@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal set __ThisScriptShort=%0 set __ThisScriptFull=%~f0 set __ThisScriptPath=%~dp0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Parse arguments REM === REM ========================================================================================= set __OutputDir= set __Arch= :Arg_Loop if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone if /i "%1" == "/?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/arch" (set __Arch=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "/outputdir" (set __OutputDir=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) echo Invalid command-line argument: %1 goto Usage :ArgsDone if not defined __OutputDir goto Usage if not defined __Arch goto Usage REM Check if the platform is supported if /i %__Arch% == "arm" ( echo No runtime dependencies for Arm32. exit /b 0 ) REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Check if dotnet CLI and necessary directories exist REM === REM ========================================================================================= set __DotNetToolDir=%__ThisScriptPath%..\Tools set __DotNetCmd=%__DotNetToolDir%\dotnetcli\dotnet.exe set __PackageDir=%__ThisScriptPath%..\Packages set __CsprojPath=%__ThisScriptPath%\src\Common\stress_dependencies\stress_dependencies.csproj REM Check if dotnet cli exists if not exist "%__DotNetToolDir%" ( echo Directory containing dotnet CLI does not exist: %__DotNetToolDir% goto Fail ) if not exist "%__DotNetCmd%" ( echo dotnet.exe does not exist: %__DotNetCmd% goto Fail ) REM Create directories needed if not exist "%__PackageDir%" md "%__PackageDir%" if not exist "%__OutputDir%" md "%__OutputDir%" REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Download packages REM === REM ========================================================================================= REM Download the package echo Downloading CoreDisTools package set DOTNETCMD="%__DotNetCmd%" restore "%__CsprojPath%" --source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/ --packages "%__PackageDir%" echo %DOTNETCMD% call %DOTNETCMD% if errorlevel 1 goto Fail REM Get downloaded dll path echo Locating coredistools.dll FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir %__PackageDir%\coredistools.dll /b/s ^| findstr /R "win[0-9]*-%__Arch%"') DO set __LibPath=%%i echo CoreDisTools library path: %__LibPath% if not exist "%__LibPath%" ( echo Failed to locate the downloaded library: %__LibPath% goto Fail ) REM Copy library to output directory echo Copy library: %__LibPath% to %__OutputDir% copy /y "%__LibPath%" "%__OutputDir%" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failed to copy %__LibPath% to %__OutputDir% goto Fail ) exit /b 0 :Fail exit /b 1 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Helper routines REM === REM ========================================================================================= :Usage echo. echo Download coredistools for GC stress testing echo. echo Usage: echo %__ThisScriptShort% /arch ^ /outputdir ^ echo. exit /b 1