// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; internal unsafe class CSE2 { public static int sa = 2; public static int sb = 1; public struct VT { public double a0; } public class CL_5 { public int[,] arr2d_5 = new int[3, 11]; } public static double Func_5(CL_5 cl_5) { double retval_5 = -24; return retval_5; } public static long Func_4(long* a0_4) { long retval_4 = 6; return retval_4; } public static int Func(VT vt) { CL_5 cl_5 = new CL_5(); cl_5.arr2d_5[2, 0] = sa * sb; double val_5 = Func_5(cl_5); long* a0_4 = stackalloc long[1]; *a0_4 = sa + sb; long val_4 = Func_4(a0_4); int retval = Convert.ToInt32((val_5 - 8 * vt.a0) + (((sa + sb) - 5) / 2 + val_4)); Console.WriteLine("retval is {0}", retval); return retval; } public static int Main() { VT vt = new VT(); vt.a0 = -(sa + sb); int val = Func(vt); return val + 95; } }