#!/usr/bin/env python # ## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ## See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. # ## # Title :lst_creator.py # # Script to create a working list file from the test overlay directory. This # will be used by smarty to run tests. # ################################################################################ import argparse import datetime import os import re import sys from collections import defaultdict ################################################################################ # Argument Parser ################################################################################ DESCRIPTION = """Python script to help create/update the arm64 lstFile """ PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) PARSER.add_argument("--test", dest="testing", action="store_true", default=False) PARSER.add_argument("-lst_file", dest="old_list_file", nargs='?', default=None) PARSER.add_argument("-test_dir", dest="test_dir", nargs='?', default=None) PARSER.add_argument("-commit_hash", dest="commit_hash", nargs='?', default=None) PARSER.add_argument("-failures_csv", dest="failures_csv", nargs='?', default=None) PARSER.add_argument("--unset_new", dest="unset_new", action="store_true", default=False) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) ################################################################################ # Helper Functions ################################################################################ def create_list_file(file_name, metadata): """ Create a lstFile given a set of metadata input Args: file_name (str): Location to write the lstFile metadata ({ str: { str: str } }): Dictionary mapping test name to : a dictionary of key/value : attributes. """ current_time = datetime.datetime.now() current_time_str = current_time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S%z") metadata = [metadata[item] for item in metadata] metadata = sorted(metadata, key=lambda item: item[1]) new_metadata = [item for item in metadata if item[1] == -1] old_metadata = [item for item in metadata if item[1] != -1] with open(file_name, "w") as file_handle: file_handle.write("## This list file has been produced automatically. Any changes" + os.pathsep) file_handle.write("## are subject to being overwritten when reproducing this file." + os.pathsep)) file_handle.write("## " + os.pathsep)) file_handle.write("## Last Updated: %s%s" % (current_time_str, os.pathsep)) file_handle.write("## Commit: %s%s" % (ARGS.commit_hash, os.pathsep)) file_handle.write("## " + os.pathsep)) order = ["RelativePath", "WorkingDir", "Expected", "MaxAllowedDurationSeconds", "Categories", "HostStyle"] def write_metadata(data, count=None): for item in data: test_name = item[0]["RelativePath"] if item[1] != -1: count = item[1] item = item[0] # Get the test name. title = "[%s_%d]" % (test_name.split("\\")[-1], count) count += 1 file_handle.write("%s\n" % title) attribute_str = "" for key in order: attribute_str += "%s=%s%s" % (key, item[key], os.pathsep)) file_handle.write(attribute_str + os.pathsep)) write_metadata(old_metadata) write_metadata(new_metadata, old_metadata[-1][1] + 1) def create_metadata(tests): """ Given a set of tests create the metadata around them Args: tests ([str]): List of tests for which to determine metadata Returns: test_metadata ({ str: { str: str } }): Dictionary mapping test name to : a dictionary of key/value : attributes. """ test_metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None) failures_csv = ARGS.failures_csv failure_information = defaultdict(lambda: None) if failures_csv is not None: lines = [] assert(os.path.isfile(failures_csv)) with open(failures_csv, "r") as file_handle: lines = file_handle.readlines() try: for line in lines: split = line.split(",") relative_path = split[0].replace("/", "\\") category = split[1] failure_information[relative_path] = category.strip() except: raise Exception("Error. CSV format expects: relativepath,category") for test in tests: working_directory = os.path.dirname(test).replace("/", "\\") # Make sure the tests use the windows \ seperator. relative_path = test.replace("/", "\\") max_duration = "600" categories = "EXPECTED_PASS" expected = "0" host_style = "0" metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None) metadata["RelativePath"] = relative_path metadata["WorkingDir"] = working_directory metadata["MaxAllowedDurationSeconds"] = max_duration metadata["HostStyle"] = host_style metadata["Expected"] = expected metadata["Categories"] = categories if failure_information[relative_path] is not None: metadata["Categories"] = failure_information[relative_path] test_metadata[relative_path] = metadata return test_metadata def get_all_tests(base_dir): """ Find all of the tests in the enlistment Args: base_dir (str): Directory to start traversing from Returns: test_list ([str]): List of the tests. Note this is defined to be every : cmd file under the base_dir. Note: To find the tests correctly you must build the tests correctly and pass that directory. This method will NOT check to make sure that this has been done correctly. This is a recursive method. """ def get_all_tests_helper(working_dir): """ Helper function to recursively get all tests. """ assert os.path.isdir(working_dir) items = os.listdir(working_dir) items = [os.path.join(working_dir, item) for item in items] dirs = [item for item in items if os.path.isdir(item)] tests = [item for item in items if ".cmd" in item] for item in dirs: tests += get_all_tests_helper(item) return tests # Recursively get all of the tests in the directory. tests = get_all_tests_helper(base_dir) # Find the correct base directory for the tests. common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(tests) if common_prefix is not None: tests = [test.replace(common_prefix, "") for test in tests] return tests def log(message): """ Log a debug message. This is to be used when the --test option is passed """ if ARGS.testing is True: print message def parse_lst_file(lst_file): """Parse a lstFile given. Args: lst_file(str): location of the lstFile Returns: test_metadata (defaultdict(lambda: None)): Key is test name. """ assert os.path.isfile(lst_file) contents = None with open(lst_file) as file_handle: contents = file_handle.read() split = re.split("\[(.*?)\]", contents) unique_name = None test_metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None) for item in split: if len(item) == 0 or item[0] == "#": continue if unique_name is None: unique_name = item else: index = int(unique_name.split("_")[-1]) metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None) attributes = item.split(os.linesep) for attribute in attributes: # Skip the removed new lines. if len(attribute) == 0: continue pair = attribute.split("=") key = pair[0].strip() value = pair[1].strip() metadata[key] = value # Relative path is unique, while the test name alone is not. unique_name = metadata["RelativePath"] test_metadata[unique_name] = (metadata, index) unique_name = None return test_metadata ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ def main(args): """ Main method Args: args ([str]): the arugments passed to the program. """ # Assign all of the passed variables. test_dir = args.test_dir old_list_file = args.old_list_file commit_hash = args.commit_hash unset_new = args.unset_new if commit_hash is None: print "Error please provide a commit hash." sys.exit(1) if test_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(test_dir): print "Error the test directory passed is not a valid directory." sys.exit(1) tests = get_all_tests(test_dir) print "Found %d tests in the test directory." % (len(tests)) print old_test_metadata = None # If we are updating an old lstFile. Get all of the tests from that # lstFile and their metadata. if old_list_file is not None: old_test_metadata = parse_lst_file(old_list_file) print "Found %d tests in the old lstFile." % (len(old_test_metadata)) test_metadata = create_metadata(tests) if old_test_metadata is not None: # If the new information has been changed, we will need to update # the lstFile. new_test_count = 0 update_count = 0 for test_name in test_metadata: new_metadata = test_metadata[test_name] old_metadata = old_test_metadata[test_name] attributes = None if old_test_metadata[test_name] is None: new_test_count += 1 new_metadata["Categories"] += ";NEW" old_test_metadata[test_name] = (new_metadata, -1) else: index = old_metadata[1] old_metadata = old_metadata[0] attributes = set(old_metadata.keys() + new_metadata.keys()) # Make sure we go through all attributes of both sets. # If an attribute exists in one set but not the other it will # be None. If the new metadata has a new attribute, write this # into the old metadata. If the old metadata has an attribute # that does not exist in the new set. Do not remove it. overwritten = False for attribute in attributes: if attribute == "MaxAllowedDurationSeconds": continue if attribute == "Categories": new_split = new_metadata["Categories"].split(";") old_split = old_metadata["Categories"].split(";") if unset_new: if "NEW" in old_split: old_split.remove("NEW") # If an old test is marked as a failing test. Make # sure that we carry that information along. if "EXPECTED_PASS" in new_split and "EXPECTED_FAIL" in old_split: new_split.remove("EXPECTED_PASS") # If it used to be marked as pass but it is now failing. Make sure # we remove the old category. elif "EXPECTED_FAIL" in new_split and "EXPECTED_PASS" in old_split: old_split.remove("EXPECTED_PASS") joined_categories = set(old_split + new_split) overwritten = True ordered_categories = [] for item in old_split: if item in joined_categories: ordered_categories.append(item) joined_categories.remove(item) old_metadata[attribute] = ";".join(ordered_categories) old_metadata[attribute] = old_metadata[attribute] + ";" + ";".join(joined_categories) if len(joined_categories) > 0 else old_metadata[attribute] old_test_metadata[test_name] = (old_metadata, index) elif new_metadata[attribute] != old_metadata[attribute]: # If the old information is not the same as the new # information, keep the new information. overwrite the old # metadata. if new_metadata[attribute] is not None: overwritten = True old_metadata[attribute] = new_metadata[attribute] old_test_metadata[test_name] = (old_metadata, index) if overwritten: update_count += 1 tests_removed = 0 tests_to_remove = [] for old_test_name in old_test_metadata: # Remove all old unreferenced tests if old_test_name not in test_metadata: tests_to_remove.append(old_test_name) tests_removed += 1 for test_name in tests_to_remove: old_test_metadata.pop(test_name) print "Added %d tests." % new_test_count print "Removed %d tests." % tests_removed print "Finished join. %d tests updated." % update_count test_metadata = old_test_metadata # Overwrite the old file if provided, else use the generic name Tests.lst lst_file = "Tests.lst" if old_list_file is None else old_list_file # Write out the new lstFile create_list_file(lst_file, test_metadata) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": main(ARGS)