@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions :: Define a prefix for most output progress messages that come from this script. That makes :: it easier to see where these are coming from. Note that there is a trailing space here. set "__MsgPrefix=RUNTEST: " set __ThisScriptDir="%~dp0" call "%__ThisScriptDir%"\..\setup_vs_tools.cmd if NOT '%ERRORLEVEL%' == '0' exit /b 1 if defined VS150COMNTOOLS ( set __VSVersion=vs2017 ) else ( set __VSVersion=vs2015 ) :: Set the default arguments set __BuildArch=x64 set __BuildType=Debug set __BuildOS=Windows_NT set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0" :: remove trailing slash if %__ProjectDir:~-1%==\ set "__ProjectDir=%__ProjectDir:~0,-1%" set "__ProjectFilesDir=%__ProjectDir%" set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\..\bin" set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs" set __Sequential= set __msbuildExtraArgs= set __LongGCTests= set __GCSimulatorTests= set __AgainstPackages= set __JitDisasm= set __IlasmRoundTrip= set __CollectDumps= set __DoCrossgen= set __CrossgenAltJit= set __PerfTests= set __CoreFXTests= set __CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable= set __SkipGenerateLayout= set __BuildXUnitWrappers= :Arg_Loop if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone if /i "%1" == "/?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-?" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-h" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "/help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "-help" goto Usage if /i "%1" == "x64" (set __BuildArch=x64&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "x86" (set __BuildArch=x86&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "arm" (set __BuildArch=arm&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "arm64" (set __BuildArch=arm64&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildType=Debug&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildType=Release&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildType=Checked&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "vs2015" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "vs2017" (set __VSVersion=%1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "TestEnv" (set __TestEnv=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "AgainstPackages" (set __AgainstPackages=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "sequential" (set __Sequential=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "crossgen" (set __DoCrossgen=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "crossgenaltjit" (set __DoCrossgen=1&set __CrossgenAltJit=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "longgc" (set __LongGCTests=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "gcsimulator" (set __GCSimulatorTests=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "jitstress" (set COMPlus_JitStress=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "jitstressregs" (set COMPlus_JitStressRegs=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "jitminopts" (set COMPlus_JITMinOpts=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "jitforcerelocs" (set COMPlus_ForceRelocs=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "jitdisasm" (set __JitDisasm=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "ilasmroundtrip" (set __IlasmRoundTrip=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "GenerateLayoutOnly" (set __GenerateLayoutOnly=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "skipgeneratelayout" (set __SkipGenerateLayout=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "buildxunitwrappers" (set __BuildXunitWrappers=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "PerfTests" (set __PerfTests=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTests" (set __CoreFXTests=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTestsAll" (set __CoreFXTests=true&set __CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "CoreFXTestList" (set __CoreFXTests=true&set __CoreFXTestList=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "runcrossgentests" (set RunCrossGen=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "link" (set DoLink=true&set ILLINK=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM tieredcompilation is on by default now, but setting this environment variable is harmless and I didn't want to break any automation that might be using it just yet if /i "%1" == "tieredcompilation" (set COMPLUS_TieredCompilation=1&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "gcname" (set COMPlus_GCName=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "timeout" (set __TestTimeout=%2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) REM change it to COMPlus_GCStress when we stop using xunit harness if /i "%1" == "gcstresslevel" (set COMPlus_GCStress=%2&set __TestTimeout=1800000&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i "%1" == "collectdumps" (set __CollectDumps=true&shift&goto Arg_Loop) if /i not "%1" == "msbuildargs" goto SkipMsbuildArgs :: All the rest of the args will be collected and passed directly to msbuild. :CollectMsbuildArgs shift if "%1"=="" goto ArgsDone set __msbuildExtraArgs=%__msbuildExtraArgs% %1 goto CollectMsbuildArgs :SkipMsbuildArgs set CORE_ROOT=%1 echo %__MsgPrefix%CORE_ROOT is initially set to: "%CORE_ROOT%" shift :ArgsDone :: Done with argument processing. Check argument values for validity. if defined __TestEnv (if not exist %__TestEnv% echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Test Environment script %__TestEnv% not found && exit /b 1) if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" (if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Don't specify both "PerfTests" and "GenerateLayoutOnly" && exit /b 1) if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" (if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Don't specify both "CoreFXTests" and "GenerateLayoutOnly" && exit /b 1) if defined __CoreFXTestList ( if not exist "%__CoreFXTestList%" ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Couldn't find CoreFX Test List "%__CoreFXTestList%". exit /b 1 ) ) :: Set the remaining variables based upon the determined configuration set __MSBuildBuildArch=%__BuildArch% set "__BinDir=%__RootBinDir%\Product\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%" set "__TestWorkingDir=%__RootBinDir%\tests\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%" :: Default global test environment variables :: REVIEW: are these ever expected to be defined on entry to this script? Why? By whom? :: REVIEW: XunitTestReportDirBase is not used in this script. Who needs to have it set? if not defined XunitTestBinBase set XunitTestBinBase=%__TestWorkingDir% if not defined XunitTestReportDirBase set XunitTestReportDirBase=%XunitTestBinBase%\Reports\ REM At this point in the script there will be a divergence in how the tests are run. REM For official builds we will continue to run tests using the un-unified scripting REM which relies on msbuild and calls runtest.proj directly. For all other scenarios REM runtest.py will handle setup and will then call runtest.proj if defined __AgainstPackages goto SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" goto SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" goto SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly goto SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj REM We are not running in the official build scenario, call runtest.py set __RuntestPyArgs=-arch %__BuildArch% -build_type %__BuildType% if defined DoLink ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --il_link ) if defined __LongGCTests ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --long_gc ) if defined __GCSimulatorTests ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --gcsimulator ) if defined __JitDisasm ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --jitdisasm ) if defined __IlasmRoundTrip ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --ilasmroundtrip ) if defined __TestEnv ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% -test_env %__TestEnv% ) if defined __Sequential ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --sequential ) if not defined __SkipGenerateLayout ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --generate_layout ) if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --generate_layout_only ) if defined __BuildXUnitWrappers ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --build_xunit_test_wrappers ) if defined RunCrossGen ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --run_crossgen_tests ) if defined __DoCrossgen ( set __RuntestPyArgs=%__RuntestPyArgs% --precompile_core_root ) REM __ProjectDir is poorly named, it is actually /tests set NEXTCMD=python "%__ProjectDir%\runtest.py" %__RuntestPyArgs% echo !NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :SetupMSBuildAndCallRuntestProj :: Set up msbuild and tools environment. Check if msbuild and VS exist. set _msbuildexe= if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2017" ( set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%" set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build" set _msbuildexe="%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ) else if /i "%__VSVersion%" == "vs2015" ( set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS140COMNTOOLS%" set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC" set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" if not exist !_msbuildexe! set _msbuildexe="%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ) :: Does VS really exist? if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" goto NoVS if not exist "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" goto NoVS if not exist "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat" goto NoVS :: Does MSBuild really exist? if not exist %_msbuildexe% ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Could not find MSBuild.exe. Please see https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/developer-guide.md for build instructions. exit /b 1 ) if not defined VSINSTALLDIR ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: runtest.cmd should be run from a Visual Studio Command Prompt. Please see https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/developer-guide.md for build instructions. exit /b 1 ) :: Note: We've disabled node reuse because it causes file locking issues. :: The issue is that we extend the build with our own targets which :: means that that rebuilding cannot successfully delete the task :: assembly. set __msbuildCommonArgs=/nologo /nodeReuse:false %__msbuildExtraArgs% /p:Platform=%__MSBuildBuildArch% if not defined __Sequential ( set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /maxcpucount ) else ( set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /p:ParallelRun=false ) if defined __AgainstPackages ( set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /p:BuildTestsAgainstPackages=true ) if defined DoLink ( set __msbuildCommonArgs=%__msbuildCommonArgs% /p:RunTestsViaIllink=true ) if not exist %__LogsDir% md %__LogsDir% REM These log files are created automatically by the test run process. Q: what do they depend on being set? set __TestRunHtmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.html set __TestRunXmlLog=%__LogsDir%\TestRun_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.xml REM Prepare the Test Drop if not defined __GenerateLayoutOnly ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Removing 'ni' files and 'lock' folders from %__TestWorkingDir% REM Cleans any NI from the last run powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include '*.ni.*' -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -force" REM Cleans up any lock folder used for synchronization from last run powershell -NoProfile "Get-ChildItem -path %__TestWorkingDir% -Include 'lock' -Recurse -Force | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}| Remove-Item -force -Recurse" ) if defined CORE_ROOT goto SkipCoreRootSetup set "CORE_ROOT=%XunitTestBinBase%\Tests\Core_Root" echo %__MsgPrefix%Using Default CORE_ROOT as %CORE_ROOT% echo %__MsgPrefix%Copying Built binaries from %__BinDir% to %CORE_ROOT% if exist "%CORE_ROOT%" rd /s /q "%CORE_ROOT%" md "%CORE_ROOT%" xcopy "%__BinDir%" "%CORE_ROOT%" :SkipCoreRootSetup if not exist %CORE_ROOT%\coreclr.dll ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure you have done a successful build of the Product and %CORE_ROOT% contains runtime binaries. exit /b 1 ) if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" goto RunCoreFXTests if "%__PerfTests%"=="true" goto RunPerfTests REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Run normal (non-perf) tests REM === REM ========================================================================================= call :SetTestEnvironment call :ResolveDependencies if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 if defined __DoCrossgen ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running crossgen on framework assemblies call :PrecompileFX ) REM Delete the unecessary mscorlib.ni file. if exist %CORE_ROOT%\mscorlib.ni.dll del %CORE_ROOT%\mscorlib.ni.dll if defined __GenerateLayoutOnly ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Done generating layout. exit /b 0 ) ::Check if the test Binaries are built if not exist %XunitTestBinBase% ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Ensure the Test Binaries are built and are present at %XunitTestBinBase%. echo %__MsgPrefix%Run "buildtest.cmd %__BuildArch% %__BuildType%" to build the tests first. exit /b 1 ) if "%__CollectDumps%"=="true" ( :: Install dumpling set "__DumplingHelperPath=%__ProjectDir%\..\Tools\DumplingHelper.py" python "!__DumplingHelperPath!" install_dumpling :: Create the crash dump folder if necessary set "__CrashDumpFolder=%tmp%\CoreCLRTestCrashDumps" if not exist "!__CrashDumpFolder!" ( mkdir "!__CrashDumpFolder!" ) :: Grab the current time before execution begins. This will be used to determine which crash dumps :: will be uploaded. for /f "delims=" %%a in ('python !__DumplingHelperPath! get_timestamp') do @set __StartTime=%%a ) echo %__MsgPrefix%CORE_ROOT that will be used is: %CORE_ROOT% echo %__MsgPrefix%Starting test run at %TIME% set __BuildLogRootName=TestRunResults call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:Runtests=true /clp:showcommandline set __errorlevel=%errorlevel% if "%__CollectDumps%"=="true" ( python "%__DumplingHelperPath%" collect_dump %errorlevel% "%__CrashDumpFolder%" %__StartTime% "CoreCLR_Tests" ) if %__errorlevel% GEQ 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Run failed. Refer to the following: echo Html report: %__TestRunHtmlLog% exit /b 1 ) goto TestsDone REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Run perf tests REM === REM ========================================================================================= :RunPerfTests echo %__MsgPrefix%CORE_ROOT that will be used is: %CORE_ROOT% echo %__MsgPrefix%Starting test run at %TIME% set __BuildLogRootName=PerfTestRunResults echo %__MsgPrefix%Running perf tests call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /t:RunPerfTests /clp:showcommandline if errorlevel 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Run failed. Refer to the following: echo Html report: %__TestRunHtmlLog% ) goto TestsDone REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Run CoreFX tests REM === REM ========================================================================================= :RunCoreFXTests set _CoreFXTestHost=%XunitTestBinBase%\testhost set __ToolsDir=%__ProjectDir%\..\Tools set "DotNetCli=%__ToolsDir%\dotnetcli\dotnet.exe" set _RootCoreFXTestPath=%__TestWorkingDir%\CoreFX set _CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath=%_RootCoreFXTestPath%\CoreFXTestUtilities set _CoreFXTestBinariesPath=%_RootCoreFXTestPath%\tests_downloaded set _CoreFXLogsDir=%__LogsDir%\CoreFX\%__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType% if not exist "%_CoreFXLogsDir%" (mkdir "%_CoreFXLogsDir%") set _CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName=CoreFX.TestUtils.TestFileSetup set _CoreFXTestSetupUtility=%__ProjectFilesDir%\src\Common\CoreFX\TestFileSetup\%_CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName%.csproj call :ResolveDependencies if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 if defined __GenerateTestHostOnly ( exit /b 0 ) if not exist %_CoreFXTestHost%\dotnet.exe ( echo %__MsgPrefix%CoreFX test host not found, please run runtest.cmd again exit /b 1 ) set /p _CoreFXTestRemoteURL=< "%__ProjectFilesDir%\CoreFX\CoreFXTestListURL.txt" if not defined __CoreFXTestList ( set __CoreFXTestList=%__ProjectFilesDir%\CoreFX\CoreFX.issues.json ) set _CoreFXTestExecutable=xunit.console.netcore.exe set _CoreFXTestExecutableArgs= --notrait category=nonnetcoreapptests --notrait category=nonwindowstests --notrait category=failing --notrait category=IgnoreForCI --notrait category=OuterLoop --notrait Benchmark=true REM Set the log file name to something Jenkins can understand set _CoreFX_TestLogFileName=testResults.xml set _CoreFX_TestRunScriptName=CoreCLR_RunTest.cmd if "%__CoreFXTestsRunAllAvailable%" == "true" ( set _CoreFX_RunCommand=--runAllTests ) else ( set _CoreFX_RunCommand=--runSpecifiedTests ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Downloading and Running CoreFX Test Binaries set NEXTCMD=call "%DotNetCli%" "%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%\%_CoreFXTestSetupUtilityName%.dll" --clean --outputDirectory "%_CoreFXTestBinariesPath%" --testListJsonPath "%__CoreFXTestList%" --testUrl "!_CoreFXTestRemoteURL!" %_CoreFX_RunCommand% --dotnetPath "%_CoreFXTestHost%\dotnet.exe" --executable %_CoreFXTestExecutable% --log %_CoreFXLogsDir% %_CoreFXTestExecutableArgs% echo !NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! if errorlevel 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%CoreFX tests finished with failures. Refer to the following: echo %_CoreFXLogsDir% exit /b 1 ) goto TestsDone REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === All tests complete! REM === REM ========================================================================================= :TestsDone echo %__MsgPrefix%Test run successful. Finished at %TIME%. Refer to the log files for details: echo %__TestRunHtmlLog% echo %__TestRunXmlLog% exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Compile the managed assemblies in Core_ROOT before running the tests REM === REM ========================================================================================= :PrecompileAssembly if defined __JitDisasm goto :jitdisasm REM Skip mscorlib since it is already precompiled. if /I "%3" == "mscorlib.dll" exit /b 0 if /I "%3" == "mscorlib.ni.dll" exit /b 0 "%1\crossgen.exe" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%CORE_ROOT%" "%2" >nul 2>nul set /a __exitCode = %errorlevel% if "%__exitCode%" == "-2146230517" ( echo %2 is not a managed assembly. exit /b 0 ) if %__exitCode% neq 0 ( echo Unable to precompile %2 exit /b 0 ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Successfully precompiled %2 exit /b 0 :jitdisasm if /I "%3" == "mscorlib.ni.dll" exit /b 0 echo "%1\corerun" "%1\jit-dasm.dll" --crossgen %1\crossgen.exe --platform %CORE_ROOT% --output %__TestWorkingDir%\dasm "%2" "%1\corerun" "%1\jit-dasm.dll" --crossgen %1\crossgen.exe --platform %CORE_ROOT% --output %__TestWorkingDir%\dasm "%2" set /a __exitCode = %errorlevel% if "%__exitCode%" == "-2146230517" ( echo %2 is not a managed assembly. exit /b 0 ) if %__exitCode% neq 0 ( echo Unable to precompile %2 exit /b 0 ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Successfully precompiled and generated dasm for %2 exit /b 0 :PrecompileFX setlocal if defined __CrossgenAltJit ( REM Set altjit flags for the crossgen run. Note that this entire crossgen section is within a setlocal/endlocal scope, REM so we don't need to save or unset these afterwards. echo %__MsgPrefix%Setting altjit environment variables for %__CrossgenAltJit%. set COMPlus_AltJit=* set COMPlus_AltJitNgen=* set COMPlus_AltJitName=%__CrossgenAltJit% set COMPlus_AltJitAssertOnNYI=1 set COMPlus_NoGuiOnAssert=1 set COMPlus_ContinueOnAssert=0 ) for %%F in (%CORE_ROOT%\*.dll) do call :PrecompileAssembly "%CORE_ROOT%" "%%F" %%~nF%%~xF endlocal exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Subroutine to invoke msbuild. REM === REM === All arguments are passed to msbuild. The first argument should be the .proj file to invoke. REM === REM === On entry, environment variable __BuildLogRootName must be set to a file name prefix for the generated log files. REM === All the "standard" environment variables that aren't expected to change per invocation must also be set, REM === like __msbuildCommonArgs. REM === REM === The build log files will be overwritten, not appended to. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :msbuild echo %__MsgPrefix%Invoking msbuild set "__BuildLog=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log" set "__BuildWrn=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn" set "__BuildErr=%__LogsDir%\%__BuildLogRootName%_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err" set __msbuildLogArgs=^ /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal;LogFile="%__BuildLog%";Append ^ /fileloggerparameters1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildWrn%" ^ /fileloggerparameters2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__BuildErr%" ^ /consoleloggerparameters:Summary ^ /verbosity:minimal set __msbuildArgs=%* %__msbuildCommonArgs% %__msbuildLogArgs% @REM The next line will overwrite the existing log file, if any. echo %__MsgPrefix%%_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs% echo Invoking: %_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs% > "%__BuildLog%" %_msbuildexe% %__msbuildArgs% if errorlevel 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: msbuild failed. Refer to the log files for details: echo %__BuildLog% echo %__BuildWrn% echo %__BuildErr% exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Set various environment variables, based on arguments to this script, before invoking the tests. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :SetTestEnvironment :: Long GC tests take about 10 minutes per test on average, so :: they often bump up against the default 10 minute timeout. :: 20 minutes is more than enough time for a test to complete successfully. if defined __LongGCTests ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running Long GC tests, extending timeout to 20 minutes set __TestTimeout=1200000 set RunningLongGCTests=1 ) :: GCSimulator tests can take up to an hour to complete. They are run twice a week in the :: CI, so it's fine if they take a long time. if defined __GCSimulatorTests ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running GCSimulator tests, extending timeout to one hour set __TestTimeout=3600000 set RunningGCSimulatorTests=1 ) if defined __JitDisasm ( if defined __DoCrossgen ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running jit disasm on framework and test assemblies ) if not defined __DoCrossgen ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running jit disasm on test assemblies only ) set RunningJitDisasm=1 ) if defined __IlasmRoundTrip ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Running Ilasm round trip set RunningIlasmRoundTrip=1 ) exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Generate the "layout" directory in CORE_ROOT; download dependencies. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :ResolveDependencies set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_GenerateRuntimeLayout call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:GenerateRuntimeLayout=true if errorlevel 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Dependency Resolution Failed exit /b 1 ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Created the runtime layout with all dependencies in %CORE_ROOT% if "%__CoreFXTests%"=="true" goto ResolveCoreFXDependencies exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Generate the "testhost" directory for running CoreFX tests; download dependencies. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :ResolveCoreFXDependencies echo %__MsgPrefix%Building CoreFX Test Host set __BuildLogRootName=Tests_GenerateTestHost call :msbuild "%__ProjectFilesDir%\runtest.proj" /p:GenerateTestHost=true if errorlevel 1 ( echo %__MsgPrefix%Test Host Dependency Resolution Failed exit /b 1 ) echo %__MsgPrefix%Created the Test Host layout with all dependencies in %_CoreFXTestHost% REM Publish and call the CoreFX test helper projects - should this be integrated into runtest.proj? REM Build Helper project set NEXTCMD="%DotNetCli%" msbuild /t:Restore "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%" echo !NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! if errorlevel 1 ( exit /b 1 ) set NEXTCMD=call "%DotNetCli%" msbuild "/p:Configuration=%CoreRT_BuildType%" "/p:OSGroup=%CoreRT_BuildOS%" "/p:Platform=%CoreRT_BuildArch%" "/p:OutputPath=%_CoreFXTestUtilitiesOutputPath%" "%_CoreFXTestSetupUtility%" echo !NEXTCMD! !NEXTCMD! if errorlevel 1 ( exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0 REM ========================================================================================= REM === REM === Display a help message describing how to use this script. REM === REM ========================================================================================= :Usage @REM NOTE: The caret character is used to escape meta-characters known to the CMD shell. This character does @REM NOTE: not appear in output. Thus, while it might look like in lines below that the "-" are not aligned, @REM NOTE: they are in the output (and please keep them aligned). echo. echo Usage: echo %0 [options] [^] echo. echo where: echo. echo./? -? /h -h /help -help - View this message. echo ^ - Specifies build architecture: x64, x86, arm, or arm64 ^(default: x64^). echo ^ - Specifies build type: Debug, Release, or Checked ^(default: Debug^). echo VSVersion ^ - VS2015 or VS2017 ^(default: VS2017^). echo TestEnv ^ - Run a custom script before every test to set custom test environment settings. echo AgainstPackages - This indicates that we are running tests that were built against packages. echo GenerateLayoutOnly - If specified will not run the tests and will only create the Runtime Dependency Layout echo sequential - Run tests sequentially (no parallelism). echo crossgen - Precompile ^(crossgen^) the managed assemblies in CORE_ROOT before running the tests. echo crossgenaltjit ^ - Precompile ^(crossgen^) the managed assemblies in CORE_ROOT before running the tests, using the given altjit. echo link ^ - Runs the tests after linking via the IL linker ^. echo RunCrossgenTests - Runs ReadytoRun tests echo jitstress ^ - Runs the tests with COMPlus_JitStress=n echo jitstressregs ^ - Runs the tests with COMPlus_JitStressRegs=n echo jitminopts - Runs the tests with COMPlus_JITMinOpts=1 echo jitforcerelocs - Runs the tests with COMPlus_ForceRelocs=1 echo jitdisasm - Runs jit-dasm on the tests echo ilasmroundtrip - Runs ilasm round trip on the tests echo longgc - Run the long-running GC tests echo gcsimulator - Run the GC Simulator tests echo gcstresslevel ^ - Runs the tests with COMPlus_GCStress=n. n=0 means no GC Stress. Otherwise, n is a bitmask of the following: echo 1: GC on all allocations and 'easy' places echo 2: GC on transitions to preemptive GC echo 4: GC on every allowable JITed instruction echo 8: GC on every allowable NGEN instruction echo 16: GC only on a unique stack trace echo tieredcompilation - Run the tests with COMPlus_TieredCompilation=1 echo gcname ^ - Runs the tests with COMPlus_GCName=name echo timeout ^ - Sets the per-test timeout in milliseconds ^(default is 10 minutes = 10 * 60 * 1000 = 600000^). echo Note: some options override this ^(gcstresslevel, longgc, gcsimulator^). echo msbuildargs ^ - Pass all subsequent args directly to msbuild invocations. echo ^ - Path to the runtime to test ^(if specified^). echo. echo Note that arguments are not case-sensitive. echo. echo Examples: echo %0 x86 checked echo %0 x64 checked GenerateLayoutOnly echo %0 x64 release exit /b 1 :NoVS echo Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 ^(Community is free^) is a prerequisite to build this repository. echo See: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/developer-guide.md#prerequisites exit /b 1