#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. # The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. # ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # # Module: run-corefx-tests.py # # Notes: # # Script to clone the CoreFx repo, build, and run its tests. # ########################################################################## ########################################################################## import argparse import distutils.dir_util import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys ########################################################################## # Globals ########################################################################## testing = False Corefx_url = 'https://github.com/dotnet/corefx.git' # This should be factored out of build.sh Unix_name_map = { 'Linux': 'Linux', 'Darwin': 'OSX', 'FreeBSD': 'FreeBSD', 'OpenBSD': 'OpenBSD', 'NetBSD': 'NetBSD', 'SunOS': 'SunOS' } Is_windows = (os.name == 'nt') ########################################################################## # Delete protocol ########################################################################## def del_rw(action, name, exc): os.chmod(name, 0o651) os.remove(name) ########################################################################## # Argument Parser ########################################################################## description = 'Tool to facilitate running CoreFx tests from the CoreCLR repo' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('-arch', dest='arch', default='x64') parser.add_argument('-ci_arch', dest='ci_arch', default=None) parser.add_argument('-build_type', dest='build_type', default='Debug') parser.add_argument('-clr_root', dest='clr_root', default=None) parser.add_argument('-fx_root', dest='fx_root', default=None) parser.add_argument('-fx_branch', dest='fx_branch', default='master') parser.add_argument('-fx_commit', dest='fx_commit', default=None) parser.add_argument('-env_script', dest='env_script', default=None) parser.add_argument('-exclusion_rsp_file', dest='exclusion_rsp_file', default=None) parser.add_argument('-no_run_tests', dest='no_run_tests', action="store_true", default=False) ########################################################################## # Helper Functions ########################################################################## def validate_args(args): """ Validate all of the arguments parsed. Args: args (argparser.ArgumentParser): Args parsed by the argument parser. Returns: (arch, ci_arch, build_type, clr_root, fx_root, fx_branch, fx_commit, env_script, exclusion_rsp_file, no_run_tests) (str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str) Notes: If the arguments are valid then return them all in a tuple. If not, raise an exception stating x argument is incorrect. """ arch = args.arch ci_arch = args.ci_arch build_type = args.build_type clr_root = args.clr_root fx_root = args.fx_root fx_branch = args.fx_branch fx_commit = args.fx_commit env_script = args.env_script exclusion_rsp_file = args.exclusion_rsp_file no_run_tests = args.no_run_tests def validate_arg(arg, check): """ Validate an individual arg Args: arg (str|bool): argument to be validated check (lambda: x-> bool): test that returns either True or False : based on whether the check passes. Returns: is_valid (bool): Is the argument valid? """ helper = lambda item: item is not None and check(item) if not helper(arg): raise Exception('Argument: %s is not valid.' % (arg)) valid_archs = ['x86', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64'] valid_build_types = ['Debug', 'Checked', 'Release'] arch = next((a for a in valid_archs if a.lower() == arch.lower()), arch) build_type = next((b for b in valid_build_types if b.lower() == build_type.lower()), build_type) validate_arg(arch, lambda item: item in valid_archs) validate_arg(build_type, lambda item: item in valid_build_types) validate_arg(fx_branch, lambda item: True) if fx_commit is None: fx_commit = 'HEAD' if clr_root is None: clr_root = nth_dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), 3) else: clr_root = os.path.normpath(clr_root) validate_arg(clr_root, lambda item: os.path.isdir(clr_root)) if fx_root is None: fx_root = os.path.join(clr_root, '_', 'fx') else: fx_root = os.path.normpath(fx_root) if env_script is not None: validate_arg(env_script, lambda item: os.path.isfile(env_script)) env_script = os.path.abspath(env_script) if exclusion_rsp_file is not None: validate_arg(exclusion_rsp_file, lambda item: os.path.isfile(exclusion_rsp_file)) exclusion_rsp_file = os.path.abspath(exclusion_rsp_file) args = (arch, ci_arch, build_type, clr_root, fx_root, fx_branch, fx_commit, env_script, exclusion_rsp_file, no_run_tests) log('Configuration:') log(' arch: %s' % arch) log(' ci_arch: %s' % ci_arch) log(' build_type: %s' % build_type) log(' clr_root: %s' % clr_root) log(' fx_root: %s' % fx_root) log(' fx_branch: %s' % fx_branch) log(' fx_commit: %s' % fx_commit) log(' env_script: %s' % env_script) log(' exclusion_rsp_file: %s' % exclusion_rsp_file) log(' no_run_tests: %s' % no_run_tests) return args def nth_dirname(path, n): """ Find the Nth parent directory of the given path Args: path (str): path name containing at least N components n (int): num of basenames to remove Returns: outpath (str): path with the last n components removed Notes: If n is 0, path is returned unmodified """ assert n >= 0 for i in range(0, n): path = os.path.dirname(path) return path def log(message): """ Print logging information Args: message (str): message to be printed """ print('[%s]: %s' % (sys.argv[0], message)) def copy_files(source_dir, target_dir): """ Copy any files in the source_dir to the target_dir. The copy is not recursive. The directories must already exist. Args: source_dir (str): source directory path target_dir (str): target directory path Returns: Nothing """ global testing assert os.path.isdir(source_dir) assert os.path.isdir(target_dir) for source_filename in os.listdir(source_dir): source_pathname = os.path.join(source_dir, source_filename) if os.path.isfile(source_pathname): target_pathname = os.path.join(target_dir, source_filename) log('Copy: %s => %s' % (source_pathname, target_pathname)) if not testing: shutil.copy2(source_pathname, target_pathname) ########################################################################## # Main ########################################################################## def main(args): global Corefx_url global Unix_name_map global testing arch, ci_arch, build_type, clr_root, fx_root, fx_branch, fx_commit, env_script, exclusion_rsp_file, no_run_tests = validate_args( args) clr_os = 'Windows_NT' if Is_windows else Unix_name_map[os.uname()[0]] core_root = os.path.join(clr_root, 'bin', 'Product', '%s.%s.%s' % (clr_os, arch, build_type)) # corefx creates both files that are read-only and files that include non-ascii # characters. Using onerror=del_rw allows us to delete all of the read-only files. # To delete the files with non-ascii characters, when rmtree fails due to those # files, we then will call rd on Windows. if not testing and os.path.exists(fx_root): if Is_windows: while True: res = subprocess.check_output(['tasklist']) if not 'VBCSCompiler.exe' in res: break os.chdir(fx_root) os.system('git clean -fxd') os.chdir(clr_root) shutil.rmtree(fx_root, onerror=del_rw) # Clone the corefx branch command = 'git clone -b %s --single-branch %s %s' % ( fx_branch, Corefx_url, fx_root) log(command) if testing: if not os.path.exists(fx_root): os.makedirs(fx_root) returncode = 0 else: returncode = os.system(command) # Change directory to the corefx root cwd = os.getcwd() log('[cd] ' + fx_root) os.chdir(fx_root) # Checkout the appropriate corefx commit command = "git checkout %s" % fx_commit log(command) returncode = 0 if testing else os.system(command) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) # Print the currently checked out commit hash. Mostly useful if you just checked # out HEAD, which is the default. command = "git rev-parse HEAD" log(command) returncode = 0 if testing else os.system(command) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) # On Unix, coreFx build.sh requires HOME to be set, and it isn't by default # under our CI system, so set it now. if not Is_windows: fx_home = os.path.join(fx_root, 'tempHome') if not os.path.exists(fx_home): os.makedirs(fx_home) os.putenv('HOME', fx_home) log('HOME=' + fx_home) # Gather up some arguments to pass to the different build scripts. common_config_args = '-configuration Release -framework netcoreapp -os %s -arch %s' % (clr_os, arch) build_args = '-build -restore' build_test_args = '-buildtests /p:ArchiveTests=Tests' if not no_run_tests: build_test_args += ' -test' if not Is_windows and arch == 'arm' : # We need to force clang5.0; we are building in a docker container that doesn't have # clang3.9, which is currently the default used by the native build. common_config_args += ' /p:BuildNativeCompiler=--clang5.0' if not Is_windows and (arch == 'arm' or arch == 'arm64'): # It is needed under docker where LC_ALL is not configured. common_config_args += ' --warnAsError false' build_command = 'build.cmd' if Is_windows else './build.sh' command = ' '.join((build_command, common_config_args, build_args)) log(command) returncode = 0 if testing else os.system(command) if returncode != 0: log('Error: exit code %s' % returncode) sys.exit(1) # Override the built corefx runtime (which it picked up by copying from packages determined # by its dependencies.props file). Note that we always build Release corefx. # We must copy all files, not just the files that already exist in the corefx runtime # directory. This is required so we copy over all altjit compilers. # TODO: it might be cleaner to encapsulate the knowledge of how to do this in the # corefx msbuild files somewhere. fx_runtime = os.path.join(fx_root, 'artifacts', 'bin', 'testhost', 'netcoreapp-%s-%s-%s' % (clr_os, 'Release', arch), 'shared', 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', '9.9.9') log('Updating CoreCLR: %s => %s' % (core_root, fx_runtime)) copy_files(core_root, fx_runtime) # Build the test command line. # If we're doing altjit testing, then don't run any tests that don't work with altjit. if ci_arch is not None and (ci_arch == 'x86_arm_altjit' or ci_arch == 'x64_arm64_altjit'): # The property value we need to specify for the WithoutCategories property is a semicolon # separated list of two values, so the two values must be enclosed in double quotes, namely: # # /p:WithoutCategories="IgnoreForCI;XsltcExeRequired" # # Without the quotes, msbuild interprets the semicolon as separating two name/value pairs, # which is incorrect (and causes an error). # # If we pass this on the command-line, it requires an extraordinary number of backslashes # to prevent special Python, dotnet CLI, CMD, and other command-line processing, as the command # filters through batch files, the RUN tool, dotnet CLI, and finally gets to msbuild. To avoid # this, and make it simpler and hopefully more resilient to scripting changes, we create an # msbuild response file with the required text and pass the response file on to msbuild. without_categories_filename = os.path.join(fx_root, 'msbuild_commands.rsp') without_categories_string = '/p:WithoutCategories="IgnoreForCI;XsltcExeRequired"' with open(without_categories_filename, "w") as without_categories_file: without_categories_file.write(without_categories_string) without_categories = " @%s" % without_categories_filename log('Response file %s contents:' % without_categories_filename) log('%s' % without_categories_string) log('[end response file contents]') else: without_categories = ' /p:WithoutCategories=IgnoreForCI' command = ' '.join(( build_command, common_config_args, build_test_args, without_categories )) if env_script is not None: command += (' /p:PreExecutionTestScript=%s' % env_script) if not Is_windows: command += ' /p:TestWithLocalNativeLibraries=true' if not Is_windows and (arch == 'arm' or arch == 'arm64'): # It is needed under docker where LC_ALL is not configured. command += ' --warnAsError false' if exclusion_rsp_file is not None: command += (' /p:TestRspFile=%s' % exclusion_rsp_file) # Run the corefx test build and run the tests themselves. log(command) returncode = 0 if testing else os.system(command) if returncode != 0: log('Error: exit code %s' % returncode) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) ########################################################################## # setup for Main ########################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': Args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) main(Args)