using CommandLine; using CommandLine.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Microsoft.Xunit.Performance.Api; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SoDBench { // A simple tree node for tracking file and directory names and sizes // Does not have to accurately represent the true file system; only what we care about class SizeReportingNode { public SizeReportingNode(string name, long? size=null, bool expand=true) { Name = name; _size = size; Expanded = expand; } public SizeReportingNode(FileInfo file, bool expand=true) { Name = file.Name; _size = file.Length; Expanded = expand; } // Builds out the tree starting from a directory public SizeReportingNode(DirectoryInfo dir, int? reportingDepth=null) { Name = dir.Name; foreach (var childDir in dir.EnumerateDirectories()) { AddChild(new SizeReportingNode(childDir)); } foreach (var childFile in dir.EnumerateFiles()) { AddChild(new SizeReportingNode(childFile)); } if (reportingDepth != null) { LimitReportingDepth(reportingDepth ?? 0); } } // The directory containing this node public SizeReportingNode Parent { get; set; } // All the directories and files this node contains public List Children {get; private set;} = new List(); // The file or directory name public string Name { get; set; } public bool Expanded { get; set; } = true; // A list version of the path up to the root level we care about public List SegmentedPath { get { if (Parent != null) { var path = Parent.SegmentedPath; path.Add(Name); return path; } return new List { Name }; } } // The size of the file or directory public long Size { get { if (_size == null) { _size = 0; foreach (var node in Children) { _size += node.Size; } } return _size ?? 0; } private set { _size = value; } } // Add the adoptee node as a child and set the adoptee's parent public void AddChild(SizeReportingNode adoptee) { Children.Add(adoptee); adoptee.Parent = this; _size = null; } public void LimitReportingDepth(int depth) { if (depth <= 0) { Expanded = false; } foreach (var childNode in Children) { childNode.LimitReportingDepth(depth-1); } } // Return a CSV formatted string representation of the tree public string FormatAsCsv() { return FormatAsCsv(new StringBuilder()).ToString(); } // Add to the string build a csv formatted representation of the tree public StringBuilder FormatAsCsv(StringBuilder builder) { string path = String.Join(",", SegmentedPath.Select(s => Csv.Escape(s))); builder.AppendLine($"{path},{Size}"); if (Expanded) { foreach (var childNode in Children) { childNode.FormatAsCsv(builder); } } return builder; } private long? _size = null; } class Program { public static readonly string NugetConfig = @" "; public static readonly string[] NewTemplates = new string[] { "console", "classlib", "mstest", "xunit", "web", "mvc", "razor", "webapi", "nugetconfig", "webconfig", "sln", "page", "viewimports", "viewstart" }; public static readonly string[] OperatingSystems = new string[] { "win10-x64", "win10-x86", "ubuntu.16.10-x64", "rhel.7-x64" }; static FileInfo s_dotnetExe; static DirectoryInfo s_sandboxDir; static DirectoryInfo s_fallbackDir; static DirectoryInfo s_corelibsDir; static bool s_keepArtifacts; static string s_targetArchitecture; static string s_dotnetChannel; static void Main(string[] args) { try { var options = SoDBenchOptions.Parse(args); s_targetArchitecture = options.TargetArchitecture; s_dotnetChannel = options.DotnetChannel; s_keepArtifacts = options.KeepArtifacts; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.DotnetExecutable)) { s_dotnetExe = new FileInfo(options.DotnetExecutable); } if (s_sandboxDir == null) { // Truncate the Guid used for anti-collision because a full Guid results in expanded paths over 260 chars (the Windows max) s_sandboxDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"sod{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0,13)}")); s_sandboxDir.Create(); Console.WriteLine($"** Running inside sandbox directory: {s_sandboxDir}"); } if (s_dotnetExe == null) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CoreLibariesDirectory)) { Console.WriteLine($"** Using core libraries found at {options.CoreLibariesDirectory}"); s_corelibsDir = new DirectoryInfo(options.CoreLibariesDirectory); } else { var coreroot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CORE_ROOT"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(coreroot) && Directory.Exists(coreroot)) { Console.WriteLine($"** Using core libraries from CORE_ROOT at {coreroot}"); s_corelibsDir = new DirectoryInfo(coreroot); } else { Console.WriteLine("** Using default dotnet-cli core libraries"); } } PrintHeader("** Installing Dotnet CLI"); s_dotnetExe = SetupDotnet(); } if (s_fallbackDir == null) { s_fallbackDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(s_sandboxDir.FullName, "fallback")); s_fallbackDir.Create(); } Console.WriteLine($"** Path to dotnet executable: {s_dotnetExe.FullName}"); PrintHeader("** Starting acquisition size test"); var acquisition = GetAcquisitionSize(); PrintHeader("** Running deployment size test"); var deployment = GetDeploymentSize(); var root = new SizeReportingNode("Dotnet Total"); root.AddChild(acquisition); root.AddChild(deployment); var formattedStr = root.FormatAsCsv(); File.WriteAllText(options.OutputFilename, formattedStr); if (options.Verbose) Console.WriteLine($"** CSV Output:\n{formattedStr}"); } finally { if (!s_keepArtifacts && s_sandboxDir != null) { PrintHeader("** Cleaning up sandbox directory"); DeleteDirectory(s_sandboxDir); s_sandboxDir = null; } } } private static void PrintHeader(string message) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("**********************************************************************"); Console.WriteLine($"** {message}"); Console.WriteLine("**********************************************************************"); } private static SizeReportingNode GetAcquisitionSize() { var result = new SizeReportingNode("Acquisition Size"); // Arbitrary command to trigger first time setup ProcessStartInfo dotnet = new ProcessStartInfo() { WorkingDirectory = s_sandboxDir.FullName, FileName = s_dotnetExe.FullName, Arguments = "new" }; // Used to set where the packages will be unpacked to. // There is a no gaurentee that this is a stable method, but is the only way currently to set the fallback folder location dotnet.Environment["DOTNET_CLI_TEST_FALLBACKFOLDER"] = s_fallbackDir.FullName; LaunchProcess(dotnet, 180000); Console.WriteLine("\n** Measuring total size of acquired files"); result.AddChild(new SizeReportingNode(s_fallbackDir, 1)); var dotnetNode = new SizeReportingNode(s_dotnetExe.Directory); var reportingDepths = new Dictionary { {"additionalDeps", 1}, {"host", 0}, {"sdk", 2}, {"shared", 2}, {"store", 3} }; foreach (var childNode in dotnetNode.Children) { int depth = 0; if (reportingDepths.TryGetValue(childNode.Name, out depth)) { childNode.LimitReportingDepth(depth); } } result.AddChild(dotnetNode); return result; } private static SizeReportingNode GetDeploymentSize() { // Write the NuGet.Config file var nugetConfFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(s_sandboxDir.FullName, "NuGet.Config")); File.WriteAllText(nugetConfFile.FullName, NugetConfig); var result = new SizeReportingNode("Deployment Size"); foreach (string template in NewTemplates) { var templateNode = new SizeReportingNode(template); result.AddChild(templateNode); foreach (var os in OperatingSystems) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\n** Deploying {template}/{os}"); var deploymentSandbox = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(s_sandboxDir.FullName, template, os)); var publishDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(deploymentSandbox.FullName, "publish")); deploymentSandbox.Create(); ProcessStartInfo dotnetNew = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = s_dotnetExe.FullName, Arguments = $"new {template}", UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = deploymentSandbox.FullName }; dotnetNew.Environment["DOTNET_CLI_TEST_FALLBACKFOLDER"] = s_fallbackDir.FullName; ProcessStartInfo dotnetRestore = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = s_dotnetExe.FullName, Arguments = $"restore --runtime {os}", UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = deploymentSandbox.FullName }; dotnetRestore.Environment["DOTNET_CLI_TEST_FALLBACKFOLDER"] = s_fallbackDir.FullName; ProcessStartInfo dotnetPublish = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = s_dotnetExe.FullName, // The UserSharedCompiler flag is set to false to prevent handles from being held that will later cause deletion of the installed SDK to fail. Arguments = $"publish -c Release --runtime {os} --output {publishDir.FullName} /p:UseSharedCompilation=false /p:UseRazorBuildServer=false", UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = deploymentSandbox.FullName }; dotnetPublish.Environment["DOTNET_CLI_TEST_FALLBACKFOLDER"] = s_fallbackDir.FullName; try { LaunchProcess(dotnetNew, 180000); if (deploymentSandbox.EnumerateFiles().Any(f => f.Name.EndsWith("proj"))) { LaunchProcess(dotnetRestore, 180000); LaunchProcess(dotnetPublish, 180000); } else { Console.WriteLine($"** {template} does not have a project file to restore or publish"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); continue; } // If we published this project, only report it's published size if (publishDir.Exists) { var publishNode = new SizeReportingNode(publishDir, 0); publishNode.Name = deploymentSandbox.Name; templateNode.AddChild(publishNode); if (publishNode.Size <= 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{publishNode.Name} reports as invalid size {publishNode.Size}"); } } else { templateNode.AddChild(new SizeReportingNode(deploymentSandbox, 0)); } } } return result; } private static void DownloadDotnetInstaller() { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo() { WorkingDirectory = s_sandboxDir.FullName, FileName = @"powershell.exe", Arguments = $"-NoProfile wget -OutFile Dotnet-Install.ps1" }; LaunchProcess(psi, 180000); } private static void InstallSharedRuntime() { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo() { WorkingDirectory = s_sandboxDir.FullName, FileName = @"powershell.exe", Arguments = $"-NoProfile .\\Dotnet-Install.ps1 -Runtime dotnet -InstallDir .dotnet -Channel {s_dotnetChannel} -Architecture {s_targetArchitecture}" }; LaunchProcess(psi, 180000); } private static void InstallDotnet() { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo() { WorkingDirectory = s_sandboxDir.FullName, FileName = @"powershell.exe", Arguments = $"-NoProfile .\\Dotnet-Install.ps1 -InstallDir .dotnet -Channel {s_dotnetChannel} -Architecture {s_targetArchitecture}" }; LaunchProcess(psi, 180000); } private static void ModifySharedFramework() { // Current working directory is the /sandbox directory. Console.WriteLine($"** Modifying the shared framework."); var sourcedi = s_corelibsDir; // Get the directory containing the newest version of Microsodt.NETCore.App libraries var targetdi = new DirectoryInfo( new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(s_sandboxDir.FullName, ".dotnet", "shared", "Microsoft.NETCore.App")) .GetDirectories("*") .OrderBy(s => s.Name) .Last() .FullName); Console.WriteLine($"| Source : {sourcedi.FullName}"); Console.WriteLine($"| Target : {targetdi.FullName}"); var compiledBinariesOfInterest = new string[] { "clretwrc.dll", "clrjit.dll", "coreclr.dll", "mscordaccore.dll", "mscordbi.dll", "mscorrc.debug.dll", "mscorrc.dll", "sos.dll", "SOS.NETCore.dll", "System.Private.CoreLib.dll" }; foreach (var compiledBinaryOfInterest in compiledBinariesOfInterest) { foreach (FileInfo fi in targetdi.GetFiles(compiledBinaryOfInterest)) { var sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(sourcedi.FullName, fi.Name); var targetFilePath = Path.Combine(targetdi.FullName, fi.Name); if (File.Exists(sourceFilePath)) { File.Copy(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath, true); Console.WriteLine($"| Copied file - '{fi.Name}'"); } } } } private static FileInfo SetupDotnet() { DownloadDotnetInstaller(); InstallSharedRuntime(); InstallDotnet(); if (s_corelibsDir != null) { ModifySharedFramework(); } var dotnetExe = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(s_sandboxDir.FullName, ".dotnet", "dotnet.exe")); Debug.Assert(dotnetExe.Exists); return dotnetExe; } private static void LaunchProcess(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo, int timeoutMilliseconds, IDictionary environment = null) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"{System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name}@{Environment.MachineName} \"{processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory}\""); Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] $ {processStartInfo.FileName} {processStartInfo.Arguments}"); if (environment != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair pair in environment) { if (!processStartInfo.Environment.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) processStartInfo.Environment.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); else processStartInfo.Environment[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } } using (var p = new Process() { StartInfo = processStartInfo }) { p.Start(); if (p.WaitForExit(timeoutMilliseconds) == false) { // FIXME: What about clean/kill child processes? p.Kill(); throw new TimeoutException($"The process '{processStartInfo.FileName} {processStartInfo.Arguments}' timed out."); } if (p.ExitCode != 0) throw new Exception($"{processStartInfo.FileName} exited with error code {p.ExitCode}"); } } /// /// Provides an interface to parse the command line arguments passed to the SoDBench. /// private sealed class SoDBenchOptions { public SoDBenchOptions() { } private static string NormalizePath(string path) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{path}' is an invalid path: cannot be null or whitespace"); if (path.Any(c => Path.GetInvalidPathChars().Contains(c))) throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{path}' is an invalid path: contains invalid characters"); return Path.IsPathRooted(path) ? path : Path.GetFullPath(path); } [Option('o', Required = false, HelpText = "Specifies the output file name for the csv document")] public string OutputFilename { get { return _outputFilename; } set { _outputFilename = NormalizePath(value); } } [Option("dotnet", Required = false, HelpText = "Specifies the location of dotnet cli to use.")] public string DotnetExecutable { get { return _dotnetExe; } set { _dotnetExe = NormalizePath(value); } } [Option("corelibs", Required = false, HelpText = "Specifies the location of .NET Core libaries to patch into dotnet. Cannot be used with --dotnet")] public string CoreLibariesDirectory { get { return _corelibsDir; } set { _corelibsDir = NormalizePath(value); } } [Option("architecture", Required = false, Default = "x64", HelpText = "JitBench target architecture (It must match the built product that was copied into sandbox).")] public string TargetArchitecture { get; set; } [Option("channel", Required = false, Default = "master", HelpText = "Specifies the channel to use when installing the dotnet-cli")] public string DotnetChannel { get; set; } [Option('v', Required = false, HelpText = "Sets output to verbose")] public bool Verbose { get; set; } [Option("keep-artifacts", Required = false, HelpText = "Specifies that artifacts of this run should be kept")] public bool KeepArtifacts { get; set; } public static SoDBenchOptions Parse(string[] args) { using (var parser = new Parser((settings) => { settings.CaseInsensitiveEnumValues = true; settings.CaseSensitive = false; settings.HelpWriter = new StringWriter(); settings.IgnoreUnknownArguments = true; })) { SoDBenchOptions options = null; parser.ParseArguments(args) .WithParsed(parsed => options = parsed) .WithNotParsed(errors => { foreach (Error error in errors) { switch (error.Tag) { case ErrorType.MissingValueOptionError: throw new ArgumentException( $"Missing value option for command line argument '{(error as MissingValueOptionError).NameInfo.NameText}'"); case ErrorType.HelpRequestedError: Console.WriteLine(Usage()); Environment.Exit(0); break; case ErrorType.VersionRequestedError: Console.WriteLine(new AssemblyName(typeof(SoDBenchOptions).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName).Version); Environment.Exit(0); break; case ErrorType.BadFormatTokenError: case ErrorType.UnknownOptionError: case ErrorType.MissingRequiredOptionError: case ErrorType.MutuallyExclusiveSetError: case ErrorType.BadFormatConversionError: case ErrorType.SequenceOutOfRangeError: case ErrorType.RepeatedOptionError: case ErrorType.NoVerbSelectedError: case ErrorType.BadVerbSelectedError: case ErrorType.HelpVerbRequestedError: break; } } }); if (options != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DotnetExecutable) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.CoreLibariesDirectory)) { throw new ArgumentException("--dotnet and --corlibs cannot be used together"); } return options; } } public static string Usage() { var parser = new Parser((parserSettings) => { parserSettings.CaseInsensitiveEnumValues = true; parserSettings.CaseSensitive = false; parserSettings.EnableDashDash = true; parserSettings.HelpWriter = new StringWriter(); parserSettings.IgnoreUnknownArguments = true; }); var helpTextString = new HelpText { AddDashesToOption = true, AddEnumValuesToHelpText = true, AdditionalNewLineAfterOption = false, Heading = "SoDBench", MaximumDisplayWidth = 80, }.AddOptions(parser.ParseArguments(new string[] { "--help" })).ToString(); return helpTextString; } private string _dotnetExe; private string _corelibsDir; private string _outputFilename = "measurement.csv"; } private static void DeleteDirectory(DirectoryInfo dir, uint maxWait=10000) { foreach (var subdir in dir.GetDirectories()) { DeleteDirectory(subdir); } // Give it time to actually delete all the files var files = dir.GetFiles(); bool wait = true; uint waitTime = 0; while (wait) { wait = false; foreach (var f in files) { if (File.Exists(f.FullName)) { try { File.Delete(f.FullName); } catch (IOException) { if (waitTime > maxWait) throw; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { if (waitTime > maxWait) throw; } if (File.Exists(f.FullName)) { wait = true; // Print a message every 3 seconds if the thread is stuck if (waitTime != 0 && waitTime % 3000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Waiting to delete {f.FullName}"); } } } } // Try again in 100ms if (wait) { Thread.Sleep(100); waitTime += 100; } } Directory.Delete(dir.FullName); } } // A simple class for escaping strings for CSV writing // // Used instead of a package because only these < 20 lines of code are needed public static class Csv { public static string Escape( string s ) { if ( s.Contains( QUOTE ) ) s = s.Replace( QUOTE, ESCAPED_QUOTE ); if ( s.IndexOfAny( CHARACTERS_THAT_MUST_BE_QUOTED ) > -1 ) s = QUOTE + s + QUOTE; return s; } private const string QUOTE = "\""; private const string ESCAPED_QUOTE = "\"\""; private static char[] CHARACTERS_THAT_MUST_BE_QUOTED = { ',', '"', '\n' }; } }