// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. .assembly extern legacy library mscorlib {} .assembly extern System.Console { .publickeytoken = (B0 3F 5F 7F 11 D5 0A 3A ) .ver 4:0:0:0 } .assembly ILGEN_0x3c109d11 {} .class ILGEN_0x3c109d11 { //BEGIN STATIC FIELDS .field static int64[] field_0x0 .field static unsigned int16 field_0x1 //END STATIC FIELDS .method static int32 Method_0x52483fac(int16 Arg_0x0, float64 Arg_0x1, unsigned int8 Arg_0x2, int8 Arg_0x3, float64 Arg_0x4) { .maxstack 13 .locals (int8[] local_0x0,unsigned int64 local_0x1,unsigned int16 local_0x2,int16[] local_0x3,float32[] local_0x4) //BEGIN INIT LOCALS ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.SByte stloc local_0x0 ldc.i8 0x1fcc6f3fa09d4e90 stloc local_0x1 ldc.i4 0x4cd2653b stloc local_0x2 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int16 stloc local_0x3 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Single stloc local_0x4 //END INIT LOCALS //BEGIN INIT OF STATIC FIELDS ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int64 stsfld int64[] ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x0 ldc.i4 0x946373d7 stsfld unsigned int16 ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x1 //END INIT OF STATIC FIELDS BLOCK_1: Start_Orphan_0: ldloc local_0x1 ldc.i8 0x1fb853a5dd42128d beq Branch_0x4 ldc.i8 0x2be65cdaf7b6147b br Branch_0x5 Branch_0x4: ldloc local_0x1 Branch_0x5: Start_Orphan_1: nop End_Orphan_1: ldloc local_0x2 ldc.i4 0xc57efe2b blt Branch_0x6 ldc.i8 0x5b18cf731ae05cee br Branch_0x7 Branch_0x6: ldc.i8 0xd118ad571ba6d95c Branch_0x7: add conv.ovf.u2 Start_Orphan_2: ldc.i4.7 conv.u1 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int16 ldc.i8 0x7cf9c37b93d18f0 ldc.i8 0x923f5920ea8c0ff8 clt.un Start_Orphan_3: nop End_Orphan_3: ldc.i4.s 68 neg stelem.i2 End_Orphan_2: Start_Orphan_4: ldloca local_0x1 pop End_Orphan_4: ldloc local_0x1 ldc.i8 0x6afe4f4720f7f783 add.ovf.un conv.ovf.u4.un ldc.i4.2 ldc.i4.2 div.un conv.u blt.un Branch_0x8 Start_Orphan_6: ldsfld int64[] ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x0 ldc.i4 0xe6334866 ldc.i8 0xf5659f836dfa9c93 stelem.i8 End_Orphan_6: ldc.i8 0x754589795346a827 conv.ovf.i conv.ovf.i4.un br Branch_0x9 Branch_0x8: ldc.i4.7 ldc.i4.1 div.un conv.ovf.u Branch_0x9: beq Branch_0x2 ldc.i4.7 conv.ovf.i2.un conv.ovf.u2.un conv.u1 br Branch_0x3 Branch_0x2: ldloc local_0x4 ldlen Branch_0x3: ldarg Arg_0x0 ldc.i4.7 sub.ovf conv.ovf.u8.un conv.ovf.u1.un ldc.i4.1 ldc.i4.3 and ldsfld int64[] ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x0 ldlen add.ovf.un conv.ovf.i.un add bge Branch_0x0 ldc.i4.0 starg Arg_0x2 br Branch_0x1 Branch_0x0: ldc.i4.7 ldc.i4.1 div.un conv.u1 conv.u1 newarr [mscorlib]System.SByte ldloc local_0x1 ldc.i8 0x2e4d95ef62dbbddd ceq conv.r.un conv.u4 Start_Orphan_12: ldc.r8 float64(0x73deab1fa2d1dc6f) ldarg Arg_0x1 clt.un starg Arg_0x0 End_Orphan_12: ldarg Arg_0x3 conv.i4 conv.u1 newarr [mscorlib]System.SByte ldloc local_0x1 ldc.i4.0 shr.un conv.ovf.u2.un ldelem.i1 stelem.i1 Branch_0x1: End_Orphan_0: ldloc local_0x1 ldloc local_0x1 ceq conv.ovf.i8 ldc.i8 0x4c06aeb21a9af2c3 ldloc local_0x1 div.un ldloc local_0x1 ldloc local_0x1 mul.ovf add.ovf.un or ldloc local_0x1 ldc.i8 0x4cd201d932d144a9 rem.un ldc.i4.5 conv.ovf.i4 shr.un ldsfld unsigned int16 ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x1 ldc.i4.s -29 xor conv.ovf.u8 sub.ovf.un mul.ovf.un Start_Orphan_18: Start_Orphan_19: ldloca local_0x2 ldc.i4.s 121 stind.i2 End_Orphan_19: ldsfld int64[] ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x0 ldloc local_0x1 conv.ovf.u2 ldelema [mscorlib]System.Int64 ldc.i8 0x94cb258a57d14fb9 stind.i8 End_Orphan_18: ldc.i8 0xa60d377f2863e61c ldsflda unsigned int16 ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x1 ldind.u2 shr.un rem ldc.i8 0xbefd79945ea0a168 ldloc local_0x1 ldarg Arg_0x0 shr.un Start_Orphan_27: nop End_Orphan_27: conv.i8 mul.ovf Start_Orphan_2a: ldloc local_0x4 ldc.i4.5 ldelema [mscorlib]System.Single ldc.r8 float64(0xadf5a9ab8a062a30) stind.r4 End_Orphan_2a: ldc.i4.7 neg conv.ovf.i8 ldc.i8 0xed6fb300c84940c7 conv.ovf.u8.un Start_Orphan_2d: nop End_Orphan_2d: ldsfld int64[] ILGEN_0x3c109d11::field_0x0 ldc.i4.5 ldelema [mscorlib]System.Int64 ldind.i8 mul.ovf mul.ovf conv.u8 sub.ovf clt EOM: ret } .method static int32 Main() { .entrypoint .maxstack 20 .try { ldc.i4 0xb6bbe8b6 ldc.r8 float64(0x10dc9c5bc5640da4) ldc.i4 0x520ab1a8 ldc.i4 0xd464936f ldc.r8 float64(0x2d0a6f3c2213caa6) call int32 ILGEN_0x3c109d11::Method_0x52483fac(int16 Arg_0x0, float64 Arg_0x1, unsigned int8 Arg_0x2, int8 Arg_0x3, float64 Arg_0x4) pop leave END } catch [mscorlib]System.OverflowException { pop leave END } END: ldc.i4 100 ret } }