#!/usr/bin/env bash function print_usage { echo '' echo 'Build ILLINKer for CoreCLR testing' echo '' echo 'Optional arguments:' echo ' -?|-h|--help : Show usage information.' echo ' --clone : Clone the repository https://github.com/mono/linker' echo ' --arch : The architecture to build (default X64)' echo ' --os : The os/runtime to build x64 (ubuntu.16.04)' echo '' } # Argument variables clone= setenv= os='ubuntu' arch='x64' for i in "$@" do case $i in -?|-h|--help) print_usage exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS ;; --clone) clone=1 ;; --arch=*) arch=${i#*=} ;; --os=*) os=${i#*=} ;; *) echo "Unknown switch: $i" print_usage exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS ;; esac done rid="$os-$arch" if [ ! -z "$clone" ]; then git clone --recursive https://github.com/mono/linker fi pushd linker/corebuild ./restore.sh -r $rid cd ../linker ../corebuild/dotnet.sh publish -r $rid -c netcore_Release popd dir=$(pwd) output="$dir/linker/linker/bin/netcore_Release/netcoreapp2.0/$rid/publish/illink" echo Built $output exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS