#!/usr/bin/env python # ## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ## See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. # ## # Title :runtest.py # # Notes: # # Universal script to setup and run the xunit console runner. The script relies # on runtest.proj and the bash and batch wrappers. All test excludes will also # come from issues.targets. If there is a jit stress or gc stress exclude, # please add GCStressIncompatible or JitOptimizationSensitive to the test's # ilproj or csproj. # # The xunit runner currently relies on tests being built on the same host as the # target platform. This requires all tests run on linux x64 to be built by the # same platform and arch. If this is not done, the tests will run correctly; # however, expect failures due to incorrect exclusions in the xunit # wrappers setup at build time. # # Note that for linux targets the native components to the tests are still built # by the product build. This requires all native components to be either copied # into the Core_Root directory or the test's managed directory. The latter is # prone to failure; however, copying into the Core_Root directory may create # naming conflicts. # # If you are running tests on a different target than the host that built, the # native tests components must be copied from: # bin/obj/.... 0: print("Found COMPlus variables in the current environment") print("") contents = "" # We can't use: # # with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_env: # ... # return func(...) # # because on Windows Python locks the file, and trying to use it give you: # # The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. # # errors. tempfile_suffix = ".bat" if _os == "Windows_NT" else "" test_env = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=tempfile_suffix, delete=False) try: file_header = None if _os == "Windows_NT": file_header = \ """@REM Temporary test env for test run. @echo on """ else: file_header = \ """# Temporary test env for test run. """ test_env.write(file_header) contents += file_header for key in complus_vars: value = complus_vars[key] command = None if _os == "Windows_NT": command = "set" else: command = "export" if key.lower() == "complus_gcstress" and "c" in value.lower(): gc_stress_c = True if key.lower() == "complus_gcstress": gc_stress = True print("Unset %s" % key) os.environ[key] = "" # \n below gets converted to \r\n on Windows because the file is opened in text (not binary) mode line = "%s %s=%s\n" % (command, key, value) test_env.write(line) contents += line if _os == "Windows_NT": file_suffix = \ """@echo off """ test_env.write(file_suffix) contents += file_suffix test_env.close() print("") print("TestEnv: %s" % test_env.name) print("") print("Contents:") print("") print(contents) print("") ret_code = func(test_env.name) finally: os.remove(test_env.name) else: ret_code = func(None) return ret_code def get_environment(test_env=None): """ Get all the COMPlus_* Environment variables Notes: All COMPlus variables need to be captured as a test_env script to avoid influencing the test runner. On Windows, os.environ keys (the environment variable names) are all upper case, and map lookup is case-insensitive on the key. """ global gc_stress_c global gc_stress complus_vars = defaultdict(lambda: "") for key in os.environ: if "complus" in key.lower(): complus_vars[key] = os.environ[key] os.environ[key] = '' elif "superpmi" in key.lower(): complus_vars[key] = os.environ[key] os.environ[key] = '' # Get the env from the test_env if test_env is not None: with open(test_env) as file_handle: for item in file_handle.readlines(): key_split = item.split("=") if len(key_split) == 1: continue key = key_split[0] value = key_split[1] key = key.split(" ")[-1] value = value.strip() try: value = value.split(" ")[0] except: pass complus_vars[key] = value # Supoort looking up case insensitive. complus_vars[key.lower()] = value if "complus_gcstress" in complus_vars: gc_stress = True if "c" in complus_vars["COMPlus_GCStress"].lower(): gc_stress_c = True return complus_vars def call_msbuild(coreclr_repo_location, dotnetcli_location, test_location, host_os, arch, build_type, is_illink=False, sequential=False, limited_core_dumps=False): """ Call msbuild to run the tests built. Args: coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to coreclr repo dotnetcli_location(str) : path to the dotnet cli in the tools dir sequential(bool) : run sequentially if True host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : configuration Notes: At this point the environment should be setup correctly, including the test_env, should it need to be passed. """ global g_verbose common_msbuild_arguments = [] if sequential: common_msbuild_arguments += ["/p:ParallelRun=none"] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:Runtests=true", "/clp:showcommandline"] command += common_msbuild_arguments if is_illink: command += ["/p:RunTestsViaIllink=true"] if limited_core_dumps: command += ["/p:LimitedCoreDumps=true"] log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "TestRunResults_%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_args = ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log, "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log, "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log, "/consoleloggerparameters:Summary"] if g_verbose: msbuild_log_args += ["/verbosity:diag"] command += msbuild_log_args command += ["/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os, "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch, "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type, "/p:__LogsDir=%s" % logs_dir] print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if limited_core_dumps: inspect_and_delete_coredump_files(host_os, arch, test_location) return proc.returncode def running_in_ci(): """ Check if running in ci Returns: bool """ is_ci = False try: jenkins_build_number = os.environ["BUILD_NUMBER"] is_ci = True except: pass return is_ci def copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, path, core_root): """ Recursively copy all files to core_root Args: host_os(str) : os path(str) : native test bin location core_root(str) : core_root location """ assert os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path) assert os.path.isdir(core_root) extension = "so" if host_os == "Linux" else "dylib" if os.path.isdir(path): for item in os.listdir(path): copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, os.path.join(path, item), core_root) elif path.endswith(extension): print("cp -p %s %s" % (path, core_root)) shutil.copy2(path, core_root) def correct_line_endings(host_os, test_location, root=True): """ Recursively correct all .sh/.cmd files to the correct line ending Args: host_os(str) : os test_location(str) : location of the tests """ if root: print("Correcting line endings...") assert os.path.isdir(test_location) or os.path.isfile(test_location) extension = "cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else ".sh" incorrect_line_ending = '\n' if host_os == "Windows_NT" else '\r\n' correct_line_ending = os.linesep if os.path.isdir(test_location): for item in os.listdir(test_location): correct_line_endings(host_os, os.path.join(test_location, item), False) elif test_location.endswith(extension): if sys.version_info < (3,0): content = None with open(test_location) as file_handle: content = file_handle.read() assert content != None subbed_content = content.replace(incorrect_line_ending, correct_line_ending) if content != subbed_content: with open(test_location, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(subbed_content) else: # Python3 will correct line endings automatically. content = None with open(test_location) as file_handle: content = file_handle.read() with open(test_location, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(content) def setup_coredump_generation(host_os): """ Configures the environment so that the current process and any child processes can generate coredumps. Args: host_os (String) : os Notes: This is only support for OSX and Linux, it does nothing on Windows. This will print a message if setting the rlimit fails but will otherwise continue execution, as some systems will already be configured correctly and it is not necessarily a failure to not collect coredumps. """ global coredump_pattern if host_os == "OSX": coredump_pattern = subprocess.check_output("sysctl -n kern.corefile", shell=True).rstrip() elif host_os == "Linux": with open("/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern", "r") as f: coredump_pattern = f.read().rstrip() else: print("CoreDump generation not enabled due to unsupported OS: %s" % host_os) return # resource is only available on Unix platforms import resource if coredump_pattern != "core" and coredump_pattern != "core.%P": print("CoreDump generation not enabled due to unsupported coredump pattern: %s" % coredump_pattern) return else: print("CoreDump pattern: %s" % coredump_pattern) # We specify 'shell=True' as the command may otherwise fail (some systems will # complain that the executable cannot be found in the current directory). rlimit_core = subprocess.check_output("ulimit -c", shell=True).rstrip() if rlimit_core != "unlimited": try: # This can fail on certain platforms. ARM64 in particular gives: "ValueError: not allowed to raise maximum limit" resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) except: print("Failed to enable CoreDump generation. rlimit_core: %s" % rlimit_core) return rlimit_core = subprocess.check_output("ulimit -c", shell=True).rstrip() if rlimit_core != "unlimited": print("Failed to enable CoreDump generation. rlimit_core: %s" % rlimit_core) return print("CoreDump generation enabled") if host_os == "Linux" and os.path.isfile("/proc/self/coredump_filter"): # Include memory in private and shared file-backed mappings in the dump. # This ensures that we can see disassembly from our shared libraries when # inspecting the contents of the dump. See 'man core' for details. with open("/proc/self/coredump_filter", "w") as f: f.write("0x3F") def print_info_from_coredump_file(host_os, arch, coredump_name, executable_name): """ Prints information from the specified coredump to the console Args: host_os (String) : os arch (String) : architecture coredump_name (String) : name of the coredump to print executable_name (String) : name of the executable that generated the coredump Notes: This is only support for OSX and Linux, it does nothing on Windows. This defaults to lldb on OSX and gdb on Linux. For both lldb and db, it backtraces all threads. For gdb, it also prints local information for every frame. This option is not available as a built-in for lldb. """ if not os.path.isfile(executable_name): print("Not printing coredump due to missing executable: %s" % executable_name) return if not os.path.isfile(coredump_name): print("Not printing coredump due to missing coredump: %s" % coredump_name) return command = "" if host_os == "OSX": command = "lldb -c %s -b -o 'bt all' -o 'disassemble -b -p'" % coredump_name elif host_os == "Linux": command = "gdb --batch -ex \"thread apply all bt full\" -ex \"disassemble /r $pc\" -ex \"quit\" %s %s" % (executable_name, coredump_name) else: print("Not printing coredump due to unsupported OS: %s" % host_os) return print("Printing info from coredump: %s" % coredump_name) proc_failed = False try: sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process # We specify 'shell=True' as the command may otherwise fail (some systems will # complain that the executable cannot be found in the current directory). proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: proc_failed = True except: proc_failed = True if proc_failed: print("Failed to print coredump: %s" % coredump_name) def preserve_coredump_file(coredump_name, root_storage_location="/tmp/coredumps_coreclr"): """ Copies the specified coredump to a new randomly named temporary directory under root_storage_location to ensure it is accessible after the workspace is cleaned. Args: coredump_name (String) : name of the coredump to print root_storage_location (String) : the directory under which to copy coredump_name Notes: root_storage_location defaults to a folder under /tmp to ensure that it is cleaned up on next reboot (or after the OS configured time elapses for the folder). """ if not os.path.exists(root_storage_location): os.mkdir(root_storage_location) # This creates a temporary directory under `root_storage_location` to ensure it doesn'tag # conflict with any coredumps from past runs. storage_location = tempfile.mkdtemp('', '', root_storage_location) # Only preserve the dump if the directory is empty. Otherwise, do nothing. # This is a way to prevent us from storing/uploading too many dumps. if os.path.isfile(coredump_name) and not os.listdir(storage_location): print("Copying coredump file %s to %s" % (coredump_name, storage_location)) shutil.copy2(coredump_name, storage_location) # TODO: Support uploading to dumpling def inspect_and_delete_coredump_file(host_os, arch, coredump_name): """ Prints information from the specified coredump and creates a backup of it Args: host_os (String) : os arch (String) : architecture coredump_name (String) : name of the coredump to print """ print_info_from_coredump_file(host_os, arch, coredump_name, "%s/corerun" % os.environ["CORE_ROOT"]) preserve_coredump_file(coredump_name) os.remove(coredump_name) def inspect_and_delete_coredump_files(host_os, arch, test_location): """ Finds all coredumps under test_location, prints some basic information about them to the console, and creates a backup of the dumps for further investigation Args: host_os (String) : os arch (String) : architecture test_location (String) : the folder under which to search for coredumps """ # This function prints some basic information from core files in the current # directory and deletes them immediately. Based on the state of the system, it may # also upload a core file to the dumpling service. # (see preserve_core_file). # Depending on distro/configuration, the core files may either be named "core" # or "core." by default. We will read /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid to # determine which one it is. # On OS X/macOS, we checked the kern.corefile value before enabling core dump # generation, so we know it always includes the PID. coredump_name_uses_pid=False print("Looking for coredumps...") if "%P" in coredump_pattern: coredump_name_uses_pid=True elif host_os == "Linux" and os.path.isfile("/proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid"): with open("/proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid", "r") as f: if f.read().rstrip() == "1": coredump_name_uses_pid=True filter_pattern = "" regex_pattern = "" matched_file_count = 0 if coredump_name_uses_pid: filter_pattern = "core.*" regex_pattern = "core.[0-9]+" else: filter_pattern = "core" regex_pattern = "core" for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(test_location): for file_name in fnmatch.filter(file_names, filter_pattern): if re.match(regex_pattern, file_name): print("Found coredump: %s in %s" % (file_name, dir_path)) matched_file_count += 1 inspect_and_delete_coredump_file(host_os, arch, os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)) print("Found %s coredumps." % matched_file_count) def run_tests(host_os, arch, build_type, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, test_env=None, is_long_gc=False, is_gcsimulator=False, is_jitdasm=False, is_ilasm=False, is_illink=False, run_crossgen_tests=False, run_sequential=False, limited_core_dumps=False): """ Run the coreclr tests Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : arch build_type(str) : configuration core_root(str) : Core_Root path coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to the root of the repo test_location(str) : Test bin, location test_native_bin_location : Native test components, None and windows. test_env(str) : path to the script file to be used to set the test environment is_long_gc(bool) : is_gcsimulator(bool) : is_jitdasm(bool) : is_ilasm(bool) : is_illink(bool) : run_crossgen_tests(bool) : run_sequential(bool) : limited_core_dumps(bool) : """ # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Default timeout for unix is 15 minutes print("Setting __TestTimeout=%s" % str(15*60*1000)) os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(15*60*1000) # 900,000 ms # Setup the environment if is_long_gc: print("Running Long GC Tests, extending timeout to 20 minutes.") print("Setting __TestTimeout=%s" % str(20*60*1000)) os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(20*60*1000) # 1,200,000 ms print("Setting RunningLongGCTests=1") os.environ["RunningLongGCTests"] = "1" if is_gcsimulator: print("Running GCSimulator tests, extending timeout to one hour.") print("Setting __TestTimeout=%s" % str(60*60*1000)) os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(60*60*1000) # 3,600,000 ms print("Setting RunningGCSimulatorTests=1") os.environ["RunningGCSimulatorTests"] = "1" if is_jitdasm: print("Running jit disasm and tests.") print("Setting RunningJitDisasm=1") os.environ["RunningJitDisasm"] = "1" if is_ilasm: print("Running ILasm round trip.") print("Setting RunningIlasmRoundTrip=1") os.environ["RunningIlasmRoundTrip"] = "1" if run_crossgen_tests: print("Running tests R2R") print("Setting RunCrossGen=true") os.environ["RunCrossGen"] = "true" if gc_stress: print("Running GCStress, extending timeout to 120 minutes.") print("Setting __TestTimeout=%s" % str(120*60*1000)) os.environ["__TestTimeout"] = str(120*60*1000) # 1,800,000 ms if limited_core_dumps: setup_coredump_generation(host_os) # Set Core_Root print("Setting CORE_ROOT=%s" % core_root) os.environ["CORE_ROOT"] = core_root # Set test env if exists if test_env is not None: print("Setting __TestEnv=%s" % test_env) os.environ["__TestEnv"] = test_env #===================================================================================================================================================== # # This is a workaround needed to unblock our CI (in particular, Linux/arm and Linux/arm64 jobs) from the following failures appearing almost in every # pull request (but hard to reproduce locally) # # System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Exceptions.Finalization.XUnitWrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. # An operation is not legal in the current state. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131509 (COR_E_INVALIDOPERATION)) # # COR_E_INVALIDOPERATION comes from System.InvalidOperationException that is thrown during AssemblyLoadContext.ResolveUsingResolvingEvent # when multiple threads attempt to modify an instance of Dictionary (managedAssemblyCache) during Xunit.DependencyContextAssemblyCache.LoadManagedDll call. # # In order to mitigate the failure we built our own xunit.console.dll with ConcurrentDictionary used for managedAssemblyCache and use this instead of # the one pulled from NuGet. The exact code that got built can be found at the following fork of Xunit # * https://github.com/echesakovMSFT/xunit/tree/UseConcurrentDictionaryInDependencyContextAssemblyCache # # The assembly was built using Microsoft Visual Studio v15.9.0-pre.4.0 Developer Command Prompt using the following commands # 1) git clone https://github.com/echesakovMSFT/xunit.git --branch UseConcurrentDictionaryInDependencyContextAssemblyCache --single-branch # 2) cd xunit # 3) git submodule update --init # 4) powershell .\build.ps1 -target packages -buildAssemblyVersion 2.4.1 -buildSemanticVersion 2.4.1-coreclr # # Then file "xunit\src\xunit.console\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\xunit.console.dll" was archived and uploaded to the clrjit blob storage. # # Ideally, this code should be removed when we find a more robust way of running Xunit tests. # # References: # * https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/20392 # * https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/20594 # * https://github.com/xunit/xunit/issues/1842 # * https://github.com/xunit/xunit/pull/1846 # #===================================================================================================================================================== print("Download and overwrite xunit.console.dll in Core_Root") urlretrieve = urllib.urlretrieve if sys.version_info.major < 3 else urllib.request.urlretrieve zipfilename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "xunit.console.dll.zip") url = r"https://clrjit.blob.core.windows.net/xunit-console/xunit.console.dll-v2.4.1.zip" urlretrieve(url, zipfilename) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename,"r") as ziparch: ziparch.extractall(core_root) os.remove(zipfilename) assert not os.path.isfile(zipfilename) # Call msbuild. return call_msbuild(coreclr_repo_location, dotnetcli_location, test_location, host_os, arch, build_type, is_illink=is_illink, limited_core_dumps=limited_core_dumps, sequential=run_sequential) def setup_args(args): """ Setup the args based on the argparser obj Args: args(ArgParser): Parsed arguments Notes: If there is no core_root, or test location passed, create a default location using the build type and the arch. """ if args.generate_layout_only: args.generate_layout = True host_os = None arch = args.arch.lower() build_type = args.build_type test_location = args.test_location core_root = args.core_root test_native_bin_location = args.test_native_bin_location coreclr_repo_location = args.coreclr_repo_location if os.path.basename(coreclr_repo_location) == "tests": coreclr_repo_location = os.path.dirname(coreclr_repo_location) if _platform == "linux" or _platform == "linux2": host_os = "Linux" elif _platform == "darwin": host_os = "OSX" elif _platform == "win32": host_os = "Windows_NT" else: print("Unknown OS: %s" % host_os) sys.exit(1) assert os.path.isdir(coreclr_repo_location) valid_arches = ["x64", "x86", "arm", "arm64"] if not arch in valid_arches: print("Unsupported architecture: %s." % arch) print("Supported architectures: %s" % "[%s]" % ", ".join(valid_arches)) sys.exit(1) def check_build_type(build_type): valid_build_types = ["Debug", "Checked", "Release"] if build_type != None and len(build_type) > 0: # Force the build type to be capitalized build_type = build_type.capitalize() if not build_type in valid_build_types: print("Unsupported configuration: %s." % build_type) print("Supported configurations: %s" % "[%s]" % ", ".join(valid_build_types)) sys.exit(1) return build_type build_type = check_build_type(build_type) if test_location is None: default_test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if os.path.isdir(default_test_location): test_location = default_test_location print("Using default test location.") print("TestLocation: %s" % default_test_location) print("") else: # The tests for the default location have not been built. print("Error, unable to find the tests at %s" % default_test_location) suggested_location = None possible_test_locations = [item for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests")) if host_os in item and arch in item] if len(possible_test_locations) > 0: print("Tests are built for the following:") for item in possible_test_locations: print(item.replace(".", " ")) print("Please run runtest.py again with the correct build-type by passing -build_type") else: print("No tests have been built for this host and arch. Please run build-test.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")) sys.exit(1) else: # If we have supplied our own test location then we need to create a test location # that the scripting will expect. As it is now, there is a dependency on the # test location being under test/.. # Make sure that we are using the correct build_type. This is a test drop, it is possible # that we are inferring the build type to be Debug incorrectly. if build_type not in test_location: # Remove punctuation corrected_build_type = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "", test_location.split(".")[-1]) build_type = check_build_type(corrected_build_type) default_test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) # Remove optional end os.path.sep if test_location[-1] == os.path.sep: test_location = test_location[:-1] if test_location.lower() != default_test_location.lower() and os.path.isdir(default_test_location): # Remove the existing directory if there is one. shutil.rmtree(default_test_location) print("Non-standard test location being used.") print("Overwrite the standard location with these tests.") print("TODO: Change runtest.proj to allow running from non-standard test location.") print("") print("cp -r %s %s" % (test_location, default_test_location)) shutil.copytree(test_location, default_test_location) test_location = default_test_location # unset core_root so it can be put in the default location core_root = None # Force the core_root to be setup again. args.generate_layout = True else: test_location = default_test_location print("Using default test location.") print("TestLocation: %s" % default_test_location) print("") if core_root is None: default_core_root = os.path.join(test_location, "Tests", "Core_Root") if os.path.isdir(default_core_root): core_root = default_core_root print("Using default location for core_root.") print("Core_Root: %s" % core_root) print("") elif args.generate_layout is False: # CORE_ROOT has not been setup correctly. print("Error, unable to find CORE_ROOT at %s" % default_core_root) print("Please run runtest.py with --generate_layout specified.") sys.exit(1) else: print("--generate_layout passed. Core_Root will be populated at: %s" % default_core_root) core_root = default_core_root else: print("Core_Root: %s" % core_root) is_same_os = False is_same_arch = False is_same_build_type = False # We will write out build information into the test directory. This is used # by runtest.py to determine whether we need to rebuild the test wrappers. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")): with open(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")) as file_handle: build_info = json.load(file_handle) is_same_os = build_info["build_os"] == host_os is_same_arch = build_info["build_arch"] == arch is_same_build_type = build_info["build_type"] == build_type if host_os != "Windows_NT" and not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): if test_native_bin_location is None: print("Using default location for test_native_bin_location.") test_native_bin_location = os.path.join(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "obj", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type), "tests")) print("Native bin location: %s" % test_native_bin_location) print("") if not os.path.isdir(test_native_bin_location): print("Error, test_native_bin_location: %s, does not exist." % test_native_bin_location) sys.exit(1) if args.product_location is None and args.generate_layout: product_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Product", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if not os.path.isdir(product_location): print("Error, unable to determine the product location. This is most likely because build_type was") print("incorrectly passed. Or the product is not built. Please explicitely pass -product_location") sys.exit(1) else: product_location = args.product_location return host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, core_root, test_location, test_native_bin_location def setup_tools(host_os, coreclr_repo_location): """ Setup the tools for the repo Args: host_os(str) : os coreclr_repo_location(str) : path to coreclr repo """ # Is the tools dir setup setup = False tools_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools") is_windows = host_os == "Windows_NT" dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) if os.path.isfile(dotnetcli_location): setup = True # init the tools for the repo if not setup: command = None if is_windows: command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "init-tools.cmd")] else: command = ["bash", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "init-tools.sh")] print(" ".join(command)) subprocess.check_output(command) setup = True return setup def setup_coredis_tools(coreclr_repo_location, host_os, arch, core_root): """ Setup CoreDisTools if needed Args: coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location host_os(str) : os arch(str) : arch core_root(str) : core_root """ if host_os.lower() == "osx": print("GCStress C is not supported on your platform.") sys.exit(1) unsupported_arches = ["arm", "arm64"] if arch in unsupported_arches: # Nothing to do; CoreDisTools unneeded. return command = None test_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests") if host_os == "Windows_NT": command = [os.path.join(test_location, "setup-stress-dependencies.cmd"), "/arch", arch, "/outputdir", core_root] else: command = [os.path.join(test_location, "setup-stress-dependencies.sh"), "--outputDir=%s" % core_root] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: print("Failed to set up stress dependencies.") sys.exit(1) def precompile_core_root(test_location, host_os, arch, core_root, use_jit_disasm=False, altjit_name=False): """ Precompile all of the assemblies in the core_root directory Args: test_location(str) : test location host_os(str) : os core_root(str) : location of core_root use_jit_disasm(Bool) : use jit disasm altjit_name(str) : name of the altjit """ skip_list = [ ".*xunit.*", ".*api-ms-win-core.*", ".*api-ms-win.*", ".*System.Private.CoreLib.*" ] unix_skip_list = [ ".*mscorlib.*", ".*System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.*", ".*System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.UI.Xaml.*", ".*R2RDump.dll.*" ] arm64_unix_skip_list = [ ".*Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.*", ".*System.Net.NameResolution.*", ".*System.Net.Sockets.*", ".*System.Net.Primitives.*" ] if host_os != "Windows_NT": skip_list += unix_skip_list if arch == "arm64": skip_list += arm64_unix_skip_list assert os.path.isdir(test_location) assert os.path.isdir(core_root) crossgen = os.path.join(core_root, "crossgen%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) assert os.path.isfile(crossgen) def call_crossgen(file, env): assert os.path.isfile(crossgen) command = [crossgen, "/Platform_Assemblies_Paths", core_root, file] if use_jit_disasm: core_run = os.path.join(core_root, "corerun%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) assert os.path.isfile(core_run) command = [core_run, os.path.join(core_root, "jit-dasm.dll"), "--crossgen", crossgen, "--platform", core_root, "--output", os.path.join(test_location, "dasm"), file] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) proc.communicate() return_code = proc.returncode if return_code == -2146230517: print("%s is not a managed assembly." % file) return False if return_code != 0: print("Unable to precompile %s (%d)" % (file, return_code)) return False print("Successfully precompiled %s" % file) return True print("Precompiling all assemblies in %s" % core_root) print("") env = os.environ.copy() if not altjit_name is None: env["COMPlus_AltJit"]="*" env["COMPlus_AltJitNgen"]="*" env["COMPlus_AltJitName"]=altjit_name env["COMPlus_AltJitAssertOnNYI"]="1" env["COMPlus_NoGuiOnAssert"]="1" env["COMPlus_ContinueOnAssert"]="0" dlls = [os.path.join(core_root, item) for item in os.listdir(core_root) if item.endswith("dll") and "mscorlib" not in item] def in_skip_list(item): found = False for skip_re in skip_list: if re.match(skip_re, item.lower()) is not None: found = True return found dlls = [dll for dll in dlls if not in_skip_list(dll)] for dll in dlls: call_crossgen(dll, env) print("") def setup_core_root(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_native_bin_location, product_location, test_location, core_root, is_corefx=False, generate_layout=True): """ Setup the core root Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : build configuration coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location product_location(str) : Product location core_root(str) : Location for core_root is_corefx : Building corefx core_root Optional Args: is_corefx(Bool) : Pass if planning on running corex : tests """ global g_verbose assert os.path.isdir(product_location) # Create core_root if it does not exist if os.path.isdir(core_root): shutil.rmtree(core_root) os.makedirs(core_root) # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Restore_Product" if host_os != "Windows_NT": os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch) command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "run.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")), "build", "-Project=%s" % os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "build.proj")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Restore_Product%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_params = "/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log msbuild_wrn_params = "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log msbuild_err_params = "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log command += ["-MsBuildLog=%s" % msbuild_log_params, "-MsBuildWrn=%s" % msbuild_wrn_params, "-MsBuildErr=%s" % msbuild_err_params] if host_os != "Windows_NT": command = ["bash"] + command command += ["-MsBuildEventLogging=\"/l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log\""] if g_verbose: command += ["-verbose"] command += [ "-BatchRestorePackages", "-BuildType=%s" % build_type, "-BuildArch=%s" % arch, "-BuildOS=%s" % host_os] print("Restoring packages...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: package restore failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" # Copy restored packages to core_root # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_Overlay_Managed" if host_os != "Windows_NT": os.environ["__DistroRid"] = "%s-%s" % ("osx" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "linux", arch) os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = os.environ["__DistroRid"] os.environ["Core_Root"] = core_root os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(core_root)) command = [os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "run.%s" % ("cmd" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "sh")), "build", "-Project=%s" % os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Tests_Overlay_Managed%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" msbuild_log_params = "/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log msbuild_wrn_params = "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log msbuild_err_params = "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log command += ["-MsBuildLog=%s" % msbuild_log_params, "-MsBuildWrn=%s" % msbuild_wrn_params, "-MsBuildErr=%s" % msbuild_err_params] if host_os != "Windows_NT": command = ["bash"] + command command += ["-MsBuildEventLogging=\"/l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log\""] if g_verbose: command += ["-verbose"] command += [ "-testOverlay", "-BuildType=%s" % build_type, "-BuildArch=%s" % arch, "-BuildOS=%s" % host_os] print("") print("Creating Core_Root...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: creating Core_Root failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" os.environ["xUnitTestBinBase"] = "" os.environ["__RuntimeId"] = "" def copy_tree(src, dest): """ Simple copy from src to dest """ assert os.path.isdir(src) assert os.path.isdir(dest) for item in os.listdir(src): if ".nuget" in item: pass item = os.path.join(src, item) if os.path.isfile(item): shutil.copy2(item, dest) if host_os != "Windows_NT": # Set executable bit os.chmod(os.path.join(dest, item), 0o774) else: new_dir = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(item)) if os.path.isdir(new_dir): shutil.rmtree(new_dir) shutil.copytree(item, new_dir) # Copy the product dir to the core_root directory print("") print("Copying Product Bin to Core_Root:") print("cp -r %s%s* %s" % (product_location, os.path.sep, core_root)) copy_tree(product_location, core_root) print("---------------------------------------------------------------------") print("") if is_corefx: corefx_utility_setup = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "src", "Common", "CoreFX", "TestFileSetup", "CoreFX.TestUtils.TestFileSetup.csproj") os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_GenerateTestHost" msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:GenerateRuntimeLayout=true"] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode == 0: print("Error: generating test host failed.") return False os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "" msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/t:Restore", corefx_utility_setup] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: msbuild failed.") return False corefx_logpath = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "tests", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type), "CoreFX", "CoreFXTestUtilities") msbuild_command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", "/p:Configuration=%s" % build_type, "/p:OSGroup=%s" % host_os, "/p:Platform=%s" % arch, "/p:OutputPath=%s" % corefx_logpath, corefx_utility_setup] sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process proc = subprocess.Popen(msbuild_command) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: msbuild failed.") return False print("Core_Root setup.") print("") return True if sys.version_info.major < 3: def to_unicode(s): return unicode(s, "utf-8") else: def to_unicode(s): return str(s, "utf-8") def delete_existing_wrappers(test_location): """ Delete the existing xunit wrappers Args: test_location(str) : location of the test """ assert os.path.isdir(test_location) or os.path.isfile(test_location) extension = "dll" if os.path.isdir(test_location): for item in os.listdir(test_location): delete_existing_wrappers(os.path.join(test_location, item)) elif test_location.endswith(extension) and "xunitwrapper" in test_location.lower(): # Delete the test wrapper. print("rm %s" % test_location) os.remove(test_location) def build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, altjit_arch=None): """ Build the coreclr test wrappers Args: host_os(str) : os arch(str) : architecture build_type(str) : build configuration coreclr_repo_location(str) : coreclr repo location test_location(str) : location of the test Notes: Build the xUnit test wrappers. Note that this will have been done as a part of build-test.cmd/sh. It is possible that the host has a different set of dependencies from the target or the exclude list has changed after building. """ global g_verbose delete_existing_wrappers(to_unicode(test_location)) # Setup the dotnetcli location dotnetcli_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "Tools", "dotnetcli", "dotnet%s" % (".exe" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "")) # Set global env variables. os.environ["__BuildLogRootName"] = "Tests_XunitWrapper" os.environ["__Exclude"] = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "issues.targets") command = [dotnetcli_location, "msbuild", os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "tests", "runtest.proj"), "/p:RestoreAdditionalProjectSources=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/", "/p:BuildWrappers=true", "/p:TargetsWindows=%s" % ("true" if host_os == "Windows_NT" else "false")] logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") if not os.path.isdir(logs_dir): os.makedirs(logs_dir) log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "Tests_XunitWrapper%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) build_log = log_path + ".log" wrn_log = log_path + ".wrn" err_log = log_path + ".err" command += ["/fileloggerparameters:\"Verbosity=normal;LogFile=%s\"" % build_log, "/fileloggerparameters1:\"WarningsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % wrn_log, "/fileloggerparameters2:\"ErrorsOnly;LogFile=%s\"" % err_log, "/consoleloggerparameters:Summary"] command += ["/p:__BuildOS=%s" % host_os, "/p:__BuildArch=%s" % arch, "/p:__BuildType=%s" % build_type, "/p:__LogsDir=%s" % logs_dir] if not altjit_arch is None: command += ["/p:__AltJitArch=%s" % altjit_arch] print("Creating test wrappers...") print(" ".join(command)) sys.stdout.flush() # flush output before creating sub-process if not g_verbose: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not running_in_ci(): try: expected_time_to_complete = 60*5 # 5 Minutes estimated_time_running = 0 time_delta = 1 while True: time_remaining = expected_time_to_complete - estimated_time_running time_in_minutes = math.floor(time_remaining / 60) remaining_seconds = time_remaining % 60 sys.stdout.write("\rEstimated time remaining: %d minutes %d seconds" % (time_in_minutes, remaining_seconds)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(time_delta) estimated_time_running += time_delta if estimated_time_running == expected_time_to_complete: break if proc.poll() is not None: break except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command) try: proc.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() sys.exit(1) if proc.returncode == 1: print("Error: creating test wrappers failed.") return False def find_test_from_name(host_os, test_location, test_name): """ Given a test's name return the location on disk Args: host_os (str) : os test_location (str) :path to the coreclr tests test_name (str) : Name of the test, all special characters will have : been replaced with underscores. Return: test_path (str): Path of the test based on its name """ location = test_name # Lambdas and helpers is_file_or_dir = lambda path : os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path) def match_filename(test_path): # Scan through the test directory looking for a similar # file global file_name_cache if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): pass assert os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)) size_of_largest_name_file = 0 dir_contents = file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] if dir_contents is None: dir_contents = defaultdict(lambda: None) for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): dir_contents[re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", item)] = item file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] = dir_contents # It is possible there has already been a match # therefore we need to remove the punctuation again. basename_to_match = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", os.path.basename(test_path)) if basename_to_match in dir_contents: test_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_path), dir_contents[basename_to_match]) size_of_largest_name_file = len(max(dir_contents, key=len)) return test_path, size_of_largest_name_file def dir_has_nested_substrings(test_path, test_item): """ A directory has multiple paths where one path is a substring of another """ dir_contents = file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] if dir_contents is None: dir_contents = defaultdict(lambda: None) for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_path)): dir_contents[re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", item)] = item file_name_cache[os.path.dirname(test_path)] = dir_contents test_item = re.sub("[%s]" % string.punctuation, "_", test_item) count = 0 for item in dir_contents: if test_item in item: count += 1 return count > 1 # Find the test by searching down the directory list. starting_path = test_location loc_split = location.split("_") append = False for index, item in enumerate(loc_split): if not append: test_path = os.path.join(starting_path, item) else: append = False test_path, size_of_largest_name_file = match_filename(starting_path + "_" + item) if not is_file_or_dir(test_path): append = True # It is possible that there is another directory that is named # without an underscore. elif index + 1 < len(loc_split) and os.path.isdir(test_path): next_test_path = os.path.join(test_path, loc_split[index + 1]) if not is_file_or_dir(next_test_path) or dir_has_nested_substrings(test_path, item): added_path = test_path for forward_index in range(index + 1, len(loc_split)): added_path, size_of_largest_name_file = match_filename(added_path + "_" + loc_split[forward_index]) if is_file_or_dir(added_path): append = True break elif size_of_largest_name_file < len(os.path.basename(added_path)): break starting_path = test_path location = starting_path if not os.path.isfile(location): pass assert(os.path.isfile(location)) return location def parse_test_results(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location): """ Parse the test results for test execution information Args: host_os : os arch : architecture run on build_type : build configuration (debug, checked, release) coreclr_repo_location : coreclr repo location test_location : path to coreclr tests """ logs_dir = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs") log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, "TestRunResults_%s_%s_%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) print("Parsing test results from (%s)" % log_path) test_run_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs", "testRun.xml") if not os.path.isfile(test_run_location): # Check if this is a casing issue found = False for item in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(test_run_location)): item_lower = item.lower() if item_lower == "testrun.xml": # Correct the name. os.rename(os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin", "Logs", item), test_run_location) found = True break if not found: print("Unable to find testRun.xml. This normally means the tests did not run.") print("It could also mean there was a problem logging. Please run the tests again.") return if host_os != "Windows_NT" and running_in_ci(): # Huge hack. # TODO change netci to parse testRun.xml shutil.copy2(test_run_location, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_run_location), "coreclrtests.xml")) assemblies = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(test_run_location).getroot() tests = defaultdict(lambda: None) for assembly in assemblies: for collection in assembly: if collection.tag == "errors" and collection.text != None: # Something went wrong during running the tests. print("Error running the tests, please run runtest.py again.") sys.exit(1) elif collection.tag != "errors": test_name = None for test in collection: type = test.attrib["type"] method = test.attrib["method"] type = type.split("._")[0] test_name = type + method assert test_name != None failed = collection.attrib["failed"] skipped = collection.attrib["skipped"] passed = collection.attrib["passed"] time = float(collection.attrib["time"]) test_output = None if failed == "1": failure_info = collection[0][0] test_output = failure_info[0].text test_location_on_filesystem = find_test_from_name(host_os, test_location, test_name) assert os.path.isfile(test_location_on_filesystem) assert tests[test_name] == None tests[test_name] = defaultdict(lambda: None, { "name": test_name, "test_path": test_location_on_filesystem, "failed": failed, "skipped": skipped, "passed": passed, "time": time, "test_output": test_output }) return tests def print_summary(tests): """ Print a summary of the test results Args: tests (defaultdict[String]: { }): The tests that were reported by : xunit """ assert tests is not None failed_tests = [] passed_tests = [] skipped_tests = [] for test in tests: test = tests[test] if test["failed"] == "1": failed_tests.append(test) elif test["passed"] == "1": passed_tests.append(test) else: skipped_tests.append(test) failed_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) passed_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) skipped_tests.sort(key=lambda item: item["time"], reverse=True) def print_tests_helper(tests, stop_count): for index, item in enumerate(tests): time = item["time"] unit = "seconds" time_remainder = "" second_unit = "" saved_time = time remainder_str = "" # If it can be expressed in hours if time > 60**2: time = saved_time / (60**2) time_remainder = saved_time % (60**2) time_remainder /= 60 time_remainder = math.floor(time_remainder) unit = "hours" second_unit = "minutes" remainder_str = " %s %s" % (int(time_remainder), second_unit) elif time > 60 and time < 60**2: time = saved_time / 60 time_remainder = saved_time % 60 time_remainder = math.floor(time_remainder) unit = "minutes" second_unit = "seconds" remainder_str = " %s %s" % (int(time_remainder), second_unit) print("%s (%d %s%s)" % (item["test_path"], time, unit, remainder_str)) if stop_count != None: if index >= stop_count: break if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("%d failed tests:" % len(failed_tests)) print("") print_tests_helper(failed_tests, None) # The following code is currently disabled, as it produces too much verbosity in a normal # test run. It could be put under a switch, or else just enabled as needed when investigating # test slowness. # # if len(passed_tests) > 50: # print("") # print("50 slowest passing tests:") # print("") # print_tests_helper(passed_tests, 50) if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("") print("#################################################################") print("Output of failing tests:") print("") for item in failed_tests: print("[%s]: " % item["test_path"]) print("") test_output = item["test_output"] # XUnit results are captured as escaped characters. test_output = test_output.replace("\\r", "\r") test_output = test_output.replace("\\n", "\n") print(test_output) test_output = test_output.replace("/r", "\r") test_output = test_output.replace("/n", "\n") unicode_output = None if sys.version_info < (3,0): # Handle unicode characters in output in python2.* unicode_output = unicode(test_output, "utf-8") else: unicode_output = test_output print(unicode_output) print("") print("") print("#################################################################") print("End of output of failing tests") print("#################################################################") print("") print("") print("Total tests run : %d" % len(tests)) print("Total passing tests: %d" % len(passed_tests)) print("Total failed tests : %d" % len(failed_tests)) print("Total skipped tests: %d" % len(skipped_tests)) print("") def create_repro(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, tests): """ Go through the failing tests and create repros for them Args: host_os (String) : os arch (String) : architecture build_type (String) : build configuration (debug, checked, release) core_root (String) : Core_Root path coreclr_repo_location (String) : Location of coreclr git repo tests (defaultdict[String]: { }): The tests that were reported by : xunit """ assert tests is not None failed_tests = [tests[item] for item in tests if tests[item]["failed"] == "1"] if len(failed_tests) == 0: return bin_location = os.path.join(coreclr_repo_location, "bin") assert os.path.isdir(bin_location) repro_location = os.path.join(bin_location, "repro", "%s.%s.%s" % (host_os, arch, build_type)) if os.path.isdir(repro_location): shutil.rmtree(repro_location) print("") print("Creating repro files at: %s" % repro_location) os.makedirs(repro_location) assert os.path.isdir(repro_location) # Now that the repro_location exists under /bin/repro # create wrappers which will simply run the test with the correct environment for test in failed_tests: debug_env = DebugEnv(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test) debug_env.write_repro() print("Repro files written.") def do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, unprocessed_args, test_env): # Setup the tools for the repo. setup_tools(host_os, coreclr_repo_location) if unprocessed_args.generate_layout: success = setup_core_root(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_native_bin_location, product_location, test_location, core_root) if not success: print("Error: GenerateLayout failed.") sys.exit(1) if unprocessed_args.generate_layout_only: sys.exit(0) if unprocessed_args.precompile_core_root: precompile_core_root(test_location, host_os, arch, core_root, use_jit_disasm=args.jitdisasm, altjit_name=unprocessed_args.crossgen_altjit) # If COMPlus_GCStress is set then we need to setup cordistools if gc_stress_c: setup_coredis_tools(coreclr_repo_location, host_os, arch, core_root) build_info = None is_same_os = None is_same_arch = None is_same_build_type = None # We will write out build information into the test directory. This is used # by runtest.py to determine whether we need to rebuild the test wrappers. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")): with open(os.path.join(test_location, "build_info.json")) as file_handle: build_info = json.load(file_handle) is_same_os = build_info["build_os"] == host_os is_same_arch = build_info["build_arch"] == arch is_same_build_type = build_info["build_type"] == build_type # Copy all the native libs to core_root if host_os != "Windows_NT" and not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): copy_native_test_bin_to_core_root(host_os, os.path.join(test_native_bin_location, "src"), core_root) # Line ending only need to be corrected if this is a cross build. correct_line_endings(host_os, test_location) # If we are inside altjit scenario, we ought to re-build Xunit test wrappers to consider # ExcludeList items in issues.targets for both build arch and altjit arch is_altjit_scenario = not args.altjit_arch is None if unprocessed_args.build_test_wrappers: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif build_info is None: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif not (is_same_os and is_same_arch and is_same_build_type): build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) elif is_altjit_scenario: build_test_wrappers(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, args.altjit_arch) return run_tests(host_os, arch, build_type, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, test_env=test_env, is_long_gc=unprocessed_args.long_gc, is_gcsimulator=unprocessed_args.gcsimulator, is_jitdasm=unprocessed_args.jitdisasm, is_ilasm=unprocessed_args.ilasmroundtrip, is_illink=unprocessed_args.il_link, run_crossgen_tests=unprocessed_args.run_crossgen_tests, run_sequential=unprocessed_args.sequential, limited_core_dumps=unprocessed_args.limited_core_dumps) ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ def main(args): global g_verbose g_verbose = args.verbose host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, core_root, test_location, test_native_bin_location = setup_args(args) ret_code = 0 env = get_environment(test_env=args.test_env) if not args.analyze_results_only: if args.test_env is not None: ret_code = do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, args, args.test_env) else: ret_code = create_and_use_test_env(host_os, env, lambda path: do_setup(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, product_location, test_location, test_native_bin_location, core_root, args, path)) print("Test run finished.") tests = parse_test_results(host_os, arch, build_type, coreclr_repo_location, test_location) if tests is not None: print_summary(tests) create_repro(host_os, arch, build_type, env, core_root, coreclr_repo_location, tests) return ret_code ################################################################################ # __main__ ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(main(args))