// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // File: umthunkhash.cpp // // #include "common.h" #include "umthunkhash.h" #ifdef FEATURE_MIXEDMODE UMThunkHash::UMThunkHash(Module *pModule, AppDomain *pDomain) : CClosedHashBase( #ifdef _DEBUG 3, #else 17, // CClosedHashTable will grow as necessary #endif sizeof(UTHEntry), FALSE ), m_crst(CrstUMThunkHash) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_pModule = pModule; m_dwAppDomainId = pDomain->GetId(); } UMThunkHash::~UMThunkHash() { CONTRACT_VOID { NOTHROW; DESTRUCTOR_CHECK; GC_TRIGGERS; FORBID_FAULT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACT_END #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE UTHEntry *phe = (UTHEntry*)GetFirst(); while (phe) { DeleteExecutable(phe->m_pUMEntryThunk); phe->m_UMThunkMarshInfo.~UMThunkMarshInfo(); phe = (UTHEntry*)GetNext((BYTE*)phe); } #endif RETURN; } LPVOID UMThunkHash::GetUMThunk(LPVOID pTarget, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, DWORD cSig) { CONTRACT (LPVOID) { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END UTHEntry *phe; CrstHolder ch(&m_crst); UTHKey key; key.m_pTarget = pTarget; key.m_pSig = pSig; key.m_cSig = cSig; phe =(UTHEntry *)Find((LPVOID)&key); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (phe == NULL) { NewExecutableHolder uET= new (executable) UMEntryThunk(); bool bNew = FALSE; phe = (UTHEntry *)FindOrAdd((LPVOID)&key,bNew); if (phe != NULL) { _ASSERTE(bNew); // we are under lock phe->m_pUMEntryThunk=uET.Extract(); //nothrow phe->m_UMThunkMarshInfo.LoadTimeInit(Signature(pSig, cSig), m_pModule); phe->m_pUMEntryThunk->LoadTimeInit((PCODE)pTarget, NULL, &(phe->m_UMThunkMarshInfo), MethodTable::GetMethodDescForSlotAddress((PCODE)pTarget), m_dwAppDomainId); phe->m_key = key; phe->m_status = USED; } } #endif //DACESS_COMPILE if (phe) RETURN (LPVOID)(phe->m_pUMEntryThunk->GetCode()); else RETURN NULL; } unsigned int UMThunkHash::Hash(void const *pData) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; UTHKey *pKey = (UTHKey*)pData; return (ULONG)(size_t)(pKey->m_pTarget); } inline unsigned int UMThunkHash::Compare( // 0, -1, or 1. void const *pData, // Raw key data on lookup. BYTE *pElement) // The element to compare data against. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; UTHKey *pkey1 = (UTHKey*)pData; UTHKey *pkey2 = &( ((UTHEntry*)pElement)->m_key ); if (pkey1->m_pTarget != pkey2->m_pTarget) return 1; if (S_OK != MetaSig::CompareMethodSigsNT(pkey1->m_pSig, pkey1->m_cSig, m_pModule, NULL, pkey2->m_pSig, pkey2->m_cSig, m_pModule, NULL)) return 1; return 0; } CClosedHashBase::ELEMENTSTATUS UMThunkHash::Status( // The status of the entry. BYTE *pElement) // The element to check. { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((UTHEntry*)pElement)->m_status; } //***************************************************************************** // Sets the status of the given element. //***************************************************************************** void UMThunkHash::SetStatus( BYTE *pElement, // The element to set status for. ELEMENTSTATUS eStatus) // New status. { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ((UTHEntry*)pElement)->m_status = eStatus; } //***************************************************************************** // Returns the internal key value for an element. //***************************************************************************** void *UMThunkHash::GetKey( // The data to hash on. BYTE *pElement) // The element to return data ptr for. { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (BYTE*) &(((UTHEntry*)pElement)->m_key); } #endif // FEATURE_MIXEDMODE