// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. /**************************************************************************** op1/op2, op1 is of type i4, op2 can be i4, u4, i8, u8, r4, r8, decimal op1 and op2 can be static, local, class/struct member, function retval, 1D/2D/3D array *****************************************************************************/ using System; internal class i4div { private static int s_i_s_op1 = 6; private static int s_i_s_op2 = 3; private static uint s_ui_s_op2 = 3; private static long s_l_s_op2 = 3; private static ulong s_ul_s_op2 = 3; private static float s_f_s_op2 = 3; private static double s_d_s_op2 = 3; private static decimal s_m_s_op2 = 3; public static int i_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static uint ui_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static long l_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static ulong ul_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static float f_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static double d_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } public static decimal m_f(String s) { if (s == "op1") return 6; else return 3; } private class CL { public int i_cl_op1 = 6; public int i_cl_op2 = 3; public uint ui_cl_op2 = 3; public long l_cl_op2 = 3; public ulong ul_cl_op2 = 3; public float f_cl_op2 = 3; public double d_cl_op2 = 3; public decimal m_cl_op2 = 3; } private struct VT { public int i_vt_op1; public int i_vt_op2; public uint ui_vt_op2; public long l_vt_op2; public ulong ul_vt_op2; public float f_vt_op2; public double d_vt_op2; public decimal m_vt_op2; } public static int Main() { bool passed = true; //initialize class CL cl1 = new CL(); //initialize struct VT vt1; vt1.i_vt_op1 = 6; vt1.i_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.ui_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.l_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.ul_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.f_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.d_vt_op2 = 3; vt1.m_vt_op2 = 3; int[] i_arr1d_op1 = { 0, 6 }; int[,] i_arr2d_op1 = { { 0, 6 }, { 1, 1 } }; int[,,] i_arr3d_op1 = { { { 0, 6 }, { 1, 1 } } }; int[] i_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; int[,] i_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; int[,,] i_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; uint[] ui_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; uint[,] ui_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; uint[,,] ui_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; long[] l_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; long[,] l_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; long[,,] l_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; ulong[] ul_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; ulong[,] ul_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; ulong[,,] ul_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; float[] f_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; float[,] f_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; float[,,] f_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; double[] d_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; double[,] d_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; double[,,] d_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; decimal[] m_arr1d_op2 = { 3, 0, 1 }; decimal[,] m_arr2d_op2 = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } }; decimal[,,] m_arr3d_op2 = { { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 1 } } }; int[,] index = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }; { int i_l_op1 = 6; int i_l_op2 = 3; uint ui_l_op2 = 3; long l_l_op2 = 3; ulong ul_l_op2 = 3; float f_l_op2 = 3; double d_l_op2 = 3; decimal m_l_op2 = 3; if ((i_l_op1 / i_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / ui_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / ui_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / l_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / l_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / f_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / f_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / d_l_op2) != i_l_op1 / m_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / m_l_op2 != i_l_op1 / i_l_op2) || (i_l_op1 / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 1 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / s_ui_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / s_ui_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / s_l_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / s_l_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / s_f_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / s_f_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / s_d_s_op2) != i_l_op1 / s_m_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / s_m_s_op2 != i_l_op1 / s_i_s_op2) || (i_l_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 2 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / (int)i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / (int)i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != i_l_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (i_l_op1 / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 3 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) != i_l_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2 != i_l_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (i_l_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 4 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) != i_l_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2 != i_l_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (i_l_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 5 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != i_l_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0] != i_l_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_l_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 6 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != i_l_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_l_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_l_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 7 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_l_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(i_l_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != i_l_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_l_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_l_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 8 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / i_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / ui_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / ui_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / l_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / l_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / f_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / f_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / d_l_op2) != s_i_s_op1 / m_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / m_l_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / i_l_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 9 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / s_ui_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / s_ui_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / s_l_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / s_l_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / s_f_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / s_f_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / s_d_s_op2) != s_i_s_op1 / s_m_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / s_m_s_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / s_i_s_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 10 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / (int)i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 11 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 12 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2 != s_i_s_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (s_i_s_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 13 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != s_i_s_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0] != s_i_s_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 14 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != s_i_s_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != s_i_s_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 15 failed"); passed = false; } if ((s_i_s_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(s_i_s_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != s_i_s_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != s_i_s_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (s_i_s_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 16 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / i_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / ui_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / ui_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / l_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / l_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / (int)ul_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / (int)ul_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / f_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / f_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / d_l_op2) != i_f("op1") / m_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / m_l_op2 != i_f("op1") / i_l_op2) || (i_f("op1") / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 17 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / s_i_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / s_ui_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / s_ui_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / s_l_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / s_l_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / s_f_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / s_f_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / s_d_s_op2) != i_f("op1") / s_m_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / s_m_s_op2 != i_f("op1") / s_i_s_op2) || (i_f("op1") / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 18 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / (int)i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / (int)i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != i_f("op1") / i_f("op2")) || (i_f("op1") / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 19 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / cl1.i_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / cl1.l_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / cl1.f_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / cl1.d_cl_op2) != i_f("op1") / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / cl1.m_cl_op2 != i_f("op1") / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (i_f("op1") / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 20 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / vt1.i_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / vt1.l_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / vt1.f_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / vt1.d_vt_op2) != i_f("op1") / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / vt1.m_vt_op2 != i_f("op1") / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (i_f("op1") / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 21 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / i_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / l_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / f_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != i_f("op1") / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / m_arr1d_op2[0] != i_f("op1") / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_f("op1") / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 22 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != i_f("op1") / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_f("op1") / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_f("op1") / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 23 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_f("op1") / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(i_f("op1") / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != i_f("op1") / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_f("op1") / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_f("op1") / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 24 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_l_op2) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_l_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_l_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 25 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_ui_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_ui_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_l_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_l_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_f_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_f_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_d_s_op2) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_m_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_m_s_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_i_s_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 26 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 27 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 28 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2 != cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 29 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 30 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 31 failed"); passed = false; } if ((cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(cl1.i_cl_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (cl1.i_cl_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 32 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_l_op2) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_l_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_l_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 33 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_ui_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_ui_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_l_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_l_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_f_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_f_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_d_s_op2) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_m_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_m_s_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_i_s_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 34 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2")) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 35 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.l_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.f_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.d_cl_op2) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.m_cl_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 36 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.l_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.f_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.d_vt_op2) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.m_vt_op2 != vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 37 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr1d_op2[0] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 38 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 39 failed"); passed = false; } if ((vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(vt1.i_vt_op1 / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (vt1.i_vt_op1 / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 40 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_l_op2) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_l_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_l_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 41 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_i_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_ui_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_ui_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_l_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_l_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_f_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_f_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_d_s_op2) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_m_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_m_s_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_i_s_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 42 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 43 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.l_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.f_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.d_cl_op2) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.m_cl_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 44 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.l_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.f_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.d_vt_op2) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.m_vt_op2 != i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 45 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 46 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 47 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr1d_op1[1] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr1d_op1[1] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 48 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_l_op2) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_l_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_l_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 49 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_i_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_ui_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_ui_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_l_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_l_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_f_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_f_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_d_s_op2) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_m_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_m_s_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_i_s_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 50 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 51 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.l_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.f_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.d_cl_op2) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.m_cl_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 52 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.l_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.f_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.d_vt_op2) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.m_vt_op2 != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 53 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 54 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 55 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr2d_op1[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 56 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_l_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_l_op2) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_l_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_l_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_l_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 57 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_i_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_ui_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_ui_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_l_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_l_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)s_ul_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)s_ul_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_f_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_f_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_d_s_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_d_s_op2) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_m_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_m_s_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_i_s_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / s_i_s_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 58 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2")) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_f("op2") != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 59 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.ui_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.ui_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.l_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.l_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)cl1.ul_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.f_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.f_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.d_cl_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.d_cl_op2) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.m_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.m_cl_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.i_cl_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / cl1.i_cl_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 60 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.ui_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.ui_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.l_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.l_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)vt1.ul_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.f_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.f_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.d_vt_op2) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.d_vt_op2) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.m_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.m_vt_op2 != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.i_vt_op2) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / vt1.i_vt_op2 != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 61 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr1d_op2[0]) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr1d_op2[0] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr1d_op2[0]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr1d_op2[0] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 62 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr2d_op2[index[0, 1], index[1, 0]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 63 failed"); passed = false; } if ((i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / ui_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / l_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / (int)ul_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / f_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || ((decimal)(i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / d_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / m_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]]) || (i_arr3d_op1[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] / i_arr3d_op2[index[0, 0], 0, index[1, 1]] != 2)) { Console.WriteLine("testcase 64 failed"); passed = false; } } if (!passed) { Console.WriteLine("FAILED"); return 1; } else { Console.WriteLine("PASSED"); return 100; } } }