@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion if /I [%1] == [-?] goto Usage if /I [%1] == [-help] goto Usage @if [%1]==[] set __args=-p @call %~dp0run.cmd sync %__args% %* @exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :Usage echo. echo Repository syncing script. echo. echo Options: echo -? - Prints Usage echo -help - Prints Usage echo -p - Restores all nuget packages for repository echo -ab - Downloads the latests product packages from Azure. echo The following properties are required: echo -AzureAccount="Account name" echo -AzureToken="Access token" echo To download a specific group of product packages, specify: echo -BuildMajor echo -BuildMinor echo. echo. echo If no option is specified then sync.cmd -p is implied.