The benchmarks in these sub-directories are based on The Computer Language Benchmarks Game See the adjoining LICENSE.TXT file for license terms. Our intention with these tests is to provide interesting test cases for jit developers to use in daily development practice -- not to produce variants that give the maximum possible performance. The benchmarks have been modified to fit into the CoreCLR test and performance test framework, as follows: - adding validity checks to ensure optimizers correctly optimize and do not remove computation - adding return codes to main based on those checks - adding an xunit-performance entry point, and adjusting work so each xunit-performance iteration is approximately 1 second on modern x64 hardware - reducing verbosity when run as a benchmark - reformatting (via the codeformatter tool) These benchmarks are just a subset of the benchmarks available in C# from the Benchmarks Game site. We've selected variants that do not rely on multiple threads to ensure relative benchmark stability across a variety of machines. We've excluded two benchmarks that are inherently multitheaded: chamenosredux and threadring. We may revisit this as we improve our ability to harness threading tests in a stable way. We've also excluded benchmarks that read in large input files: knucleotide, regexdna, revcomp.