using System; using System.Security; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using TestLibrary; namespace PInvokeTests { #region structure def [SecuritySafeCritical] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Sstr { public int a; public bool b; public string str; public Sstr(int _a, bool _b, string _str) { a = _a; b = _b; str = String.Concat(_str, ""); } } //Using this structure for pass by value scenario //because we don't support returning a structure //containing a non-blittable type like string. [SecuritySafeCritical] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Sstr_simple { public int a; public bool b; public double c; public Sstr_simple(int _a, bool _b, double _c) { a = _a; b = _b; c = _c; } } [SecuritySafeCritical] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct ExplStruct { [FieldOffset(0)] public DialogResult type; [FieldOffset(8)] public int i; [FieldOffset(8)] public bool b; [FieldOffset(8)] public double c; public ExplStruct(DialogResult t, int num) { type = t; b = false; c = num; i = num; } public ExplStruct(DialogResult t, double dnum) { type = t; b = false; i = 0; c = dnum; } public ExplStruct(DialogResult t, bool bnum) { type = t; i = 0; c = 0; b = bnum; } } public enum DialogResult { None = 0, OK = 1, Cancel = 2 } #endregion class StructureTests { #region direct Pinvoke declarartions #region cdecl //Simple struct - sequential layout by ref [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern bool CdeclSimpleStructByRef(ref Sstr p); [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", EntryPoint = "GetFptr")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] public static extern CdeclSimpleStructByRefDelegate GetFptrCdeclSimpleStructByRef(int i); //Simple struct - sequential layout by value [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern IntPtr CdeclSimpleStruct(Sstr_simple p, ref bool retval); [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", EntryPoint = "GetFptr")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] public static extern CdeclSimpleStructDelegate GetFptrCdeclSimpleStruct(int i); //Simple struct - explicit layout by value [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern IntPtr CdeclSimpleExplStruct(ExplStruct p, ref bool retval); [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", EntryPoint = "GetFptr")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] public static extern CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate GetFptrCdeclSimpleExplStruct(int i); //Simple struct - explicit layout by ref [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", EntryPoint = "GetFptr")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] public static extern CdeclSimpleExplStructByRefDelegate GetFptrCdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(int i); [DllImport("SimpleStructNative", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern bool CdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(ref ExplStruct p); #endregion #endregion #region delegate pinvoke //Simple struct - sequential layout by value [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate IntPtr CdeclSimpleStructDelegate(Sstr_simple p, ref bool retval); //Simple struct - explicit layout by value [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate IntPtr CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate(ExplStruct p, ref bool retval); //Simple struct - sequential layout by ref [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate bool CdeclSimpleStructByRefDelegate(ref Sstr p); //Simple struct - explicit layout by ref [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate bool CdeclSimpleExplStructByRefDelegate(ref ExplStruct p); #endregion #region reverse pinvoke #endregion #region public methods related to pinvoke declrarations //Simple struct - sequential layout by ref [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool DoCdeclSimpleStructByRef(ref Sstr p) { return CdeclSimpleStructByRef(ref p); } //Simple struct - explicit by ref [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool DoCdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(ref ExplStruct p) { return CdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(ref p); } //Simple struct - sequential layout by value [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static Sstr_simple DoCdeclSimpleStruct(Sstr_simple p, ref bool retval) { IntPtr st = CdeclSimpleStruct(p, ref retval); Sstr_simple simple = Marshal.PtrToStructure(st); return simple; } //Simple Struct - Explicit layout by value [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static ExplStruct DoCdeclSimpleExplStruct(ExplStruct p, ref bool retval) { IntPtr st = CdeclSimpleExplStruct(p, ref retval); ExplStruct simple = Marshal.PtrToStructure(st); return simple; } #endregion #region test methods //Simple sequential struct by reference testcase [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool PosTest1() { string s = "before"; string changedValue = "after"; bool retval = true; Sstr p = new Sstr(0, false, s); TestFramework.BeginScenario("Test #1 (Roundtrip of a simple structre by reference. Verify that values updated on unmanaged side reflect on managed side)"); //Direct pinvoke //cdecl calling convention. try { TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 2: Direct p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); retval = DoCdeclSimpleStructByRef(ref p); if ((p.a != 100) || (!p.b) || (!p.str.Equals(changedValue))) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + 100 + "\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\n" + "SimpleStruct->str=after\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + p.a + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + p.b + "\nSimpleStruct->str=" + p.str + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("03", "PInvokeTests->PosTest1 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("04", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } //Delegate pinvoke //cdecl try { TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 4: Delegate p/invoke - cdecl calling convention"); CdeclSimpleStructByRefDelegate std = GetFptrCdeclSimpleStructByRef(14); retval = std(ref p); if ((p.a != 100) || (!p.b) || (!p.str.Equals(changedValue))) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + 100 + "\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\n" + "SimpleStruct->str=after\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + p.a + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + p.b + "\nSimpleStruct->str=" + p.str + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest1 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("02", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } return retval; } //Simple Sequential struct by value [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool PosTest2() { string s = "Before"; bool retval = true; double d = 3.142; Sstr p = new Sstr(100, false, s); TestFramework.BeginScenario("\n\nTest #2 (Roundtrip of a simple structre by value. Verify that values updated on unmanaged side reflect on managed side)"); //direct pinvoke // //cdecl calling convention try { TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 2: Direct p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); Sstr_simple simple = new Sstr_simple(100, false, d); simple = DoCdeclSimpleStruct(simple, ref retval); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : values of passed in structure not matched with expected once on unmanaged side."); return false; } if ((simple.a != 101) || (!simple.b) || (simple.c != 10.11)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=101\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\nSimpleStruct->c=10.11\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + simple.a + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + simple.b + "\nSimpleStruct->c=" + simple.c + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } // //delegate pinvoke // //cdecl calling convention try { TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 4: Delegate p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); Sstr_simple simple = new Sstr_simple(100, false, d); CdeclSimpleStructDelegate std = GetFptrCdeclSimpleStruct(16); IntPtr st = std(simple, ref retval); simple = Marshal.PtrToStructure(st); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : values of passed in structure not matched with expected once on unmanaged side."); return false; } if ((simple.a != 101) || (!simple.b) || (simple.c != 10.11)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=101\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\nSimpleStruct->c=10.11\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + simple.a + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + simple.b + "\nSimpleStruct->c=" + simple.c + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } return retval; } //Simple struct explicit layout by reference. [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool PosTest3() { ExplStruct p; bool retval = false; TestFramework.BeginScenario("\n\nTest #3 (Roundtrip of a simple structre (explicit layout) by reference. Verify that values updated on unmanaged side reflect on managed side)"); //direct pinvoke //cdecl try { p = new ExplStruct(DialogResult.None, 10); TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 2: Direct p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); retval = DoCdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(ref p); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest3 : Unexpected error occured on unmanaged side"); return false; } if ((p.type != DialogResult.OK) || (!p.b)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->type=1\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->type=" + p.type + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + p.b); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest3 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } //Delegate pinvoke --- cdecl try { p = new ExplStruct(DialogResult.None, 10); TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 4: Delegate p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); CdeclSimpleExplStructByRefDelegate std = GetFptrCdeclSimpleExplStructByRef(18); retval = std(ref p); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest3 : Unexpected error occured on unmanaged side"); return false; } if ((p.type != DialogResult.OK) || (!p.b)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->type=1\nSimpleStruct->b=TRUE\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->type=" + p.type + "\nSimpleStruct->b=" + p.b); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest3 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } return retval; } //Simple struct explicit layout by value. [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] public static bool PosTest4() { ExplStruct p; bool retval = false; TestFramework.BeginScenario("\n\nTest #4 (Roundtrip of a simple structre (Explicit layout) by value. Verify that values updated on unmanaged side reflect on managed side)"); //direct pinvoke //cdecl try { p = new ExplStruct(DialogResult.OK, false); TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 2: Direct p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); p = DoCdeclSimpleExplStruct(p, ref retval); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : values of passed in structure not matched with expected once on unmanaged side."); return false; } if ((p.type != DialogResult.Cancel) || (p.c != 3.142)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=2\nSimpleStruct->c=3.142\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + p.type + "\nSimpleStruct->c=" + p.c + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest4 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } //delegate pinvoke //cdecl try { p = new ExplStruct(DialogResult.OK, false); TestFramework.LogInformation(" Case 4: Direct p/invoke cdecl calling convention"); CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate std = GetFptrCdeclSimpleExplStruct(20); IntPtr st = std(p, ref retval); p = Marshal.PtrToStructure(st); if (retval == false) { TestFramework.LogError("01", "PInvokeTests->PosTest2 : values of passed in structure not matched with expected once on unmanaged side."); return false; } if ((p.type != DialogResult.Cancel) || (p.c != 3.142)) { Console.WriteLine("\nExpected values:\n SimpleStruct->a=2\nSimpleStruct->c=3.142\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nActual values:\n SimpleStruct->a=" + p.type + "\nSimpleStruct->c=" + p.c + "\n"); TestFramework.LogError("02", "PInvokeTests->PosTest4 : Returned values are different from expected values"); retval = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestFramework.LogError("03", "Unexpected exception: " + e.ToString()); retval = false; } return retval; } #endregion public static int Main(string[] argv) { bool retVal = true; retVal = retVal && PosTest1(); retVal = retVal && PosTest2(); retVal = retVal && PosTest3(); // // retVal = retVal && PosTest4(); if (!retVal) Console.WriteLine("FAIL"); else Console.WriteLine("PASS"); return (retVal ? 100 : 101); } } }