// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. .assembly extern mscorlib {} .assembly MCCTest {} .module mcc_i51.exe .namespace MCCTest { .class MyClass { .method assembly static pinvokeimpl("native_i5c" as "#1" cdecl) vararg valuetype MCCTest.VType5 Sum(float64, int32, int64, float32, int16, float64) cil managed preservesig { } .method private static int32 Main(string[] args) { .entrypoint .maxstack 64 .locals init ( [0] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 res, [1] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v1, [2] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v2, [3] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v3, [4] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v4, [5] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v5, [6] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v6, [7] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v7, [8] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v8, [9] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v9, [10] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v10, [11] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v11, [12] valuetype MCCTest.VType5 v12, [13] int32 rc ) // Initialize v1 thru v12 ldloca.s v1 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v2 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v3 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v4 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v5 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v6 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v7 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v8 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v9 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v10 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v11 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldloca.s v12 call instance void MCCTest.VType5::Init() ldc.r8 5 ldc.i4 1 ldc.i8 2 ldc.r4 -1 ldc.i4 -3 conv.i2 ldc.r8 8 ldloc.s v1 ldloc.s v2 ldloc.s v3 ldloc.s v4 ldloc.s v5 ldloc.s v6 ldloc.s v7 ldloc.s v8 ldloc.s v9 ldloc.s v10 ldloc.s v11 ldloc.s v12 ldftn vararg valuetype MCCTest.VType5 MCCTest.MyClass::Sum(float64, int32, int64, float32, int16, float64) calli vararg valuetype MCCTest.VType5(float64, int32, int64, float32, int16, float64, ..., valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5, valuetype MCCTest.VType5) stloc.s res // Check Result ldloc.s res ldc.i4 12 call int32 MCCTest.Common::CheckResult(valuetype MCCTest.VType5, int32) stloc.s rc ldloc.s rc ret } // end of method MyClass::Main } // end of class MyClass } // end of namespace MCCTest