$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative($(OutputPath), $(_CLRTestToRunFileFullPath))) $(MSBuildProjectName).exe $(MSBuildProjectName).dasm.il $(MSBuildProjectName).asm.exe false $(OutputPath)$(MSBuildProjectName).cmd $(OutputPath)$([System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension("$(CLRTestProjectToRun)")).exe $(OutputPath)$(MSBuildProjectName).$(OutputType.ToLower()) true debuggerFullPath Run testcases under debugger. true envScriptFullPath Run the specified script to set environment variables before running the test. true CoreRootFullPath Set CORE_ROOT to the specified value before running the test. <_CLRTestRunFile Condition="'$(CLRTestIsHosted)'=='true'">"%CORE_ROOT%\corerun.exe" @(CLRTestBatchEnvironmentVariable -> '%(Identity)', '%0d%0a') <_RequiredProperties Include="_CLRTestRunFile"> $(_CLRTestRunFile) 'set cond=0 IF /I [%1] == [-%(Identity)] set cond=1 IF /I [%1] == [/%(Identity)] set cond=1 IF %cond% EQU 1 ( %(Command) shift IF /I [%(HasParam)] == [true] shift goto NextArg )',' ') if NOT "%1" == "" ( set CLRTestExecutionArguments=%* goto :ArgsDone ) goto ArgsDone :USAGE ECHO.Usage ECHO %0 $(_CLRTestParamList) ECHO. ECHO - OPTIONS - @(BatchCLRTestExecutionScriptArgument -> 'ECHO -%(Identity) %(ParamName) ECHO %(Description)', ' ') Exit /b 1 :ArgsDone $(BatchCLRTestArgPrep) ]]> <_CLRTestExecutionScriptText>