@echo off setlocal REM Do a .NET Core SuperPMI collection across all tests in the coreclr repo. REM Set the repo root. set _root=d:\src\coreclr REM Set the build flavor. set _flavor=Windows_NT.x64.Debug REM Everything else in this script is parameterized using the above two variables. if not exist %_root% echo Error: %_root% not found&goto :eof REM Where to put the resulting MCH file? set _mch=%_root%\bin\tests\alltests_win.mch set _testbuild=%_root%\bin\tests\%_flavor% if not exist %_testbuild% echo Error: %_testbuild% not found&goto :eof if not exist %_testbuild%\JIT\superpmi\superpmicollect\superpmicollect.exe echo Error: superpmicollect.exe not found&goto :eof set _collect_script=%_root%\tests\src\JIT\superpmi\collect_runtest.cmd if not exist %_collect_script% echo Error: %_collect_script% not found&goto :eof if not exist %_root%\tests\runtest.cmd echo Error: %_root%\tests\runtest.cmd not found&goto :eof if not defined CORE_ROOT echo ERROR: set CORE_ROOT before running this script&goto :eof if not exist %CORE_ROOT% echo Error: CORE_ROOT (%CORE_ROOT%) not found&goto :eof if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll echo Error: coreclr.dll (%CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll) not found&goto :eof if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\corerun.exe echo Error: corerun.exe (%CORE_ROOT%\corerun.exe) not found&goto :eof REM Do the collection! pushd %_testbuild% %core_root%\corerun.exe %_testbuild%\JIT\superpmi\superpmicollect\superpmicollect.exe -mch %_mch% -run %_collect_script% %_root%\tests\runtest.cmd popd