// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. .assembly extern legacy library mscorlib {} .assembly extern System.Console { .publickeytoken = (B0 3F 5F 7F 11 D5 0A 3A ) .ver 4:0:0:0 } .assembly ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0 {} .class ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0 { .field static unsigned int64 field_0x0 .field static float64 field_0x1 .field static unsigned int8 field_0x2 .field static float32[] field_0x3 .field static int64[] field_0x4 .field static float64[] field_0x5 .field static float32 field_0x6 .field static unsigned int64[] field_0x7 .method static int32 Method_0x5a2b(int32 Arg_0x0, unsigned int32 Arg_0x1, float32 Arg_0x2, unsigned int32 Arg_0x3, int16 Arg_0x4, unsigned int8 Arg_0x5, int16 Arg_0x6, int16 Arg_0x7, float64 Arg_0x8) { .maxstack 13 .locals (unsigned int64 local_0x0,int8[] local_0x1,int32[] local_0x2,unsigned int8 local_0x3,float32[] local_0x4,unsigned int64 local_0x5) ldc.i8 0x5314582f74556c9e stloc local_0x0 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.SByte stloc local_0x1 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int32 stloc local_0x2 ldc.i4 0x67ac68bc stloc local_0x3 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Single stloc local_0x4 ldc.i8 0x5e0ec126677253 stloc local_0x5 ldc.i8 0x534231ac31aa1630 stsfld unsigned int64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x0 ldc.r8 float64(0x474436722b667edd) stsfld float64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x1 ldc.i4 0x382a131a stsfld unsigned int8 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x2 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Single stsfld float32[] ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x3 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int64 stsfld int64[] ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x4 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.Double stsfld float64[] ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x5 ldc.r4 float32(0x299664f4) stsfld float32 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x6 ldc.i4 255 newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt64 stsfld unsigned int64[] ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x7 Start_Orphan_0: Start_Orphan_1: nop End_Orphan_1: ldc.r8 float64(0x4a8e452e50d25de3) conv.r4 conv.r4 conv.ovf.u4 conv.u1 newarr [mscorlib]System.Int32 Start_Orphan_2: Start_Orphan_3: ldsfld float64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x1 pop End_Orphan_3: ldsfld float64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x1 Start_Orphan_5: nop End_Orphan_5: ldarg Arg_0x8 ldarg Arg_0x8 sub mul stsfld float64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x1 End_Orphan_2: Start_Orphan_6: Start_Orphan_7: nop End_Orphan_7: ldc.i4 0x60532d0d ldc.i4.6 mul.ovf.un starg Arg_0x1 End_Orphan_6: Start_Orphan_8: ldc.i4.3 stsfld unsigned int8 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x2 End_Orphan_8: ldsfld float64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x1 conv.u8 conv.ovf.u2 Start_Orphan_9: Start_Orphan_a: ldsfld float32 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x6 stsfld float32 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x6 End_Orphan_a: ldc.i4.m1 conv.u1 newarr [mscorlib]System.UInt64 ldarg Arg_0x0 conv.u1 ldelema [mscorlib]System.UInt64 pop End_Orphan_9: Start_Orphan_f: ldsflda unsigned int64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x0 ldc.i8 0x2435350358571d2e stind.i8 End_Orphan_f: ldarg Arg_0x2 conv.ovf.i1 conv.ovf.i8 Start_Orphan_11: ldsfld float32[] ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x3 stloc local_0x4 End_Orphan_11: ldarg Arg_0x4 conv.i8 conv.ovf.u8.un xor conv.i2 stelem.i4 End_Orphan_0: Start_Orphan_12: ldloc local_0x2 ldarg Arg_0x0 ldelema [mscorlib]System.Int32 ldc.i4.5 stind.i4 End_Orphan_12: ldloc local_0x5 ldsfld unsigned int64 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::field_0x0 sub.ovf conv.i4 conv.r.un conv.u8 conv.ovf.u8 conv.ovf.u4 ret } .method static int32 Main() { .entrypoint .maxstack 20 .try { ldc.i4 0x4f64e59 ldc.i4 0x31912860 ldc.r4 float32(0x48ab2024) ldc.i4 0xc2a7a41 ldc.i4 0x402629de ldc.i4 0x752e3214 ldc.i4 0x69a67ba3 ldc.i4 0x6304964 ldc.r8 float64(0x2ca66b3a25f090c) call int32 ILGEN_0xe8c74ae0::Method_0x5a2b(int32 Arg_0x0, unsigned int32 Arg_0x1, float32 Arg_0x2, unsigned int32 Arg_0x3, int16 Arg_0x4, unsigned int8 Arg_0x5, int16 Arg_0x6, int16 Arg_0x7, float64 Arg_0x8) pop leave a1 } catch [mscorlib]System.OverflowException { pop leave a1 } a1: ldc.i4 100 ret } }