@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "__args=%*" set processedArgs= set unprocessedArgs= set __MSBuildArgs= REM If no processed arguments are specified, -p is implied. if "%1" == "" (set __MSBuildArgs=.\build.proj /p:RestoreDuringBuild=true /t:Sync&goto ArgsDone) if "%1" == "--" (set __MSBuildArgs=.\build.proj /p:RestoreDuringBuild=true /t:Sync&goto ArgsDone) :ArgLoop if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone if /I [%1] == [-?] goto Usage if /I [%1] == [-help] goto Usage REM This for loop splits the remaining arguments, preserving "=". REM x gets the next argument, and y gets all remaining arguments after the first. FOR /f "tokens=1*" %%x IN ("%*") DO ( set param=%%x if /i "!param!" == "-p" (set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! .\build.proj /p:RestoreDuringBuild=true /t:Sync) if /i "!param!" == "-ab" (set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! .\src\syncAzure.proj) if /i "!param:~0,14!" == "-AzureAccount=" (set v=!param:~14!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:CloudDropAccountName=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,12!" == "-AzureToken=" (set v=!param:~12!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:CloudDropAccessToken=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,12!" == "-BuildMajor=" (set v=!param:~12!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:BuildNumberMajor=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,12!" == "-BuildMinor=" (set v=!param:~12!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:BuildNumberMinor=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,11!" == "-Container=" (set v=!param:~11!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:ContainerName=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,16!" == "-BlobNamePrefix=" (set v=!param:~16!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:__BlobNamePrefix=!v!) if /i "!param:~0,11!" == "-RuntimeId=" (set v=!param:~11!&set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! /p:RuntimeId=!v!) REM all other arguments get passed through to msbuild unchanged. if /i not "!param:~0,1!" == "-" (set __MSBuildArgs=!__MSBuildArgs! !param!) REM The innermost recursive invocation of :ArgLoop will execute REM msbuild, and all other invocations simply exit. call :ArgLoop %%y exit /b ) :ArgsDone @call %~dp0msbuild.cmd /nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /nodeReuse:false /flp:v=detailed;LogFile=sync.log %__MSBuildArgs% @exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :Usage echo. echo Repository syncing script. echo. echo Options: echo -? - Prints Usage echo -help - Prints Usage echo -p - Restores all nuget packages for repository echo -ab - Downloads the latests product packages from Azure. echo The following properties are required: echo -AzureAccount="Account name" echo -AzureToken="Access token" echo To download a specific group of product packages, specify: echo -BuildMajor echo -BuildMinor echo To download from a specific container, specify: echo -Container="container name" echo To download blobs starting with a specific prefix, specify: echo -BlobNamePrefix="Blob name prefix" echo To specify which RID you are downloading binaries for (optional): echo -RuntimeId="RID" (Needs to match what's in the container) echo. echo. echo. echo If no option is specified then sync.cmd -p is implied.