// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // // File: WinRTTypeNameConverter.cpp // // // // ============================================================================ #include "common.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "winrttypenameconverter.h" #include "typeresolution.h" struct RedirectedTypeNames { LPCSTR szClrNamespace; LPCSTR szClrName; WinMDAdapter::FrameworkAssemblyIndex assembly; WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind kind; }; #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE(szWinRTNS, szWinRTName, szClrNS, szClrName, nClrAsmIdx, ncontractAsmIndex, nWinRTIndex, nClrIndex, nWinMDTypeKind) \ { szClrNS, szClrName, WinMDAdapter::FrameworkAssembly_ ## nClrAsmIdx, WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind_ ## nWinMDTypeKind }, static const RedirectedTypeNames g_redirectedTypeNames[WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Count] = { #include "winrtprojectedtypes.h" }; #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE struct RedirectedTypeNamesKey { RedirectedTypeNamesKey(LPCSTR szNamespace, LPCSTR szName) : m_szNamespace(szNamespace), m_szName(szName) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } LPCSTR m_szNamespace; LPCSTR m_szName; }; class RedirectedTypeNamesTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits< DefaultSHashTraits > { public: typedef RedirectedTypeNamesKey key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return RedirectedTypeNamesKey(e->szClrNamespace, e->szClrName); } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (strcmp(k1.m_szName, k2.m_szName) == 0) && (strcmp(k1.m_szNamespace, k2.m_szNamespace) == 0); } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Only use the Name when calculating the hash value. Many redirected types share the same namespace so // there isn't a lot of value in using the namespace when calculating the hash value. return HashStringA(k.m_szName); } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e == NULL; } }; typedef SHash< RedirectedTypeNamesTraits > RedirectedTypeNamesHashTable; static RedirectedTypeNamesHashTable * s_pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable = NULL; // // Return the redirection index and type kind if the MethodTable* is a redirected type // bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::ResolveRedirectedType(MethodTable *pMT, WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex * pIndex, WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind * pKind /*=NULL*/) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index = pMT->GetClass()->GetWinRTRedirectedTypeIndex(); if (index == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid) return false; if (pIndex != NULL) *pIndex = index; if (pKind != NULL) *pKind = g_redirectedTypeNames[index].kind; return true; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE class MethodTableListNode; // Information to help in generating a runtimeclass name for a managed type // implementing a generic WinRT interface struct WinRTTypeNameInfo { MethodTableListNode* PreviouslyVisitedTypes; CorGenericParamAttr CurrentTypeParameterVariance; WinRTTypeNameInfo(MethodTableListNode* pPreviouslyVisitedTypes) : PreviouslyVisitedTypes(pPreviouslyVisitedTypes), CurrentTypeParameterVariance(gpNonVariant) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pPreviouslyVisitedTypes != nullptr); } }; // Helper data structure to build a stack allocated reverse linked list of MethodTables that we're examining // while building up WinRT runtimeclass name class MethodTableListNode { MethodTable* m_pMT; // Type examined while building the runtimeclass name MethodTableListNode* m_pPrevious; // Previous node in the list public: MethodTableListNode(MethodTable* pMT, WinRTTypeNameInfo* pCurrent) : m_pMT(pMT), m_pPrevious(nullptr) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pMT != nullptr); if (pCurrent != nullptr) { m_pPrevious = pCurrent->PreviouslyVisitedTypes; } } bool Contains(MethodTable* pMT) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (pMT == m_pMT) { return true; } else if (m_pPrevious == nullptr) { return false; } else { return m_pPrevious->Contains(pMT); } } }; // // Append WinRT type name for the specified type handle // bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType( TypeHandle thManagedType, SString &strWinRTTypeName, bool bForGetRuntimeClassName, bool *pbIsPrimitive) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType(thManagedType, strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, pbIsPrimitive, nullptr); } bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType( TypeHandle thManagedType, SString &strWinRTTypeName, bool bForGetRuntimeClassName, bool *pbIsPrimitive, WinRTTypeNameInfo *pCurrentTypeInfo) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!thManagedType.IsNull()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbIsPrimitive, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCurrentTypeInfo, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (pbIsPrimitive) *pbIsPrimitive = false; MethodTable *pMT = thManagedType.GetMethodTable(); BOOL fIsIReference = FALSE, fIsIReferenceArray = FALSE; if (pMT->GetNumGenericArgs() == 1) { fIsIReference = pMT->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLRIREFERENCEIMPL)); fIsIReferenceArray = pMT->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CLRIREFERENCEARRAYIMPL)); } WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index; if (ResolveRedirectedType(pMT, &index)) { // Redirected types // Use the redirected WinRT name strWinRTTypeName.Append(WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeFullWinRTName(index)); } else if (fIsIReference || fIsIReferenceArray) { // // Convert CLRIReferenceImpl/CLRIReferenceArrayImpl to a WinRT Type // // If GetRuntimeClassName = true, return IReference/IReferenceArray // Otherwise, return T/IReferenceArray`1 // Instantiation inst = pMT->GetInstantiation(); _ASSERTE(inst.GetNumArgs() == 1); TypeHandle th = inst[0]; // I'm sure there are ways to avoid duplication here but I prefer this way - it is easier to understand if (fIsIReference) { if (bForGetRuntimeClassName) { // // IReference // strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.IReference`1<")); if (!AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType( th, strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, NULL )) return false; strWinRTTypeName.Append(W('>')); return true; } else { // // T // return AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType( th, strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, pbIsPrimitive ); } } else { // // IReferenceArray // strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.IReferenceArray`1<")); if (!AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType( th, strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, NULL)) return false; strWinRTTypeName.Append(W('>')); return true; } } else if (pMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT() || pMT->IsExportedToWinRT()) { // // WinRT type // SString strTypeName; pMT->_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAware(strTypeName); strWinRTTypeName.Append(strTypeName); } else if (AppendWinRTNameForPrimitiveType(pMT, strWinRTTypeName)) { // // WinRT primitive type, return immediately // if (pbIsPrimitive) *pbIsPrimitive = true; return true; } else if (pMT->IsArray()) { if (bForGetRuntimeClassName) { // // An array is not a valid WinRT type - it must be wrapped in IReferenceArray to be a valid // WinRT type // return false; } else { // // System.Type marshaling - convert array type into IReferenceArray // strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.IReferenceArray`1<")); if (!AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType(thManagedType.AsArray()->GetArrayElementTypeHandle(), strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, NULL)) return false; strWinRTTypeName.Append(W('>')); } } else if (bForGetRuntimeClassName) { // // Not a WinRT type or a WinRT Primitive type, // but if it implements a WinRT interface we will return the interface name. // Which interface should we return if it implements multiple WinRT interfaces? // For now we return the top most interface. And if there are more than one // top most interfaces, we return the first one we encounter during the interface enumeration. // // // We also need to keep track of the types we've already considered, so we don't wind up in an // infinite recursion processing generic interfaces. // For example, in the case where we have: // // class ManagedType : IEnumerable // // We do not want to keep recursing on the ManagedType type parameter. Instead, we should // discover that we've already attempted to figure out what the best representation for // ManagedType is, and bail out. // // This is a linear search, however that shouldn't generally be a problem, since generic // nesting should not be very large in the common case. if (pCurrentTypeInfo != nullptr && pCurrentTypeInfo->PreviouslyVisitedTypes->Contains(pMT)) { // We should only be restricting this recursion on non-WinRT types that may have WinRT interfaces _ASSERTE(!pMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT() && !pMT->IsExportedToWinRT() && !pMT->IsTruePrimitive()); // We have two choices. If this is a reference type and the interface parameter is covariant, we // can use IInspectable as the closure. Otherwise, we need to simply fail out with no possible // type name. if (pCurrentTypeInfo->CurrentTypeParameterVariance == gpCovariant && thManagedType.IsBoxedAndCanCastTo(TypeHandle(g_pObjectClass), nullptr)) { // Object is used in runtime class names for generics closed over IInspectable at the ABI strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Object")); return true; } else { return false; } } // This is the "top" most redirected interface implemented by pMT. // E.g. if pMT implements both IList`1 and IEnumerable`1, we pick IList`1. MethodTable* pTopIfaceMT = NULL; WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex idxTopIface = (WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex)-1; MethodTable::InterfaceMapIterator it = pMT->IterateInterfaceMap(); while (it.Next()) { MethodTable* pIfaceMT = it.GetInterface(); if (ResolveRedirectedType(pIfaceMT, &index) || pIfaceMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT()) { if (pTopIfaceMT == NULL || pIfaceMT->ImplementsInterface(pTopIfaceMT)) { pTopIfaceMT = pIfaceMT; // If pIfaceMT is not a redirected type, idxTopIface will contain garbage. // But that is fine because we will only use idxTopIface if pTopIfaceMT // is a redirected type. idxTopIface = index; } } } if (pTopIfaceMT != NULL) { if (pTopIfaceMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT()) { // Mscorlib contains copies of WinRT interfaces - don't return their names, // instead return names of the corresponding interfaces in Windows.Foundation.winmd. if (pTopIfaceMT->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__IKEYVALUEPAIR))) strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.Collections.IKeyValuePair`2")); else if (pTopIfaceMT->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__IITERATOR))) strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterator`1")); else if (pTopIfaceMT->HasSameTypeDefAs(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__IPROPERTYVALUE))) strWinRTTypeName.Append(W("Windows.Foundation.IPropertyValue")); else { SString strTypeName; pTopIfaceMT->_GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAware(strTypeName); strWinRTTypeName.Append(strTypeName); } } else strWinRTTypeName.Append(WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeFullWinRTName(idxTopIface)); // Since we are returning the typeName for the pTopIfaceMT we should use the same interfaceType // to check for instantiation and creating the closed generic. pMT = pTopIfaceMT; } else return false; } else { // // Non-WinRT type, Non-WinRT-Primitive type // return false; } // We allow typeName generation for only open types or completely instantiated types. // In case it is a generic type definition like IList we return the typeName as IVector'1 only // and hence we do not need to visit the arguments. if (pMT->HasInstantiation() && (!pMT->IsGenericTypeDefinition())) { // Add the current type we're trying to get a runtimeclass name for to the list of types // we've already seen, so we can check for infinite recursion on the generic parameters. MethodTableListNode examinedTypeList(thManagedType.GetMethodTable(), pCurrentTypeInfo); strWinRTTypeName.Append(W('<')); // // Convert each arguments // Instantiation inst = pMT->GetInstantiation(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < inst.GetNumArgs(); ++i) { TypeHandle th = inst[i]; // We have a partial open type with us and hence we should throw. if(th.ContainsGenericVariables()) COMPlusThrowArgumentException(W("th"), W("Argument_TypeNotValid")); if (i > 0) strWinRTTypeName.Append(W(',')); // In the recursive case, we can sometimes do a better job of getting a runtimeclass name if // the actual instantiated type can be substitued for a different type due to variance on the // generic type parameter. In order to allow that to occur when processing this parameter, // make a note of the variance properties to pass along with the previously examined type list WinRTTypeNameInfo currentParameterInfo(&examinedTypeList); if (pMT->HasVariance()) { currentParameterInfo.CurrentTypeParameterVariance = pMT->GetClass()->GetVarianceOfTypeParameter(i); } // Convert to WinRT type name // If it is not a WinRT type, return immediately if (!AppendWinRTTypeNameForManagedType(th, strWinRTTypeName, bForGetRuntimeClassName, NULL, ¤tParameterInfo)) return false; } strWinRTTypeName.Append(W('>')); } return true; } // // Lookup table : CorElementType -> WinRT primitive type name // LPCWSTR const s_wszCorElementTypeToWinRTNameMapping[] = { NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_END = 0x0, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID = 0x1, W("Boolean"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x2, W("Char16"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR = 0x3, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_I1 = 0x4, W("UInt8"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_U1 = 0x5, W("Int16"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_I2 = 0x6, W("UInt16"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_U2 = 0x7, W("Int32"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 = 0x8, W("UInt32"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_U4 = 0x9, W("Int64"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_I8 = 0xa, W("UInt64"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_U8 = 0xb, W("Single"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_R4 = 0xc, W("Double"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_R8 = 0xd, W("String"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING = 0xe, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR = 0xf, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF = 0x10, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE = 0x11, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS = 0x12, NULL, // ??? = 0x13, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x14, NULL, // ??? = 0x15, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF = 0x16, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_I = 0x18, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_U = 0x19, NULL, // ??? = 0x1A, NULL, // ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR = 0x1B, W("Object"), // ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT = 0x1C, }; // // Get predefined WinRT name for a primitive type // bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetWinRTNameForPrimitiveType(MethodTable *pMT, SString *pName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; CorElementType elemType = TypeHandle(pMT).GetSignatureCorElementType(); // // Try to find it in a lookup table // if (elemType >= 0 && elemType < _countof(s_wszCorElementTypeToWinRTNameMapping)) { LPCWSTR wszName = s_wszCorElementTypeToWinRTNameMapping[elemType]; if (wszName != NULL) { if (pName != NULL) { pName->SetLiteral(wszName); } return true; } } if (elemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { if (pMT->GetModule()->IsSystem() && IsTypeRefOrDef(g_GuidClassName, pMT->GetModule(), pMT->GetCl())) { if (pName != NULL) { pName->SetLiteral(W("Guid")); } return true; } } else if (elemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) { if (pMT == g_pObjectClass) { if (pName != NULL) { pName->SetLiteral(W("Object")); } return true; } if (pMT == g_pStringClass) { if (pName != NULL) { pName->SetLiteral(W("String")); } return true; } } // it's not a primitive return false; } // // Append the WinRT type name for the method table, if it is a WinRT primitive type // bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::AppendWinRTNameForPrimitiveType(MethodTable *pMT, SString &strName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; SString strPrimitiveTypeName; if (GetWinRTNameForPrimitiveType(pMT, &strPrimitiveTypeName)) { strName.Append(strPrimitiveTypeName); return true; } return false; } // static bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::IsRedirectedType(MethodTable *pMT, WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind kind) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex index; return (ResolveRedirectedType(pMT, &index) && (g_redirectedTypeNames[index].kind == kind)); } // // Determine if the given type redirected only by doing name comparisons. This is used to // calculate the redirected type index at EEClass creation time. // // static WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetRedirectedTypeIndexByName( Module *pModule, mdTypeDef token) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); } CONTRACTL_END; // If the redirected type hashtable has not been initialized initialize it if (s_pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable == NULL) { NewHolder pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable = new RedirectedTypeNamesHashTable(); pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable->Reallocate(2 * COUNTOF(g_redirectedTypeNames)); for (int i = 0; i < COUNTOF(g_redirectedTypeNames); ++i) { pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable->Add(&(g_redirectedTypeNames[i])); } if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&s_pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable, pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable.GetValue(), NULL) == NULL) { pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable.SuppressRelease(); } } IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); LPCSTR szName; LPCSTR szNamespace; IfFailThrow(pInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(token, &szName, &szNamespace)); const RedirectedTypeNames *const * ppRedirectedNames = s_pRedirectedTypeNamesHashTable->LookupPtr(RedirectedTypeNamesKey(szNamespace, szName)); if (ppRedirectedNames == NULL) { return WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid; } UINT redirectedTypeIndex = (UINT)(*ppRedirectedNames - g_redirectedTypeNames); _ASSERTE(redirectedTypeIndex < COUNTOF(g_redirectedTypeNames)); // If the redirected assembly is mscorlib just compare it directly. This is necessary because // WinMDAdapter::GetExtraAssemblyRefProps does not support mscorlib if (g_redirectedTypeNames[redirectedTypeIndex].assembly == WinMDAdapter::FrameworkAssembly_Mscorlib) { return MscorlibBinder::GetModule()->GetAssembly() == pModule->GetAssembly() ? (WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex)redirectedTypeIndex : WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid; } LPCSTR pSimpleName; AssemblyMetaDataInternal context; const BYTE * pbKeyToken; DWORD cbKeyTokenLength; DWORD dwFlags; WinMDAdapter::GetExtraAssemblyRefProps( g_redirectedTypeNames[redirectedTypeIndex].assembly, &pSimpleName, &context, &pbKeyToken, &cbKeyTokenLength, &dwFlags); AssemblySpec spec; IfFailThrow(spec.Init( pSimpleName, &context, pbKeyToken, cbKeyTokenLength, dwFlags)); Assembly* pRedirectedAssembly = spec.LoadAssembly( FILE_LOADED, NULL, // pLoadSecurity FALSE); // fThrowOnFileNotFound if (pRedirectedAssembly == NULL) { return WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid; } // Resolve the name in the redirected assembly to the actual type def and assembly NameHandle nameHandle(szNamespace, szName); nameHandle.SetTokenNotToLoad(tdAllTypes); Module * pTypeDefModule; mdTypeDef typeDefToken; if (ClassLoader::ResolveNameToTypeDefThrowing( pRedirectedAssembly->GetManifestModule(), &nameHandle, &pTypeDefModule, &typeDefToken, Loader::DontLoad)) { // Finally check if the assembly from this type def token mathes the assembly type forwareded from the // redirected assembly if (pTypeDefModule->GetAssembly() == pModule->GetAssembly()) { return (WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex)redirectedTypeIndex; } } return WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid; } struct WinRTPrimitiveTypeMapping { BinderClassID binderID; LPCWSTR wszWinRTName; }; #define DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(elementType, winrtTypeName) { elementType, L##winrtTypeName }, // // Pre-sorted mapping : WinRT primitive type string -> BinderClassID // const WinRTPrimitiveTypeMapping s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping[] = { DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__BOOLEAN, "Boolean") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__CHAR, "Char16") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__DOUBLE, "Double") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__GUID, "Guid") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__INT16, "Int16") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__INT32, "Int32") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__INT64, "Int64") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__OBJECT, "Object") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__SINGLE, "Single") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__STRING, "String") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__UINT16, "UInt16") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__UINT32, "UInt32") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__UINT64, "UInt64") DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAPPING(CLASS__BYTE, "UInt8") }; // // Return MethodTable* for the specified WinRT primitive type name // bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetMethodTableFromWinRTPrimitiveType(LPCWSTR wszTypeName, UINT32 uTypeNameLen, MethodTable **ppMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (uTypeNameLen >= 4 && uTypeNameLen <= 7) { // // Binary search the lookup table // int begin = 0, end = _countof(s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping) - 1; while (begin <= end) { _ASSERTE(begin >= 0 && begin <= _countof(s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping) - 1); _ASSERTE(end >= 0 && end <= _countof(s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping) - 1); int mid = (begin + end) / 2; int ret = wcscmp(wszTypeName, s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping[mid].wszWinRTName); if (ret == 0) { *ppMT = MscorlibBinder::GetClass(s_winRTPrimitiveTypeMapping[mid].binderID); return true; } else if (ret > 0) { begin = mid + 1; } else { end = mid - 1; } } } // it's not a primitive return false; } // Is the specified MethodTable a redirected WinRT type? bool WinRTTypeNameConverter::IsRedirectedWinRTSourceType(MethodTable *pMT) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!pMT->IsProjectedFromWinRT()) return false; // redirected types are hidden (made internal) by the adapter if (IsTdPublic(pMT->GetClass()->GetProtection())) return false; DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); LPCWSTR pszName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassW_WinRT(pMT); return !!WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownFullTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(&pszName, NULL); } // // Get TypeHandle from a WinRT type name // Parse the WinRT type name in the form of WinRTType=TypeName[] // TypeHandle WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetManagedTypeFromWinRTTypeName(LPCWSTR wszWinRTTypeName, bool *pbIsPrimitive) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(wszWinRTTypeName)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbIsPrimitive, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; SString ssTypeName(SString::Literal, wszWinRTTypeName); TypeHandle th = GetManagedTypeFromWinRTTypeNameInternal(&ssTypeName, pbIsPrimitive); if (th.IsNull()) { COMPlusThrowArgumentException(W("typeName"), NULL); } return th; } // Helper used by code:GetWinRTType to compose a generic type from an array of components. // For example [IDictionary`2, int, IList`1, string] yields IDictionary`2>. static TypeHandle ComposeTypeRecursively(CQuickArray &rqPartTypes, DWORD *pIndex) { CONTRACTL { MODE_ANY; THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; PRECONDITION(*pIndex < rqPartTypes.Size()); } CONTRACTL_END; DWORD index = (*pIndex)++; TypeHandle th = rqPartTypes[index]; if (th.HasInstantiation()) { DWORD dwArgCount = th.GetNumGenericArgs(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwArgCount; i++) { // we scan rqPartTypes linearly so we know that the elements can be reused rqPartTypes[i + index] = ComposeTypeRecursively(rqPartTypes, pIndex); } Instantiation inst(rqPartTypes.Ptr() + index, dwArgCount); th = th.Instantiate(inst); } else if (th == g_pArrayClass) { // Support for arrays rqPartTypes[index] = ComposeTypeRecursively(rqPartTypes, pIndex); th = ClassLoader::LoadArrayTypeThrowing(rqPartTypes[index], ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY, 1); } return th; } #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE // // In crossgen, we use a mockup of RoParseTypeName since we need to run on pre-Win8 machines. // extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI CrossgenRoParseTypeName(SString* typeName, DWORD *partsCount, SString **typeNameParts); #endif // // Return TypeHandle for the specified WinRT type name (supports generic type) // Updates wszWinRTTypeName pointer as it parse the string // TypeHandle WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetManagedTypeFromWinRTTypeNameInternal(SString *ssTypeName, bool *pbIsPrimitive) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ssTypeName)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbIsPrimitive, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (pbIsPrimitive) *pbIsPrimitive = false; if (ssTypeName->IsEmpty()) return TypeHandle(); TypeHandle typeHandle; SString::Iterator it = ssTypeName->Begin(); if (ssTypeName->Find(it, W('<'))) { // this is a generic type - use RoParseTypeName to break it down into components CQuickArray rqPartTypes; #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE DWORD dwPartsCount = 0; HSTRING *rhsPartNames; CoTaskMemHSTRINGArrayHolder hsNamePartsHolder; IfFailThrow(RoParseTypeName(WinRtStringRef(ssTypeName->GetUnicode(), ssTypeName->GetCount()), &dwPartsCount, &rhsPartNames)); hsNamePartsHolder.Init(rhsPartNames, dwPartsCount); rqPartTypes.AllocThrows(dwPartsCount); // load the components for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwPartsCount; i++) { UINT32 cchPartLength; PCWSTR wszPart = WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(rhsPartNames[i], &cchPartLength); StackSString ssPartName(wszPart, cchPartLength); rqPartTypes[i] = GetManagedTypeFromSimpleWinRTNameInternal(&ssPartName, NULL); } #else //CROSSGEN_COMPILE // // In crossgen, we use a mockup of RoParseTypeName since we need to run on pre-Win8 machines. // DWORD dwPartsCount = 0; SString *rhsPartNames; IfFailThrow(CrossgenRoParseTypeName(ssTypeName, &dwPartsCount, &rhsPartNames)); _ASSERTE(rhsPartNames != nullptr); rqPartTypes.AllocThrows(dwPartsCount); // load the components for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwPartsCount; i++) { rqPartTypes[i] = GetManagedTypeFromSimpleWinRTNameInternal(&rhsPartNames[i], NULL); } delete[] rhsPartNames; #endif //CROSSGEN_COMPILE // and instantiate the generic type DWORD dwIndex = 0; typeHandle = ComposeTypeRecursively(rqPartTypes, &dwIndex); _ASSERTE(dwIndex == rqPartTypes.Size()); return typeHandle; } else { return GetManagedTypeFromSimpleWinRTNameInternal(ssTypeName, pbIsPrimitive); } } // // Return MethodTable* for the specified WinRT primitive type name (non-generic type) // Updates wszWinRTTypeName pointer as it parse the string // TypeHandle WinRTTypeNameConverter::GetManagedTypeFromSimpleWinRTNameInternal(SString *ssTypeName, bool *pbIsPrimitive) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ssTypeName)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbIsPrimitive, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; if (pbIsPrimitive) *pbIsPrimitive = false; if (ssTypeName->IsEmpty()) return TypeHandle(); // // Redirection // LPCWSTR pwszTypeName = ssTypeName->GetUnicode(); WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex uIndex; MethodTable *pMT = NULL; if (WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownFullTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(&pwszTypeName, &uIndex)) { // // Well known redirected types // return TypeHandle(GetAppDomain()->GetRedirectedType(uIndex)); } else if (GetMethodTableFromWinRTPrimitiveType(pwszTypeName, ssTypeName->GetCount(), &pMT)) { // // Primitive type // if (pbIsPrimitive) *pbIsPrimitive = true; return TypeHandle(pMT); } else if (wcscmp(pwszTypeName, W("Windows.Foundation.IReferenceArray`1")) == 0) { // // Handle array case - return the array and we'll create the array later // return TypeHandle(g_pArrayClass); } else { // // A regular WinRT type // return GetWinRTType(ssTypeName, TRUE); } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP