// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // winrthelpers.inl // // // Helpers to fetch the first WinRT Type def from metadata import // // ====================================================================================== #include "common.h" // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the first public WinRT type's namespace and typename - the names have the lifetime of the MetaData scope. // //static HRESULT GetFirstWinRTTypeDef( IMDInternalImport * pMDInternalImport, LPCSTR * pszNameSpace, // Tight to the lifetime of pssFakeNameSpaceAllocationBuffer when the WinMD file is empty LPCSTR * pszTypeName, LPCWSTR wszAssemblyPath, // Used for creating fake binding type name in case the WinMD file is empty SString * pssFakeNameSpaceAllocationBuffer) // Used as allocation buffer for fake namespace { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE((wszAssemblyPath == NULL) || (pssFakeNameSpaceAllocationBuffer != NULL)); static const char const_szWinRTPrefix[] = ""; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HENUMInternalHolder hEnum(pMDInternalImport); mdToken tk; hEnum.EnumTypeDefInit(); while (pMDInternalImport->EnumTypeDefNext(&hEnum, &tk)) { DWORD dwAttr; IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetTypeDefProps(tk, &dwAttr, NULL)); if (IsTdPublic(dwAttr) && IsTdWindowsRuntime(dwAttr)) { IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tk, pszTypeName, pszNameSpace)); return hr; } } // We didn't find any public Windows runtime types. In the case of 1st party WinMDs, this means // it's not exporting anything so we really cannot bind to it. // For WinMDs built with WinMDExp, it's because the adapter has promoted the CLR implementation to // public (no WindowsRuntime flag, though), and made the WinRT copy private. // So there should exist a public type (not nested, not an interface), which has a corresponding // private type with the same name prepended with that is marked as windows runtime // This isn't very efficient O(n^2) but we expect all public types in WinMDs to have WinRT visible // versions too so it should early out in the first iteration in almost all cases. HENUMInternalHolder hEnum2(pMDInternalImport); hEnum2.EnumTypeDefInit(); while (pMDInternalImport->EnumTypeDefNext(&hEnum2, &tk)) { DWORD dwAttr; IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetTypeDefProps(tk, &dwAttr, NULL)); if (IsTdPublic(dwAttr) && !IsTdInterface(dwAttr)) { // Look for a matching private windows runtime type mdToken tkPrivate; HENUMInternalHolder hSubEnum(pMDInternalImport); LPCSTR szNameSpace = NULL; LPCSTR szName = NULL; IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tk, &szName, &szNameSpace)); hSubEnum.EnumTypeDefInit(); while (pMDInternalImport->EnumTypeDefNext(&hSubEnum, &tkPrivate)) { DWORD dwSubAttr; IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetTypeDefProps(tkPrivate, &dwSubAttr, NULL)); if (IsTdNotPublic(dwSubAttr) && IsTdWindowsRuntime(dwSubAttr)) { LPCSTR szSubNameSpace = NULL; LPCSTR szSubName = NULL; IfFailRet(pMDInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tkPrivate, &szSubName, &szSubNameSpace)); if (!strncmp(szSubName, const_szWinRTPrefix, strlen(const_szWinRTPrefix))) { szSubName += strlen(const_szWinRTPrefix); // Skip over the prefix. Now pointing at type name if (!strcmp(szSubNameSpace, szNameSpace) && !strcmp(szSubName, szName)) { *pszNameSpace = szNameSpace; *pszTypeName = szName; return S_OK; } } } } } } // The .winmd file is empty - i.e. there is no type we can bind to if ((wszAssemblyPath != NULL) && (*wszAssemblyPath != 0)) { // Create fake name for WinMD binding purposes (used when .winmd file is loaded by file path - ngen, NativeBinder, etc.) // We will use WinMD file name as namespace and use fake hardcoded type name SString ssAssemblyPath(wszAssemblyPath); SString ssAssemblyName; SplitPath(ssAssemblyPath, NULL, // drive NULL, // dir &ssAssemblyName, // name NULL); // ext if (!ssAssemblyName.IsEmpty()) { *pszTypeName = "FakeTypeNameForCLRBinding"; ssAssemblyName.ConvertToUTF8(*pssFakeNameSpaceAllocationBuffer); *pszNameSpace = pssFakeNameSpaceAllocationBuffer->GetUTF8NoConvert(); return S_OK; } } return CLR_E_BIND_TYPE_NOT_FOUND; } // GetFirstWinRTTypeDef // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //static HRESULT GetBindableWinRTName( IMDInternalImport * pMDInternalImport, IAssemblyName * pIAssemblyName) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCSTR szNameSpace; LPCSTR szTypeName; // Note: This function is used only by native binder which does not support empty WinMDs - see code:CEECompileInfo::LoadAssemblyByPath // Therefore we do not have to use file name to create fake type name IfFailRet(GetFirstWinRTTypeDef(pMDInternalImport, &szNameSpace, &szTypeName, NULL, NULL)); DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH_FNAME; WCHAR wzAsmName[MAX_PATH_FNAME]; dwSize = MAX_PATH_FNAME * sizeof(WCHAR); IfFailRet(pIAssemblyName->GetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, wzAsmName, &dwSize)); StackSString sNamespaceAndType(wzAsmName); sNamespaceAndType.Append(W("!")); sNamespaceAndType.AppendUTF8(szNameSpace); sNamespaceAndType.Append(W(".")); sNamespaceAndType.AppendUTF8(szTypeName); pIAssemblyName->SetProperty(ASM_NAME_NAME, sNamespaceAndType.GetUnicode(), (sNamespaceAndType.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); return hr; }