// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // ZapImport.h // // // Import is soft bound references to elements outside the current module // // ====================================================================================== #ifndef __ZAPIMPORT_H__ #define __ZAPIMPORT_H__ class ZapImportTable; class ZapGCRefMapTable; class NibbleWriter; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ZapImport is the import cell itself // // Every import cell is uniquely identified by its ZapNodeType and two handles // (the second handle is optional and is often NULL) // // Actual implementations inherits from this abstract base class. // class ZapImport : public ZapNode { COUNT_T m_index; DWORD m_offset; PVOID m_handle; PVOID m_handle2; ZapBlob * m_pBlob; public: void SetHandle(PVOID handle) { _ASSERTE(m_handle == NULL); m_handle = handle; } void SetHandle2(PVOID handle2) { _ASSERTE(m_handle2 == NULL); m_handle2 = handle2; } PVOID GetHandle() { return m_handle; } PVOID GetHandle2() { return m_handle2; } void SetBlob(ZapBlob * pBlob) { _ASSERTE(m_pBlob == NULL); m_pBlob = pBlob; } ZapBlob * GetBlob() { _ASSERTE(m_pBlob != NULL); return m_pBlob; } BOOL HasBlob() { return m_pBlob != NULL; } virtual ZapImportSectionType ComputePlacement(ZapImage * pImage, BOOL * pfIsEager, BOOL * pfNeedsSignature) { *pfIsEager = FALSE; *pfNeedsSignature = TRUE; return ZapImportSectionType_Handle; } // All subtypes have to override virtual void EncodeSignature(ZapImportTable * pTable, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder) = 0; virtual DWORD GetSize() { return sizeof(TADDR); } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return sizeof(TADDR); } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); // // Offset of the fixup cell within its section // void SetSectionIndexAndOffset(COUNT_T index, DWORD offset) { m_index = index; m_offset = offset; } DWORD GetSectionIndex() { return m_index; } DWORD GetOffset() { return m_offset; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ZapGenericSignature is signature of generic dictionary entry. // class ZapGenericSignature : public ZapBlob { public: ZapGenericSignature(SIZE_T cbSize) : ZapBlob(cbSize) { } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_GenericSignature; } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ZapImportTable is the main class that keeps track of all ZapImports. // // There is a single instance of it per image. // class ZapImportTable : public ZapNode { // // Hashtable key of the import // The same key is used for both ZapImport and ZapImportBlob // struct ImportKey { FORCEINLINE ImportKey(PVOID handle, ZapNodeType type) : m_handle(handle), m_handle2(NULL), m_type(type) { } FORCEINLINE ImportKey(PVOID handle, PVOID handle2, ZapNodeType type) : m_handle(handle), m_handle2(handle2), m_type(type) { } PVOID m_handle; PVOID m_handle2; ZapNodeType m_type; }; // // Hashtable of ZapImports // class ImportTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef ImportKey key_t; static FORCEINLINE key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ImportKey(e->GetHandle(), e->GetHandle2(), e->GetType()); } static FORCEINLINE BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (k1.m_handle == k2.m_handle) && (k1.m_handle2 == k2.m_handle2) && (k1.m_type == k2.m_type); } static FORCEINLINE count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t)k.m_handle ^ ((count_t)(size_t)k.m_handle2 << 1) ^ k.m_type; } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e == NULL; } }; typedef SHash< ImportTraits > ImportTable; // // Hashtable of module indices // struct ModuleReferenceEntry { CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE m_module; DWORD m_index; USHORT m_wAssemblyRid; USHORT m_wModuleRid; }; class ModuleReferenceTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e->m_module; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (k1 == k2); } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t)k; } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e == NULL; } }; typedef SHash< ModuleReferenceTraits > ModuleReferenceTable; // // Helpers for inserting actual implementations of ZapImports into hashtable // template < typename impl, ZapNodeType type > ZapImport * GetImport(PVOID handle) { ZapImport * pImport = m_imports.Lookup(ImportKey(handle, type)); if (pImport != NULL) { return pImport; } pImport = new (m_pImage->GetHeap()) impl(); _ASSERTE(pImport->GetType() == type); pImport->SetHandle(handle); m_imports.Add(pImport); return pImport; } template < typename impl, ZapNodeType type > ZapImport * GetImport(PVOID handle, PVOID handle2) { ZapImport * pImport = m_imports.Lookup(ImportKey(handle, handle2, type)); if (pImport != NULL) { return pImport; } pImport = new (m_pImage->GetHeap()) impl(); _ASSERTE(pImport->GetType() == type); pImport->SetHandle(handle); pImport->SetHandle2(handle2); m_imports.Add(pImport); return pImport; } template < typename impl, ZapNodeType type > ZapImport * GetImportForSignature(PVOID handle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder) { ZapBlob * pBlob = GetBlob(pSigBuilder); ZapImport * pImport = m_imports.Lookup(ImportKey(handle, pBlob, type)); if (pImport != NULL) { return pImport; } pImport = new (m_pImage->GetHeap()) impl(); _ASSERTE(pImport->GetType() == type); pImport->SetHandle(handle); pImport->SetHandle2(pBlob); pImport->SetBlob(pBlob); m_imports.Add(pImport); return pImport; } ZapImport * GetExistingImport(ZapNodeType type, PVOID handle) { return m_imports.Lookup(ImportKey(handle, type)); } ModuleReferenceEntry * GetModuleReference(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle); static DWORD __stdcall EncodeModuleHelper(LPVOID referencingModule, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE referencedModule); ImportTable m_imports; // Interned ZapImport * SHash< NoRemoveSHashTraits < ZapBlob::SHashTraits > > m_blobs; // Interned ZapBlos for signatures and fixups ModuleReferenceTable m_moduleReferences; SArray m_modules; // Secondary table of ModuleReferences to allow fast index based lookup SHash< NoRemoveSHashTraits < ZapBlob::SHashTraits > > m_genericSignatures; DWORD m_nImportSectionSizes[ZapImportSectionType_Total]; COUNT_T m_nImportSectionIndices[ZapImportSectionType_Total]; ZapImage * m_pImage; public: ZapImportTable(ZapImage * pImage) : m_pImage(pImage) { // Everything else is zero initialized by the allocator } void Preallocate(COUNT_T cbILImage) { PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE(ZapImportTable::m_imports, 0.0030, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE(ZapImportTable::m_blobs, 0.0025, cbILImage); PREALLOCATE_HASHTABLE_NOT_NEEDED(ZapImportTable::m_moduleReferences, cbILImage); } // // Helpers for encoding import blobs // void EncodeModule(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder); void EncodeClass(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder); void EncodeClassInContext(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE context, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder); void EncodeField(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken = NULL); void EncodeMethod(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken = NULL, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pConstrainedResolvedToken = NULL); // Encode module if the reference is within current version bubble. If not, return a suitable module within current version bubble. CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE TryEncodeModule(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE module, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder); ICorDynamicInfo * GetJitInfo() { return m_pImage->GetJitInfo(); } ICorCompileInfo * GetCompileInfo() { return m_pImage->GetCompileInfo(); } ZapImage * GetImage() { return m_pImage; } // Returns index of module in the import table for encoding module fixups in EE datastructures. DWORD GetIndexOfModule(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle) { ZapImportTable::ModuleReferenceEntry * pModuleReference = GetModuleReference(handle); _ASSERTE(pModuleReference != NULL); return pModuleReference->m_index; } // Get the import blob for given signature ZapBlob * GetBlob(SigBuilder * pSigBuilder, BOOL fEager = FALSE); // Place give import blob void PlaceBlob(ZapBlob * pBlob, BOOL fEager = FALSE); // Encodes the import blob and places it into the image ZapBlob * PlaceImportBlob(ZapImport * pImport, BOOL fEager = FALSE); // Places import cell into the image. // This also encoded and places all the import blobs if they are not placed yet. void PlaceImport(ZapImport * pImport); // Encodes list of fixups and places it into the image. // This also places all the import cells if they are not placed yet. ZapFixupInfo * PlaceFixups(ZapImport ** pImports); void PlaceFixups(ZapImport ** pImports, NibbleWriter& writer); ZapGenericSignature * GetGenericSignature(PVOID signature, BOOL fMethod); // // The actual implementations of import cells // ZapImport * GetFunctionEntryImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetModuleHandleImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetClassHandleImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle, PVOID pUniqueId = NULL); ZapImport * GetMethodHandleImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetFieldHandleImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetStringHandleImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE tokenScope, mdString metaTok); ZapImport * GetStaticFieldAddressImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetClassDomainIdImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetModuleDomainIdImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handleToModule, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handleToClass); ZapImport * GetSyncLockImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetIndirectPInvokeTargetImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetProfilingHandleImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetVarArgImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE handle, mdToken sigOrMemberRefOrDef); ZapImport * GetActiveDependencyImport(CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleFrom, CORINFO_MODULE_HANDLE moduleTo); ZapImport * GetExistingClassHandleImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetExistingMethodHandleImport(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetExistingFieldHandleImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetVirtualImportThunk(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, int slot); void PlaceVirtualImportThunk(ZapImport * pImportThunk); ZapImport * GetExternalMethodThunk(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetExternalMethodCell(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetStubDispatchCell(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE typeHnd, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methHnd); // // Ready-to-run imports // ZapImport * GetClassImport(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); ZapImport * GetMethodImport(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pConstrainedResolvedToken = NULL); ZapImport * GetFieldImport(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); ZapImport * GetCheckTypeLayoutImport(CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetCheckFieldOffsetImport(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, DWORD offset); ZapImport * GetStubDispatchCell(CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); ZapImport * GetExternalMethodCell(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pConstrainedResolvedToken); ZapImport * GetDynamicHelperCell(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE handle); ZapImport * GetDynamicHelperCell(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); ZapImport * GetDynamicHelperCell(CORCOMPILE_FIXUP_BLOB_KIND kind, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE handle, CORINFO_RESOLVED_TOKEN * pResolvedToken); #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN_COMPILER ZapNode * GetPlacedIndirectHelperThunk(ReadyToRunHelper helperNum, PVOID pArg = NULL, ZapNode * pCell = NULL); ZapNode * GetIndirectHelperThunk(ReadyToRunHelper helperNum, PVOID pArg = NULL); void PlaceIndirectHelperThunk(ZapNode * pImport); ZapImport * GetPlacedHelperImport(ReadyToRunHelper helperNum); ZapImport * GetHelperImport(ReadyToRunHelper helperNum); #endif virtual DWORD GetSize() { return m_modules.GetCount() * sizeof(CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_TABLE_ENTRY); } virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return sizeof(DWORD); } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_ImportTable; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); }; // // CORCOMPILE_CODE_IMPORT_SECTION // class ZapImportSectionsTable : public ZapNode { struct ImportSection { ZapVirtualSection * m_pSection; ZapNode * m_pSignatures; ZapNode * m_pAuxiliaryData; USHORT m_Flags; BYTE m_Type; BYTE m_EntrySize; }; SArray m_ImportSectionsTable; public: ZapImportSectionsTable(ZapImage * pImage) { } COUNT_T Append(BYTE Type, USHORT Flags, BYTE EntrySize, ZapVirtualSection * pSection, ZapNode * pSignatures = NULL, ZapNode * pAuxiliaryData = NULL); virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return sizeof(DWORD); } virtual DWORD GetSize(); virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_ImportSectionsTable; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); }; // // ZapImportSectionSignatures contains an array of signature RVAs for given import section. // class ZapImportSectionSignatures : public ZapNode { ZapVirtualSection * m_pImportSection; ZapGCRefMapTable * m_pGCRefMapTable; DWORD m_dwIndex; ZapImage * m_pImage; public: ZapImportSectionSignatures(ZapImage * pImage, ZapVirtualSection * pImportSection, ZapVirtualSection * pGCSection = NULL); ~ZapImportSectionSignatures(); void PlaceExternalMethodThunk(ZapImport * pImport); void PlaceExternalMethodCell(ZapImport * pImport); void PlaceStubDispatchCell(ZapImport * pImport); void PlaceDynamicHelperCell(ZapImport * pImport); virtual DWORD GetSize(); virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return sizeof(DWORD); } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_ImportSectionSignatures; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); }; #include "gcrefmap.h" class ZapGCRefMapTable : public ZapNode { ZapImage * m_pImage; GCRefMapBuilder m_GCRefMapBuilder; COUNT_T m_nCount; public: ZapGCRefMapTable(ZapImage * pImage) : m_pImage(pImage) { } void Append(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE handle); virtual DWORD GetSize(); virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return sizeof(DWORD); } virtual ZapNodeType GetType() { return ZapNodeType_GCRefMapTable; } virtual void Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter); }; #endif // __ZAPIMPORT_H__