#!/usr/bin/env bash function print_usage { echo '' echo 'CoreCLR test runner script.' echo '' echo 'Typical command line:' echo '' echo 'coreclr/tests/runtest.sh' echo ' --testRootDir="temp/Windows_NT.x64.Debug"' echo ' --testNativeBinDir="coreclr/bin/obj/Linux.x64.Debug/tests"' echo ' --coreClrBinDir="coreclr/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Debug"' echo ' --mscorlibDir="windows/coreclr/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Debug"' echo ' --coreFxBinDir="corefx/bin/Linux.AnyCPU.Debug"' echo ' --coreFxNativeBinDir="corefx/bin/Linux.x64.Debug"' echo '' echo 'Required arguments:' echo ' --testRootDir= : Root directory of the test build (e.g. coreclr/bin/tests/Windows_NT.x64.Debug).' echo ' --testNativeBinDir= : Directory of the native CoreCLR test build (e.g. coreclr/bin/obj/Linux.x64.Debug/tests).' echo ' (Also required: Either --coreOverlayDir, or all of the switches --coreOverlayDir overrides)' echo '' echo 'Optional arguments:' echo ' --coreOverlayDir= : Directory containing core binaries and test dependencies. If not specified, the' echo ' default is testRootDir/Tests/coreoverlay. This switch overrides --coreClrBinDir,' echo ' --mscorlibDir, --coreFxBinDir, and --coreFxNativeBinDir.' echo ' --coreClrBinDir= : Directory of the CoreCLR build (e.g. coreclr/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Debug).' echo ' --mscorlibDir= : Directory containing the built mscorlib.dll. If not specified, it is expected to be' echo ' in the directory specified by --coreClrBinDir.' echo ' --coreFxBinDir= : Directory of the CoreFX build (e.g. corefx/bin/Linux.AnyCPU.Debug).' echo ' --coreFxNativeBinDir= : Directory of the CoreFX native build (e.g. corefx/bin/Linux.x64.Debug).' echo ' --testDir= : Run tests only in the specified directory. The path is relative to the directory' echo ' specified by --testRootDir. Multiple of this switch may be specified.' echo ' --testDirFile= : Run tests only in the directories specified by the file at . Paths are listed' echo ' one line, relative to the directory specified by --testRootDir.' echo ' --runFailingTestsOnly : Run only the tests that are disabled on this platform due to unexpected failures.' echo ' Failing tests are listed in coreclr/tests/failingTestsOutsideWindows.txt, one per' echo ' line, as paths to .sh files relative to the directory specified by --testRootDir.' echo ' --disableEventLogging : Disable the events logged by both VM and Managed Code' echo ' --sequential : Run tests sequentially (default is to run in parallel).' echo ' --playlist= : Run only the tests that are specified in the file at , in the same format as' echo ' runFailingTestsOnly' echo ' -v, --verbose : Show output from each test.' echo ' -h|--help : Show usage information.' echo ' --useServerGC : Enable server GC for this test run' echo ' --test-en : Script to set environment variables for tests' echo '' echo 'Runtime Code Coverage options:' echo ' --coreclr-coverage : Optional argument to get coreclr code coverage reports' echo ' --coreclr-objs= : Location of root of the object directory' echo ' containing the linux/mac coreclr build' echo ' --coreclr-src= : Location of root of the directory' echo ' containing the coreclr source files' echo ' --coverage-output-dir= : Directory where coverage output will be written to' echo '' } function print_results { echo "" echo "=======================" echo " Test Results" echo "=======================" echo "# Tests Discovered : $countTotalTests" echo "# Passed : $countPassedTests" echo "# Failed : $countFailedTests" echo "# Skipped : $countSkippedTests" echo "=======================" } # Initialize counters for bookkeeping. countTotalTests=0 countPassedTests=0 countFailedTests=0 countSkippedTests=0 # Variables for xUnit-style XML output. XML format: https://xunit.github.io/docs/format-xml-v2.html xunitOutputPath= xunitTestOutputPath= # libExtension determines extension for dynamic library files OSName=$(uname -s) libExtension= case $OSName in Darwin) libExtension="dylib" ;; Linux) libExtension="so" ;; NetBSD) libExtension="so" ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS $OSName detected, configuring as if for Linux" libExtension="so" ;; esac function xunit_output_begin { xunitOutputPath=$testRootDir/coreclrtests.xml xunitTestOutputPath=${xunitOutputPath}.test if [ -e "$xunitOutputPath" ]; then rm -f -r "$xunitOutputPath" fi if [ -e "$xunitTestOutputPath" ]; then rm -f -r "$xunitTestOutputPath" fi } function xunit_output_add_test { # # # # local scriptFilePath=$1 local outputFilePath=$2 local testResult=$3 # Pass, Fail, or Skip local testScriptExitCode=$4 local testPath=${scriptFilePath%.sh} # Remove trailing ".sh" local testDir=$(dirname "$testPath") local testName=$(basename "$testPath") # Replace '/' with '.' testPath=$(echo "$testPath" | tr / .) testDir=$(echo "$testDir" | tr / .) local line line=" " line="${line}>"$xunitTestOutputPath" return fi line="${line}>" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " if [ "$testResult" == "Skip" ]; then line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" else line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " line="${line}>"$xunitTestOutputPath" cat "$outputFilePath" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " line="${line}]]>" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" fi line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitTestOutputPath" } function xunit_output_end { local errorSource=$1 local errorMessage=$2 local errorCount if [ -z "$errorSource" ]; then ((errorCount = 0)) else ((errorCount = 1)) fi echo '' >>"$xunitOutputPath" echo '' >>"$xunitOutputPath" local line # line=" " line="${line}>"$xunitOutputPath" # line=" " line="${line}>"$xunitOutputPath" # ... if [ -f "$xunitTestOutputPath" ]; then cat "$xunitTestOutputPath" >>"$xunitOutputPath" rm -f "$xunitTestOutputPath" fi # line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" if [ -n "$errorSource" ]; then # line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" # line=" " line="${line}>"$xunitOutputPath" # line=" " line="${line}${errorMessage}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" # line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" # line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" fi # line=" " line="${line}" echo "$line" >>"$xunitOutputPath" # echo '' >>"$xunitOutputPath" } function exit_with_error { local errorSource=$1 local errorMessage=$2 local printUsage=$3 if [ -z "$printUsage" ]; then ((printUsage = 0)) fi echo "$errorMessage" xunit_output_end "$errorSource" "$errorMessage" if ((printUsage != 0)); then print_usage fi exit $EXIT_CODE_EXCEPTION } # Handle Ctrl-C. We will stop execution and print the results that # we gathered so far. function handle_ctrl_c { local errorSource='handle_ctrl_c' echo "" echo "*** Stopping... ***" print_results exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Test run aborted by Ctrl+C." } # Register the Ctrl-C handler trap handle_ctrl_c INT function create_core_overlay { local errorSource='create_core_overlay' local printUsage=1 if [ -n "$coreOverlayDir" ]; then export CORE_ROOT="$coreOverlayDir" return fi # Check inputs to make sure we have enough information to create the core layout. $testRootDir/Tests/Core_Root should # already exist and contain test dependencies that are not built. local testDependenciesDir=$testRootDir/Tests/Core_Root if [ ! -d "$testDependenciesDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Did not find the test dependencies directory: $testDependenciesDir" fi if [ -z "$coreClrBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "One of --coreOverlayDir or --coreClrBinDir must be specified." "$printUsage" fi if [ ! -d "$coreClrBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Directory specified by --coreClrBinDir does not exist: $coreClrBinDir" fi if [ -z "$mscorlibDir" ]; then mscorlibDir=$coreClrBinDir fi if [ ! -f "$mscorlibDir/mscorlib.dll" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "mscorlib.dll was not found in: $mscorlibDir" fi if [ -z "$coreFxBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "One of --coreOverlayDir or --coreFxBinDir must be specified." "$printUsage" fi if [ ! -d "$coreFxBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Directory specified by --coreFxBinDir does not exist: $coreFxBinDir" fi if [ -z "$coreFxNativeBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "One of --coreOverlayDir or --coreFxBinDir must be specified." "$printUsage" fi if [ ! -d "$coreFxNativeBinDir/Native" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Directory specified by --coreFxBinDir does not exist: $coreFxNativeBinDir/Native" fi # Create the overlay coreOverlayDir=$testRootDir/Tests/coreoverlay export CORE_ROOT="$coreOverlayDir" if [ -e "$coreOverlayDir" ]; then rm -f -r "$coreOverlayDir" fi mkdir "$coreOverlayDir" (cd $coreFxBinDir && find . -iname '*.dll' \! -iwholename '*test*' \! -iwholename '*/ToolRuntime/*' \! -iwholename '*/RemoteExecutorConsoleApp/*' \! -iwholename '*/net*' \! -iwholename '*aot*' -exec cp -f '{}' "$coreOverlayDir/" \;) cp -f "$coreFxNativeBinDir/Native/"*."$libExtension" "$coreOverlayDir/" 2>/dev/null cp -f "$coreClrBinDir/"* "$coreOverlayDir/" 2>/dev/null cp -f "$mscorlibDir/mscorlib.dll" "$coreOverlayDir/" cp -n "$testDependenciesDir"/* "$coreOverlayDir/" 2>/dev/null if [ -f "$coreOverlayDir/mscorlib.ni.dll" ]; then # Test dependencies come from a Windows build, and mscorlib.ni.dll would be the one from Windows rm -f "$coreOverlayDir/mscorlib.ni.dll" fi } function precompile_overlay_assemblies { if [ $doCrossgen == 1 ]; then local overlayDir=$CORE_ROOT filesToPrecompile=$(ls -trh $overlayDir/*.dll) for fileToPrecompile in ${filesToPrecompile} do local filename=${fileToPrecompile} # Precompile any assembly except mscorlib since we already have its NI image available. if [[ "$filename" != *"mscorlib.dll"* ]]; then if [[ "$filename" != *"mscorlib.ni.dll"* ]]; then echo Precompiling $filename $overlayDir/crossgen /Platform_Assemblies_Paths $overlayDir $filename 2>/dev/null local exitCode=$? if [ $exitCode == -2146230517 ]; then echo $filename is not a managed assembly. elif [ $exitCode != 0 ]; then echo Unable to precompile $filename. else echo Successfully precompiled $filename fi fi fi done else echo Skipping crossgen of FX assemblies. fi } function copy_test_native_bin_to_test_root { local errorSource='copy_test_native_bin_to_test_root' if [ -z "$testNativeBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "--testNativeBinDir is required." fi testNativeBinDir=$testNativeBinDir/src if [ ! -d "$testNativeBinDir" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Directory specified by --testNativeBinDir does not exist: $testNativeBinDir" fi # Copy native test components from the native test build into the respective test directory in the test root directory find "$testNativeBinDir" -type f -iname '*.$libExtension' | while IFS='' read -r filePath || [ -n "$filePath" ]; do local dirPath=$(dirname "$filePath") local destinationDirPath=${testRootDir}${dirPath:${#testNativeBinDir}} if [ ! -d "$destinationDirPath" ]; then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Cannot copy native test bin '$filePath' to '$destinationDirPath/', as the destination directory does not exist." fi cp -f "$filePath" "$destinationDirPath/" done } # Variables for unsupported and failing tests declare -a unsupportedTests declare -a failingTests declare -a playlistTests ((runFailingTestsOnly = 0)) function load_unsupported_tests { # Load the list of tests that are not supported on this platform. These tests are disabled (skipped) permanently. # 'readarray' is not used here, as it includes the trailing linefeed in lines placed in the array. while IFS='' read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do unsupportedTests[${#unsupportedTests[@]}]=$line done <"$(dirname "$0")/testsUnsupportedOutsideWindows.txt" } function load_failing_tests { # Load the list of tests that fail on this platform. These tests are disabled (skipped) temporarily, pending investigation. # 'readarray' is not used here, as it includes the trailing linefeed in lines placed in the array. while IFS='' read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do failingTests[${#failingTests[@]}]=$line done <"$(dirname "$0")/testsFailingOutsideWindows.txt" } function load_playlist_tests { # Load the list of tests that are enabled as a part of this test playlist. while IFS='' read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do playlistTests[${#playlistTests[@]}]=$line done <"${playlistFile}" } function is_unsupported_test { for unsupportedTest in "${unsupportedTests[@]}"; do if [ "$1" == "$unsupportedTest" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function is_failing_test { for failingTest in "${failingTests[@]}"; do if [ "$1" == "$failingTest" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function is_playlist_test { for playlistTest in "${playlistTests[@]}"; do if [ "$1" == "$playlistTest" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function skip_unsupported_test { # This function runs in a background process. It should not echo anything, and should not use global variables. This # function is analogous to run_test, and causes the test to be skipped with the message below. local scriptFilePath=$1 local outputFilePath=$2 echo "Not supported on this platform." >"$outputFilePath" return 2 # skip the test } function skip_failing_test { # This function runs in a background process. It should not echo anything, and should not use global variables. This # function is analogous to run_test, and causes the test to be skipped with the message below. local scriptFilePath=$1 local outputFilePath=$2 echo "Temporarily disabled on this platform due to unexpected failures." >"$outputFilePath" return 2 # skip the test } function skip_non_playlist_test { # This function runs in a background process. It should not echo anything, and should not use global variables. This # function is analogous to run_test, and causes the test to be skipped with the message below. local scriptFilePath=$1 local outputFilePath=$2 echo "Test is not included in the running playlist." >"$outputFilePath" return 2 # skip the test } function run_test { # This function runs in a background process. It should not echo anything, and should not use global variables. local scriptFilePath=$1 local outputFilePath=$2 # Switch to directory where the script is cd "$(dirname "$scriptFilePath")" local scriptFileName=$(basename "$scriptFilePath") local outputFileName=$(basename "$outputFilePath") # Convert DOS line endings to Unix if needed perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' "$scriptFileName" # Add executable file mode bit if needed chmod +x "$scriptFileName" "./$scriptFileName" >"$outputFileName" 2>&1 return $? } # Variables for running tests in the background if [ `uname` = "NetBSD" ]; then NumProc=$(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN) else NumProc=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) fi ((maxProcesses = $NumProc * 3 / 2)) # long tests delay process creation, use a few more processors ((nextProcessIndex = 0)) ((processCount = 0)) declare -a scriptFilePaths declare -a outputFilePaths declare -a processIds function finish_test { wait ${processIds[$nextProcessIndex]} local testScriptExitCode=$? ((--processCount)) local scriptFilePath=${scriptFilePaths[$nextProcessIndex]} local outputFilePath=${outputFilePaths[$nextProcessIndex]} local scriptFileName=$(basename "$scriptFilePath") local xunitTestResult case $testScriptExitCode in 0) let countPassedTests++ xunitTestResult='Pass' if ((verbose == 1 || runFailingTestsOnly == 1)); then echo "PASSED - $scriptFilePath" else echo " - $scriptFilePath" fi ;; 2) let countSkippedTests++ xunitTestResult='Skip' echo "SKIPPED - $scriptFilePath" ;; *) let countFailedTests++ xunitTestResult='Fail' echo "FAILED - $scriptFilePath" ;; esac let countTotalTests++ if ((verbose == 1 || testScriptExitCode != 0)); then while IFS='' read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do echo " $line" done <"$outputFilePath" fi xunit_output_add_test "$scriptFilePath" "$outputFilePath" "$xunitTestResult" "$testScriptExitCode" } function finish_remaining_tests { # Finish the remaining tests in the order in which they were started if ((nextProcessIndex >= processCount)); then ((nextProcessIndex = 0)) fi while ((processCount > 0)); do finish_test ((nextProcessIndex = (nextProcessIndex + 1) % maxProcesses)) done ((nextProcessIndex = 0)) } function start_test { local scriptFilePath=$1 if ((runFailingTestsOnly == 1)) && ! is_failing_test "$scriptFilePath"; then return fi # Skip any test that's not in the current playlist, if a playlist was # given to us. if [ -n "$playlistFile" ] && ! is_playlist_test "$scriptFilePath"; then return fi if ((nextProcessIndex < processCount)); then finish_test fi scriptFilePaths[$nextProcessIndex]=$scriptFilePath local scriptFileName=$(basename "$scriptFilePath") local outputFilePath=$(dirname "$scriptFilePath")/${scriptFileName}.out outputFilePaths[$nextProcessIndex]=$outputFilePath test "$verbose" == 1 && echo "Starting $scriptFilePath" if is_unsupported_test "$scriptFilePath"; then skip_unsupported_test "$scriptFilePath" "$outputFilePath" & elif ((runFailingTestsOnly == 0)) && is_failing_test "$scriptFilePath"; then skip_failing_test "$scriptFilePath" "$outputFilePath" & else run_test "$scriptFilePath" "$outputFilePath" & fi processIds[$nextProcessIndex]=$! ((nextProcessIndex = (nextProcessIndex + 1) % maxProcesses)) ((++processCount)) } # Get a list of directories in which to scan for tests by reading the # specified file line by line. function set_test_directories { local errorSource='set_test_directories' local listFileName=$1 if [ ! -f "$listFileName" ] then exit_with_error "$errorSource" "Test directories file not found at $listFileName" fi readarray testDirectories < "$listFileName" } function run_tests_in_directory { local testDir=$1 # Recursively search through directories for .sh files to run. for scriptFilePath in $(find "$testDir" -type f -iname '*.sh' | sort) do start_test "${scriptFilePath:2}" done } function coreclr_code_coverage() { local coverageDir="$coverageOutputDir/Coverage" local toolsDir="$coverageOutputDir/Coverage/tools" local reportsDir="$coverageOutputDir/Coverage/reports" local packageName="unix-code-coverage-tools.1.0.0.nupkg" rm -rf $coverageDir mkdir -p $coverageDir mkdir -p $toolsDir mkdir -p $reportsDir pushd $toolsDir > /dev/null echo "Pulling down code coverage tools" wget -q https://www.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v2/package/unix-code-coverage-tools/1.0.0 -O $packageName echo "Unzipping to $toolsDir" unzip -q -o $packageName # Invoke gcovr chmod a+rwx ./gcovr chmod a+rwx ./$OSName/llvm-cov echo echo "Generating coreclr code coverage reports at $reportsDir/coreclr.html" echo "./gcovr $coreClrObjs --gcov-executable=$toolsDir/$OS/llvm-cov -r $coreClrSrc --html --html-details -o $reportsDir/coreclr.html" echo ./gcovr $coreClrObjs --gcov-executable=$toolsDir/$OSName/llvm-cov -r $coreClrSrc --html --html-details -o $reportsDir/coreclr.html exitCode=$? popd > /dev/null exit $exitCode } # Exit code constants readonly EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS=0 # Script ran normally. readonly EXIT_CODE_EXCEPTION=1 # Script exited because something exceptional happened (e.g. bad arguments, Ctrl-C interrupt). readonly EXIT_CODE_TEST_FAILURE=2 # Script completed successfully, but one or more tests failed. # Argument variables testRootDir= testNativeBinDir= coreOverlayDir= coreClrBinDir= mscorlibDir= coreFxBinDir= coreFxNativeBinDir= coreClrObjs= coreClrSrc= coverageOutputDir= testEnv= playlistFile= ((disableEventLogging = 0)) ((serverGC = 0)) # Handle arguments verbose=0 doCrossgen=0 for i in "$@" do case $i in -h|--help) print_usage exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1 ;; --crossgen) doCrossgen=1 ;; --testRootDir=*) testRootDir=${i#*=} ;; --testNativeBinDir=*) testNativeBinDir=${i#*=} ;; --coreOverlayDir=*) coreOverlayDir=${i#*=} ;; --coreClrBinDir=*) coreClrBinDir=${i#*=} ;; --mscorlibDir=*) mscorlibDir=${i#*=} ;; --coreFxBinDir=*) coreFxBinDir=${i#*=} ;; --coreFxNativeBinDir=*) coreFxNativeBinDir=${i#*=} ;; --testDir=*) testDirectories[${#testDirectories[@]}]=${i#*=} ;; --testDirFile=*) set_test_directories "${i#*=}" ;; --runFailingTestsOnly) ((runFailingTestsOnly = 1)) ;; --disableEventLogging) ((disableEventLogging = 1)) ;; --sequential) ((maxProcesses = 1)) ;; --useServerGC) ((serverGC = 1)) ;; --playlist=*) playlistFile=${i#*=} ;; --coreclr-coverage) CoreClrCoverage=ON ;; --coreclr-objs=*) coreClrObjs=${i#*=} ;; --coreclr-src=*) coreClrSrc=${i#*=} ;; --coverage-output-dir=*) coverageOutputDir=${i#*=} ;; --test-env=*) testEnv=${i#*=} ;; *) echo "Unknown switch: $i" print_usage exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS ;; esac done if ((disableEventLogging == 0)); then export COMPlus_EnableEventLog=1 fi export CORECLR_SERVER_GC="$serverGC" if [ -z "$testRootDir" ]; then echo "--testRootDir is required." print_usage exit $EXIT_CODE_EXCEPTION fi if [ ! -d "$testRootDir" ]; then echo "Directory specified by --testRootDir does not exist: $testRootDir" exit $EXIT_CODE_EXCEPTION fi # Copy native interop test libraries over to the mscorlib path in # order for interop tests to run on linux. if [ -d $mscorlibDir/bin ]; then cp $mscorlibDir/bin/* $mscorlibDir fi # If this is a coverage run, make sure the appropriate args have been passed if [ "$CoreClrCoverage" == "ON" ] then echo "Code coverage is enabled for this run" echo "" if [ ! "$OSName" == "Darwin" ] && [ ! "$OSName" == "Linux" ] then echo "Code Coverage not supported on $OS" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$coreClrObjs" ] then echo "Coreclr obj files are required to generate code coverage reports" echo "Coreclr obj files root path can be passed using '--coreclr-obj' argument" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$coreClrSrc" ] then echo "Coreclr src files are required to generate code coverage reports" echo "Coreclr src files root path can be passed using '--coreclr-src' argument" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$coverageOutputDir" ] then echo "Output directory for coverage results must be specified" echo "Output path can be specified '--coverage-output-dir' argument" exit 1 fi fi xunit_output_begin create_core_overlay precompile_overlay_assemblies copy_test_native_bin_to_test_root if [ -n "$playlistFile" ] then # Use a playlist file exclusively, if it was provided echo "Executing playlist $playlistFile" load_playlist_tests else load_unsupported_tests load_failing_tests fi scriptPath=$(dirname $0) # Check if environment variables are provided if [ ! -z "$testEnv" ]; then # Check if this is GC stress testing GCStressLevel=`(source $testEnv; echo $COMPlus_GCStress)` # Set __TestEnv that will be executed just before running tests absTestEnvPath=`readlink -f ${testEnv}` export __TestEnv='source '${absTestEnvPath} fi # Still support setting COMPlus_GCStress before runtest.sh but recommend # using --test-env option. if [ -z "$GCStressLevel" ]; then if [ -n "$COMPlus_GCStress" ]; then GCStressLevel=`echo $COMPlus_GCStress` fi fi # Download runtime dependent libraries if [ ! -z "$GCStressLevel" ]; then ${scriptPath}/setup-runtime-dependencies.sh --outputDir=$coreOverlayDir if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo 'Failed to download coredistools library' exit $EXIT_CODE_EXCEPTION fi fi cd "$testRootDir" if [ -z "$testDirectories" ] then # No test directories were specified, so run everything in the current # directory and its subdirectories. run_tests_in_directory "." else # Otherwise, run all the tests in each specified test directory. for testDir in "${testDirectories[@]}" do if [ ! -d "$testDir" ]; then echo "Test directory does not exist: $testDir" else run_tests_in_directory "./$testDir" fi done fi finish_remaining_tests print_results xunit_output_end if [ "$CoreClrCoverage" == "ON" ] then coreclr_code_coverage fi if ((countFailedTests > 0)); then exit $EXIT_CODE_TEST_FAILURE fi exit $EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS