// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #pragma warning disable 0183 // The given expression is always of the provided ('X') type using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Loader; // primitives / CLR Types // interfaces public interface IEmpty { } public interface INotEmpty { void DoNothing(); } // generic interfaces public interface IEmptyGen { } public interface INotEmptyGen { void DoNothing(); } // struct public struct EmptyStruct { } public struct NotEmptyStruct { public int Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructQ { public int? Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructA { public int[] Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructQA { public int?[] Field; } // generic structs public struct EmptyStructGen { } public struct NotEmptyStructGen { public T Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen where T : struct { public T Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA where T : struct { public T[] Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ where T : struct { public T? Field; } public struct NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA where T : struct { public T?[] Field; } // nested struct public struct NestedStruct { public struct Nested { } } public struct NestedStructGen { public struct Nested { } } // struct with Field Offset [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct { [FieldOffset(0)] public int Field00; [FieldOffset(0x0f)] public int Field15; } // struct with Attributes internal struct MarshalAsStruct { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string StringField; } // struct implement interfaces internal struct ImplementOneInterface : IEmpty { } internal struct ImplementTwoInterface : IEmpty, INotEmpty { public void DoNothing() { } } internal struct ImplementOneInterfaceGen : IEmptyGen { } internal struct ImplementTwoInterfaceGen : IEmptyGen, INotEmptyGen { public void DoNothing() { } } internal struct ImplementAllInterface : IEmpty, INotEmpty, IEmptyGen, INotEmptyGen { public void DoNothing() { } void INotEmptyGen.DoNothing() { } } // enums public enum IntE { start = 1, } public enum ByteE : byte { start = 1, } public enum LongE : long { start = 1, } // other intersting structs public struct WithMultipleGCHandleStruct { public GCHandle H1; public GCHandle H2; public GCHandle H3; public GCHandle H4; public GCHandle H5; } public struct WithOnlyFXTypeStruct { public Guid GUID; public decimal DECIMAL; } public struct MixedAllStruct { public int INT; public int? IntQ; public int?[] IntQA; public string STRING; public IntE INTE; public EmptyClass EMPTYCLASS; public IEmpty IEMPTY; public EmptyStruct EMPTYSTRUCT; public IEmptyGen IEMPTYGEN; public EmptyStructGen EMPTYSTRUCTGEN; public WithOnlyFXTypeStruct WITHONLYFXTYPESTRUCT; public GCHandle GCHANDLE; } // other types public struct EmptyClass { } public struct NotEmptyClass { public int Field; } public struct EmptyClassGen { } public struct NotEmptyClassGen { public T Field; } public struct NotEmptyClassConstrainedGen where T : class { public T Field; } public struct NestedClass { public struct Nested { } } public struct NestedClassGen { public struct Nested { } } internal class ImplementOneInterfaceC : IEmpty { } internal class ImplementTwoInterfaceC : IEmpty, INotEmpty { public void DoNothing() { } } internal class ImplementOneInterfaceGenC : IEmptyGen { } internal class ImplementTwoInterfaceGenC : IEmptyGen, INotEmptyGen { public void DoNothing() { } } internal class ImplementAllInterfaceC : IEmpty, INotEmpty, IEmptyGen, INotEmptyGen { public void DoNothing() { } void INotEmptyGen.DoNothing() { } } public sealed class SealedClass { } public delegate void SimpleDelegate(); public delegate void GenericDelegate(); // ExitCode public static class ExitCode { public static int Failed = 101; public static int Passed = 100; } // Create Value Instance internal static class Helper { public static GCHandle GCHANDLE; static Helper() { GCHANDLE = GCHandle.Alloc(Console.Out); AssemblyLoadContext currentContext = AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); if (currentContext != null) { currentContext.Unloading += Context_Unloading; } } private static void Context_Unloading(AssemblyLoadContext obj) { GCHANDLE.Free(); } public static char Create(char val) { return 'c'; } public static bool Create(bool val) { return true; } public static byte Create(byte val) { return 0x08; } public static sbyte Create(sbyte val) { return -0x0e; } public static short Create(short val) { return -0x0f; } public static ushort Create(ushort val) { return 0xff; } public static int Create(int val) { return 100; } public static uint Create(uint val) { return 200; } public static long Create(long val) { return int.MaxValue; } public static ulong Create(ulong val) { return 300; } public static float Create(float val) { return 1.15f; } public static double Create(double val) { return 0.05; } public static decimal Create(decimal val) { return 1.0M; } public static IntPtr Create(IntPtr val) { return (IntPtr)1000; } public static UIntPtr Create(UIntPtr val) { return (UIntPtr)2000; } public static Guid Create(Guid val) { return new Guid("00020810-0001-0000-C000-000000000046"); } public static GCHandle Create(GCHandle val) { return GCHANDLE; } public static ByteE Create(ByteE val) { return (ByteE)9; } public static IntE Create(IntE val) { return (IntE)55; } public static LongE Create(LongE val) { return (LongE)34; } public static EmptyStruct Create(EmptyStruct val) { return new EmptyStruct(); } public static NotEmptyStruct Create(NotEmptyStruct val) { NotEmptyStruct ne = new NotEmptyStruct(); ne.Field = 100; return ne; } public static NotEmptyStructQ Create(NotEmptyStructQ val) { NotEmptyStructQ neq = new NotEmptyStructQ(); neq.Field = 101; return neq; } public static NotEmptyStructA Create(NotEmptyStructA val) { NotEmptyStructA nea = new NotEmptyStructA(); nea.Field = new int[] { 10 }; return nea; } public static NotEmptyStructQA Create(NotEmptyStructQA val) { NotEmptyStructQA neq = new NotEmptyStructQA(); neq.Field = new int?[] { 10 }; return neq; } public static EmptyStructGen Create(EmptyStructGen val) { return new EmptyStructGen(); } public static NotEmptyStructGen Create(NotEmptyStructGen val) { NotEmptyStructGen ne = new NotEmptyStructGen(); ne.Field = 88; return ne; } public static NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen Create(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen val) { NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen ne = new NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen(); ne.Field = 1010; return ne; } public static NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA Create(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA val) { NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA neq = new NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA(); neq.Field = new int[] { 11 }; return neq; } public static NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ Create(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ val) { NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ neq = new NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ(); neq.Field = 12; return neq; } public static NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA Create(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA val) { NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA neq = new NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA(); neq.Field = new int?[] { 17 }; return neq; } public static NestedStruct Create(NestedStruct val) { NestedStruct ns = new NestedStruct(); return ns; } public static NestedStructGen Create(NestedStructGen val) { NestedStructGen nsg = new NestedStructGen(); return nsg; } public static ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct Create(ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct val) { ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct epl = new ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct(); epl.Field00 = 40; epl.Field15 = 15; return epl; } public static MarshalAsStruct Create(MarshalAsStruct val) { MarshalAsStruct ma = new MarshalAsStruct(); ma.StringField = "Nullable"; return ma; } public static ImplementOneInterface Create(ImplementOneInterface val) { ImplementOneInterface imp = new ImplementOneInterface(); return imp; } public static ImplementTwoInterface Create(ImplementTwoInterface val) { ImplementTwoInterface imp = new ImplementTwoInterface(); return imp; } public static ImplementOneInterfaceGen Create(ImplementOneInterfaceGen val) { ImplementOneInterfaceGen imp = new ImplementOneInterfaceGen(); return imp; } public static ImplementTwoInterfaceGen Create(ImplementTwoInterfaceGen val) { ImplementTwoInterfaceGen imp = new ImplementTwoInterfaceGen(); return imp; } public static ImplementAllInterface Create(ImplementAllInterface val) { ImplementAllInterface imp = new ImplementAllInterface(); return imp; } public static WithMultipleGCHandleStruct Create(WithMultipleGCHandleStruct val) { WithMultipleGCHandleStruct mgch = new WithMultipleGCHandleStruct(); mgch.H1 = GCHANDLE; mgch.H2 = GCHANDLE; mgch.H3 = GCHANDLE; mgch.H4 = GCHANDLE; mgch.H5 = GCHANDLE; return mgch; } public static WithOnlyFXTypeStruct Create(WithOnlyFXTypeStruct val) { WithOnlyFXTypeStruct wofx = new WithOnlyFXTypeStruct(); wofx.DECIMAL = 50.0m; wofx.GUID = Create(default(Guid)); return wofx; } public static MixedAllStruct Create(MixedAllStruct val) { MixedAllStruct mas; mas.INT = 10; mas.IntQ = null; mas.IntQA = new int?[] { 10 }; mas.STRING = "Nullable"; mas.INTE = Create(default(IntE)); mas.EMPTYCLASS = new EmptyClass(); mas.IEMPTY = Create(default(ImplementOneInterface)); mas.EMPTYSTRUCT = Create(default(EmptyStruct)); mas.IEMPTYGEN = Create(default(ImplementOneInterfaceGen)); mas.EMPTYSTRUCTGEN = Create(default(EmptyStructGen)); mas.WITHONLYFXTYPESTRUCT = Create(default(WithOnlyFXTypeStruct)); mas.GCHANDLE = Create(default(GCHandle)); return mas; } public static bool Compare(char val, char val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(bool val, bool val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(byte val, byte val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(sbyte val, sbyte val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(short val, short val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(ushort val, ushort val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(int val, int val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(uint val, uint val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(long val, long val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(ulong val, ulong val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(float val, float val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(double val, double val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(decimal val, decimal val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(IntPtr val, IntPtr val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(UIntPtr val, UIntPtr val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(Guid val, Guid val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(GCHandle val, GCHandle val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(ByteE val, ByteE val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(IntE val, IntE val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(LongE val, LongE val1) { return val == val1; } public static bool Compare(EmptyStruct val, EmptyStruct val1) { return val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStruct val, NotEmptyStruct val1) { return val.Field == val1.Field; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructQ val, NotEmptyStructQ val1) { return val.Field == val1.Field; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructA val, NotEmptyStructA val1) { return val.Field[0] == val1.Field[0]; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructQA val, NotEmptyStructQA val1) { return val.Field[0] == val1.Field[0]; } public static bool Compare(EmptyStructGen val, EmptyStructGen val1) { return val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructGen val, NotEmptyStructGen val1) { return val.Field == val1.Field; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen val1) { return val.Field == val1.Field; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA val1) { return val.Field[0] == val1.Field[0]; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ val1) { return val.Field == val1.Field; } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA val1) { return val.Field[0] == val1.Field[0]; } public static bool Compare(NestedStruct val, NestedStruct val1) { return val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(NestedStructGen val, NestedStructGen val1) { return val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct val, ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct val1) { return (val.Field00 == val1.Field00) && (val.Field15 == val1.Field15); } public static bool Compare(MarshalAsStruct val, MarshalAsStruct val1) { return val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementOneInterface val, ImplementOneInterface val1) { return (val is IEmpty) && val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementTwoInterface val, ImplementTwoInterface val1) { return (val is IEmpty) && val is INotEmpty && val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementOneInterfaceGen val, ImplementOneInterfaceGen val1) { return val is IEmptyGen && val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementTwoInterfaceGen val, ImplementTwoInterfaceGen val1) { return val is IEmptyGen && val is INotEmptyGen && val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementAllInterface val, ImplementAllInterface val1) { return val is IEmpty && val is INotEmpty && val is IEmptyGen && val is INotEmptyGen && val.Equals(val1); } public static bool Compare(WithMultipleGCHandleStruct val, WithMultipleGCHandleStruct val1) { return val.H1 == val1.H1 && val.H2 == val1.H2 && val.H3 == val1.H3 && val.H4 == val1.H4 && val.H5 == val1.H5; } public static bool Compare(WithOnlyFXTypeStruct val, WithOnlyFXTypeStruct val1) { return val.GUID == val1.GUID && val.DECIMAL == val1.DECIMAL; } public static bool Compare(MixedAllStruct val, MixedAllStruct val1) { return val.INT == val1.INT && val.IntQ == val1.IntQ && val.IntQA[0] == val1.IntQA[0] && val.STRING == val1.STRING && val.INTE == val1.INTE && val.EMPTYCLASS.Equals(val1.EMPTYCLASS) && val.IEMPTY.Equals(val1.IEMPTY) && Compare(val.EMPTYSTRUCT, val1.EMPTYSTRUCT) && val.IEMPTYGEN.Equals(val1.IEMPTYGEN) && Compare(val.EMPTYSTRUCTGEN, val1.EMPTYSTRUCTGEN) && Compare(val.WITHONLYFXTYPESTRUCT, val1.WITHONLYFXTYPESTRUCT) && Compare(val.GCHANDLE, val1.GCHANDLE); } public static bool Compare(char? val, char val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(bool? val, bool val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(byte? val, byte val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(sbyte? val, sbyte val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(short? val, short val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ushort? val, ushort val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(int? val, int val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(uint? val, uint val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(long? val, long val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ulong? val, ulong val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(float? val, float val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(double? val, double val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(decimal? val, decimal val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(IntPtr? val, IntPtr val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(UIntPtr? val, UIntPtr val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(Guid? val, Guid val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(GCHandle? val, GCHandle val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ByteE? val, ByteE val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(IntE? val, IntE val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(LongE? val, LongE val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(EmptyStruct? val, EmptyStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStruct? val, NotEmptyStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructQ? val, NotEmptyStructQ val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructA? val, NotEmptyStructA val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructQA? val, NotEmptyStructQA val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(EmptyStructGen? val, EmptyStructGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructGen? val, NotEmptyStructGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen? val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA? val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenA val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ? val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQ val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA? val, NotEmptyStructConstrainedGenQA val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NestedStruct? val, NestedStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(NestedStructGen? val, NestedStructGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct? val, ExplicitFieldOffsetStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(MarshalAsStruct? val, MarshalAsStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementOneInterface? val, ImplementOneInterface val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementTwoInterface? val, ImplementTwoInterface val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementOneInterfaceGen? val, ImplementOneInterfaceGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementTwoInterfaceGen? val, ImplementTwoInterfaceGen val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(ImplementAllInterface? val, ImplementAllInterface val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(WithMultipleGCHandleStruct? val, WithMultipleGCHandleStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(WithOnlyFXTypeStruct? val, WithOnlyFXTypeStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } public static bool Compare(MixedAllStruct? val, MixedAllStruct val1) { return val == null ? false : Compare(val.Value, val1); } }