__TestDir:~-1%==\ set __TestDir=%__TestDir:~0,-1% @REM if %__TestDir:~1,1%==: set __TestDir=%__TestDir:~3% @REM set __FuncInfoDir=%__FuncInfoRootDir%\%__TestDir% @REM if not exist %__FuncInfoDir% mkdir %__FuncInfoDir% @REM set COMPLUS_JitFuncInfoLogFile=%__FuncInfoDir%\FuncInfo.txt @REM ==== Uncomment above @REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------