@rem Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. @rem The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. @rem See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. @echo off set CORE_ROOT=%CD%\bin\tests\Windows_NT.%1.%2\Tests\Core_Root set FRAMEWORK_DIR=%CD%\bin\tests\Windows_NT.%1.%2\GC\Stress\Framework\ReliabilityFramework powershell -NoProfile "%CORE_ROOT%\CoreRun.exe %FRAMEWORK_DIR%\ReliabilityFramework.exe %FRAMEWORK_DIR%\testmix_gc.config" if %ERRORLEVEL% == 100 ( @rem The ReliabilityFramework returns 100 on success and 99 on failure echo ReliabilityFramework successful exit /b 0 ) else if %ERRORLEVEL% == 99 ( echo ReliabilityFramework test failed, some tests failed exit /b 1 ) else ( @rem The ReliabilityFramework returns -1 when something is wrong with the @rem run configuration. It should be obvious from standard out why this happened. echo ReliabilityFramework returned a strange exit code %ERRORLEVEL%, perhaps some config is wrong? exit /b 1 )