// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // ZapWriter.h // // // Infrastructure for writing PE files. (Not NGEN specific) // // ====================================================================================== #ifndef __ZAPWRITER_H__ #define __ZAPWRITER_H__ #include "zapnodetype.h" class ZapWriter; class ZapHeap; // This is maximum size of anything in the image written by ZapWriter. Used for overflow checking. #define ZAPWRITER_MAX_SIZE 0x3FFFFFFF // All ZapNodes should be allocated from ZapHeap returned by ZapWriter::GetHeap() void *operator new(size_t size, ZapHeap * pZapHeap); void *operator new[](size_t size, ZapHeap * pZapHeap); // // ZapHeap does not support deallocation. Empty operators delete avoids deallocating memory // if the constructor fails // inline void operator delete(void *, ZapHeap * pZapHeap) { // Memory allocated by ZapHeap is never freed } inline void operator delete[](void *, ZapHeap * pZapHeap) { // Memory allocated by ZapHeap is never freed } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ZapNode is the basic building block of the native image. Every ZapNode must know how to persist itself. // // The basic contract for a ZapNode is that it understands its allocations requirements (size and alignment), // and knows how to save itself (given a ZapWriter). At some point a ZapNode is given a location in the // executable (an RVA), which it is responsible remembering. // // See file:../../doc/BookOfTheRuntime/NGEN/NGENDesign.doc for an overview. // class ZapNode { friend class ZapWriter; DWORD m_RVA; public: void SetRVA(DWORD dwRVA) { _ASSERTE(m_RVA == 0 || m_RVA == (DWORD)-1); m_RVA = dwRVA; } ZapNode() { // All ZapNodes are expected to be allocate from ZapWriter::GetHeap() that returns zero filled memory _ASSERTE(m_RVA == 0); } // This constructor should be used to allocate temporary ZapNodes on the stack only ZapNode(DWORD rva) : m_RVA(rva) { } virtual ~ZapNode() { } // Returns the size of the node in the image. All nodes that are written into the image should override this method. virtual DWORD GetSize() { #if defined(_MSC_VER) //UNREACHABLE doesn't work in GCC, when the method has a non-void return UNREACHABLE(); #else _ASSERTE(!"Unreachable"); return 0; #endif } // Alignment for this node. virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return 1; } // Returns the type of the ZapNode. All nodes should override this method. virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_Unknown; } // Assign RVA to this node. dwPos is current RVA, returns updated current RVA. virtual DWORD ComputeRVA(ZapWriter * pZapWriter, DWORD dwPos); // All nodes that are written into the image should override this method. The implementation should write exactly GetSize() bytes // using ZapWriter::Write method virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter) { UNREACHABLE(); } // Returns the RVA of the node. Valid only after ComputeRVA phase DWORD GetRVA() { _ASSERTE(m_RVA != 0 && m_RVA != (DWORD)-1); return m_RVA; } // Returns whether the node was placed into a virtual section BOOL IsPlaced() { return m_RVA != 0; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Virtual section of PE image. class ZapVirtualSection : public ZapNode { friend class ZapWriter; DWORD m_dwAlignment; SArray m_Nodes; // State initialized once the section is placed DWORD m_dwSize; DWORD m_dwSectionType; BYTE m_defaultFill; ZapVirtualSection(DWORD dwAlignment) : m_dwAlignment(dwAlignment) { } public: virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_dwSize; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_VirtualSection; } DWORD GetSectionType() { return m_dwSectionType; } void SetSectionType(DWORD dwSectionType) { _ASSERTE((dwSectionType & IBCTypeReservedFlag) != 0 || !"IBCType flag is not specified"); _ASSERTE((dwSectionType & RangeTypeReservedFlag) != 0 || !"RangeType flag is not specified"); _ASSERTE((dwSectionType & VirtualSectionTypeReservedFlag) != 0 || !"VirtualSectionType flag is not specified"); _ASSERTE((dwSectionType & VirtualSectionTypeReservedFlag) < CORCOMPILE_SECTION_TYPE_COUNT || !"Invalid VirtualSectionType flag"); m_dwSectionType = dwSectionType; } void SetDefaultFill(BYTE fill) { m_defaultFill = fill; } void Place(ZapNode * pNode) { _ASSERTE(!pNode->IsPlaced()); m_Nodes.Append(pNode); pNode->SetRVA((DWORD)-1); } COUNT_T GetNodeCount() { return m_Nodes.GetCount(); } ZapNode * GetNode(COUNT_T iNode) { return m_Nodes[iNode]; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The named physical section of the PE Image. It contains one or more virtual sections. class ZapPhysicalSection : public ZapNode { friend class ZapWriter; SArray m_Sections; LPCSTR m_pszName; DWORD m_dwCharacteristics; // Number of zero filled sections (zero filled sections are always last in m_Sections array) COUNT_T m_nBssSections; // State initialized once the section is placed DWORD m_dwSize; DWORD m_dwFilePos; DWORD m_dwSizeOfRawData; ZapPhysicalSection(LPCSTR pszName, DWORD dwCharacteristics) : m_pszName(pszName), m_dwCharacteristics(dwCharacteristics) { } public: ~ZapPhysicalSection() { for (COUNT_T iVirtualSection = 0; iVirtualSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iVirtualSection++) { ZapVirtualSection * pVirtualSection = m_Sections[iVirtualSection]; pVirtualSection->~ZapVirtualSection(); } } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_dwSize; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_PhysicalSection; } DWORD GetFilePos() { _ASSERTE(m_dwFilePos != 0); return m_dwFilePos; } COUNT_T GetVirtualSectionCount() { return m_Sections.GetCount(); } ZapVirtualSection * GetVirtualSection(COUNT_T iSection) { return m_Sections[iSection]; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The ZapWriter // // Notice that ZapWriter implements IStream that can be passed to APIs that write to stream // // The main API in a ZapWriter is (not suprisingly) the code:ZapWriter.Write method. // // Relocations are handled by a higher level object, code:ZapImage, which knows about all the sections of a // ngen image and how to do relections. Every ZapWriter has an associated ZapImage which you get to by // calling code:ZapImage.GetImage. // class ZapWriter : public IStream { ZapHeap * m_pHeap; SArray m_Sections; ZapNode * m_DirectoryEntries[IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES]; DWORD m_dwTimeDateStamp; ULONGLONG m_BaseAddress; ULONGLONG m_SizeOfStackReserve; ULONGLONG m_SizeOfStackCommit; USHORT m_Subsystem; USHORT m_DllCharacteristics; BOOL m_isDll; DWORD m_FileAlignment; // Current state of the writer for debug checks INDEBUG(BOOL m_fSaving;) DWORD m_dwCurrentRVA; BOOL m_fWritingRelocs; // Set to true once we start reloc sections at the end of the file void SaveContent(); DWORD GetSizeOfNTHeaders(); void SaveHeaders(); // Simple buffered writer void InitializeWriter(IStream * pStream); IStream * m_pStream; PBYTE m_pBuffer; ULONG m_nBufferPos; INDEBUG(DWORD m_dwWriterFilePos;) // // NT Headers // BOOL Is64Bit() { #ifdef _TARGET_64BIT_ return TRUE; #else // !_TARGET_64BIT_ return FALSE; #endif // !_TARGET_64BIT_ } USHORT GetMachine() { return IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_NATIVE_NI; } void SaveDosHeader(); void SaveSignature(); void SaveFileHeader(); void SaveOptionalHeader(); void SaveSections(); // IStream support - the only actually implemented method is IStream::Write // IUnknown methods STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return 1; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { return 1; } STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IStream)) { *ppv = static_cast(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } return hr; } // ISequentialStream methods: STDMETHODIMP Read(void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP Write(void const *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten); // IStream methods: STDMETHODIMP Seek(LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition) { // IMetaDataEmit::SaveToStream calls Seek(0) but ignores the returned error //_ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP SetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CopyTo(IStream *pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP Commit(DWORD grfCommitFlags) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP Revert() { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP LockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP UnlockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP Stat(STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP Clone(IStream **ppIStream) { _ASSERTE(false); return E_NOTIMPL; } public: ZapWriter(); ~ZapWriter(); void Initialize(); // Create new section in the PE file. The sections will be saved in the order they are created. ZapPhysicalSection * NewPhysicalSection(LPCSTR pszName, DWORD dwCharacteristics) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); ZapPhysicalSection * pSection = new (GetHeap()) ZapPhysicalSection(pszName, dwCharacteristics); m_Sections.Append(pSection); return pSection; } // Create new virtual section within the physical section. The sections will be saved in the order they are created. // The default virtual section alignment is 16. ZapVirtualSection * NewVirtualSection(ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection, DWORD dwAlignment = 16, ZapVirtualSection * pInsertAfter = NULL) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); ZapVirtualSection * pSection = new (GetHeap()) ZapVirtualSection(dwAlignment); if (pInsertAfter != NULL) { // pInsertAfter is workaround to get decent layout with the current scheme of virtual sections. It should not be necessary // once we have better layout algorithms in place. for (COUNT_T iSection = 0; iSection < pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.GetCount(); iSection++) { if (pPhysicalSection->m_Sections[iSection] == pInsertAfter) { pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.Insert(pPhysicalSection->m_Sections+(iSection+1)); pPhysicalSection->m_Sections[iSection+1] = pSection; return pSection; } } _ASSERTE(false); } pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.Append(pSection); return pSection; } void MarkBssSection(ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection, ZapVirtualSection * pSection) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); _ASSERTE(pPhysicalSection->m_Sections[pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.GetCount() - 1] == pSection); pPhysicalSection->m_nBssSections++; } void Append(ZapVirtualSection * pVirtualSection, ZapNode * pNode) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.Append(pNode); } // Set the directory entry in the image to match the given ZapNode void SetDirectoryEntry(DWORD entry, ZapNode * pNode) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); _ASSERTE(entry < IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES); _ASSERTE(m_DirectoryEntries[entry] == NULL); m_DirectoryEntries[entry] = pNode; } // Set the timedate stamp of the image void SetTimeDateStamp(DWORD dwTimeDateStamp) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_dwTimeDateStamp = dwTimeDateStamp; } // Set the base address of the image void SetBaseAddress(ULONGLONG baseAddress) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_BaseAddress = baseAddress; } ULONGLONG GetBaseAddress() { _ASSERTE(m_BaseAddress != 0); return m_BaseAddress; } void SetSizeOfStackReserve(ULONGLONG sizeOfStackReserve) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_SizeOfStackReserve = sizeOfStackReserve; } void SetSizeOfStackCommit(ULONGLONG sizeOfStackCommit) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_SizeOfStackCommit = sizeOfStackCommit; } void SetSubsystem(USHORT subsystem) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_Subsystem = subsystem; } void SetDllCharacteristics(USHORT dllCharacteristics) { _ASSERTE(!IsSaving()); m_DllCharacteristics = dllCharacteristics; } void SetIsDll(BOOL isDLL) { m_isDll = isDLL; } void SetFileAlignment(DWORD fileAlignment) { m_FileAlignment = fileAlignment; } // Compute RVAs for everything in the file void ComputeRVAs(); // Save the content into stream void Save(IStream * pStream); // Get the heap. The lifetime of this heap is same as the lifetime of the ZapWriter. All ZapNodes should // be allocated from this heap. ZapHeap * GetHeap() { return m_pHeap; } COUNT_T GetPhysicalSectionCount() { return m_Sections.GetCount(); } ZapPhysicalSection * GetPhysicalSection(COUNT_T iSection) { return m_Sections[iSection]; } #ifdef _DEBUG // Certain methods can be called only during the save phase BOOL IsSaving() { return m_fSaving; } #endif DWORD GetCurrentRVA() { _ASSERTE(IsSaving()); return m_dwCurrentRVA; } // This is the main entrypoint used to write the image. Every implementation of ZapNode::Save will call this method. void Write(PVOID p, DWORD dwSize); // Writes padding void WritePad(DWORD size, BYTE fill = 0); // Flush any buffered data void FlushWriter(); BOOL IsWritingRelocs() { return m_fWritingRelocs; } void SetWritingRelocs() { m_fWritingRelocs = TRUE; } // Convenience helper to initialize IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY static void SetDirectoryData(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pDir, ZapNode * pZapNode); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ZapBlob // // Generic node for unstructured sequence of bytes. // Includes SHash support (ZapBlob::SHashTraits) // class ZapBlob : public ZapNode { DWORD m_cbSize; protected: ZapBlob(SIZE_T cbSize) : m_cbSize((DWORD)cbSize) { if (cbSize > ZAPWRITER_MAX_SIZE) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); } public: class SHashKey { PBYTE m_pData; SIZE_T m_cbSize; public: SHashKey(PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize) : m_pData((PBYTE)pData), m_cbSize(cbSize) { } PBYTE GetData() const { return m_pData; } SIZE_T GetBlobSize() const { return m_cbSize; } }; class SHashTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { public: typedef const ZapBlob::SHashKey key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return key_t(e->GetData(), e->GetBlobSize()); } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (k1.GetBlobSize() != k2.GetBlobSize()) return FALSE; return memcmp(k1.GetData(), k2.GetData(), k1.GetBlobSize()) == 0; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; count_t hash = 5381 + (count_t)(k.GetBlobSize() << 7); PBYTE pbData = k.GetData(); PBYTE pbDataEnd = pbData + k.GetBlobSize(); for (/**/ ; pbData < pbDataEnd; pbData++) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *pbData; } return hash; } }; virtual PBYTE GetData() { return (PBYTE)(this + 1); } // Used to shrink the size of the blob void AdjustBlobSize(SIZE_T cbSize) { _ASSERTE(cbSize <= m_cbSize); _ASSERTE(cbSize != 0); m_cbSize = (DWORD)cbSize; } // Raw size of the blob DWORD GetBlobSize() { return m_cbSize; } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_cbSize; } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_Blob; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); // Create new zap blob node. The node *does* own copy of the memory. static ZapBlob * NewBlob(ZapWriter * pWriter, PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize); // Create new aligned zap blob node. static ZapBlob * NewAlignedBlob(ZapWriter * pWriter, PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize, SIZE_T cbAlignment); }; class ZapBlobPtr : public ZapBlob { PBYTE m_pData; public: ZapBlobPtr(PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize) : ZapBlob(cbSize), m_pData((PBYTE)pData) { } virtual PBYTE GetData() { return m_pData; } }; class ZapDummyNode : public ZapNode { DWORD m_cbSize; public: ZapDummyNode(DWORD cbSize) : m_cbSize(cbSize) { } virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_cbSize; } }; #endif // __ZAPWRITER_H__