#!/usr/bin/env python # ## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ## See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. # ## # Title :runtest.py # # Notes: # # Universal script to setup and run the xunit console runner. The script relies # on runtest.proj and the bash and batch wrappers. All test excludes will also # come from issues.targets. If there is a jit stress or gc stress exclude, # please add GCStressIncompatible or JitOptimizationSensitive to the test's # ilproj or csproj. # # The xunit runner currently relies on tests being built on the same host as the # target platform. This requires all tests run on linux x64 to be built by the # same platform and arch. If this is not done, the tests will run correctly; # however, expect failures due to incorrect exclusions in the xunit # wrappers setup at build time. # # Note that for linux targets the native components to the tests are still built # by the product build. This requires all native components to be either copied # into the Core_Root directory or the test's managed directory. The latter is # prone to failure; however, copying into the Core_Root directory may create # naming conflicts. # # If you are running tests on a different target than the host that built, the # native tests components must be copied from: # bin/obj/.... 0: print("Found COMPlus variables in the current environment") print("") file_header = None if _os == "Windows_NT": file_header = \ """@echo off REM Temporary test env for test run. """ else: file_header = \ """# Temporary test env for test run. """ contents = "" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as test_env: test_env.write(file_header) contents += file_header for key in complus_vars: value = complus_vars[key] command = None if _os == "Windows_NT": command = "set" else: command = "export" print("Unset %s" % key) if key.lower() == "complus_gcstress" and "c" in value.lower(): gc_stress_c = True if key.lower() == "complus_gcstress": gc_stress = True os.environ[key] = "" line = "%s %s=%s%s" % (command, key, value, os.linesep) test_env.write(line) contents += line print("") print("TestEnv: %s" % test_env.name) print("") print("Contents:") print("") print(contents) print("") return func(test_env.name) else: return func(None) def get_environment(test_env=None): """ Get all the COMPlus_* Environment variables Notes: All COMPlus variables need to be captured as a test_env script to avoid influencing the test runner. """ global gc_stress_c complus_vars = defaultdict(lambda: "") for key in os.environ: if "complus" in key.lower(): complus_vars[key] = os.environ[key] os.environ[key] = '' elif "superpmi" in key.lower(): complus_vars[key] = os.environ[key] os.environ[key] = '' # Get the env from the test_env if test_env is not None: with open(test_env) as file_handle: for item in file_handle.readlines(): key_split = item.split("=") if len(key_split) == 1: continue key = key_split[0] value = key_split[1] key = key.split(" ")[-1] value = value.strip() try: value = value.split(" ")[0] except: pass complus_vars[key] = value # Supoort looking up case insensitive. complus_vars[key.lower()] = value if "complus_gcstress" in complus_vars: gc_stress = True if "c" in complus_vars["COMPlus_GCStress"].lower(): gc_stress_c = True return complus_vars def call_msbuild(coreclr_repo_location, dotnetcli_location, host_os, arch, build_type, is_illink=False, sequential=False): """ Call msbuild to run the tests built. Args: coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to coreclr repo dotnetcli_location(str) : path to the dotnet cli in the tools dir sequential(bool) : run sequentially if True host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : configuration Notes: At this point the environment should be setup correctly, including the test_env, should it need to be passed. """ global g_verbose common_msbuild_arguments = [] if sequential: common_msbuild_arguments += ["/p:ParallelRun=none"] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:Runtests=true", "/clp:showcommandline"] command += common_msbuild_arguments if is_illink: command += ["/p:RunTestsViaIllink=true"] log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "TestRunResults_%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_args = ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log, "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log, "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log, "/consoleloggerparameters:Summary"] if g_verbose: msbuild_log_args += ["/verbosity:diag"] command += msbuild_log_args command += ["/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os, "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch, "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type, "/p:__LogsDir=%s" % logs_dir] print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) return proc.returncode def running_in_ci(): """ Check if running in ci Returns: bool """ is_ci = False try: jenkins_build_number = os.environ["BUILD_NUMBER"] is_ci = True except: pass return is_ci def copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, path, core_root): """ Recursively copy all files to core_root Args: host_os(str) : os path(str) : native test bin location core_root(str) : core_root location """ assert os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path) assert os.path.isdir(core_root) extension = "so" if host_os == "Linux" else "dylib" if os.path.isdir(path): for item in os.listdir(path): copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, os.path.join(path, item), core_root) elif path.endswith(extension): print("cp -p %s %s" % (path, core_root)) shutil.copy2(path, core_root) def correct_line_endings(host_os, test_location, root=True): """ Recursively correct all .sh/.cmd files to the correct line ending Args: host_os(str) : os test_location(str) : location of the tests """ if root: print("Correcting line endings...") assert os.path.isdir(test_location) or os.path.isfile(test_location) extension = "cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else ".sh" incorrect_line_ending = '\n' if host_os == "Windows_NT" else '\r\n' correct_line_ending = os.linesep if os.path.isdir(test_location): for item in os.listdir(test_location): correct_line_endings(host_os, os.path.join(test_location, item), False) elif test_location.endswith(extension): if sys.version_info < (3,0): content = None with open(test_location) as file_handle: content = file_handle.read() assert content != None subbed_content = content.replace(incorrect_line_ending, correct_line_ending) if content != subbed_content: with open(test_location, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(subbed_content) else: # Python3 will correct line endings automatically. content = None with open(test_location) as file_handle: content = file_handle.read() with open(test_location, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(content) def run_tests(host_os, arch, build_type, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, test_env=None, is_long_gc=False, is_gcsimulator=False, is_jitdasm=False, is_ilasm=False, is_illink=False, run_crossgen_tests=False, run_sequential=False): """ Run the coreclr tests Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : arch build_type(str) : configuration coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to the root of the repo core_root(str) : Core_Root path test_location(str) : Test bin, location test_native_bin_location : Native test components, None and windows. test_env(str) : path to the test_env to be used """ global gc_stress # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Default timeout for unix is 15 minutes os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(15*60*1000) # 900,000 ms # Setup the environment if is_long_gc: print("Running Long GC Tests, extending timeout to 20 minutes.") os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(20*60*1000) # 1,200,000 ms os.environ["RunningLongGCTests"] = "1" if is_gcsimulator: print("Running GCSimulator tests, extending timeout to one hour.") os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(60*60*1000) # 3,600,000 ms os.environ["RunningGCSimulatorTests"] = "1" if is_jitdasm: print("Running jit disasm and tests.") os.environ["RunningJitDisasm"] = "1" if is_ilasm: print("Running ILasm round trip.") os.environ["RunningIlasmRoundTrip"] = "1" if run_crossgen_tests: print("Running tests R2R") os.environ["RunCrossGen"] = "true" if gc_stress: print("Running GCStress, extending timeout to 120 minutes.") os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(120*60*1000) # 1,800,000 ms # Set Core_Root print("Setting CORE_ROOT=%s" % core_root) os.environ["CORE_ROOT"] = core_root # Set test env if exists if test_env is not None: os.environ["__TestEnv"] = test_env #===================================================================================================================================================== # # This is a workaround needed to unblock our CI (in particular, Linux/arm and Linux/arm64 jobs) from the following failures appearing almost in every # pull request (but hard to reproduce locally) # # System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Exceptions.Finalization.XUnitWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. # An operation is not legal in the current state. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131509 (COR_E_INVALIDOPERATION)) # # COR_E_INVALIDOPERATION comes from System.InvalidOperationException that is thrown during AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUsingResolvingEvent # when multiple threads attempt to modify an instance of Dictionary (managedAssemblyCache) during Xunit.DependencyContextAssemblyCache.LoadManagedDll call. # # In order to mitigate the failure we built our own xunit.console.dll with ConcurrentDictionary used for managedAssemblyCache and use this instead of # the one pulled from NuGet. The exact code that got built can be found at the following fork of Xunit # * https://github.com/echesakovMSFT/xunit/tree/UseConcurrentDictionaryInDependencyContextAssemblyCache # # The assembly was built using Microsoft Visual Studio v15.9.0-pre.4.0 Developer Command Prompt using the following commands # 1) git clone https://github.com/echesakovMSFT/xunit.git --branch UseConcurrentDictionaryInDependencyContextAssemblyCache --single-branch # 2) cd xunit # 3) git submodule update --init # 4) powershell .\build.ps1 -target packages -buildAssemblyVersion 2.4.1 -buildSemanticVersion 2.4.1-coreclr # # Then file "xunit\src\xunit.console\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\xunit.console.dll" was archived and uploaded to the clrjit blob storage. # # Ideally, this code should be removed when we find a more robust way of running Xunit tests. # # References: # * https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/20392 # * https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/20594 # * https://github.com/xunit/xunit/issues/1842 # * https://github.com/xunit/xunit/pull/1846 # #===================================================================================================================================================== print("Download and overwrite xunit.console.dll in Core_Root") urlretrieve = urllib.urlretrieve if sys.version_info.major < 3 else urllib.request.urlretrieve zipfilename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "xunit.console.dll.zip") url = r"https://clrjit.blob.core.windows.net/xunit-console/xunit.console.dll-v2.4.1.zip" urlretrieve(url, zipfilename) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename,"r") as ziparch: ziparch.extractall(core_root) os.remove(zipfilename) assert not os.path.isfile(zipfilename) # Call msbuild. return call_msbuild(coreclr_repo_location, dotnetcli_location, host_os, arch, build_type, is_illink=is_illink, sequential=run_sequential) def setup_args(args): """ Setup the args based on the argparser obj Args: args(ArgParser): Parsed arguments Notes: If there is no core_root, or test location passed, create a default location using the build type and the arch. """ if args.generate_layout_only: args.generate_layout = True host_os = None arch = args.arch.lower() build_type = args.build_type test_location = args.test_location core_root = args.core_root test_native_bin_location = args.test_native_bin_location coreclr_repo_location = args.coreclr_repo_location if os.path.basename(coreclr_repo_location) == "tests": coreclr_repo_location = os.path.dirname(coreclr_repo_location) if _platform == "linux" or _platform == "linux2": host_os = "Linux" elif _platform == "darwin": host_os = "OSX" elif _platform == "win32": host_os = "Windows_NT" else: print("Unknown OS: %s" % host_os) sys.exit(1) assert os.path.isdir(coreclr_repo_location) valid_arches = ["x64", "x86", "arm", "arm64"] if not arch in valid_arches: print("Unsupported architecture: %s." % arch) print("Supported architectures: %s" % "[%s]" % ", ".join(valid_arches)) sys.exit(1) def check_build_type(build_type): valid_build_types = ["Debug", "Checked", "Release"] if build_type != None and len(build_type) > 0: # Force the build type to be capitalized build_type = build_type.capitalize() if not build_type in valid_build_types: print("Unsupported configuration: %s." % build_type) print("Supported configurations: %s" % "[%s]" % ", ".join(valid_build_types)) sys.exit(1) return build_type build_type = check_build_type(build_type) if test_location is None: default_test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if os.path.isdir(default_test_location): test_location = default_test_location print("Using default test location.") print("TestLocation: %s" % default_test_location) print("") else: # The tests for the default location have not been built. print("Error, unable to find the tests at %s" % default_test_location) suggested_location = None possible_test_locations = [item for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests")) if host_os in item and arch in item] if len(possible_test_locations) > 0: print("Tests are built for the following:") for item in possible_test_locations: print(item.replace(".", " ")) print("Please run runtest.py again with the correct build-type by passing -build_type") else: print("No tests have been built for this host and arch. Please run build-test.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")) sys.exit(1) else: # If we have supplied our own test location then we need to create a test location # that the scripting will expect. As it is now, there is a dependency on the # test location being under test/.. # Make sure that we are using the correct build_type. This is a test drop, it is possible # that we are inferring the build type to be Debug incorrectly. if build_type not in test_location: # Remove punctuation corrected_build_type = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "", test_location.split(".")[-1]) build_type = check_build_type(corrected_build_type) default_test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) # Remove optional end os.path.sep if test_location[-1] == os.path.sep: test_location = test_location[:-1] if test_location.lower() != default_test_location.lower() and os.path.isdir(default_test_location): # Remove the existing directory if there is one. shutil.rmtree(default_test_location) print("Non-standard test location being used.") print("Overwrite the standard location with these tests.") print("TODO: Change runtest.proj to allow running from non-standard test location.") print("") print("cp -r %s %s" % (test_location, default_test_location)) shutil.copytree(test_location, default_test_location) test_location = default_test_location # unset core_root so it can be put in the default location core_root = None # Force the core_root to be setup again. args.generate_layout = True else: test_location = default_test_location print("Using default test location.") print("TestLocation: %s" % default_test_location) print("") if core_root is None: default_core_root = os.path.join(test_location, "Tests", "Core_Root") if os.path.isdir(default_core_root): core_root = default_core_root print("Using default location for core_root.") print("Core_Root: %s" % core_root) print("") elif args.generate_layout is False: # CORE_ROOT has not been setup correctly. print("Error, unable to find CORE_ROOT at %s" % default_core_root) print("Please run runtest.py with --generate_layout specified.") sys.exit(1) else: print("--generate_layout passed. Core_Root will be populated at: %s" % default_core_root) core_root = default_core_root else: print("Core_Root: %s" % core_root) is_same_os = False is_same_arch = False is_same_build_type = False # We will write out build information into the test directory. This is used # by runtest.py to determine whether we need to rebuild the test wrappers. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")): with open(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")) as file_handle: build_info = json.load(file_handle) is_same_os = build_info["build_os"] == host_os is_same_arch = build_info["build_arch"] == arch is_same_build_type = build_info["build_type"] == build_type if host_os != "Windows_NT" and not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): if test_native_bin_location is None: print("Using default location for test_native_bin_location.") test_native_bin_location = os.path.join(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "obj", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type), "tests")) print("Native bin location: %s" % test_native_bin_location) print("") if not os.path.isdir(test_native_bin_location): print("Error, test_native_bin_location: %s, does not exist." % test_native_bin_location) sys.exit(1) if args.product_location is None and args.generate_layout: product_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Product", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if not os.path.isdir(product_location): print("Error, unable to determine the product location. This is most likely because build_type was") print("incorrectly passed. Or the product is not built. Please explicitely pass -product_location") sys.exit(1) else: product_location = args.product_location return host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, core_root, test_location, test_native_bin_location def setup_tools(host_os, coreclr_repo_location): """ Setup the tools for the repo Args: host_os(str) : os coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to coreclr repo """ # Is the tools dir setup setup = False tools_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools") is_windows = host_os == "Windows_NT" dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) if os.path.isfile(dotnetcli_location): setup = True # init the tools for the repo if not setup: command = None if is_windows: command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "init-tools.cmd")] else: command = ["bash", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "init-tools.sh")] print(" ".join(command)) subprocess.check_output(command) setup = True return setup def setup_coredis_tools(coreclr_repo_location, host_os, arch, core_root): """ Setup CoreDisTools if needed Args: coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location host_os(str) : os arch(str) : arch core_root(str) : core_root """ if host_os.lower() == "osx": print("GCStress C is not supported on your platform.") sys.exit(1) unsupported_arches = ["arm", "arm64"] if arch in unsupported_arches: # Nothing to do; CoreDisTools unneeded. return command = None test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests") if host_os == "Windows_NT": command = [os.path.join(test_location, "setup-stress-dependencies.cmd"), "/arch", arch, "/outputdir", core_root] else: command = [os.path.join(test_location, "setup-stress-dependencies.sh"), "--outputDir=%s" % core_root] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: print("Failed to set up stress dependencies.") sys.exit(1) def precompile_core_root(test_location, host_os, arch, core_root, use_jit_disasm=False, altjit_name=False): """ Precompile all of the assemblies in the core_root directory Args: test_location(str) : test location host_os(str) : os core_root(str) : location of core_root use_jit_disasm(Bool) : use jit disasm altjit_name(str) : name of the altjit """ skip_list = [ ".*xunit.*", ".*api-ms-win-core.*", ".*api-ms-win.*", ".*System.Private.CoreLib.*" ] unix_skip_list = [ ".*mscorlib.*", ".*System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.*", ".*System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.UI.Xaml.*", ".*R2RDump.dll.*" ] arm64_unix_skip_list = [ ".*Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.*", ".*System.Net.NameResolution.*", ".*System.Net.Sockets.*", ".*System.Net.Primitives.*" ] if host_os != "Windows_NT": skip_list += unix_skip_list if arch == "arm64": skip_list += arm64_unix_skip_list assert os.path.isdir(test_location) assert os.path.isdir(core_root) crossgen = os.path.join(core_root, "crossgen%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) assert os.path.isfile(crossgen) def call_crossgen(file, env): assert os.path.isfile(crossgen) command = [crossgen, "/Platform_Assemblies_Paths", core_root, file] if use_jit_disasm: core_run = os.path.join(core_root, "corerun%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) assert os.path.isfile(core_run) command = [core_run, os.path.join(core_root, "jit-dasm.dll"), "--crossgen", crossgen, "--platform", core_root, "--output", os.path.join(test_location, "dasm"), file] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) proc.communicate() return_code = proc.returncode if return_code == -2146230517: print("%s is not a managed assembly." % file) return False if return_code != 0: print("Unable to precompile %s (%d)" % (file, return_code)) return False print("Successfully precompiled %s" % file) return True print("Precompiling all assemblies in %s" % core_root) print("") env = os.environ.copy() if not altjit_name is None: env["COMPlus_AltJit"]="*" env["COMPlus_AltJitNgen"]="*" env["COMPlus_AltJitName"]=altjit_name env["COMPlus_AltJitAssertOnNYI"]="1" env["COMPlus_NoGuiOnAssert"]="1" env["COMPlus_ContinueOnAssert"]="0" dlls = [os.path.join(core_root, item) for item in os.listdir(core_root) if item.endswith("dll") and "mscorlib" not in item] def in_skip_list(item): found = False for skip_re in skip_list: if re.match(skip_re, item.lower()) is not None: found = True return found dlls = [dll for dll in dlls if not in_skip_list(dll)] for dll in dlls: call_crossgen(dll, env) print("") def setup_core_root(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_native_bin_location, product_location, test_location, core_root, is_corefx=False, generate_layout=True): """ Setup the core root Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : build configuration coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location product_location(str) : Product location core_root(str) : Location for core_root is_corefx : Building corefx core_root Optional Args: is_corefx(Bool) : Pass if planning on running corex : tests """ global g_verbose assert os.path.isdir(product_location) # Create core_root if it does not exist if os.path.isdir(core_root): shutil.rmtree(core_root) os.makedirs(core_root) # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Restore_Product" if host_os != "Windows_NT": os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch) command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "run.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")), "build", "-Project=%s" % os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "build.proj")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Restore_Product%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_params = "/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log msbuild_wrn_params = "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log msbuild_err_params = "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log command += ["-MsBuildLog=%s" % msbuild_log_params, "-MsBuildWrn=%s" % msbuild_wrn_params, "-MsBuildErr=%s" % msbuild_err_params] if host_os != "Windows_NT": command = ["bash"] + command command += ["-MsBuildEventLogging=\"/l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log\""] if g_verbose: command += ["-verbose"] command += [ "-BatchRestorePackages", "-BuildType=%s" % build_type, "-BuildArch=%s" % arch, "-BuildOS=%s" % host_os] print("Restoring packages...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: package restore failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" # Copy restored packages to core_root # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_Overlay_Managed" if host_os != "Windows_NT": os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch) os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = os.environ["__DistroRid"] os.environ["Core_Root"] = core_root os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(core_root)) command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "run.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")), "build", "-Project=%s" % os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Tests_Overlay_Managed%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_params = "/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log msbuild_wrn_params = "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log msbuild_err_params = "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log command += ["-MsBuildLog=%s" % msbuild_log_params, "-MsBuildWrn=%s" % msbuild_wrn_params, "-MsBuildErr=%s" % msbuild_err_params] if host_os != "Windows_NT": command = ["bash"] + command command += ["-MsBuildEventLogging=\"/l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log\""] if g_verbose: command += ["-verbose"] command += [ "-testOverlay", "-BuildType=%s" % build_type, "-BuildArch=%s" % arch, "-BuildOS=%s" % host_os] print("") print("Creating Core_Root...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: creating Core_Root failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = "" os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = "" def copy_tree(src, dest): """ Simple copy from src to dest """ assert os.path.isdir(src) assert os.path.isdir(dest) for item in os.listdir(src): if ".nuget" in item: pass item = os.path.join(src, item) if os.path.isfile(item): shutil.copy2(item, dest) if host_os != "Windows_NT": # Set executable bit os.chmod(os.path.join(dest, item), 0o774) else: new_dir = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(item)) if os.path.isdir(new_dir): shutil.rmtree(new_dir) shutil.copytree(item, new_dir) # Copy the product dir to the core_root directory print("") print("Copying Product Bin to Core_Root:") print("cp -r %s%s* %s" % (product_location, os.path.sep, core_root)) copy_tree(product_location, core_root) print("---------------------------------------------------------------------") print("") if is_corefx: corefx_utility_setup = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "src", "Common", "CoreFX", "TestFileSetup", "CoreFX.TestUtils.TestFileSetup.csproj") os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_GenerateTestHost" msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:GenerateRuntimeLayout=true"] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode == 0: print("Error: generating test host failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/t:Restore", corefx_utility_setup] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: msbuild failed.") return False corefx_logpath = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type), "CoreFX", "CoreFXTestUtilities") msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/p:Configuration=%s" % build_type, "/p:OSGroup=%s" % host_os, "/p:Platform=%s" % arch, "/p:OutputPath=%s" % corefx_logpath, corefx_utility_setup] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: msbuild failed.") return False print("Core_Root setup.") print("") return True if sys.version_info.major < 3: def to_unicode(s): return unicode(s, "utf-8") else: def to_unicode(s): return str(s, "utf-8") def delete_existing_wrappers(test_location): """ Delete the existing xunit wrappers Args: test_location(str) : location of the test """ assert os.path.isdir(test_location) or os.path.isfile(test_location) extension = "dll" if os.path.isdir(test_location): for item in os.listdir(test_location): delete_existing_wrappers(os.path.join(test_location, item)) elif test_location.endswith(extension) and "xunitwrapper" in test_location.lower(): # Delete the test wrapper. print("rm %s" % test_location) os.remove(test_location) def build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, altjit_arch=None): """ Build the coreclr test wrappers Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : build configuration coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location test_location(str) : location of the test Notes: Build the xUnit test wrappers. Note that this will have been done as a part of build-test.cmd/sh. It is possible that the host has a different set of dependencies from the target or the exclude list has changed after building. """ global g_verbose delete_existing_wrappers(to_unicode(test_location)) # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_XunitWrapper" os.environ["__Exclude"] = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "issues.targets") command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:RestoreAdditionalProjectSources=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/", "/p:BuildWrappers=true", "/p:TargetsWindows=%s" % ("true" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "false")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Tests_XunitWrapper%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" command += ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log, "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log, "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log, "/consoleloggerparameters:Summary"] command += ["/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os, "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch, "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type, "/p:__LogsDir=%s" % logs_dir] if not altjit_arch is None: command += ["/p:__AltJitArch=%s" % altjit_arch] print("Creating test wrappers...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not running_in_ci(): try: expected_time_to_complete = 60*5 # 5 Minutes estimated_time_running = 0 time_delta = 1 while True: time_remaining = expected_time_to_complete - estimated_time_running time_in_minutes = math.floor(time_remaining / 60) remaining_seconds = time_remaining % 60 sys.stdout.write("\rEstimated time remaining: %d minutes %d seconds" % (time_in_minutes, remaining_seconds)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(time_delta) estimated_time_running += time_delta if estimated_time_running == expected_time_to_complete: break if proc.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: creating test wrappers failed.") return False def find_test_from_name(host_os, test_location, test_name): """ Given a test's name return the location on disk Args: host_os (str) : os test_location (str) :path to the coreclr tests test_name (str) : Name of the test, all special characters will have : been replaced with underscores. Return: test_path (str): Path of the test based on its name """ location = test_name # Lambdas and helpers is_file_or_dir = lambda path : os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path) def match_filename(test_path): # Scan through the test directory looking for a similar # file global file_name_cache if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): pass assert os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)) size_of_largest_name_file = 0 dir_contents = file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] if dir_contents is None: dir_contents = defaultdict(lambda: None) for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): dir_contents[re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", item)] = item file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] = dir_contents # It is possible there has already been a match # therefore we need to remove the punctuation again. basename_to_match = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", os.path.basename(test_path)) if basename_to_match in dir_contents: test_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_path), dir_contents[basename_to_match]) size_of_largest_name_file = len(max(dir_contents, key=len)) return test_path, size_of_largest_name_file def dir_has_nested_substrings(test_path, test_item): """ A directory has multiple paths where one path is a substring of another """ dir_contents = file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] if dir_contents is None: dir_contents = defaultdict(lambda: None) for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): dir_contents[re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", item)] = item file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] = dir_contents test_item = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", test_item) count = 0 for item in dir_contents: if test_item in item: count += 1 return count > 1 # Find the test by searching down the directory list. starting_path = test_location loc_split = location.split("_") append = False for index, item in enumerate(loc_split): if not append: test_path = os.path.join(starting_path, item) else: append = False test_path, size_of_largest_name_file = match_filename(starting_path + "_" + item) if not is_file_or_dir(test_path): append = True # It is possible that there is another directory that is named # without an underscore. elif index + 1 < len(loc_split) and os.path.isdir(test_path): next_test_path = os.path.join(test_path, loc_split[index + 1]) if not is_file_or_dir(next_test_path) or dir_has_nested_substrings(test_path, item): added_path = test_path for forward_index in range(index + 1, len(loc_split)): added_path, size_of_largest_name_file = match_filename(added_path + "_" + loc_split[forward_index]) if is_file_or_dir(added_path): append = True break elif size_of_largest_name_file < len(os.path.basename(added_path)): break starting_path = test_path location = starting_path if not os.path.isfile(location): pass assert(os.path.isfile(location)) return location def parse_test_results(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location): """ Parse the test results for test execution information Args: host_os : os arch : architecture run on build_type : build configuration (debug, checked, release) coreclr_repo_location : coreclr repo location test_location : path to coreclr tests """ logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "TestRunResults_%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) print("Parsing test results from (%s)" % log_path) test_run_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs", "testRun.xml") if not os.path.isfile(test_run_location): # Check if this is a casing issue found = False for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_run_location)): item_lower = item.lower() if item_lower == "testrun.xml": # Correct the name. os.rename(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs", item), test_run_location) found = True break if not found: print("Unable to find testRun.xml. This normally means the tests did not run.") print("It could also mean there was a problem logging. Please run the tests again.") return if host_os != "Windows_NT" and running_in_ci(): # Huge hack. # TODO change netci to parse testRun.xml shutil.copy2(test_run_location, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_run_location), "coreclrtests.xml")) assemblies = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(test_run_location).getroot() tests = defaultdict(lambda: None) for assembly in assemblies: for collection in assembly: if collection.tag == "errors" and collection.text != None: # Something went wrong during running the tests. print("Error running the tests, please run runtest.py again.") sys.exit(1) elif collection.tag != "errors": test_name = None for test in collection: type = test.attrib["type"] method = test.attrib["method"] type = type.split("._")[0] test_name = type + method assert test_name != None failed = collection.attrib["failed"] skipped = collection.attrib["skipped"] passed = collection.attrib["passed"] time = float(collection.attrib["time"]) test_output = None if failed == "1": failure_info = collection[0][0] test_output = failure_info[0].text test_location_on_filesystem = find_test_from_name(host_os, test_location, test_name) assert os.path.isfile(test_location_on_filesystem) assert tests[test_name] == None tests[test_name] = defaultdict(lambda: None, { "name": test_name, "test_path": test_location_on_filesystem, "failed": failed, "skipped": skipped, "passed": passed, "time": time, "test_output": test_output }) return tests def print_summary(tests): """ Print a summary of the test results Args: tests (defaultdict[String]: { }): The tests that were reported by : xunit """ assert tests is not None failed_tests = [] passed_tests = [] skipped_tests = [] for test in tests: test = tests[test] if test["failed"] == "1": failed_tests.append(test) elif test["passed"] == "1": passed_tests.append(test) else: skipped_tests.append(test) failed_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) passed_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) skipped_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) def print_tests_helper(tests, stop_count): for index, item in enumerate(tests): time = item["time"] unit = "seconds" time_remainder = "" second_unit = "" saved_time = time remainder_str = "" # If it can be expressed in hours if time > 60**2: time = saved_time / (60**2) time_remainder = saved_time % (60**2) time_remainder /= 60 time_remainder = math.floor(time_remainder) unit = "hours" second_unit = "minutes" remainder_str = " %s %s" % (int(time_remainder), second_unit) elif time > 60 and time < 60**2: time = saved_time / 60 time_remainder = saved_time % 60 time_remainder = math.floor(time_remainder) unit = "minutes" second_unit = "seconds" remainder_str = " %s %s" % (int(time_remainder), second_unit) print("%s (%d %s%s)" % (item["test_path"], time, unit, remainder_str)) if stop_count != None: if index >= stop_count: break if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("%d failed tests:" % len(failed_tests)) print("") print_tests_helper(failed_tests, None) # The following code is currently disabled, as it produces too much verbosity in a normal # test run. It could be put under a switch, or else just enabled as needed when investigating # test slowness. # # if len(passed_tests) > 50: # print("") # print("50 slowest passing tests:") # print("") # print_tests_helper(passed_tests, 50) if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("") print("#################################################################") print("Output of failing tests:") print("") for item in failed_tests: print("[%s]: " % item["test_path"]) print("") test_output = item["test_output"] # XUnit results are captured as escaped characters. test_output = test_output.replace("\\r", "\r") test_output = test_output.replace("\\n", "\n") print(test_output) test_output = test_output.replace("/r", "\r") test_output = test_output.replace("/n", "\n") unicode_output = None if sys.version_info < (3,0): # Handle unicode characters in output in python2.* unicode_output = unicode(test_output, "utf-8") else: unicode_output = test_output print(unicode_output) print("") print("") print("#################################################################") print("End of output of failing tests") print("#################################################################") print("") print("") print("Total tests run : %d" % len(tests)) print("Total passing tests: %d" % len(passed_tests)) print("Total failed tests : %d" % len(failed_tests)) print("Total skipped tests: %d" % len(skipped_tests)) print("") def create_repro(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, tests): """ Go through the failing tests and create repros for them Args: host_os (String) : os arch (String) : architecture build_type (String) : build configuration (debug, checked, release) core_root (String) : Core_Root path coreclr_repo_location (String) : Location of coreclr git repo tests (defaultdict[String]: { }): The tests that were reported by : xunit """ assert tests is not None failed_tests = [tests[item] for item in tests if tests[item]["failed"] == "1"] if len(failed_tests) == 0: return bin_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin") assert os.path.isdir(bin_location) repro_location = os.path.join(bin_location, "repro", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if os.path.isdir(repro_location): shutil.rmtree(repro_location) print("") print("Creating repro files at: %s" % repro_location) os.makedirs(repro_location) assert os.path.isdir(repro_location) # Now that the repro_location exists under /bin/repro # create wrappers which will simply run the test with the correct environment for test in failed_tests: debug_env = DebugEnv(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test) debug_env.write_repro() print("Repro files written.") def do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, unprocessed_args, test_env): global gc_stress_c # Setup the tools for the repo. setup_tools(host_os, coreclr_repo_location) if unprocessed_args.generate_layout: success = setup_core_root(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_native_bin_location, product_location, test_location, core_root) if not success: print("Error: GenerateLayout failed.") sys.exit(1) if unprocessed_args.generate_layout_only: sys.exit(0) if unprocessed_args.precompile_core_root: precompile_core_root(test_location, host_os, arch, core_root, use_jit_disasm=args.jitdisasm, altjit_name=unprocessed_args.crossgen_altjit) # If COMPlus_GCStress is set then we need to setup cordistools if gc_stress_c: setup_coredis_tools(coreclr_repo_location, host_os, arch, core_root) build_info = None is_same_os = None is_same_arch = None is_same_build_type = None # We will write out build information into the test directory. This is used # by runtest.py to determine whether we need to rebuild the test wrappers. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")): with open(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")) as file_handle: build_info = json.load(file_handle) is_same_os = build_info["build_os"] == host_os is_same_arch = build_info["build_arch"] == arch is_same_build_type = build_info["build_type"] == build_type # Copy all the native libs to core_root if host_os != "Windows_NT" and not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, os.path.join(test_native_bin_location, "src"), core_root) # Line ending only need to be corrected if this is a cross build. correct_line_endings(host_os, test_location) # If we are inside altjit scenario, we ought to re-build Xunit test wrappers to consider # ExcludeList items in issues.targets for both build arch and altjit arch is_altjit_scenario = not args.altjit_arch is None if unprocessed_args.build_test_wrappers: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif build_info is None: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif is_altjit_scenario: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, args.altjit_arch) return run_tests(host_os, arch, build_type, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, is_illink=unprocessed_args.il_link, is_long_gc=unprocessed_args.long_gc, is_gcsimulator=unprocessed_args.gcsimulator, is_jitdasm=unprocessed_args.jitdisasm, is_ilasm=unprocessed_args.ilasmroundtrip, run_sequential=unprocessed_args.sequential, run_crossgen_tests=unprocessed_args.run_crossgen_tests, test_env=test_env) ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ def main(args): global g_verbose g_verbose = args.verbose host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, core_root, test_location, test_native_bin_location = setup_args(args) ret_code = 0 env = get_environment(test_env=args.test_env) if not args.analyze_results_only: if args.test_env is not None: ret_code = do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, args, args.test_env) else: ret_code = create_and_use_test_env(host_os, env, lambda path: do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, args, path)) print("Test run finished.") tests = parse_test_results(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) if tests is not None: print_summary(tests) create_repro(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, tests) return ret_code ################################################################################ # __main__ ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(main(args))