################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Module: arm64_post_build.py # # Notes: # # This script is responsible for starting the x64 dotnet client. In order to # do this it has to pass along the core_root that was built in the previous # build steps using build.cmd. # # After everything has run, the dotnet client will dump a bunch of information # to the console. It will be captured, parsed, and a series of xunit xml files # will be created so that jenkins can parse it to display results. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ import argparse import errno import os import urllib import urllib2 import shutil import subprocess import sys import zipfile from collections import defaultdict ################################################################################ # Globals ################################################################################ g_arm64ci_path = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "bin") g_dotnet_url = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=831469" g_x64_client_url = "https://clrjit.blob.core.windows.net/arm64ci/x64_client_live_tests.zip" ################################################################################ # Argument Parser ################################################################################ description = """Python script to facilitate running an arm64/arm test run using the cloud. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("--force_update", dest="force_update", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-repo_root", dest="repo_root", nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument("-arch", dest="arch", nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument("-build_type", dest="build_type", nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument("-scenario", dest="scenario", nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument("-key_location", dest="key_location", nargs='?', default=None) ################################################################################ # Helper Functions ################################################################################ def add_item_to_path(location): """ Add the dotnet install to the path """ os.environ["PATH"] = location + ";" + os.environ["PATH"] def copy_core_root(core_root): """ Copy the core root directory to the current dir as "build" Args: core_root (str): location of the core_root directory Returns: copy_location (str): name of the location, for now hardcoded to build : for backcompat in the old system """ new_location = "build" # Delete used instances. if os.path.isdir(new_location): try: shutil.rmtree(new_location) except: assert not os.path.isdir(new_location) try: shutil.copytree(core_root, new_location) except OSError as error: log("Core Root not copied. Error: %s" % error) sys.exit(1) return new_location def copy_tests(test_location): """ Copy the test directory to the current dir as "tests" Args: test_location (str): location of the tests directory Returns: copy_location (str): name of the location, for now hardcoded to tests : for backcompat in the old system """ new_location = "tests" # Delete used instances. if os.path.isdir(new_location): try: shutil.rmtree(new_location) except: assert not os.path.isdir(new_location) try: shutil.copytree(test_location, new_location) except OSError as error: log("Test location not copied. Error: %s" % error) sys.exit(1) return new_location def log(message): """ Helper function to print logging information Args: message (str): message to be printed """ print "[arm64_post_build]: %s" % (message) def setup_cli(force_update=False): """ Install the dotnet cli onto the machine Args: force_update (bool): whether or not to force an update. Return: install_location (str): location of the installed cli Notes: This will be installed to %USERPROFILE%\dotnet. If force update is False then we will not install the cli if it already exists. """ global g_dotnet_url install_path = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "dotnet") # Only install if the cli doesn't exist or we are forcing an update if not os.path.isdir(install_path) or force_update: log("Downloading the .NET CLI") if os.path.isdir(install_path): try: shutil.rmtree(install_path) except: assert not os.path.isdir(install_path) os.mkdir(install_path) filename = os.path.join(install_path, 'dotnet-cli.zip') urllib.urlretrieve(g_dotnet_url, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception("Error failed to download cli.") with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') as file_handle: file_handle.extractall(install_path) return install_path def setup_x64_client(key_location, force_update=True): """ Setup the x64 client which will be used to communicate to the proxy Args: force_update (bool): whether or not to force an update, defaults to true Return: install_location (str): location of the installed x64_client Notes: Assume that the package has changed, so that every run will trigger an update. If there is no update then the install will be fairly quick either way. """ global g_x64_client_url install_path = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "bin") # If installed and force update is not set. Just return if os.path.isdir(install_path) and not force_update: return install_path log("Downloading the x64_client") if os.path.isdir(install_path): # Delete the old location try: shutil.rmtree(install_path) except: assert not os.path.isdir(install_path) os.mkdir(install_path) filename = os.path.join(install_path, 'x64_client.zip') urllib.urlretrieve(g_x64_client_url, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise Exception("Error failed to download the x64_client.") with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') as file_handle: file_handle.extractall(install_path) # Copy key_location shutil.copy2(key_location, install_path) return install_path def validate_args(args): """ Validate all of the arguments parsed. Args: args (argparser.ArgumentParser): Args parsed by the argument parser. Returns: (workspace, arch, build_type, scenario, force_update): (str, str, str, str, str, bool) Notes: If the arguments are valid then return them all in a tuple. If not, raise an exception stating x argument is incorrect. """ repo_root = args.repo_root arch = args.arch build_type = args.build_type scenario = args.scenario key_location = args.key_location force_update = args.force_update def validate_arg(arg, check): """ Validate an individual arg Args: arg (str|bool): argument to be validated check (lambda: x-> bool): check that returns either True or False : based on whether the check works. Returns: is_valid (bool): Is the argument valid? """ helper = lambda item: item is not None and check(item) if not helper(arg): raise Exception("Argument: %s is not valid." % (arg)) valid_arches = ["arm", "arm64"] valid_build_types = ["debug", "checked", "release"] valid_scenarios = ["default", "pri1r2r", "gcstress0x3", "gcstress0xc"] validate_arg(repo_root, lambda item: os.path.isdir(item)) validate_arg(arch, lambda item: item.lower() in valid_arches) validate_arg(build_type, lambda item: item.lower() in valid_build_types) validate_arg(scenario, lambda item: item.lower() in valid_scenarios) validate_arg(key_location, lambda item: os.path.isfile(item)) validate_arg(force_update, lambda item: isinstance(item, bool)) arch = arch.lower() build_type = build_type.lower() scenario = scenario.lower() args = (repo_root, arch, build_type, scenario, key_location, force_update) log("Passed args: " "Repo Root: %s, " "Build Arch: %s, " "Config: %s, " "Scenario: %s, " "Key Location: %s" % (repo_root, arch, build_type, scenario, key_location)) return args ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ def main(args): global g_arm64ci_path repo_root, arch, build_type, scenario, key_location, force_update = validate_args(args) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo_root) runtest_location = os.path.join(repo_root, "tests", "runtest.cmd") args = [runtest_location, "GenerateLayoutOnly", arch, build_type] subprocess.check_call(args) os.chdir(cwd) core_root = os.path.join(repo_root, "bin", "Product", "Windows_NT.%s.%s" % (arch, build_type)) test_location = os.path.join(repo_root, "bin", "tests", "Windows_NT.%s.%s" % (arch, build_type)) cli_location = setup_cli(force_update=force_update) add_item_to_path(cli_location) g_arm64ci_path = setup_x64_client(key_location) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(g_arm64ci_path) core_root = copy_core_root(core_root) log("Copied core_root to %s." % core_root) test_location = copy_tests(test_location) log("Copied test location to %s." % test_location) # Make sure the lst file is copied into the core_root lst_file = os.path.join(repo_root, "tests", arch, "Tests.lst") shutil.copy2(lst_file, core_root) log("Copied %s to %s." % (lst_file, core_root)) args = ["dotnet", os.path.join(g_arm64ci_path, "x64_client.dll"), arch, build_type, scenario, core_root, test_location] log(" ".join(args)) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) std_out, std_err = proc.communicate() # Restore directory os.chdir(cwd) if std_out == "": print std_err else: print std_out if std_out is not None and isinstance(std_out, str): if len(std_out.split("TestID")) > 1: sys.exit(1) # This run has been successful. elif len(std_out) > 0: sys.exit(0) ################################################################################ # setup for Main ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) main(args)