// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using System; internal unsafe class testout1 { public struct VT_0 { public double a1_0; public VT_0(int i) { a1_0 = 1; } } public class CL_0 { public double a0_0 = -1013.76; } public static double Func_0() { VT_0 vt_0 = new VT_0(1); vt_0.a1_0 = 10.24; CL_0 cl_0 = new CL_0(); double asgop0 = vt_0.a1_0; asgop0 -= ((cl_0.a0_0)); double asgop1 = cl_0.a0_0; asgop1 /= (-99.0); return Convert.ToDouble((asgop0 / asgop1)); } public static int Main() { int retval; retval = Convert.ToInt32(Func_0()); if ((retval >= 99) && (retval < 100)) retval = 100; if ((retval > 100) && (retval <= 101)) retval = 100; Console.WriteLine(retval); return retval; } }