// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //=========================================================================== // File: TlbExport.CPP // // // Notes: Create a TypeLib from COM+ metadata. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common.h" #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #include "field.h" #include "dllimport.h" #include "fieldmarshaler.h" #include "eeconfig.h" #include "comdelegate.h" #include #include #include #include "tlbexport.h" #include "commtmemberinfomap.h" #include #include "posterror.h" #include "typeparse.h" #if defined(VALUE_MASK) #undef VALUE_MASK #endif #include #include #include #include #include "perfcounters.h" #include "comtypelibconverter.h" #include "caparser.h" // Define to export an empty dispinterface for an AutoDispatch IClassX #define EMPTY_DISPINTERFACE_ICLASSX #ifndef S_USEIUNKNOWN #define S_USEIUNKNOWN (HRESULT)2 #endif #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_TRACE) #define TRACE printf #else #define TRACE NullFn inline void NullFn(const char *pf,...) {} #endif #if defined(_DEBUG) #define IfFailReport(expr) \ do { if(FAILED(hr = (expr))) { DebBreakHr(hr); ReportError(hr); } } while (0) #else #define IfFailReport(expr) \ do { if(FAILED(hr = (expr))) { ReportError(hr); } } while (0) #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This value determines whether, by default, we add the TYPEFLAG_FPROXY bit // to exported interfaces. If the value is true, Automation proxy is the // default, and we do not set the bit. If the value is false, no Automation // proxy is the default and we DO set the bit. #define DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_PROXY_VALUE TRUE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //***************************************************************************** // Constants. //***************************************************************************** static const WCHAR szRetVal[] = W("pRetVal"); static const WCHAR szTypeLibExt[] = W(".TLB"); static const WCHAR szTypeLibKeyName[] = W("TypeLib"); static const WCHAR szClsidKeyName[] = W("CLSID"); static const WCHAR szIClassX[] = W("_%ls"); static const int cbIClassX = 1; static const WCHAR cIClassX = W('_'); static const WCHAR szAlias[] = W("_MIDL_COMPAT_%ls"); static const int cbAlias = lengthof(szAlias) - 1; static const WCHAR szParamName[] = W("p%d"); static const WCHAR szGuidName[] = W("GUID"); static const CHAR szObjectClass[] = "Object"; static const CHAR szArrayClass[] = "Array"; static const CHAR szDateTimeClass[] = "DateTime"; static const CHAR szDecimalClass[] = "Decimal"; static const CHAR szGuidClass[] = "Guid"; static const CHAR szStringClass[] = g_StringName; static const CHAR szStringBufferClass[] = g_StringBufferName; static const CHAR szIEnumeratorClass[] = "IEnumerator"; static const CHAR szColor[] = "Color"; static const char szRuntime[] = {"System."}; static const size_t cbRuntime = (lengthof(szRuntime)-1); static const char szText[] = {"System.Text."}; static const size_t cbText = (lengthof(szText)-1); static const char szCollections[] = {"System.Collections."}; static const size_t cbCollections = (lengthof(szCollections)-1); static const char szDrawing[] = {"System.Drawing."}; static const size_t cbDrawing = (lengthof(szDrawing)-1); // The length of the following string(w/o the terminator): "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}". static const int cCOMCLSIDRegKeyLength = 62; // The length of the following string(w/o the terminator): "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}". static const int cCLSIDStrLength = 38; // {17093CC8-9BD2-11cf-AA4F-304BF89C0001} static const GUID GUID_TRANS_SUPPORTED = {0x17093CC8,0x9BD2,0x11cf,{0xAA,0x4F,0x30,0x4B,0xF8,0x9C,0x00,0x01}}; // {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} static const GUID LIBID_STDOLE2 = { 0x00020430, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46 } }; // {66504301-BE0F-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB} static const GUID GUID_OleColor = { 0x66504301, 0xBE0F, 0x101A, { 0x8B, 0xBB, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x30, 0x0C, 0xAB } }; // LIBID mscoree static const GUID LIBID_MSCOREE = {0x5477469e,0x83b1,0x11d2,{0x8b,0x49,0x00,0xa0,0xc9,0xb7,0xc9,0xc4}}; static const char XXX_DESCRIPTION_TYPE[] = {"System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute"}; static const char XXX_ASSEMBLY_DESCRIPTION_TYPE[] = {"System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute"}; //***************************************************************************** // Table to map COM+ calling conventions to TypeLib calling conventions. //***************************************************************************** CALLCONV Clr2TlbCallConv[] = { CC_STDCALL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT = 0x0, CC_CDECL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_C = 0x1, CC_STDCALL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_STDCALL = 0x2, CC_STDCALL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_THISCALL = 0x3, CC_FASTCALL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FASTCALL = 0x4, CC_CDECL, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_VARARG = 0x5, CC_MAX // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD = 0x6, // IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MAX = 0x7 }; // Forward declarations. extern HRESULT _FillVariant(MDDefaultValue *pMDDefaultValue, VARIANT *pvar); extern HRESULT _FillMDDefaultValue(BYTE bType, void const *pValue, MDDefaultValue *pMDDefaultValue); //***************************************************************************** // Stolen from classlib. //***************************************************************************** double _TicksToDoubleDate(const __int64 ticks) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; const INT64 MillisPerSecond = 1000; const INT64 MillisPerDay = MillisPerSecond * 60 * 60 * 24; const INT64 TicksPerMillisecond = 10000; const INT64 TicksPerSecond = TicksPerMillisecond * 1000; const INT64 TicksPerMinute = TicksPerSecond * 60; const INT64 TicksPerHour = TicksPerMinute * 60; const INT64 TicksPerDay = TicksPerHour * 24; const int DaysPer4Years = 365 * 4 + 1; const int DaysPer100Years = DaysPer4Years * 25 - 1; const int DaysPer400Years = DaysPer100Years * 4 + 1; const int DaysTo1899 = DaysPer400Years * 4 + DaysPer100Years * 3 - 367; const INT64 DoubleDateOffset = DaysTo1899 * TicksPerDay; const int DaysTo10000 = DaysPer400Years * 25 - 366; const INT64 MaxMillis = DaysTo10000 * MillisPerDay; const int DaysPerYear = 365; // non-leap year const INT64 OADateMinAsTicks = (DaysPer100Years - DaysPerYear) * TicksPerDay; // Returns OleAut's zero'ed date ticks. if (ticks == 0) return 0.0; if (ticks < OADateMinAsTicks) return 0.0; // Currently, our max date == OA's max date (12/31/9999), so we don't // need an overflow check in that direction. __int64 millis = (ticks - DoubleDateOffset) / TicksPerMillisecond; if (millis < 0) { __int64 frac = millis % MillisPerDay; if (frac != 0) millis -= (MillisPerDay + frac) * 2; } return (double)millis / MillisPerDay; } // double _TicksToDoubleDate() //***************************************************************************** // Get the name of a typelib or typeinfo, add it to error text. //***************************************************************************** void PostTypeLibError( IUnknown *pUnk, // An interface on the typeinfo. HRESULT hrT, // The TypeInfo error. HRESULT hrX) // The Exporter error. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. WCHAR rcErr[1024]; // Buffer for error message. SafeComHolder pITI=0; // The ITypeInfo * on the typeinfo. SafeComHolder pITLB=0; // The ITypeLib *. BSTRHolder name=0; // The name of the TypeInfo. // Try to get a name. hr = SafeQueryInterface(pUnk, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pITI); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IfFailThrow(pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, 0,0,0)); } else { hr = SafeQueryInterface(pUnk, IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)&pITLB); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) IfFailThrow(pITLB->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &name, 0,0,0)); } if (name == NULL) { name = SysAllocString(W("???")); if (name == NULL) COMPlusThrowHR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } // Format the typelib error. FormatRuntimeError(rcErr, lengthof(rcErr), hrT); SString strHRHex; strHRHex.Printf("%.8x", hrX); COMPlusThrowHR(hrX, hrX, strHRHex, name, rcErr); } // void PostTypeLibError() void ExportTypeLibFromLoadedAssembly( Assembly *pAssembly, // The assembly. LPCWSTR szTlb, // The typelib name. ITypeLib **ppTlb, // If not null, also return ITypeLib here. ITypeLibExporterNotifySink *pINotify,// Notification callback. int flags) // Export flags. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pAssembly)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(szTlb, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppTlb)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pINotify, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TypeLibExporter exporter; // Exporter object. LPCWSTR szModule=0; // Module filename. WCHAR rcDrive[_MAX_DRIVE] = {0}; WCHAR rcDir[_MAX_DIR] = {0}; WCHAR rcFile[_MAX_FNAME] = {0}; WCHAR rcTlb[_MAX_PATH+5] = {0}; // Buffer for the tlb filename. int bDynamic=0; // If true, dynamic module. Module *pModule; // The Assembly's SecurityModule. pModule = pAssembly->GetManifestModule(); _ASSERTE(pModule); // Retrieve the module filename. szModule = pModule->GetPath(); PREFIX_ASSUME(szModule != NULL); // Make sure the assembly has not been imported from COM. if (pAssembly->IsImportedFromTypeLib()) COMPlusThrowHR(TLBX_E_CIRCULAR_EXPORT, (UINT)TLBX_E_CIRCULAR_EXPORT, W(""), szModule, NULL); // If the module is dynamic then it will not have a file name. We // assign a dummy name for typelib name (if the scope does not have // a name), but won't create a typelib on disk. if (*szModule == 0) { bDynamic = TRUE; szModule = W("Dynamic"); } // Create the typelib name, if none provided. Don't create one for Dynamic modules. if (!szTlb || !*szTlb) { if (bDynamic) szTlb = W(""); else { SplitPath(szModule, rcDrive, _MAX_DRIVE, rcDir, _MAX_DIR, rcFile, _MAX_FNAME, 0, 0); MakePath(rcTlb, rcDrive, rcDir, rcFile, szTypeLibExt); szTlb = rcTlb; } } // Do the conversion. exporter.Convert(pAssembly, szTlb, pINotify, flags); // Get a copy of the ITypeLib* IfFailThrow(exporter.GetTypeLib(IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)ppTlb)); } // void ExportTypeLibFromLoadedAssemblyInternal() HRESULT ExportTypeLibFromLoadedAssemblyNoThrow( Assembly *pAssembly, // The assembly. LPCWSTR szTlb, // The typelib name. ITypeLib **ppTlb, // If not null, also return ITypeLib here. ITypeLibExporterNotifySink *pINotify,// Notification callback. int flags) // Export flags. { CONTRACTL { DISABLED(NOTHROW); GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { ExportTypeLibFromLoadedAssembly(pAssembly, szTlb, ppTlb, pINotify, flags); } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr); return hr; } //***************************************************************************** // Default notification class. //***************************************************************************** class CDefaultNotify : public ITypeLibExporterNotifySink { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall ReportEvent( ImporterEventKind EventKind, // Type of event. long EventCode, // HR of event. BSTR EventMsg) // Text message for event. { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return S_OK; } // virtual HRESULT __stdcall ReportEvent() //------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual HRESULT __stdcall ResolveRef( IUnknown *Asm, IUnknown **pRetVal) { CONTRACTL { DISABLED(NOTHROW); GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; SO_TOLERANT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(Asm)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pRetVal)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. Assembly *pAssembly=0; // The referenced Assembly. ITypeLib *pTLB=0; // The created TypeLib. MethodTable *pAssemblyClass = NULL; //@todo -- get this. LPVOID RetObj = NULL; // The object to return. BEGIN_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT(&hr) { { GCX_COOP_THREAD_EXISTS(GET_THREAD()); // Get the Referenced Assembly from the IUnknown. ASSEMBLYREF asmRef = NULL; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(asmRef); GetObjectRefFromComIP((OBJECTREF*)&asmRef, Asm, pAssemblyClass); pAssembly = asmRef->GetAssembly(); GCPROTECT_END(); } // Default resolution provides no notification, flags are 0. ExportTypeLibFromLoadedAssembly(pAssembly, 0, &pTLB, 0 /*pINotify*/, 0 /* flags*/); } END_EXTERNAL_ENTRYPOINT; *pRetVal = pTLB; return hr; } // virtual HRESULT __stdcall ResolveRef() //------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(// S_OK or E_NOINTERFACE REFIID riid, // Desired interface. void **ppvObject) // Put interface pointer here. { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; SO_TOLERANT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppvObject)); } CONTRACTL_END; *ppvObject = 0; if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_ITypeLibExporterNotifySink) { *ppvObject = this; return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } // virtual HRESULT QueryInterface() //------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 1; } // virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() //------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 1; } // virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() }; static CDefaultNotify g_Notify; //***************************************************************************** // CTOR/DTOR. //***************************************************************************** TypeLibExporter::TypeLibExporter() : m_pICreateTLB(0), m_pIUnknown(0), m_pIDispatch(0), m_pGuid(0), m_hIUnknown(-1) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #if defined(_DEBUG) static int i; ++i; // So a breakpoint can be set. #endif } // TypeLibExporter::TypeLibExporter() TypeLibExporter::~TypeLibExporter() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; ReleaseResources(); } // TypeLibExporter::~TypeLibExporter() //***************************************************************************** // Get an interface pointer from the ICreateTypeLib interface. //***************************************************************************** HRESULT TypeLibExporter::GetTypeLib( REFGUID iid, IUnknown **ppITypeLib) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppITypeLib)); } CONTRACTL_END; return SafeQueryInterface(m_pICreateTLB, iid, (IUnknown**)ppITypeLib); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::GetTypeLib() //***************************************************************************** // LayOut a TypeLib. Call LayOut on all ICreateTypeInfo2s first. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::LayOut() // S_OK or error. { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. int cTypes; // Count of exported types. int ix; // Loop control. CExportedTypesInfo *pData; // For iterating the entries. cTypes = m_Exports.Count(); // Call LayOut on all ICreateTypeInfo2*s. for (ix=0; ixpCTI && FAILED(hr = pData->pCTI->LayOut())) PostTypeLibError(pData->pCTI, hr, TLBX_E_LAYOUT_ERROR); } for (ix=0; ixpCTIClassItf && FAILED(hr = pData->pCTIClassItf->LayOut())) PostTypeLibError(pData->pCTIClassItf, hr, TLBX_E_LAYOUT_ERROR); } // Repeat for injected types. cTypes = m_InjectedExports.Count(); for (ix=0; ixpCTI && FAILED(hr = pData->pCTI->LayOut())) PostTypeLibError(pData->pCTI, hr, TLBX_E_LAYOUT_ERROR); } for (ix=0; ixpCTIClassItf && FAILED(hr = pData->pCTIClassItf->LayOut())) PostTypeLibError(pData->pCTIClassItf, hr, TLBX_E_LAYOUT_ERROR); } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::LayOut() //***************************************************************************** // Release all pointers. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ReleaseResources() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Release the ITypeInfo* pointers. m_Exports.Clear(); m_InjectedExports.Clear(); // Clean up the created TLB. SafeRelease(m_pICreateTLB); m_pICreateTLB = 0; // Clean up the ITypeInfo*s for well-known interfaces. SafeRelease(m_pIUnknown); m_pIUnknown = 0; SafeRelease(m_pIDispatch); m_pIDispatch = 0; SafeRelease(m_pGuid); m_pGuid = 0; } // void TypeLibExporter::ReleaseResources() //***************************************************************************** // Enumerate the Types in a Module, add to the list. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::AddModuleTypes( Module *pModule) // The module to convert. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; ULONG cTD; // Count of typedefs. mdTypeDef td; // A TypeDef. MethodTable *pClass; // A MethodTable for a TypeDef. ULONG ix; // Loop control. CExportedTypesInfo *pExported; // For adding classes to the exported types cache. CExportedTypesInfo sExported; // For adding classes to the exported types cache. // Convert all the types visible to COM. // Get an enumerator on TypeDefs in the scope. HENUMInternalHolder eTD(pModule->GetMDImport()); eTD.EnumTypeDefInit(); cTD = pModule->GetMDImport()->EnumTypeDefGetCount(&eTD); // Add all the classes to the hash. for (ix=0; ixGetMDImport()->EnumTypeDefNext(&eTD, &td)) IfFailReport(E_UNEXPECTED); IMDInternalImport* pInternalImport = pModule->GetMDImport(); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = td; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = pModule->GetMDImport(); // Get the class, perform the step. pClass = LoadClass(pModule, td); // Enumerate the formal type parameters HENUMInternal hEnumGenericPars; hr = pInternalImport->EnumInit(mdtGenericParam, td, &hEnumGenericPars); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD numGenericArgs = pInternalImport->EnumGetCount(&hEnumGenericPars); // skip generic classes if( numGenericArgs > 0 ) { // We'll only warn if the type is marked ComVisible. if (SpecialIsGenericTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pClass))) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_GENERIC_TYPE, TLBX_I_GENERIC_TYPE); continue; } } // If the flag to not ignore non COM visible types in name decoration is set, then // add the ComVisible(false) types to our list of exported types by skipping this check. if ((m_flags & TlbExporter_OldNames) == 0) { // If the type isn't visible from COM, don't add it to the list of exports. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pClass))) continue; } // See if this class is already in the list. sExported.pClass = pClass; pExported = m_Exports.Find(&sExported); if (pExported != 0) continue; // New class, add to list. pExported = m_Exports.Add(&sExported); if (!pExported) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Prefix can't tell that IfFailReport will actually throw an exception if pExported is NULL so // let's tell it explicitly that if we reach this point pExported will not be NULL. PREFIX_ASSUME(pExported != NULL); pExported->pClass = pClass; pExported->pCTI = 0; pExported->pCTIClassItf = 0; } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::AddModuleTypes() //***************************************************************************** // Enumerate the Modules in an assembly, add the types to the list. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::AddAssemblyTypes( Assembly *pAssembly) // The assembly to convert. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pAssembly)); } CONTRACTL_END; Module *pManifestModule; // A module in the assembly. mdFile mf; // A file token. if (pAssembly->GetManifestImport()) { // Enumerator over the modules of the assembly. HENUMInternalHolder phEnum(pAssembly->GetManifestImport()); phEnum.EnumInit(mdtFile, mdTokenNil); // Get the module for the assembly. pManifestModule = pAssembly->GetManifestModule(); AddModuleTypes(pManifestModule); while (pAssembly->GetManifestImport()->EnumNext(&phEnum, &mf)) { DomainFile *pDomainFile = pAssembly->GetManifestModule()->LoadModule(GetAppDomain(), mf, FALSE); if (pDomainFile != NULL && !pDomainFile->GetFile()->IsResource()) AddModuleTypes(pDomainFile->GetModule()); } } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::AddAssemblyTypes() //***************************************************************************** // Convert COM+ metadata to a typelib. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::Convert( Assembly *pAssembly, // The Assembly to convert LPCWSTR szTlbName, // Name of resulting TLB ITypeLibExporterNotifySink *pNotify,// Notification callback. int flags) // Conversion flags { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pAssembly)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(szTlbName)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pNotify, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. ULONG i; // Loop control. SString sName; // Library name. GUID guid; // Library guid. VARIANT vt = {0}; // Variant for ExportedFromComPlus. CQuickArray qLocale; // Wide string for locale. LCID lcid; // LCID for typelib, default 0. // Set PerfCounters COUNTER_ONLY(GetPerfCounters().m_Interop.cTLBExports++); SafeComHolder pIML=0; // For locale->lcid conversion. SafeComHolder pITLB=0; // TypeLib for IUnknown, IDispatch. BSTRHolder szTIName=0; // Name of a TypeInfo. BSTRHolder szDescription=0; // Assembly Description. // Error reporting information. m_ErrorContext.m_szAssembly = pAssembly->GetSimpleName(); m_flags = flags; // Set the callback. m_pNotify = pNotify ? pNotify : &g_Notify; // If we haven't set 32-bit or 64-bit export yet, set it now with defaults. UpdateBitness(pAssembly); // Check the bitness of the assembly against our output bitness IfFailReport(CheckBitness(pAssembly)); // Get some well known TypeInfos. GCX_PREEMP(); BSTR wzPath;// = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, _MAX_PATH); IfFailReport(QueryPathOfRegTypeLib(LIBID_STDOLE2, -1, -1, 0, &wzPath)); if (IsExportingAs64Bit()) { hr = LoadTypeLibEx(wzPath, (REGKIND)(REGKIND_NONE | LOAD_TLB_AS_64BIT), &pITLB); } else { hr = LoadTypeLibEx(wzPath, (REGKIND)(REGKIND_NONE | LOAD_TLB_AS_32BIT), &pITLB); } // If we failed to load StdOle2.tlb, then we're probably on a downlevel platform (< XP) // so we'll just load whatever we have...note that at this point, cross-compile is not an option. if (FAILED(hr)) { IfFailReport(LoadRegTypeLib(LIBID_STDOLE2, -1, -1, 0, &pITLB)); } IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(IID_IUnknown, &m_pIUnknown)); IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(IID_IDispatch, &m_pIDispatch)); // Look for GUID (which unfortunately has no GUID). for (i=0; iGetTypeInfoCount() && !m_pGuid; ++i) { IfFailReport(pITLB->GetDocumentation(i, &szTIName, 0, 0, 0)); if (SString::_wcsicmp(szTIName, szGuidName) == 0) IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfo(i, &m_pGuid)); } // Create the output typelib. // Win2K: passing in too long a filename triggers a nasty buffer overrun bug // when the SaveAll() method is called. We'll avoid triggering this here. // if (wcslen(szTlbName) > MAX_PATH_FNAME) IfFailReport(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE)); // Reverting to old behavior here until we can fix up the vtable offsets as well. // Set the SYSKIND based on the 64bit/32bit switches if (IsExportingAs64Bit()) { IfFailReport(CreateTypeLib2(SYS_WIN64, szTlbName, &m_pICreateTLB)); } else { IfFailReport(CreateTypeLib2(SYS_WIN32, szTlbName, &m_pICreateTLB)); } // Set the typelib GUID. IfFailReport(GetTypeLibGuidForAssembly(pAssembly, &guid)); IfFailReport(m_pICreateTLB->SetGuid(guid)); // Retrieve the type library's version number. USHORT usMaj, usMin; IfFailReport(GetTypeLibVersionForAssembly(pAssembly, &usMaj, &usMin)); // Set the TLB's version number. IfFailReport(m_pICreateTLB->SetVersion(usMaj, usMin)); // Set the LCID. If no locale, set to 0, otherwise typelib defaults to 409. lcid = 0; LPCUTF8 pLocale = pAssembly->GetLocale(); if (pLocale && *pLocale) { // Have to build a BSTR, not just a unicode string (i.e. allocate a // DWORD of length information at a negative offset from the string // start). _ASSERTE((sizeof(WCHAR) * 2) == sizeof(DWORD)); hr = qLocale.ReSizeNoThrow(sizeof(DWORD)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = Utf2Quick(pLocale, qLocale, 2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *(DWORD*)qLocale.Ptr() = (DWORD)wcslen(&qLocale.Ptr()[2]); hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMultiLanguage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMultiLanguage, (void**)&pIML); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) pIML->GetLcidFromRfc1766(&lcid, (BSTR)&qLocale.Ptr()[2]); } HRESULT hr2 = m_pICreateTLB->SetLcid(lcid); if (hr2 == TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID) { ReportWarning(TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID, TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID); hr2 = m_pICreateTLB->SetLcid(0); } IfFailReport(hr2); // Get the list of types in the assembly. AddAssemblyTypes(pAssembly); m_Exports.InitArray(); // Get the assembly value for AutomationProxy. m_bAutomationProxy = DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_PROXY_VALUE; GetAutomationProxyAttribute(pAssembly->GetManifestImport(), TokenFromRid(1, mdtAssembly), &m_bAutomationProxy); // Pre load any caller-specified names into the typelib namespace. PreLoadNames(); // Convert all the types. ConvertAllTypeDefs(); // Set library level properties. sName.AppendUTF8(pAssembly->GetSimpleName()); // Make it a legal typelib name. SString replaceChar = SL(W("_")); SString::Iterator iter = sName.Begin(); while (sName.Find(iter, W("."))) sName.Replace(iter, 1, replaceChar); iter = sName.Begin(); while (sName.Find(iter, W(" "))) sName.Replace(iter, 1, replaceChar); IfFailReport(m_pICreateTLB->SetName((LPOLESTR)sName.GetUnicode())); // If the assembly has a description CA, set that as the library Doc string. if (GetStringCustomAttribute(pAssembly->GetManifestImport(), XXX_ASSEMBLY_DESCRIPTION_TYPE, TokenFromRid(mdtAssembly, 1), (BSTR &)szDescription)) m_pICreateTLB->SetDocString((LPWSTR)szDescription); // Mark this typelib as exported. LPCWSTR pszFullName; { //@todo: exceptions? StackSString name; pAssembly->GetDisplayName(name); pszFullName = name.GetUnicode(); vt.vt = VT_BSTR; vt.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pszFullName); if (vt.bstrVal == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } //WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0, (char*)rBuf.Ptr(), (DWORD)rBuf.Size(), vt.bstrVal, (DWORD)rBuf.Size()); IfFailReport(m_pICreateTLB->SetCustData(GUID_ExportedFromComPlus, &vt)); // Lay out the TypeInfos. LayOut(); if(vt.bstrVal) { SysFreeString(vt.bstrVal); vt.bstrVal = NULL; } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::Convert() void TypeLibExporter::UpdateBitness(Assembly* pAssembly) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // If one has already been set, just return. if ((TlbExportAs64Bit(m_flags)) || (TlbExportAs32Bit(m_flags))) return; // If we are exporting a dynamic assembly, just go with the machine type we're running on. if (pAssembly->IsDynamic()) { #ifdef _WIN64 m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs64Bit; #else m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; #endif return; } // Get the assembly info PEFile* pPEFile = pAssembly->GetDomainAssembly()->GetFile(); _ASSERTE(pPEFile); DWORD PEKind, MachineKind; pPEFile->GetPEKindAndMachine(&PEKind, &MachineKind); // Based on the assembly flags, determine a bitness to export with. // Algorithm base copied from ComputeProcArchFlags() in bcl\system\reflection\assembly.cs if ((PEKind & pe32Plus) == pe32Plus) { switch (MachineKind) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs64Bit; break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: if ((PEKind & peILonly) == peILonly) { #ifdef _WIN64 m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs64Bit; #else m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; #endif } else { _ASSERTE(!"Invalid MachineKind / PEKind pair on the assembly!"); } break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unknown MachineKind!"); } } else if (MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { if ((PEKind & pe32BitRequired) == pe32BitRequired) { m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; } else if ((PEKind & peILonly) == peILonly) { #ifdef _WIN64 m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs64Bit; #else m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; #endif } else { m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; } } else if (MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT) { m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; } else { #ifdef _WIN64 m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs64Bit; #else m_flags |= TlbExporter_ExportAs32Bit; #endif } } // Find out if our assembly / bitness combination is valid. HRESULT TypeLibExporter::CheckBitness(Assembly* pAssembly) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (pAssembly->IsDynamic()) return S_OK; PEFile* pPEFile = pAssembly->GetDomainAssembly()->GetFile(); if (pPEFile == NULL) return TLBX_E_BITNESS_MISMATCH; DWORD PEKind, MachineKind; pPEFile->GetPEKindAndMachine(&PEKind, &MachineKind); // Neutral assembly? if ((PEKind & peILonly) == peILonly) return S_OK; if (IsExportingAs64Bit()) { if ((MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) || (MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)) return S_OK; } else { if ((MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) || (MachineKind == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT)) return S_OK; } return TLBX_E_BITNESS_MISMATCH; } //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::PreLoadNames() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; SafeComHolder pINames = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. SafeArrayHolder pNames = 0; // Names provided by caller. VARTYPE vt; // Type of data. int lBound, uBound, ix; // Loop control. BSTR name; // Look for names provider, but don't require it. hr = SafeQueryInterface(m_pNotify, IID_ITypeLibExporterNameProvider, (IUnknown**)&pINames); if (FAILED(hr)) return; // There is a provider, so get the list of names. IfFailReport(pINames->GetNames(&pNames)); // Better have a single dimension array of strings. if (pNames == 0) IfFailReport(TLBX_E_BAD_NAMES); if (SafeArrayGetDim(pNames) != 1) IfFailReport(TLBX_E_BAD_NAMES); IfFailReport(SafeArrayGetVartype(pNames, &vt)); if (vt != VT_BSTR) IfFailReport(TLBX_E_BAD_NAMES); // Get names bounds. IfFailReport(SafeArrayGetLBound(pNames, 1, (LONG*)&lBound)); IfFailReport(SafeArrayGetUBound(pNames, 1, (LONG*)&uBound)); // Enumerate the names. for (ix=lBound; ix<=uBound; ++ix) { IfFailReport(SafeArrayGetElement(pNames, (LONG*)&ix, (void*)&name)); m_pICreateTLB->SetName(name); } } //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::FormatErrorContextString( CErrorContext *pContext, // The context to format. SString *pOut) // Buffer to format into. { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pContext)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pOut)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; SString *pBuf; SString ssInternal; // Nested contexts? if (pContext->m_prev == 0) { // No, just convert into caller's buffer. pBuf = pOut; } else { // Yes, convert locally, then concatenate. pBuf = &ssInternal; } // More? if (pContext->m_pScope) { // Check whether type is nested (which requires more formatting). DWORD dwFlags; IfFailReport(pContext->m_pScope->GetTypeDefProps(pContext->m_tkType, &dwFlags, 0)); if (IsTdNested(dwFlags)) { TypeNameBuilder tnb(pBuf, TypeNameBuilder::ParseStateNAME); TypeString::AppendNestedTypeDef(tnb, pContext->m_pScope, pContext->m_tkType); } else TypeString::AppendTypeDef(*pBuf, pContext->m_pScope, pContext->m_tkType); // Member? if (pContext->m_szMember) { pBuf->Append(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WSTR); pBuf->AppendUTF8(pContext->m_szMember); // Param? if (pContext->m_szParam) { pBuf->Append(W("(")); pBuf->AppendUTF8(pContext->m_szParam); pBuf->Append(W(")")); } else if (pContext->m_ixParam > -1) { pBuf->AppendPrintf(W("(#%d)"), pContext->m_ixParam); } } // member pBuf->Append(ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_WSTR); } // Type name pBuf->AppendUTF8(pContext->m_szAssembly); // If there is a nested context, put it all together. if (pContext->m_prev) { // Format the context this one was nested inside. SString ssOuter; FormatErrorContextString(pContext->m_prev, &ssOuter); // Put them together with text. LPWSTR pUnicodeBuffer = pOut->OpenUnicodeBuffer(1024); FormatRuntimeError(pUnicodeBuffer, 1024, TLBX_E_CTX_NESTED, pBuf->GetUnicode(), ssOuter.GetUnicode()); pOut->CloseBuffer((COUNT_T)wcslen(pUnicodeBuffer)); } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::FormatErrorContextString() //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::FormatErrorContextString( SString *pBuf) // Buffer to format into. { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pBuf)); } CONTRACTL_END; FormatErrorContextString(&m_ErrorContext, pBuf); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::FormatErrorContextString() //***************************************************************************** // Event reporting helper. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ReportError(HRESULT hrRpt) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; WCHAR rcErr[1024]; SString ssName; SafeComHolder pErrorInfo; BSTRHolder bstrDescription = NULL; // Format the error message. if (SafeGetErrorInfo(&pErrorInfo) != S_OK) pErrorInfo = NULL; // If we retrieved and IErrorInfo then retrieve the description. if (pErrorInfo) { if (FAILED(pErrorInfo->GetDescription(&bstrDescription))) bstrDescription = NULL; } if (bstrDescription) { // Use the description as the error message. wcsncpy_s(rcErr, COUNTOF(rcErr), bstrDescription, _TRUNCATE); } else { // Format the error message. FormatRuntimeError(rcErr, lengthof(rcErr), hrRpt); } // Format the context. FormatErrorContextString(&ssName); // Post the error to the errorinfo object. VMPostError(TLBX_E_ERROR_MESSAGE, ssName.GetUnicode(), rcErr); // Throw the exception, including context info. COMPlusThrowHR(TLBX_E_ERROR_MESSAGE, kGetErrorInfo); } // void TypeLibExporter::ReportError() //***************************************************************************** // Event reporting helper. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ReportEvent( // Returns the original HR. int ev, // The event kind. int hr, // HR. ...) // Variable args. { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; WCHAR rcMsg[1024]; // Buffer for message. va_list marker; // User text. BSTRHolder bstrMsg=0; // BSTR for message. // Format the message. va_start(marker, hr); hr = FormatRuntimeErrorVa(rcMsg, lengthof(rcMsg), hr, marker); va_end(marker); // Convert to a BSTR. bstrMsg = SysAllocString(rcMsg); // Display it, and clean up. if (bstrMsg != NULL) m_pNotify->ReportEvent(static_cast(ev), hr, bstrMsg); } // HRESULT CImportTlb::ReportEvent() //***************************************************************************** // Warning reporting helper. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ReportWarning( // Original error code. HRESULT hrReturn, // HR to return. HRESULT hrRpt, // Error code. ...) // Args to message. { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; WCHAR rcErr[1024]; // Buffer for error message. SString ssName; // Buffer for context. va_list marker; // User text. BSTRHolder bstrMsg=0; // BSTR for message. BSTRHolder bstrBuf=0; // Buffer for message. UINT iLen; // Length of allocated buffer. // Format the message. va_start(marker, hrRpt); FormatRuntimeErrorVa(rcErr, lengthof(rcErr), hrRpt, marker); va_end(marker); // Format the context. FormatErrorContextString(&ssName); // Put them together. iLen = (UINT)(wcslen(rcErr) + ssName.GetCount() + 200); bstrBuf = SysAllocStringLen(0, iLen); if (bstrBuf != NULL) { FormatRuntimeError(bstrBuf, iLen, TLBX_W_WARNING_MESSAGE, ssName.GetUnicode(), rcErr); // Have to copy to another BSTR, because the runtime will also print the trash after the // terminating nul. bstrMsg = SysAllocString(bstrBuf); if (bstrMsg != NULL) m_pNotify->ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, hrRpt, bstrMsg); } } // void TypeLibExporter::ReportWarning() // Throws exceptions encountered during type exportation. // Wrapped with ThrowHRWithContext. void TypeLibExporter::InternalThrowHRWithContext(HRESULT hrRpt, ...) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; WCHAR rcErr[2048]; SString ssName; va_list marker; // Format the error message. va_start(marker, hrRpt); FormatRuntimeErrorVa(rcErr, lengthof(rcErr), hrRpt, marker); va_end(marker); // Format the context. FormatErrorContextString(&ssName); // Post the error to the errorinfo object. VMPostError(TLBX_E_ERROR_MESSAGE, ssName.GetUnicode(), rcErr); // Throw the exception, including context info. COMPlusThrowHR(TLBX_E_ERROR_MESSAGE, kGetErrorInfo); } // void TypeLibExporter::InternalThrowHRWithContext() //***************************************************************************** // Post a class load error on failure. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::PostClassLoadError( LPCUTF8 pszName, // Name of the class. SString& message) // Exception message of class load failure. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pszName)); } CONTRACTL_END; // See if we got anything back. if (!message.IsEmpty()) InternalThrowHRWithContext(TLBX_E_CLASS_LOAD_EXCEPTION, pszName, message.GetUnicode()); else InternalThrowHRWithContext(TLBX_E_CANT_LOAD_CLASS, pszName); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::PostClassLoadError() //***************************************************************************** // Determine the type, if any, of auto-interface for a class. // May be none, dispatch, or dual. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ClassHasIClassX( MethodTable *pClass, // The class. CorClassIfaceAttr *pClassItfType) // None, dual, dispatch { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClass)); PRECONDITION(!pClass->IsInterface()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClassItfType)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ComMethodTable *pClassComMT = NULL; *pClassItfType = clsIfNone; // If the class is a COM import or if it isn't COM visible, then from the // exporter's perspective, it doens't have an IClassX. if (!pClass->IsComImport()) { ComCallWrapperTemplate *pTemplate = ComCallWrapperTemplate::GetTemplate(pClass); if (pTemplate->SupportsIClassX()) { pClassComMT = ComCallWrapperTemplate::SetupComMethodTableForClass(pClass, FALSE); _ASSERTE(pClassComMT); if (pClassComMT->IsComVisible()) *pClassItfType = pClassComMT->GetClassInterfaceType(); } } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::ClassHasIClassX() //***************************************************************************** // Load a class by token, post an error on failure. //***************************************************************************** MethodTable * TypeLibExporter::LoadClass( Module *pModule, // Module with Loader to use to load the class. mdToken tk) // The token to load. { CONTRACT(MethodTable *) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; // Get the MethodTable for the token. TypeHandle th; SString exceptionMessage; EX_TRY { th = ClassLoader::LoadTypeDefOrRefThrowing(pModule, tk, ClassLoader::ThrowIfNotFound, ClassLoader::PermitUninstDefOrRef); } EX_CATCH { GET_EXCEPTION()->GetMessage(exceptionMessage); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (th.IsNull()) { // Format a hopefully useful error message. LPCUTF8 pNS, pName; SString sName; if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeDef) { if (FAILED(pModule->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(tk, &pName, &pNS))) { pName = pNS = "Invalid TypeDef record"; } } else { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtTypeRef); if (FAILED(pModule->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeRef(tk, &pNS, &pName))) { pNS = pName = "Invalid TypeRef record"; } } if (pNS && *pNS) { sName.AppendUTF8(pNS); sName.AppendUTF8(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_STR); } sName.AppendUTF8(pName); StackScratchBuffer scratch; PostClassLoadError(sName.GetUTF8(scratch), exceptionMessage); } RETURN (th.AsMethodTable()); } // void TypeLibExporter::LoadClass() //***************************************************************************** // Load a class by name, post an error on failure. //***************************************************************************** TypeHandle TypeLibExporter::LoadClass( Module *pModule, // Module with Loader to use to load the class. LPCUTF8 pszName) // Name of class to load. { CONTRACT(TypeHandle) { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pszName)); POSTCONDITION(!RETVAL.IsNull()); } CONTRACT_END; TypeHandle th; SString exceptionMessage; EX_TRY { th = TypeName::GetTypeUsingCASearchRules(pszName, pModule->GetAssembly()); _ASSERTE(!th.IsNull()); } EX_CATCH { GET_EXCEPTION()->GetMessage(exceptionMessage); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (th.IsNull()) { PostClassLoadError(pszName, exceptionMessage); } RETURN th; } // void TypeLibExporter::LoadClass() //***************************************************************************** // Enumerate the TypeDefs and convert them to TypeInfos. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertAllTypeDefs() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. CExportedTypesInfo *pData; // For iterating the entries. int cTypes; // Count of types. int ix; // Loop control. LPCSTR pName1, pNS1; // Names of a type. LPCSTR pName2, pNS2; // Names of another type. MethodTable *pc1; // A Type. MethodTable *pc2; // Another type. CQuickArray bNamespace; // Array of flags for namespace decoration. cTypes = m_Exports.Count(); // If there are no types in the assembly, then we are done. if (cTypes <= 0) return; // Order by name, then look for duplicates. m_Exports.SortByName(); // Resize the array for namespace flags now, but use the ICreateTypeInfo*, so that // the flags will be sorted. bNamespace.ReSizeThrows(cTypes); // Get names of first type. pc1 = m_Exports[0]->pClass; IfFailReport(pc1->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pc1->GetCl(), &pName1, &pNS1)); // Iterate through the types, looking for duplicate type names. for (ix=0; ixpClass; IfFailReport(pc2->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pc2->GetCl(), &pName2, &pNS2)); // If the types match (case insensitive). mark both types for namespace // decoration. if (stricmpUTF8(pName1, pName2) == 0) { m_Exports[ix]->pCTI = reinterpret_cast(1); m_Exports[ix+1]->pCTI = reinterpret_cast(1); } else { // Didn't match, so advance "class 1" pointer. pc1 = pc2; pName1 = pName2; pNS1 = pNS2; } } // Put into token order for actual creation. m_Exports.SortByToken(); // Fill the flag array, from the ICreateTypeInfo* pointers. memset(bNamespace.Ptr(), 0, bNamespace.Size()*sizeof(BYTE)); for (ix=0; ixpCTI) bNamespace[ix] = 1, m_Exports[ix]->pCTI = 0; } // Pass 1. Create the TypeInfos. // There are four steps in the process: // a) Creates the TypeInfos for the types themselves. When a duplicate // is encountered, skip the type until later, so that we don't create // a decorated name that will conflict with a subsequent non-decorated // name. We want to preserve a type's given name as much as possible. // b) Create the TypeInfos for the types that were duplicates in step a. // Perform decoration of the names as necessary to eliminate duplicates. // c) Create the TypeInfos for the IClassXs. When there is a duplicate, // skip, as in step a. // d) Create the remaining TypeInfos for IClassXs. Perform decoration of // the names as necessary to eliminate duplicates. // Step a, Create the TypeInfos for the TypeDefs, no decoration. for (ix=0; ixtkind = TKindFromClass(pData->pClass); GetAutomationProxyAttribute(pData->pClass->GetMDImport(), pData->pClass->GetCl(), &bAutoProxy); pData->bAutoProxy = (bAutoProxy != 0); CreateITypeInfo(pData, (bNamespace[ix]!=0), false); } // Step b, Create the TypeInfos for the TypeDefs, decoration as needed. for (ix=0; ixpCTI == 0) CreateITypeInfo(pData, (bNamespace[ix]!=0), true); } // Step c, Create the TypeInfos for the IClassX interfaces. No decoration. for (ix=0; ixpCTIClassItf == 0) CreateIClassXITypeInfo(pData, (bNamespace[ix]!=0), true); } // Pass 2, add the ImplTypes to the CoClasses. for (ix=0; ixGetAssembly()->GetSimpleName(); m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = mdTypeDefNil; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_szMember = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_szParam = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = -1; m_ErrorContext.m_prev = &SavedContext; // See if this class is already in the list. sExported.pClass = pClass; pExported = m_InjectedExports.Find(&sExported); if (pExported == 0) { // Get the AutoProxy value for an isolated class. int bAutoProxy = DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_PROXY_VALUE; if (FALSE == GetAutomationProxyAttribute(pClass->GetMDImport(), pClass->GetCl(), &bAutoProxy)) GetAutomationProxyAttribute(pClass->GetAssembly()->GetManifestImport(), TokenFromRid(1, mdtAssembly), &bAutoProxy); // New class, add to list. if (NULL == (pExported = m_InjectedExports.Add(&sExported))) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); m_InjectedExports.UpdateArray(); // Prefix can't tell that IfFailReport will actually throw an exception if pExported is NULL so // let's tell it explicitly that if we reach this point pExported will not be NULL. PREFIX_ASSUME(pExported != NULL); pExported->pClass = pClass; pExported->pCTI = 0; pExported->pCTIClassItf = 0; pExported->tkind = TKindFromClass(pClass); pExported->bAutoProxy = (bAutoProxy != 0); // Step 1, Create the TypeInfos for the TypeDefs. CreateITypeInfo(pExported); // Step 1a, Create the TypeInfos for the IClassX interfaces. CreateIClassXITypeInfo(pExported); // Step 2, add the ImplTypes to the CoClasses. ConvertImplTypes(pExported); // Step 3, fill in the TypeInfo details... ConvertDetails(pExported); } // Restore error reporting context. m_ErrorContext = SavedContext; return (hr); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::ConvertOneTypeDef() //***************************************************************************** // Create the ITypeInfo for a type. Well, sort of. This function will create // the first of possibly two typeinfos for the type. If the type is a class // we will create a COCLASS typeinfo now, and an INTERFACE typeinfo later, // which typeinfo will be the default interface for the coclass. If this // typeinfo needs to be aliased, we will create the ALIAS now (with the // real name) and the aliased typeinfo later, with the real attributes, but // with a mangled name. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::CreateITypeInfo( CExportedTypesInfo *pData, // Conversion data. bool bNamespace, // If true, use namespace + name bool bResolveDup) // If true, decorate name to resolve dups. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. LPCUTF8 pName; // Name in UTF8. LPCUTF8 pNS; // Namespace in UTF8. SString sName; // Name of the TypeDef. TYPEKIND tkind; // The TYPEKIND of a TypeDef. GUID clsid; // A TypeDef's clsid. DWORD dwFlags; // A TypeDef's flags. int iSuffix = 0; // Counter for suffix. mdTypeDef td; // Token for the class. VariantHolder vt; // For defining custom attribute. SafeComHolder pCTITemp=0; // For creating a typeinfo. SafeComHolder pCTI2=0; // For creating the typeinfo. SafeComHolder pITLB=0; // For dup IID reporting. SafeComHolder pITIDup=0; // For dup IID reporting. BSTRHolder bstrDup=0; // For dup IID reporting. BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // For description. ZeroHolder zhType = &m_ErrorContext.m_pScope; // Clear error reporting info. CorClassIfaceAttr classItfType = clsIfNone; // For class interface type. TypeHandle thClass = TypeHandle(pData->pClass); // TypeHandle representing the class. DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); // Get the TypeDef and some info about it. td = pData->pClass->GetCl(); IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(td, &dwFlags, 0)); tkind = pData->tkind; // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = td; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = pData->pClass->GetMDImport(); pData->pCTI = 0; pData->pCTIClassItf = 0; // If it is ComImport or WindowsRuntimeImport, do not export it. if (IsTdImport(dwFlags) || pData->pClass->IsProjectedFromWinRT()) return; // Check to see if the type is supposed to be visible from COM. If it // is not then we go to the next type. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pData->pClass))) return; // Get the GUID for the class. Will generate from name if no defined GUID, // will also use signatures if interface. pData->pClass->GetGuid(&clsid, TRUE); // Get the name. IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(td, &pName, &pNS)); // Warn about exporting AutoLayout valueclasses if ( (pData->pClass->IsValueType()) && (!pData->pClass->IsEnum()) && (IsTdAutoLayout(pData->pClass->GetAttrClass()))) ReportWarning(TLBX_W_EXPORTING_AUTO_LAYOUT, TLBX_W_EXPORTING_AUTO_LAYOUT, pName); // Warn about exporting generic classes. if (pData->pClass->GetNumGenericArgs() != 0) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_GENERIC_TYPE, TLBX_I_GENERIC_TYPE); // Classes that derive from generic classes can be COM visible, however we don't // expose a class interface for them. Give a warning to the user about this. if (pData->pClass->HasGenericClassInstantiationInHierarchy()) { if (!pData->pClass->IsComImport() && IsTypeVisibleFromCom(thClass)) { // Note that we can't call ClassHasIClassX here since it would return // classIfNone if the type has generic parents in it's hierarchy. if (ReadClassInterfaceTypeCustomAttribute(thClass) != clsIfNone) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_GENERIC_BASE_TYPE, TLBX_I_GENERIC_BASE_TYPE); } } // Warn about exporting reference types as structs. if ((pData->tkind == TKIND_RECORD || pData->tkind == TKIND_UNION) && !pData->pClass->IsValueType()) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_REF_TYPE_AS_STRUCT, TLBX_I_REF_TYPE_AS_STRUCT); // workaround for microsoft.wfc.interop.dll -- skip their IDispatch. if (clsid == IID_IDispatch || clsid == IID_IUnknown) { ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, TLBX_S_NOSTDINTERFACE, pName); return; } if (bNamespace) { sName.MakeFullNamespacePath(SString(SString::Utf8, pNS), SString(SString::Utf8, pName)); SString replaceChar = SL(W("_")); SString::Iterator iter = sName.Begin(); while (sName.Find(iter, W("."))) sName.Replace(iter, 1, replaceChar); } else { // Convert name to wide chars. sName.AppendUTF8(pName); } // Create the typeinfo for this typedef. for (;;) { // Attempt to create the TypeDef. hr = m_pICreateTLB->CreateTypeInfo((LPOLESTR)sName.GetUnicode(), tkind, &pCTITemp); // If a name conflict, decorate, otherwise, done. if (hr != TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT) break; if (!bResolveDup) { hr = S_FALSE; return; } if (iSuffix == 0) { iSuffix = 2; } else { sName.Delete(sName.End()-=2, 2); } SString sDup; sDup.Printf(szDuplicateDecoration, iSuffix++); sName.Append(sDup); } IfFailReport(hr); IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pCTITemp, IID_ICreateTypeInfo2, (IUnknown**)&pCTI2)); // Set the guid. _ASSERTE(clsid != GUID_NULL); hr = pCTI2->SetGuid(clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID) { IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(m_pICreateTLB, IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)&pITLB)); IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(clsid, &pITIDup)); IfFailReport(pITIDup->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &bstrDup, 0,0,0)); InternalThrowHRWithContext(TLBX_E_DUPLICATE_IID, sName.GetUnicode(), (BSTR)bstrDup); } return; } TRACE("TypeInfo %x: %ls, {%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x}\n", pCTI2, sName, clsid.Data1, clsid.Data2, clsid.Data3, clsid.Data4[0]<<8|clsid.Data4[1], clsid.Data4[2], clsid.Data4[3], clsid.Data4[4], clsid.Data4[5]); IfFailReport(pCTI2->SetVersion(1, 0)); // Record the fully qualified type name in a custom attribute. // If the TypelibImportClassAttribute exists, use that instead. SString sName2; hr = GetTypeLibImportClassName(pData->pClass, sName2); if (hr == S_OK) { V_BSTR(&vt) = ::SysAllocString(sName2.GetUnicode()); if (V_BSTR(&vt) == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); V_VT(&vt) = VT_BSTR; } else { // Default to the real name. LPCWSTR pszName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareW(pData->pClass); V_BSTR(&vt) = ::SysAllocString(pszName); if (V_BSTR(&vt) == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); V_VT(&vt) = VT_BSTR; } IfFailReport(pCTI2->SetCustData(GUID_ManagedName, &vt)); // If the class is decorated with a description, apply it to the typelib. if (GetDescriptionString(pData->pClass, td, (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI2->SetDocString(bstrDescr)); // Transfer ownership of the pointer. pData->pCTI = pCTI2; pCTI2.SuppressRelease(); pCTI2 = 0; } // void TypeLibExporter::CreateITypeInfo() HRESULT TypeLibExporter::GetTypeLibImportClassName( MethodTable*pClass, SString& szName) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(NULL != pClass); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Check for the presence of the TypelibImportClassAttribute. const char* pvData; // Pointer to a custom attribute data. ULONG cbData; // Size of custom attribute data. hr = pClass->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(pClass->GetCl(), INTEROP_TYPELIBIMPORTCLASS_TYPE, reinterpret_cast(&pvData), &cbData); if (hr == S_OK && cbData > 5 && pvData[0] == 1 && pvData[1] == 0) { CustomAttributeParser cap(pvData, cbData); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(cap.ValidateProlog())); // Validated above, just ensure consistency. LPCUTF8 szString; ULONG cbString; if (SUCCEEDED(cap.GetNonNullString(&szString, &cbString))) { // Set the string and null terminate it. szName.SetUTF8(szString, cbString); szName.AppendASCII("\0"); // We successfully retrieved the string. return S_OK; } } return S_FALSE; } //***************************************************************************** // See if an object has a Description, and get it as a BSTR. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::GetDescriptionString( MethodTable *pClass, // Class containing the token. mdToken tk, // Token of the object. BSTR &bstrDescr) // Put description here. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClass)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Check for a description custom attribute. return GetStringCustomAttribute(pClass->GetMDImport(), XXX_DESCRIPTION_TYPE, tk, bstrDescr); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::GetDescriptionString() //***************************************************************************** // See if an object has a custom attribute, and get it as a BSTR. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::GetStringCustomAttribute( IMDInternalImport *pImport, LPCSTR szName, mdToken tk, BSTR &bstrDescr) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pImport)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(szName)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. const void *pvData; // Pointer to a custom attribute data. ULONG cbData; // Size of custom attribute data. // Look for the desired custom attribute. IfFailReport(pImport->GetCustomAttributeByName(tk, szName, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData > 2) { CustomAttributeParser cap(pvData, cbData); IfFailReport(cap.SkipProlog()); LPCUTF8 szString; ULONG cbString; IfFailReport(cap.GetString(&szString, &cbString)); bstrDescr = SysAllocStringLen(0, cbString); // allocates cbString+1 characters (appends '\0') if (bstrDescr == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (cbString > 0) { ULONG cch = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szString, cbString, bstrDescr, cbString); bstrDescr[cch] = W('\0'); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // HRESULT GetStringCustomAttribute() //***************************************************************************** // Get the value for AutomationProxy for an object. Return the default // if there is no attribute. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::GetAutomationProxyAttribute( IMDInternalImport *pImport, mdToken tk, int *bValue) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pImport)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(bValue)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. const void *pvData; // Pointer to a custom attribute data. ULONG cbData; // Size of custom attribute data. IfFailReport(pImport->GetCustomAttributeByName(tk, INTEROP_AUTOPROXY_TYPE, &pvData, &cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData > 2) { CustomAttributeParser cap(pvData, cbData); if (FAILED(cap.SkipProlog())) return FALSE; UINT8 u1; if (FAILED(cap.GetU1(&u1))) return FALSE; *bValue = u1 != 0; } if (hr == S_OK) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // void TypeLibExporter::GetAutomationProxyAttribute() //***************************************************************************** // Create the IClassX ITypeInfo. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::CreateIClassXITypeInfo( CExportedTypesInfo *pData, // Conversion data. bool bNamespace, // If true, use namespace + name bool bResolveDup) // If true, decorate name to resolve dups. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. LPCUTF8 pName; // Name in UTF8. LPCUTF8 pNS; // Namespace in UTF8. SString sName; // Name of the TypeDef. SString sNameTypeInfo; // Name of the IClassX. TYPEKIND tkind; // The TYPEKIND of a TypeDef. GUID clsid; // A TypeDef's clsid. DWORD dwFlags; // A TypeDef's flags. LPWSTR pSuffix; // Pointer into the name. int iSuffix = 0; // Counter for suffix. GUID guid = {0}; // A default interface's IID. HREFTYPE href; // href of base interface of IClassX. mdTypeDef td; // Token for the class. CorClassIfaceAttr classItfType = clsIfNone; // For class interface type. VariantHolder vt; // For defining custom attribute. SafeComHolder pCTITemp=0; // For creating a typeinfo. SafeComHolder pITemp=0; // An ITypeInfo to get a name. SafeComHolder pITLB=0; // For dup IID reporting. SafeComHolder pITIDup=0; // For dup IID reporting. SafeComHolder pCTI2=0; // For creating the typeinfo. BSTRHolder bstrName=0; // An ITypeInfo's name. BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // For description. BSTRHolder bstrDup=0; // For dup IID reporting. ZeroHolder zhType = &m_ErrorContext.m_pScope; // Clear error reporting info. MethodTable* pClassOuter = pData->pClass; DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); // Get the TypeDef and some info about it. td = pData->pClass->GetCl(); IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(td, &dwFlags, 0)); tkind = pData->tkind; // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = td; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = pData->pClass->GetMDImport(); // A CoClass needs an IClassX, and an alias kind needs an alias. if (tkind != TKIND_COCLASS) return; // Check to see if the type is supposed to be visible from COM. If it // is not then we go to the next type. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pClassOuter))) return; // Imported types don't need an IClassX. if (IsTdImport(dwFlags)) return; // Check to see if we need to set up an IClassX for the class. ClassHasIClassX(pData->pClass, &classItfType); if (classItfType == clsIfNone) return; // Get full name from metadata. IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(td, &pName, &pNS)); // Get the GUID for the class. Used to generate IClassX guid. pData->pClass->GetGuid(&clsid, TRUE); // Get the name of the class. Use the ITypeInfo if there is one, except don't // use the typeinfo for types which are Aliased. if (pData->pCTI) { IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pData->pCTI, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pITemp)); IfFailReport(pITemp->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &bstrName, 0,0,0)); sName.Append(bstrName); } else { sName.AppendUTF8(pName); } // Create the typeinfo name for the IClassX sNameTypeInfo.Set(cIClassX); sNameTypeInfo.Append(sName); tkind = TKIND_INTERFACE; pSuffix = 0; for (;;) { // Try to create the TypeInfo. hr = m_pICreateTLB->CreateTypeInfo((LPOLESTR)sNameTypeInfo.GetUnicode(), tkind, &pCTITemp); // If a name conflict, decorate, otherwise, done. if (hr != TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT) break; if (!bResolveDup) { hr = S_FALSE; return; } if (iSuffix == 0) { iSuffix = 2; } else { sNameTypeInfo.Delete(sNameTypeInfo.End()-=2, 2); } SString sDup; sDup.Printf(szDuplicateDecoration, iSuffix++); sNameTypeInfo.Append(sDup); } IfFailReport(hr); IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pCTITemp, IID_ICreateTypeInfo2, (IUnknown**)&pCTI2)); // Generate the "IClassX" UUID and set it. GenerateClassItfGuid(TypeHandle(pData->pClass), &guid); hr = pCTI2->SetGuid(guid); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr == TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID) { IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(m_pICreateTLB, IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)&pITLB)); IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, &pITIDup)); IfFailReport(pITIDup->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &bstrDup, 0,0,0)); InternalThrowHRWithContext(TLBX_E_DUPLICATE_IID, sNameTypeInfo.GetUnicode(), (BSTR)bstrDup); } return; } // Adding methods may cause an href to this typeinfo, which will cause it to be layed out. // Set the inheritance, so that nesting will be correct when that layout happens. // Add IDispatch as impltype 0. GetRefTypeInfo(pCTI2, m_pIDispatch, &href); IfFailReport(pCTI2->AddImplType(0, href)); // Record the fully qualified type name in a custom attribute. LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareW(pData->pClass); V_VT(&vt) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&vt) = SysAllocString(szName); if (V_BSTR(&vt) == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); IfFailReport(pCTI2->SetCustData(GUID_ManagedName, &vt)); TRACE("IClassX %x: %ls, {%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x}\n", pCTI2, sName, guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0]<<8|guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5]); // If the class is decorated with a description, apply it to the typelib. if(GetDescriptionString(pData->pClass, td, (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI2->SetDocString(bstrDescr)); // Transfer ownership of the pointer. _ASSERTE(pData->pCTIClassItf == 0); pData->pCTIClassItf = pCTI2; pCTI2.SuppressRelease(); pCTI2 = 0; } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::CreateIClassXITypeInfo() //***************************************************************************** // Add the impltypes to an ITypeInfo. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertImplTypes( CExportedTypesInfo *pData) // Conversion data. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. DWORD dwFlags; // A TypeDef's flags. mdTypeDef td; // Token for the class. ZeroHolder zhType = &m_ErrorContext.m_pScope; // Clear error reporting info. // Get the TypeDef and some info about it. td = pData->pClass->GetCl(); IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(td, &dwFlags, 0)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = td; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = pData->pClass->GetMDImport(); // If there is no ITypeInfo, skip it. if (pData->pCTI == 0) return; // Check to see if the type is supposed to be visible from COM. If it // is not then we go to the next type. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pData->pClass))) return; // Add the ImplTypes to the CoClass. switch (pData->tkind) { case TKIND_INTERFACE: case TKIND_DISPATCH: // Add the base type to the interface. ConvertInterfaceImplTypes(pData->pCTI, pData->pClass); break; case TKIND_RECORD: case TKIND_UNION: case TKIND_ENUM: // Nothing to do at this step. break; case TKIND_COCLASS: // Add the ImplTypes to the CoClass. ConvertClassImplTypes(pData->pCTI, pData->pCTIClassItf, pData->pClass); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unknown TYPEKIND"); IfFailReport(E_INVALIDARG); break; } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::ConvertImplTypes() //***************************************************************************** // Convert the details (members) of an ITypeInfo. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertDetails( CExportedTypesInfo *pData) // Conversion data. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. DWORD dwFlags; // A TypeDef's flags. mdTypeDef td; // Token for the class. ZeroHolder zhType = &m_ErrorContext.m_pScope; // Clear error reporting info. // Get the TypeDef and some info about it. td = pData->pClass->GetCl(); IfFailReport(pData->pClass->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(td, &dwFlags, 0)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_tkType = td; m_ErrorContext.m_pScope = pData->pClass->GetMDImport(); // If there is no TypeInfo, skip it, but for CoClass need to populate IClassX. if (pData->pCTI == 0 && pData->tkind != TKIND_COCLASS) return; // Check to see if the type is supposed to be visible from COM. If it // is not then we go to the next type. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pData->pClass))) return; // Fill in the rest of the typeinfo for this typedef. switch (pData->tkind) { case TKIND_INTERFACE: case TKIND_DISPATCH: ConvertInterfaceDetails(pData->pCTI, pData->pClass, pData->bAutoProxy); break; case TKIND_RECORD: case TKIND_UNION: ConvertRecord(pData); break; case TKIND_ENUM: ConvertEnum(pData->pCTI, pData->pClass); break; case TKIND_COCLASS: // Populate the methods on the IClassX interface. ConvertClassDetails(pData->pCTI, pData->pCTIClassItf, pData->pClass, pData->bAutoProxy); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unknown TYPEKIND"); IfFailReport(E_INVALIDARG); break; } // Switch (tkind) // Report that this type has been converted. SString ssType; if (IsTdNested(dwFlags)) { TypeNameBuilder tnb(&ssType, TypeNameBuilder::ParseStateNAME); TypeString::AppendNestedTypeDef(tnb, m_ErrorContext.m_pScope, m_ErrorContext.m_tkType); } else TypeString::AppendTypeDef(ssType, m_ErrorContext.m_pScope, m_ErrorContext.m_tkType); ReportEvent(NOTIF_TYPECONVERTED, TLBX_I_TYPE_EXPORTED, ssType.GetUnicode()); } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertDetails() //***************************************************************************** // Add the ImplTypes to the TypeInfo. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertInterfaceImplTypes( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pClass) // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClass)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulIface; // Is this interface [dual]? HREFTYPE href; // href of base interface. // IDispatch or IUnknown derived? IfFailReport(pClass->GetMDImport()->GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(pClass->GetCl(), &ulIface)); // Parent interface. if (IsDispatchBasedItf((CorIfaceAttr)ulIface)) { // Get the HREFTYPE for IDispatch. GetRefTypeInfo(pThisTypeInfo, m_pIDispatch, &href); } else { // Get the HREFTYPE for IUnknown. GetRefTypeInfo(pThisTypeInfo, m_pIUnknown, &href); } // Add the HREF as an interface. IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->AddImplType(0, href)); } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertInterfaceImplTypes() //***************************************************************************** // Create the TypeInfo for an interface by iterating over functions. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertInterfaceDetails ( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pMT, // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. int bAutoProxy) // If true, oleaut32 is the interface's marshaller. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulIface; // Is this interface [dual]? DWORD dwTIFlags=0; // TypeLib flags. int cVisibleMembers = 0; // The count of methods that are visible to COM. // Retrieve the map of members. ComMTMemberInfoMap MemberMap(pMT); // IDispatch or IUnknown derived? IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(pMT->GetCl(), &ulIface)); if (IsDispatchBasedItf((CorIfaceAttr)ulIface)) { // IDispatch derived. dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE; if (ulIface == ifDual) dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FDUAL | TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION; else _ASSERTE(ulIface == ifDispatch); } else { // IUnknown derived. dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION; } if (!bAutoProxy) dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FPROXY; // Set appropriate flags. IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetTypeFlags(dwTIFlags)); // Retrieve the method properties. size_t sizeOfPtr = IsExportingAs64Bit() ? 8 : 4; MemberMap.Init(sizeOfPtr); if (MemberMap.HadDuplicateDispIds()) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_DUPLICATE_DISPID, TLBX_I_DUPLICATE_DISPID); // We need a scope to bypass the inialization skipped by goto ErrExit // compiler error. { CQuickArray &rProps = MemberMap.GetMethods(); // Now add the methods to the TypeInfo. MethodTable::MethodIterator it(pMT); for (; it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { if (it.IsVirtual()) { // Only convert the method if it is visible from COM. if (rProps[it.GetSlotNumber()].bMemberVisible) { if (ConvertMethod(pThisTypeInfo, &rProps[it.GetSlotNumber()], cVisibleMembers, ulIface)) cVisibleMembers++; } } } } } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertInterfaceDetails() //***************************************************************************** // Export a Record to a TypeLib. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertRecordBaseClass( CExportedTypesInfo *pData, // Conversion data. MethodTable *pSubMT, // The base class. ULONG &ixVar) // Variable index in the typelib. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pSubMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; // The typeinfo being created. ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo = pData->pCTI; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. mdFieldDef fd; // A Field def. ULONG iFD; // Loop control. ULONG cFD; // Count of total MemberDefs. DWORD dwFlags; // Field flags. LPCUTF8 szName; // Name in UTF8. LPCUTF8 szNamespace; // A Namespace in UTF8. SString sName; // Name // To enum fields. HENUMInternalHolder eFDi(pSubMT->GetMDImport()); // If there is no class here, or if the class is Object, don't add members. if (pSubMT == 0 || pSubMT == g_pObjectClass) return; // If this class has a base class, export those members first. ConvertRecordBaseClass(pData, pSubMT->GetParentMethodTable(), ixVar); // Build the member name prefix. IfFailReport(pSubMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pSubMT->GetCl(), &szName, &szNamespace)); sName.SetUTF8(szName); sName.Append(W("_")); // Get an enumerator for the MemberDefs in the TypeDef. eFDi.EnumInit(mdtFieldDef, pSubMT->GetCl()); cFD = pSubMT->GetMDImport()->EnumGetCount(&eFDi); SString sNameMember; // For each MemberDef... for (iFD=0; iFDGetMDImport()->EnumNext(&eFDi, &fd)) { IfFailReport(E_UNEXPECTED); } IfFailReport(pSubMT->GetMDImport()->GetFieldDefProps(fd, &dwFlags)); // Only non-static fields. if (!IsFdStatic(dwFlags)) { IfFailReport(pSubMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(fd, &szName)); sNameMember.Set(sName); sNameMember.AppendUTF8(szName); if (ConvertVariable(pThisTypeInfo, pSubMT, fd, sNameMember, ixVar)) ixVar++; } } } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertRecordBaseClass() void TypeLibExporter::ConvertRecord( CExportedTypesInfo *pData) // Conversion data. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); } CONTRACTL_END; ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo=pData->pCTI; // The typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pMT=pData->pClass; // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. mdFieldDef fd; // A Field def. ULONG iFD; // Loop control. ULONG ixVar=0; // Index of current var converted. ULONG cFD; // Count of total MemberDefs. DWORD dwFlags; // Field flags. DWORD dwPack; // Class pack size. mdToken tkExtends; // A class's parent. LPCUTF8 szName; // Name in UTF8. SString sName; // Name. // To enum fields. HENUMInternalHolder eFDi(pMT->GetMDImport()); // If the type is a struct, but it has explicit layout, don't export the members, // because we can't export them accurately (unless they're really sequential). if (pData->tkind == TKIND_RECORD) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(pMT->GetCl(), &dwFlags, &tkExtends)); if (IsTdExplicitLayout(dwFlags)) { ReportWarning(S_OK, TLBX_I_NONSEQUENTIALSTRUCT); return; } } // Set the packing size, if there is one. dwPack = 0; if (FAILED(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetClassPackSize(pMT->GetCl(), &dwPack))) { dwPack = 0; } if (dwPack == 0) { dwPack = DEFAULT_PACKING_SIZE; } IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetAlignment((USHORT)dwPack)); // Haven't seen any non-public members yet. m_bWarnedOfNonPublic = FALSE; // If this class has a base class, export those members first. ConvertRecordBaseClass(pData, pMT->GetParentMethodTable(), ixVar); // Get an enumerator for the MemberDefs in the TypeDef. eFDi.EnumInit(mdtFieldDef, pMT->GetCl()); cFD = pMT->GetMDImport()->EnumGetCount(&eFDi); // For each MemberDef... for (iFD=0; iFDGetMDImport()->EnumNext(&eFDi, &fd)) { IfFailReport(E_UNEXPECTED); } IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetFieldDefProps(fd, &dwFlags)); // Skip static fields. if (IsFdStatic(dwFlags) == 0) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(fd, &szName)); sName.SetUTF8(szName); if (ConvertVariable(pThisTypeInfo, pMT, fd, sName, ixVar)) ixVar++; } } } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::ConvertRecord() //***************************************************************************** // Export an Enum to a typelib. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertEnum( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pMT) // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. mdFieldDef fd; // A Field def. DWORD dwTIFlags=0; // TypeLib flags. ULONG dwFlags; // A field's flags. ULONG iFD; // Loop control. ULONG cFD; // Count of total MemberDefs. ULONG iVar=0; // Count of vars actually converted. LPCUTF8 szName; // Name in UTF8. SString sName; // Name. SafeComHolder pThisTI=0; // TypeInfo for this ICreateITypeInfo. BSTRHolder szThisTypeInfo=0; // Name of this ITypeInfo. IMDInternalImport* pImport = pMT->GetMDImport(); // To enum fields. HENUMInternalHolder eFDi(pImport); // Explicitly set the flags. IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetTypeFlags(dwTIFlags)); // Get an enumerator for the MemberDefs in the TypeDef. eFDi.EnumInit(mdtFieldDef, pMT->GetCl()); cFD = pImport->EnumGetCount(&eFDi); // Build the member name prefix. If generating an enum, get the real name from the default interface. IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pThisTypeInfo, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pThisTI)); IfFailReport(pThisTI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szThisTypeInfo, 0,0,0)); sName.Set(szThisTypeInfo); sName.Append(W("_")); SString sNameMember; // For each MemberDef... for (iFD=0; iFDEnumNext(&eFDi, &fd)) { IfFailReport(E_UNEXPECTED); } // Only convert static fields. IfFailReport(pImport->GetFieldDefProps(fd, &dwFlags)); if (IsFdStatic(dwFlags) == 0) { continue; } // Skip ComVisible(false) members if (!IsMemberVisibleFromCom(pMT, fd, mdTokenNil)) { continue; } sNameMember.Set(sName); IfFailReport(pImport->GetNameOfFieldDef(fd, &szName)); sNameMember.AppendUTF8(szName); if (ConvertEnumMember(pThisTypeInfo, pMT, fd, sNameMember, iVar)) { iVar++; } } } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertEnum() //***************************************************************************** // Does a class have a default ctor? //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::HasDefaultCtor( MethodTable *pMT) // The class in question. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. mdMethodDef md; // A method of the type. DWORD dwFlags; // Method's flags. ULONG cMD; // Count of returned tokens. ULONG iMD; // Loop control. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig; // The signature. ULONG ixSig; // Index into signature. ULONG cbSig; // Size of the signature. ULONG callconv; // Method's calling convention. ULONG cParams; // Method's count of parameters. BOOL rslt=FALSE; // Was one found? LPCUTF8 pName; // Method name. IMDInternalImport* pImport = pMT->GetMDImport(); // To enum methods. HENUMInternalHolder eMDi(pImport); // Get an enumerator for the MemberDefs in the TypeDef. eMDi.EnumInit(mdtMethodDef, pMT->GetCl()); cMD = pImport->EnumGetCount(&eMDi); // For each MemberDef... for (iMD=0; iMDEnumNext(&eMDi, &md)) { IfFailReport(E_UNEXPECTED); } // Is the name special? Is the method public? IfFailReport(pImport->GetMethodDefProps(md, &dwFlags)); if (!IsMdRTSpecialName(dwFlags) || !IsMdPublic(dwFlags)) continue; // Yes, is the name a ctor? IfFailReport(pImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(md, &pName)); if (!IsMdInstanceInitializer(dwFlags, pName)) continue; // It is a ctor. Is it a default ctor? IfFailReport(pImport->GetSigOfMethodDef(md, &cbSig, &pSig)); // Skip the calling convention, and get the param count. ixSig = CorSigUncompressData(pSig, &callconv); CorSigUncompressData(&pSig[ixSig], &cParams); // Default ctor has zero params. if (cParams == 0) { rslt = TRUE; break; } } return rslt; } // BOOL TypeLibExporter::HasDefaultCtor() //***************************************************************************** // Export a class to a TypeLib. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertClassImplTypes( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The typeinfo being created. ICreateTypeInfo2 *pClassItfTypeInfo,// The ICLassX for the TypeInfo. MethodTable *pMT) // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClassItfTypeInfo, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HREFTYPE href; // HREF to a TypeInfo. DWORD dwFlags; // Metadata flags. int flags=0; // Flags for the interface impl or CoClass. UINT iImpl=0; // Current Impl index. MethodTable *pIDefault = 0; // Default interface, if any. MethodTable *pDefItfMT = 0; // Default interface method table, if any. CQuickArray SrcItfList; // List of event sources. CorClassIfaceAttr classItfType = clsIfNone; // For class interface type. DefaultInterfaceType DefItfType; TypeHandle hndDefItfClass; SafeComHolder pTI=0; // TypeInfo for default dispinterface. SafeComHolder pCTI2 = NULL; // The ICreateTypeInfo2 interface used to define custom data. // We should never be converting the class impl types of COM imported CoClasses. _ASSERTE(!pMT->IsComImport()); if (pThisTypeInfo) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetTypeDefProps(pMT->GetCl(), &dwFlags, 0)); // If abstract class, or no default ctor, don't make it creatable. if (!IsTdAbstract(dwFlags) && HasDefaultCtor(pMT)) flags |= TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE; // PreDeclid as appropriate. IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetTypeFlags(flags)); } // Retrieve the MethodTable that represents the default interface. DefItfType = GetDefaultInterfaceForClassWrapper(TypeHandle(pMT), &hndDefItfClass); // Remember the MethodTable of the default interface. pIDefault = hndDefItfClass.GetMethodTable(); // For some classes we synthesize an IClassX. We don't do that for // configured class, classes imported from COM, // or for classes with an explicit default interface. if (pClassItfTypeInfo) { // Set the interface as the default for the class. IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pClassItfTypeInfo, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI)); GetRefTypeInfo(pThisTypeInfo, pTI, &href); IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->AddImplType(iImpl, href)); // If the class interface is the default interface, mark it as such. if (pMT == pIDefault) IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetImplTypeFlags(iImpl, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT)); // Increment the impl count. ++iImpl; } // Go up the class hierarchy and add the IClassX's of the parent classes // as interfaces implemented by the COM component. MethodTable *pParentClass = pMT->GetComPlusParentMethodTable(); while (pParentClass) { // If the parent class has an IClassX interface then add it. ClassHasIClassX(pParentClass, &classItfType); if (classItfType == clsIfAutoDual) { hr = EEClassToHref(pThisTypeInfo, pParentClass, FALSE, &href); // If not IUnknown, add the HREF as an interface. if (hr != S_USEIUNKNOWN) { IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->AddImplType(iImpl, href)); if (pParentClass == pIDefault) IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetImplTypeFlags(iImpl, IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT)); ++iImpl; } } // Process the next class up the hierarchy. pParentClass = pParentClass->GetComPlusParentMethodTable(); } ComCallWrapperTemplate *pClassTemplate = ComCallWrapperTemplate::GetTemplate(TypeHandle(pMT)); MethodTable::InterfaceMapIterator it = pMT->IterateInterfaceMap(); while (it.Next()) { flags = 0; // Get the MethodTable for an implemented interface. MethodTable *pIClass = it.GetInterface(); // Retrieve the ComMethodTable for the interface. ComMethodTable *pItfComMT = pClassTemplate->GetComMTForItf(pIClass); // If the interface is visible from COM, add it. if (IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pIClass)) && !pItfComMT->IsComClassItf()) { #if defined(_DEBUG) TRACE("Class %s implements %s\n", pMT->GetDebugClassName(), pIClass->GetDebugClassName()); #endif // Get an href for the managed class. hr = EEClassToHref(pThisTypeInfo, pIClass, FALSE, &href); // If not IUnknown, add the HREF as an interface. if (hr != S_USEIUNKNOWN) { if (pIClass == pIDefault) flags |= IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT; IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->AddImplType(iImpl, href)); IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetImplTypeFlags(iImpl, flags)); ++iImpl; } } else if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pIClass)) && (pIClass == pIDefault)) { // Report a warning if the default interface is not COM visible ReportWarning(TLBX_W_DEFAULT_INTF_NOT_VISIBLE, TLBX_W_DEFAULT_INTF_NOT_VISIBLE); } } // Retrieve the list of COM source interfaces for the managed class. GetComSourceInterfacesForClass(pMT, SrcItfList); // Add all the source interfaces to the CoClass. flags = IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE | IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT; for (UINT i = 0; i < SrcItfList.Size(); i++) { hr = EEClassToHref(pThisTypeInfo, SrcItfList[i], FALSE, &href); // If not IUnknown, add the HREF as an interface. if (hr != S_USEIUNKNOWN) { IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->AddImplType(iImpl, href)); IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetImplTypeFlags(iImpl, flags)); ++iImpl; flags = IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE; } } } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertClassImplTypes() //***************************************************************************** // Export a class to a TypeLib. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertClassDetails( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The typeinfo being created. ICreateTypeInfo2 *pDefaultTypeInfo, // The ICLassX for the TypeInfo. MethodTable *pMT, // MethodTable for the TypeInfo. int bAutoProxy) // If true, oleaut32 is the proxy. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pDefaultTypeInfo, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CorClassIfaceAttr classItfType = clsIfNone; ClassHasIClassX(pMT, &classItfType); if (classItfType == clsIfAutoDual) { // Set up the IClassX interface. ConvertIClassX(pDefaultTypeInfo, pMT, bAutoProxy); } else if (pDefaultTypeInfo) { DWORD dwTIFlags = TYPEFLAG_FDUAL | TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION | TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE | TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN; if (!bAutoProxy) dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FPROXY; IfFailReport(pDefaultTypeInfo->SetTypeFlags(dwTIFlags)); } } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertClassDetails() //***************************************************************************** // Create the DispInterface for the vtable that describes an entire class. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ConvertIClassX( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pThisTypeInfo, // The TypeInfo for the IClassX. MethodTable *pMT, // The MethodTable object for the class. int bAutoProxy) // If true, oleaut32 is the proxy. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pThisTypeInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. DWORD dwTIFlags=0; // TypeLib flags. DWORD nSlots; // Number of vtable slots. UINT i; // Loop control. int cVisibleMembers = 0; // The count of methods that are visible to COM. ComMTMemberInfoMap MemberMap(pMT); // The map of members. // Should be an actual class. _ASSERTE(!pMT->IsInterface()); // Retrieve the method properties. size_t sizeOfPtr = IsExportingAs64Bit() ? 8 : 4; MemberMap.Init(sizeOfPtr); if (MemberMap.HadDuplicateDispIds()) ReportWarning(TLBX_I_DUPLICATE_DISPID, TLBX_I_DUPLICATE_DISPID); // We need a scope to bypass the inialization skipped by goto ErrExit // compiler error. { CQuickArray &rProps = MemberMap.GetMethods(); nSlots = (DWORD)rProps.Size(); dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FDUAL | TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION | TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE | TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN | TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE; if (!bAutoProxy) dwTIFlags |= TYPEFLAG_FPROXY; IfFailReport(pThisTypeInfo->SetTypeFlags(dwTIFlags)); // Assign slot numbers. for (i=0; i rNames; // Array of names to function and parameters. ULONG cNames=0; // Count of function and parameter names. FUNCDESC *pfunc = NULL; // A funcdesc. MethodDesc *pMeth; // A MethodDesc. IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport; // Internal interface containing the method. MDDefaultValue defaultValue; // place holder for default value PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType; // native parameter type ULONG cbNativeType = 0; // native parameter type length MethodTable *pMT; // Class containing the method. int bHasOptorDefault=false; // If true, the method has optional params or default values -- no vararg const void *pvData; // Pointer to a custom attribute. ULONG cbData; // Size of custom attribute. BOOL bByRef; // Is a parameter byref? BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // Description of the method. VariantHolder vtManagedName; // Variant used to set the managed name of the member. ZeroHolder zhParam = &m_ErrorContext.m_szParam; // Clear error reporting info. ZeroHolder zhMember = &m_ErrorContext.m_szMember; // Clear error reporting info. // Get info about the method. pMeth = pProps->pMeth; pMeth->GetSig(&pbSig, &cbSig); pInternalImport = pMeth->GetMDImport(); pMT = pMeth->GetMethodTable(); IfFailReport(pInternalImport->GetMethodImplProps(pMeth->GetMemberDef(), 0, &dwImplFlags)); // Error reporting info. IfFailReport(pInternalImport->GetNameOfMethodDef(pMeth->GetMemberDef(), &m_ErrorContext.m_szMember)); // Allocate one variant. pParamDesc = reinterpret_cast(sVariants.AllocZero(sizeof(PARAMDESCEX))); if(NULL == pParamDesc) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Prepare to parse signature and build the FUNCDESC. pfunc = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(FUNCDESC))); if (pfunc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ixSig = 0; // Get the calling convention. ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &callconv); _ASSERTE((callconv & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK) != IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); pfunc->callconv = Clr2TlbCallConv[callconv & IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_MASK]; // vtable offset. pfunc->oVft = pProps->oVft; // Get the argument count. Allow for an extra in case of [retval]. ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &cSrcParams); cDestParams = cSrcParams; rNames.ReSizeThrows(cDestParams+3); memset(rNames.Ptr(), 0, (cDestParams+3) * sizeof(BSTR)); // Set some method properties. pfunc->memid = pProps->dispid; if (pfunc->memid == -11111) //@todo: fix for msvbalib.dll pfunc->memid = -1; pfunc->funckind = FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL; // Set the invkind based on whether the function is an accessor. if (pProps->semantic == 0) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_FUNC; else if (pProps->semantic == msGetter) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYGET; else if (pProps->semantic == msSetter) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF; else if (pProps->semantic == msOther) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT; else pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_FUNC; // non-accessor property function. rNames[0] = pProps->pName; cNames = 1; // Convert return type to elemdesc. If we are doing HRESULT munging, we need to // examine the return type, and if it is not VOID, create an additional final // parameter as a pointer to the type. // Get the return type. cbElem = CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &ret); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = 0; // Get native type of return if available mdParamDef pdParam; pvNativeType = NULL; hr = pInternalImport->FindParamOfMethod(pMeth->GetMemberDef(), 0, &pdParam); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pInternalImport->GetFieldMarshal(pdParam, &pvNativeType, &cbNativeType); if (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) { IfFailReport(hr); } } // Determine if we need to do HRESULT munging. bHrMunge = !IsMiPreserveSig(dwImplFlags); // Reset some properties for DISPINTERFACES. if (ulIface == ifDispatch) { pfunc->callconv = CC_STDCALL; pfunc->funckind = FUNC_DISPATCH; // Never munge a dispinterface. bHrMunge = false; } if (bHrMunge) { // Munge the return type into a new last param, set return type to HRESULT. pfunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt = VT_HRESULT; // Does the function actually return anything? if (ret == ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID) { // Skip over the return value, no [retval]. pRetVal = 0; ixSig += cbElem; } else { // Allocate a TYPEDESC to be pointed to, convert type into it. pRetVal = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (pRetVal == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[ixSig], pvNativeType, cbNativeType, &cbElem, pRetVal, &sPool, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; ixSig += cbElem; ++cDestParams; // It is pretty weird for a property putter to return something, but apparenly legal. //_ASSERTE(pfunc->invkind != INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT && pfunc->invkind != INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF); // Todo: When the C compiler tries to import a typelib with a C // array return type (even if it's a retval), // it generates a wrapper method with a signature like "int [] foo()", // which isn't valid C, so it barfs. So, we'll change the return type // to a pointer by hand. if (pRetVal->vt == VT_CARRAY) { pRetVal->vt = VT_PTR; pRetVal->lptdesc = &pRetVal->lpadesc->tdescElem; } } } else { // No munging, convert return type. pRetVal = 0; hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[ixSig], pvNativeType, cbNativeType, &cbElem, &pfunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc, &sPool, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; ixSig += cbElem; } // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = -1; // Check to see if there is an LCIDConversion attribute on the method. iLCIDParam = (USHORT)GetLCIDParameterIndex(pMeth); if (iLCIDParam != (USHORT)-1) { BOOL bValidLCID = TRUE; // Make sure the parameter index is valid. if (iLCIDParam > cSrcParams) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_INVALIDLCIDPARAM); bValidLCID = FALSE; } // LCID's are not allowed on pure dispatch interfaces. if (ulIface == ifDispatch) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_LCIDONDISPONLYITF); bValidLCID = FALSE; } if (bValidLCID) { // Take the LCID parameter into account in the exported method. ++cDestParams; } else { // The LCID is invalid so we will ignore it. iLCIDParam = -1; } } // for each parameter pfunc->lprgelemdescParam = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(cDestParams * sizeof(ELEMDESC))); if (pfunc->lprgelemdescParam == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Holds the allocated strings so we can deallocate on function exit. // Only need +1 as we don't clean up the first and last names (function name and retval) NewArrayHolder namesHolder = new BSTRHolder[cDestParams+1]; // Variant array used to hold default value data NewArrayHolder vtDefaultValues = new VariantPtrHolder[cDestParams]; pfunc->cParams = static_cast(cDestParams); for (iSrcParam=1, iDestParam=0; iDestParamlprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags = PARAMFLAG_FIN | PARAMFLAG_FLCID; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].tdesc.vt = VT_I4; // Generate a parameter name. sName.Printf(szParamName, iDestParam + 1); rNames[iDestParam + 1] = SysAllocString(sName.GetUnicode()); if (rNames[iDestParam + 1] == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); namesHolder[iDestParam+1] = rNames[iDestParam + 1]; ++cNames; // Increment the current destination parameter. ++iDestParam; } // If we are past the end of the source parameters then we are done. if (iSrcParam > cSrcParams) break; // Get additional parameter metadata. dwParamFlags = 0; sName.Clear(); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = iSrcParam; // See if there is a ParamDef for this param. hr = pInternalImport->FindParamOfMethod(pMeth->GetMemberDef(), iSrcParam, &pdParam); pvNativeType = NULL; if (hr == S_OK) { // Get info about the param. IfFailReport(pInternalImport->GetParamDefProps(pdParam, &iSrcParam, &dwParamFlags, &pszName)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_szParam = pszName; // Turn off reserved (internal use) bits. dwParamFlags &= ~pdReservedMask; // Convert name from UTF8 to unicode. sName.SetUTF8(pszName); // Param default value, if any. IfFailReport(pInternalImport->GetDefaultValue(pdParam, &defaultValue)); IfFailReport(_FillVariant(&defaultValue, &pParamDesc->varDefaultValue)); // If no default value, check for decimal custom attribute. if (pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(pdParam, INTEROP_DECIMALVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData >= (2 + sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT))) { const BYTE *pbData = (const BYTE *)pvData; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt = VT_DECIMAL; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.decVal.scale = *(BYTE*)(pbData+2); pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.decVal.sign= *(BYTE*)(pbData+3); pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.decVal.Hi32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+4); pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.decVal.Mid32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+8); pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.decVal.Lo32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+12); } } // If still no default value, check for date time custom attribute. if (pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(pdParam, INTEROP_DATETIMEVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData >= (2 + sizeof(__int64))) { const BYTE *pbData = (const BYTE *)pvData; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt = VT_DATE; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.date = _TicksToDoubleDate(GET_UNALIGNED_64(pbData+2)); } } // If still no default value, check for IDispatch custom attribute. if (pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(pdParam, INTEROP_IDISPATCHVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK) { pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt = VT_DISPATCH; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.pdispVal = 0; } } // If still no default value, check for IUnknown custom attribute. if (pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(pdParam, INTEROP_IUNKNOWNVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK) { pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.punkVal = 0; } } if (pParamDesc->varDefaultValue.vt != VT_EMPTY) { // Copy the variant into the holder object so we release on function exit. vtDefaultValues[iDestParam] = (VARIANT*)&pParamDesc->varDefaultValue; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].paramdesc.pparamdescex = pParamDesc; dwParamFlags |= PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT; // Allocate another paramdesc. pParamDesc = reinterpret_cast(sVariants.AllocZero(sizeof(PARAMDESCEX))); if (pParamDesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); bHasOptorDefault = true; } // native marshal type, if any. hr = pInternalImport->GetFieldMarshal(pdParam, &pvNativeType, &cbNativeType); if (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) { IfFailReport(hr); } // Remember if there are optional params. if (dwParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOPT) bHasOptorDefault = true; } else { pdParam = 0, m_ErrorContext.m_szParam = 0; } // Do we need a name for this parameter? if ((pfunc->invkind & (INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF)) == 0 || iSrcParam < cSrcParams) { // Yes, so make one up if we don't have one. if (sName.GetCount() == 0) { sName.Printf(szParamName, iDestParam + 1); } rNames[iDestParam + 1] = SysAllocString(sName.GetUnicode()); if (rNames[iDestParam + 1] == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); namesHolder[iDestParam+1] = rNames[iDestParam + 1]; ++cNames; } // Save the element type. CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &elem); // Convert the param info to elemdesc. bByRef = FALSE; hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[ixSig], pvNativeType, cbNativeType, &cbElem, &pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].tdesc, &sPool, TRUE, &bByRef); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; ixSig += cbElem; // If there is no [in,out], set one, based on the parameter. if ((dwParamFlags & (PARAMFLAG_FOUT | PARAMFLAG_FIN)) == 0) { // If param is by reference, make in/out if (bByRef) dwParamFlags |= PARAMFLAG_FIN | PARAMFLAG_FOUT; else dwParamFlags |= PARAMFLAG_FIN; } // If this is the last param, and it an array of objects, and has a ParamArrayAttribute, // the function is varargs. if ((iSrcParam == cSrcParams) && !IsNilToken(pdParam) && !bHasOptorDefault) { if (pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].tdesc.vt == VT_SAFEARRAY && pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].tdesc.lpadesc->tdescElem.vt == VT_VARIANT) { if (pInternalImport->GetCustomAttributeByName(pdParam, INTEROP_PARAMARRAY_TYPE, 0,0) == S_OK) pfunc->cParamsOpt = -1; } } pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[iDestParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags = static_cast(dwParamFlags); } // Is there a [retval]? if (pRetVal) { // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_szParam = 0; _ASSERTE(bHrMunge); _ASSERTE(cDestParams > cSrcParams); pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[cDestParams-1].tdesc.vt = VT_PTR; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[cDestParams-1].tdesc.lptdesc = pRetVal; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[cDestParams-1].paramdesc.wParamFlags = PARAMFLAG_FOUT | PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL; // no need to allocate a new string for this. rather use the constant szRetVal rNames[cDestParams] = (LPWSTR)szRetVal; ++cNames; } // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = -1; // Was there a signature error? If so, exit now that all sigs have been reported. IfFailReport(hrSignature); IfFailReport(pCTI->AddFuncDesc(iMD, pfunc)); IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncAndParamNames(iMD, rNames.Ptr(), cNames)); if (pProps->bFunction2Getter) { VARIANT vtOne; vtOne.vt = VT_I4; vtOne.lVal = 1; IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncCustData(iMD, GUID_Function2Getter, &vtOne)); } // If the managed name of the method is different from the unmanaged name, then // we need to capture the managed name in a custom value. We only apply this // attribute for methods since properties cannot be overloaded. if (pProps->semantic == 0) { sName.SetUTF8(pMeth->GetName()); if (sName.Compare(SString(pProps->pName)) != 0) { V_VT(&vtManagedName) = VT_BSTR; if (NULL == (V_BSTR(&vtManagedName) = SysAllocString(sName.GetUnicode()))) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncCustData(iMD, GUID_ManagedName, &vtManagedName)); } } // Check for a description. if(GetDescriptionString(pMT, pMeth->GetMemberDef(), (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncDocString(iMD, bstrDescr)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_szMember = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_szParam = 0; m_ErrorContext.m_ixParam = -1; return TRUE; } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertMethod() #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif //***************************************************************************** // Export a Field as getter/setter method's to a typelib. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::ConvertFieldAsMethod( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // ICreateTypeInfo2 to get the method. ComMTMethodProps *pProps, // Some properties of the method. ULONG iMD) // Index of the member { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pProps)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig; // Pointer to Cor signature. ULONG cbSig; // Size of Cor signature. ULONG ixSig; // Index into signature. ULONG cbElem; // Size of an element in the signature. ULONG callconv; // A member's calling convention. TYPEDESC *pType; // TYPEDESC for the field type. CDescPool sPool; // Pool of memory in which to build funcdesc. BSTR rNames[2]; // Array of names to function and parameters. ULONG cNames; // Count of function and parameter names. FUNCDESC *pfunc; // A funcdesc. ComCallMethodDesc *pFieldMeth; // A MethodDesc for a field call. FieldDesc *pField; // A FieldDesc. IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport; // Internal interface containing the field. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType; // native field type ULONG cbNativeType; // native field type length MethodTable *pMT; // Class containing the field. BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // Description of the method. // Get info about the method. pFieldMeth = reinterpret_cast(pProps->pMeth); pField = pFieldMeth->GetFieldDesc(); pField->GetSig(&pbSig, &cbSig); pInternalImport = pField->GetMDImport(); pMT = pField->GetEnclosingMethodTable(); // Error reporting info. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(pField->GetMemberDef(), &m_ErrorContext.m_szMember)); // Prepare to parse signature and build the FUNCDESC. pfunc = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(FUNCDESC))); if (NULL == pfunc) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ixSig = 0; // Get the calling convention. ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &callconv); _ASSERTE(callconv == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); pfunc->callconv = CC_STDCALL; // vtable offset. pfunc->oVft = pProps->oVft; // Set some method properties. pfunc->memid = pProps->dispid; pfunc->funckind = FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL; // Set the invkind based on whether the function is an accessor. if ((pProps->semantic - FieldSemanticOffset) == msGetter) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYGET; else if ((pProps->semantic - FieldSemanticOffset) == msSetter) { if (IsVbRefType(&pbSig[ixSig], pInternalImport)) pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF; else pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT; } else _ASSERTE(!"Incorrect semantic in ConvertFieldAsMethod"); // Name of the function. rNames[0] = pProps->pName; cNames = 1; // Return type is HRESULT. pfunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt = VT_HRESULT; // Set up the one and only parameter. pfunc->lprgelemdescParam = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(ELEMDESC))); if (NULL == pfunc->lprgelemdescParam) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); pfunc->cParams = 1; // Do we need a name for the parameter? If PROPERTYGET, we do. if (pfunc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) { // Yes, so make one up. rNames[1] = (WCHAR*)szRetVal; ++cNames; } // If Getter, convert param as ptr, otherwise convert directly. if (pfunc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) { pType = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (NULL == pType) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.vt = VT_PTR; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.lptdesc = pType; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].paramdesc.wParamFlags = PARAMFLAG_FOUT | PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL; } else { pType = &pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].paramdesc.wParamFlags = PARAMFLAG_FIN; } // Get native field type pvNativeType = NULL; hr = pInternalImport->GetFieldMarshal( pField->GetMemberDef(), &pvNativeType, &cbNativeType); if (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) { IfFailReport(hr); } // Convert the field type to elemdesc. hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[ixSig], pvNativeType, cbNativeType, &cbElem, pType, &sPool, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; ixSig += cbElem; // It is unfortunate that we can not handle this better. Fortunately // this should be very rare. // This is a weird case - if we're getting a CARRAY, we cannot add // a VT_PTR in the sig, as it will cause the C getter to return an // array, which is bad. So we omit the extra pointer, which at least // makes the compiler happy. if (pfunc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET && pType->vt == VT_CARRAY) { pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.vt = pType->vt; pfunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.lptdesc = pType->lptdesc; } // A property put of an object should be a propertyputref if (pfunc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT && (pType->vt == VT_UNKNOWN || pType->vt == VT_DISPATCH)) { pfunc->invkind = INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF; } IfFailReport(pCTI->AddFuncDesc(iMD, pfunc)); IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncAndParamNames(iMD, rNames, cNames)); // Check for a description. if(GetDescriptionString(pMT, pField->GetMemberDef(), (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI->SetFuncDocString(iMD, bstrDescr)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_szMember = 0; return TRUE; } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertFieldAsMethod() //***************************************************************************** // Export a variable's metadata to a typelib. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::ConvertVariable( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // ICreateTypeInfo2 to get the variable. MethodTable *pMT, // The class containing the variable. mdFieldDef md, // The member definition. SString& sName, // Name of the member. ULONG iMD) // Index of the member { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig; // Pointer to Cor signature. ULONG cbSig; // Size of Cor signature. ULONG ixSig; // Index into signature. ULONG cbElem; // Size of an element in the signature. DWORD dwFlags; // A member's flags. ULONG callconv; // A member's calling convention. MDDefaultValue defaultValue; // default value ULONG dispid=DISPID_UNKNOWN; // The variable's dispid. CDescPool sPool; // Pool of memory in which to build vardesc. VARDESC *pvar; // A vardesc. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType; // native field type ULONG cbNativeType; // native field type length const void *pvData; // Pointer to a custom attribute. ULONG cbData; // Size of custom attribute. LPWSTR pSuffix; // Pointer into the name. int iSuffix = 0; // Counter for suffix. BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // Description of the method. VARIANT vtTemp; VariantPtrHolder vtVariant = &vtTemp; SafeVariantInit(vtVariant); // Error reporting info. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(md, &m_ErrorContext.m_szMember)); // Get info about the field. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetDispIdOfMemberDef(md, &dispid)); IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetFieldDefProps(md, &dwFlags)); if (IsFdHasDefault(dwFlags)) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetDefaultValue(md, &defaultValue)); IfFailReport( _FillVariant(&defaultValue, vtVariant) ); } // If exporting a non-public member of a struct, warn the user. if (!IsFdPublic(dwFlags) && !m_bWarnedOfNonPublic) { m_bWarnedOfNonPublic = TRUE; ReportWarning(TLBX_E_NONPUBLIC_FIELD, TLBX_E_NONPUBLIC_FIELD); } IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetSigOfFieldDef(md, &cbSig, &pbSig)); // Prepare to parse signature and build the VARDESC. pvar = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(VARDESC))); if(pvar == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ixSig = 0; // Get the calling convention. ixSig += CorSigUncompressData(&pbSig[ixSig], &callconv); _ASSERTE(callconv == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); // Get native field type pvNativeType = NULL; hr = pMT->GetMDImport()->GetFieldMarshal(md, &pvNativeType, &cbNativeType); if (hr != CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND) { IfFailReport(hr); } // Convert the type to elemdesc. hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[ixSig], pvNativeType, cbNativeType, &cbElem, &pvar->elemdescVar.tdesc, &sPool, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; ixSig += cbElem; pvar->wVarFlags = 0; pvar->varkind = VAR_PERINSTANCE; pvar->memid = dispid; // Constant value. if (vtVariant->vt != VT_EMPTY) pvar->lpvarValue = vtVariant; else { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(md, INTEROP_DECIMALVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData >= (2 + sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT))) { const BYTE *pbData = (const BYTE *)pvData; vtVariant->vt = VT_DECIMAL; vtVariant->decVal.scale = *(BYTE*)(pbData+2); vtVariant->decVal.sign= *(BYTE*)(pbData+3); vtVariant->decVal.Hi32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+4); vtVariant->decVal.Mid32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+8); vtVariant->decVal.Lo32= GET_UNALIGNED_32(pbData+12); pvar->lpvarValue = vtVariant; } // If still no default value, check for date time custom attribute. if (vtVariant->vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(md, INTEROP_DATETIMEVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK && cbData >= (2 + sizeof(__int64))) { const BYTE *pbData = (const BYTE *)pvData; vtVariant->vt = VT_DATE; vtVariant->date = _TicksToDoubleDate(GET_UNALIGNED_64(pbData+2)); } } // If still no default value, check for IDispatch custom attribute. if (vtVariant->vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(md, INTEROP_IDISPATCHVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK) { vtVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH; vtVariant->pdispVal = 0; } } // If still no default value, check for IUnknown custom attribute. if (vtVariant->vt == VT_EMPTY) { IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(md, INTEROP_IUNKNOWNVALUE_TYPE, &pvData,&cbData)); if (hr == S_OK) { vtVariant->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; vtVariant->punkVal = 0; } } } IfFailReport(pCTI->AddVarDesc(iMD, pvar)); // Set the name for the member; decorate if necessary. pSuffix = 0; for (;;) { // Attempt to set the name. hr = pCTI->SetVarName(iMD, (LPOLESTR)sName.GetUnicode()); // If a name conflict, decorate, otherwise, done. if (hr != TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME) break; if (iSuffix == 0) { iSuffix = 2; } else { sName.Delete(sName.End()-=2, 2); } SString sDup; sDup.Printf(szDuplicateDecoration, iSuffix++); sName.Append(sDup); } IfFailReport(hr); // Check for a description. if(GetDescriptionString(pMT, md, (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI->SetVarDocString(iMD, bstrDescr)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_szMember = 0; return TRUE; } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::ConvertVariable() //***************************************************************************** // Export a variable's metadata to a typelib. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::ConvertEnumMember( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // ICreateTypeInfo2 to get the variable. MethodTable *pMT, // The Class containing the member. mdFieldDef md, // The member definition. SString& sName, // Name of the member. ULONG iMD) // Index of the member { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. LPCUTF8 pName, pNS; // To format name. DWORD dwFlags; // A member's flags. VARIANT vtVariant; // A Variant. MDDefaultValue defaultValue; // default value ULONG dispid=DISPID_UNKNOWN; // The variable's dispid. CDescPool sPool; // Pool of memory in which to build vardesc. VARDESC *pvar; // A vardesc. BSTRHolder bstrDescr=0; // Description of the method. vtVariant.vt = VT_EMPTY; // Error reporting info. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfFieldDef(md, &m_ErrorContext.m_szMember)); // Get info about the field. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetDispIdOfMemberDef(md, &dispid)); IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetFieldDefProps(md, &dwFlags)); // We do not need to handle decimal's here since enum's can only be integral types. IfFailReport(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetDefaultValue(md, &defaultValue)); // Prepare to parse signature and build the VARDESC. pvar = reinterpret_cast(sPool.AllocZero(sizeof(VARDESC))); if (NULL == pvar) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); IfFailReport( _FillVariant(&defaultValue, &vtVariant) ); // Don't care what the metadata says the type is -- the type is I4 in the typelib. pvar->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt = VT_I4; pvar->wVarFlags = 0; pvar->varkind = VAR_CONST; pvar->memid = dispid; // Constant value. if (vtVariant.vt != VT_EMPTY) { pvar->lpvarValue = &vtVariant; // If this is an I8 or UI8, do the conversion manually, because some // systems' oleaut32 don't support 64-bit integers. if (vtVariant.vt == VT_I8) { // If withing range of 32-bit signed number, OK. if (vtVariant.llVal <= LONG_MAX && vtVariant.llVal >= LONG_MIN) vtVariant.vt = VT_I4, hr = S_OK; else hr = E_FAIL; } else if (vtVariant.vt == VT_UI8) { // If withing range of 32-bit unsigned number, OK. if (vtVariant.ullVal <= ULONG_MAX) vtVariant.vt = VT_UI4, hr = S_OK; else hr = E_FAIL; } else { hr = SafeVariantChangeTypeEx(&vtVariant, &vtVariant, 0, 0, VT_I4); } if (FAILED(hr)) { if (FAILED(pMT->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pMT->GetCl(), &pName, &pNS))) { pName = pNS = "Invalid TypeDef record"; } ReportWarning(TLBX_W_ENUM_VALUE_TOOBIG, TLBX_W_ENUM_VALUE_TOOBIG, pName, sName.GetUnicode()); return FALSE; } } else { // No value assigned, use 0. pvar->lpvarValue = &vtVariant; vtVariant.vt = VT_I4; vtVariant.lVal = 0; } IfFailReport(pCTI->AddVarDesc(iMD, pvar)); IfFailReport(pCTI->SetVarName(iMD, (LPOLESTR)sName.GetUnicode())); // Check for a description. if(GetDescriptionString(pMT, md, (BSTR &)bstrDescr)) IfFailReport(pCTI->SetVarDocString(iMD, bstrDescr)); // Error reporting info. m_ErrorContext.m_szMember = 0; return TRUE; } // void TypeLibExporter::ConvertEnumMember() //***************************************************************************** // Given a COM+ signature of a field or property, determine if it should // be a PROPERTYPUT or PROPERTYPUTREF. //***************************************************************************** BOOL TypeLibExporter::IsVbRefType( PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig, IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pInternalImport)); } CONTRACTL_END; ULONG elem=0; // An element from a COM+ signature. ULONG cbElem=0; cbElem = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig, &elem); if (elem == ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR || elem == ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF) { return IsVbRefType(&pbSig[cbElem], pInternalImport); } else { switch (elem) { // For documentation -- arrays are NOT ref types here. //case ELEMENT_TYPE_SDARRAY: //case ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY: //case ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: // Look for variant. case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: return FALSE; case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: return TRUE; case ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT: return FALSE; default: break; } } return FALSE; } // BOOL TypeLibExporter::IsVbRefType() BOOL TypeLibExporter::IsExportingAs64Bit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (TlbExportAs64Bit(m_flags)) { return TRUE; } else if (TlbExportAs32Bit(m_flags)) { return FALSE; } else { #ifdef _WIN64 return TRUE; #else return FALSE; #endif } } // BOOL TypeLibExporter::IsExportingAs64Bit() void TypeLibExporter::ArrayToTypeDesc(ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, CDescPool *ppool, ArrayMarshalInfo *pArrayMarshalInfo, TYPEDESC *ptdesc) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppool)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pArrayMarshalInfo)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ptdesc)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; VARTYPE vtElement = pArrayMarshalInfo->GetElementVT(); TypeHandle thElement = pArrayMarshalInfo->GetElementTypeHandle(); if (vtElement == VT_RECORD) { // We are dealing with an array of embedded structures. ptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; EEClassToHref(pCTI, thElement.GetMethodTable(), FALSE, &ptdesc->hreftype); } else if ((vtElement == VT_UNKNOWN || vtElement == VT_DISPATCH) && !thElement.IsObjectType()) { if (!thElement.IsValueType() && !pArrayMarshalInfo->IsSafeArraySubTypeExplicitlySpecified()) { // We are dealing with an array of user defined interfaces. ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ptdesc->lptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; EEClassToHref(pCTI, thElement.GetMethodTable(), FALSE, &ptdesc->lptdesc->hreftype); } else { // The user specified that the array of value classes be converted to an // array of IUnknown or IDispatch pointers. ptdesc->vt = vtElement; } } else if (pArrayMarshalInfo->IsPtr()) { ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ptdesc->lptdesc->vt = vtElement; } else { // We are dealing with an array of primitive types. ptdesc->vt = vtElement; } } // HRESULT ArrayToTypeDesc(ArrayMarshalInfo *pArrayMarshalInfo, TYPEDESC *pElementTypeDesc) VARTYPE TypeLibExporter::GetVtForIntPtr() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return static_cast(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? VT_I8 : VT_I4); } // VARTYPE TypeLibExporter::GetVtForIntPtr() VARTYPE TypeLibExporter::GetVtForUIntPtr() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return static_cast(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? VT_UI8 : VT_UI4); } // VARTYPE TypeLibExporter::GetVtForUIntPtr() /* BOOL TypeLibExporter::ValidateSafeArrayElemVT(VARTYPE vt) { switch(vt) { case VT_I2: case VT_I4: case VT_R4: case VT_R8: case VT_CY: case VT_DATE: case VT_BSTR: case VT_DISPATCH: case VT_ERROR: case VT_BOOL: case VT_VARIANT: case VT_UNKNOWN: case VT_DECIMAL: case VT_RECORD: case VT_I1: case VT_UI1: case VT_UI2: case VT_UI4: case VT_INT: case VT_UINT: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } */ //***************************************************************************** // Read a COM+ signature element and create a TYPEDESC that corresponds // to it. //***************************************************************************** #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function #endif HRESULT TypeLibExporter::CorSigToTypeDesc( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // Typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pMT, // MethodTable with the token. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig, // Pointer to the Cor Signature. PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbNativeSig, // Pointer to the native sig, if any ULONG cbNativeSig, // Count of bytes in native sig. ULONG *pcbElem, // Put # bytes consumed here. TYPEDESC *ptdesc, // Build the typedesc here. CDescPool *ppool, // Pool for additional storage as required. BOOL bMethodSig, // TRUE if the sig is for a method, FALSE for a field. BOOL *pbByRef) // If not null, and the type is byref, set to true. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pcbElem)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ptdesc)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppool)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pbByRef, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG elem = 0; // The element type. ULONG cbElem = 0; // Bytes in the element. ULONG cb; // Bytes in a sub-element. ULONG cbNativeElem = 0; // # of bytes parsed off of native type. ULONG nativeElem = 0; // The native element type ULONG nativeCount; // The native element size mdToken tkTypeRef; // Token for a TypeRef/TypeDef SString sName; // Buffer to build a name from NS/Name. LPCUTF8 pclsname; // Class name for ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS. HREFTYPE hRef = 0; // HREF to some type. IMDInternalImport *pInternalImport; // Internal interface containing the signature. Module* pModule = NULL; // Module containing the signature. int i; // Loop control. SigTypeContext emptyTypeContext; // an empty type context is sufficient: all methods should be non-generic ULONG dwTypeFlags = 0; // The type flags. BOOL fAnsi = FALSE; // Is the structure marked as CharSet=Ansi. BOOL fIsStringBuilder = FALSE; LPCUTF8 pNS; pInternalImport = pMT->GetMDImport(); pModule = pMT->GetModule(); // Just be sure the count is zero if the pointer is. if (pbNativeSig == NULL) cbNativeSig = 0; // Grab the native marshaling type. if (cbNativeSig > 0) { cbNativeElem = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &nativeElem); pbNativeSig += cbNativeElem; cbNativeSig -= cbNativeElem; // AsAny makes no sense for COM Interop. Ignore it. if (nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_ASANY) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_ASANY); nativeElem = 0; } } // If we are dealing with a struct, determine if it is marked as CharSet=Ansi. if (!bMethodSig) { // Make sure one of Auto, Ansi or Unicode is specified. if (!IsTdAnsiClass(dwTypeFlags) && !IsTdAutoClass(dwTypeFlags) && !IsTdUnicodeClass(dwTypeFlags)) { _ASSERTE(!"Bad stringformat value in wrapper class."); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, E_FAIL); // bad metadata hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } if (FAILED(pInternalImport->GetTypeDefProps(pMT->GetCl(), &dwTypeFlags, NULL))) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, E_FAIL); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } fAnsi = IsTdAnsiClass(dwTypeFlags); } // Get the element type. TryAgain: cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); // Handle the custom marshaler native type separately. if (elem != ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF && nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_CUSTOMMARSHALER) { switch(elem) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: case ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT: // @TODO(DM): Ask the custom marshaler for the ITypeInfo to use for the unmanaged type. ptdesc->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING: case ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: case ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY: ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); break; default: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); return(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE); break; } // Eat the rest of the signature. The extra -1's are to account // for the byte parsed off above. SigPointer p(&pbSig[cbElem-1]); IfFailThrow(p.SkipExactlyOne()); cbElem += (ULONG)(p.GetPtr() - &pbSig[cbElem]); // Note I didn't use -1 here. goto ExitFunc; } // This label is used to try again with a new element type, but without consuming more signature. // Usage is to set 'elem' to a new value, goto this label. TryWithElemType: switch (elem) { case ELEMENT_TYPE_END: // 0x0, ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_UNKNOWN_SIGNATURE); return(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID: // 0x1, ptdesc->vt = VT_VOID; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: // 0x2, switch (nativeElem) { case 0: ptdesc->vt = static_cast(bMethodSig ? VT_BOOL : VT_I4); break; case NATIVE_TYPE_VARIANTBOOL: ptdesc->vt = VT_BOOL; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_BOOLEAN: ptdesc->vt = VT_I4; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_U1: case NATIVE_TYPE_I1: ptdesc->vt = VT_UI1; break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); return(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE); } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: // 0x3, if (nativeElem == 0) { if (!bMethodSig && IsTdAutoClass(dwTypeFlags)) { // Types with a char set of auto and that would be represented differently // on different platforms are not allowed to be exported to COM. DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(pMT); _ASSERTE(szName); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_AUTO_CS_NOT_ALLOWED, szName); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } ptdesc->vt = static_cast(fAnsi ? VT_UI1 : VT_UI2); } else { switch (nativeElem) { case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_U2: case NATIVE_TYPE_I2: ptdesc->vt = VT_UI2; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_U1: case NATIVE_TYPE_I1: ptdesc->vt = VT_UI1; break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: // 0x4, ptdesc->vt = VT_I1; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: // 0x5, ptdesc->vt = VT_UI1; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: // 0x6, ptdesc->vt = VT_I2; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: // 0x7, ptdesc->vt = VT_UI2; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: // 0x8, switch (nativeElem) { case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_I4: case NATIVE_TYPE_U4: case NATIVE_TYPE_INTF: //@todo: Fix Microsoft.Win32.Interop.dll and remove this line. ptdesc->vt = VT_I4; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_ERROR: ptdesc->vt = VT_HRESULT; break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: // 0x9, switch (nativeElem) { case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_U4: ptdesc->vt = VT_UI4; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_ERROR: ptdesc->vt = VT_HRESULT; break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: // 0xa, ptdesc->vt = VT_I8; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: // 0xb, ptdesc->vt = VT_UI8; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: // 0xc, ptdesc->vt = VT_R4; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: // 0xd, ptdesc->vt = VT_R8; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT: goto IsObject; case ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING: // 0xe, IsString: if (nativeElem == 0) { if (bMethodSig) { ptdesc->vt = VT_BSTR; } else { if (IsTdAutoClass(dwTypeFlags)) { // Types with a char set of auto and that would be represented differently // on different platforms are not allowed to be exported to COM. DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(pMT); _ASSERTE(szName); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_AUTO_CS_NOT_ALLOWED, szName); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } ptdesc->vt = static_cast(fAnsi ? VT_LPSTR : VT_LPWSTR); } } else { switch (nativeElem) { case NATIVE_TYPE_BSTR: if (fIsStringBuilder) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } ptdesc->vt = VT_BSTR; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTR: ptdesc->vt = VT_LPSTR; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_LPWSTR: ptdesc->vt = VT_LPWSTR; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_LPTSTR: { // NATIVE_TYPE_LPTSTR is not allowed to be exported to COM. DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(pMT); _ASSERTE(szName); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_LPTSTR_NOT_ALLOWED, szName); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } case NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDSYSSTRING: // NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDSYSSTRING is only allowed on fields. if (bMethodSig) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Retrieve the count of characters. if (cbNativeSig != 0) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &nativeCount); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; } else { nativeCount = 0; } // Fixed strings become embedded array's of characters. ptdesc->vt = VT_CARRAY; ptdesc->lpadesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(ARRAYDESC))); if (ptdesc->lpadesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Set the count of characters. ptdesc->lpadesc->cDims = 1; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds[0].cElements = nativeCount; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds[0].lLbound = 0; if (IsTdAutoClass(dwTypeFlags)) { // Types with a char set of auto and that would be represented differently // on different platforms are not allowed to be exported to COM. DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassW(pMT); _ASSERTE(szName); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_AUTO_CS_NOT_ALLOWED, szName); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } ptdesc->lpadesc->tdescElem.vt = static_cast(fAnsi ? VT_UI1 : VT_UI2); break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } } break; // every type above PTR will be simple type case ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR: // 0xf, case ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF: // 0x10, // TYPEDESC is a pointer. ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; if (pbByRef) *pbByRef = TRUE; // Pointer to what? ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); hr = CorSigToTypeDesc(pCTI, pMT, &pbSig[cbElem], pbNativeSig-cbNativeElem, cbNativeSig+cbNativeElem, &cb, ptdesc->lptdesc, ppool, bMethodSig); cbElem += cb; if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitFunc; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: // 0x12, case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: // Get the TD/TR. cb = CorSigUncompressToken(&pbSig[cbElem], &tkTypeRef); cbElem += cb; if (TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeDef) { // Get the name of the TypeDef. if (FAILED(pInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeDef(tkTypeRef, &pclsname, &pNS))) { IfFailReport(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } } else { // Get the name of the TypeRef. _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeRef); IfFailReport(pInternalImport->GetNameOfTypeRef(tkTypeRef, &pNS, &pclsname)); } if (pNS) { sName.MakeFullNamespacePath(SString(SString::Utf8, pNS), SString(SString::Utf8, pclsname)); StackScratchBuffer scratch; pclsname = sName.GetUTF8(scratch); } _ASSERTE(strlen(szRuntime) == cbRuntime); // If you rename System, fix this invariant. _ASSERTE(strlen(szText) == cbText); // If you rename System.Text, fix this invariant. // Is it System.something? if (SString::_strnicmp(pclsname, szRuntime, cbRuntime) == 0) { // Which one? LPCUTF8 pcls; pcls = pclsname + cbRuntime; if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szStringClass) == 0) { goto IsString; } else if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szDateTimeClass) == 0) { ptdesc->vt = VT_DATE; goto ExitFunc; } else if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szDecimalClass) == 0) { switch (nativeElem) { case NATIVE_TYPE_CURRENCY: // Make this a currency. ptdesc->vt = VT_CY; break; case 0: // Make this a decimal ptdesc->vt = VT_DECIMAL; break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } goto ExitFunc; } else if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szGuidClass) == 0) { switch (nativeElem) { case NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTRUCT: // Make this a pointer to . . . ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; if (pbByRef) *pbByRef = TRUE; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // . . . a user defined type for GUID ptdesc->lptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; GetRefTypeInfo(pCTI, m_pGuid, &ptdesc->lptdesc->hreftype); break; case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_STRUCT: // a user defined type for GUID ptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; GetRefTypeInfo(pCTI, m_pGuid, &ptdesc->hreftype); break; default: DEBUG_STMT(DbgWriteEx(W("Bad Native COM attribute specified!\n"))); ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } goto ExitFunc; } else if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szArrayClass) == 0) { // If no native type is specified then assume its a NATIVE_TYPE_INTF. if (nativeElem == 0) nativeElem = NATIVE_TYPE_INTF; if (nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_SAFEARRAY) { // Compat: If no safe array used def subtype was specified we will map it to a SAFEARRAY of VARIANTs. ULONG vtElement = VT_VARIANT; TypeHandle thElement = TypeHandle(g_pObjectClass); if (cbNativeSig > 0) { // Retrieve the safe array sub type. cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &vtElement); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; // Get the type name if specified. if (cbNativeSig > 0) { ULONG cbClass = 0; cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &cbClass); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; if (cbClass > 0) { // Load the type. Use an SString for the string since we need to NULL terminate the string // that comes from the metadata. StackScratchBuffer utf8Name; SString safeArrayUserDefTypeName(SString::Utf8, (LPUTF8)pbNativeSig, cbClass); thElement = LoadClass(pMT->GetModule(), safeArrayUserDefTypeName.GetUTF8(utf8Name)); } } } else { if (!bMethodSig) { // The field marshaller converts these to SAFEARRAYs of the type specified // at runtime by the array. This isn't expressible in a type library // so provide a warning. ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_W_BAD_SAFEARRAYFIELD_NO_ELEMENTVT); } } ArrayMarshalInfo arrayMarshalInfo(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? amiExport64Bit : amiExport32Bit); MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms = bMethodSig ? MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP : MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_FIELD; arrayMarshalInfo.InitForSafeArray(ms, thElement, (VARTYPE)vtElement, fAnsi); if (!arrayMarshalInfo.IsValid()) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, arrayMarshalInfo.GetErrorResourceId()); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // TYPEDESC is an array. ptdesc->vt = VT_SAFEARRAY; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ArrayToTypeDesc(pCTI, ppool, &arrayMarshalInfo, ptdesc->lptdesc); goto ExitFunc; } else if (nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDARRAY) { // NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDARRAY is only allowed on fields. if (bMethodSig) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Retrieve the size of the fixed array. This is required. if (cbNativeSig == 0) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, IDS_EE_BADMARSHALFIELD_FIXEDARRAY_NOSIZE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &nativeCount); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; // A size const of 0 isn't supported. if (nativeCount == 0) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, IDS_EE_BADMARSHALFIELD_FIXEDARRAY_ZEROSIZE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Since these always export to arrays of BSTRs, we don't need to fetch the native type. // Set the data ptdesc->vt = VT_CARRAY; ptdesc->lpadesc = NULL; ptdesc->lpadesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(ARRAYDESC))); if (ptdesc->lpadesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Compat: FixedArrays of System.Arrays map to fixed arrays of BSTRs. ptdesc->lpadesc->tdescElem.vt = VT_BSTR; ptdesc->lpadesc->cDims = 1; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds->cElements = nativeCount; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds->lLbound = 0; goto ExitFunc; } else if (nativeElem != NATIVE_TYPE_INTF) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // If the native type is NATIVE_TYPE_INTF then we fall through and convert // System.Array to its IClassX interface. } else if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szObjectClass) == 0) { IsObject: // This next statement is to work around a "feature" that marshals an object inside // a struct as an interface, instead of as a variant. fieldmarshal metadata // can override that. if (nativeElem == 0 && !bMethodSig) nativeElem = NATIVE_TYPE_IUNKNOWN; switch (nativeElem) { case NATIVE_TYPE_INTF: case NATIVE_TYPE_IUNKNOWN: // an IUnknown based interface. ptdesc->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; break; case NATIVE_TYPE_IDISPATCH: // an IDispatch based interface. ptdesc->vt = VT_DISPATCH; break; case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_STRUCT: // a VARIANT ptdesc->vt = VT_VARIANT; break; default: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } goto ExitFunc; } } // System if (SString::_strnicmp(pclsname, szText, cbText) == 0) { LPCUTF8 pcls; pcls = pclsname + cbText; if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szStringBufferClass) == 0) { fIsStringBuilder = TRUE; // If there is no fieldmarshal information, marshal as a LPWSTR if (nativeElem == 0) nativeElem = NATIVE_TYPE_LPWSTR; // Marshaller treats stringbuilders as [in, out] by default. if (pbByRef) *pbByRef = TRUE; goto IsString; } } // System.Text if (SString::_strnicmp(pclsname, szCollections, cbCollections) == 0) { LPCUTF8 pcls; pcls = pclsname + cbCollections; if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szIEnumeratorClass) == 0) { StdOleTypeToHRef(pCTI, IID_IEnumVARIANT, &hRef); ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ptdesc->lptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; ptdesc->lptdesc->hreftype = hRef; goto ExitFunc; } } // System.Collections if (SString::_strnicmp(pclsname, szDrawing, cbDrawing) == 0) { LPCUTF8 pcls; pcls = pclsname + cbDrawing; if (stricmpUTF8(pcls, szColor) == 0) { StdOleTypeToHRef(pCTI, GUID_OleColor, &hRef); ptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; ptdesc->hreftype = hRef; goto ExitFunc; } } // System.Drawing // It is not a built-in VT type, so build the typedesc. // Determine whether the type is a reference type (IUnknown derived) or a struct type. // Get the MethodTable for the referenced class. MethodTable *pRefdClass; // MethodTable object for referenced TypeDef. pRefdClass = LoadClass(pMT->GetModule(), tkTypeRef); // Is the type a ref type or a struct type. Note that a ref type that has layout // is exported as a TKIND_RECORD but is referenced as a **Foo, whereas a // value type is also exported as a TKIND_RECORD but is referenced as a *Foo. if (elem == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS) { // Check if it is a delegate (which can be marshaled as a function pointer). if (COMDelegate::IsDelegate(pRefdClass)) { if (nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_FUNC) { ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); goto ExitFunc; } else if (nativeElem != 0 && nativeElem != NATIVE_TYPE_INTF) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } } else if (TypeHandle(pRefdClass).CanCastTo(TypeHandle(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__SAFE_HANDLE)))) { ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); goto ExitFunc; } else if (TypeHandle(pRefdClass).CanCastTo(TypeHandle(MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__CRITICAL_HANDLE)))) { ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); goto ExitFunc; } if (pRefdClass->HasLayout()) { if (nativeElem == NATIVE_TYPE_INTF) { // Classes with layout are exported as structs. Because of this, we can't export field or // parameters of these types marked with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] as interface // pointers of the actual type. The best we can do is make them IUnknown pointers and // provide a warning. ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_W_LAYOUTCLASS_AS_INTERFACE); ptdesc->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; goto ExitFunc; } else if (!bMethodSig) { // Classes with layout inside structures must be either marked with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)], // [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] or not have any MarshalAs information. if ((nativeElem != 0) && (nativeElem != NATIVE_TYPE_STRUCT)) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // These types are embedded structures so we can treat them as value classes. goto IsStructWithLayout; } else { // Classes with layout as parameters must be either marked with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] // [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] or not have any MarshalAs information. if ((nativeElem != 0) && (nativeElem != NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTRUCT)) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } } } // A reference to some non-system-defined/non delegate derived type. Get the reference to the // type, unless it is an imported COM type, in which case, we'll just use // IUnknown. // If the type is not visible from COM then we return S_USEIUNKNOWN. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pRefdClass))) hr = S_USEIUNKNOWN; else hr = EEClassToHref(pCTI, pRefdClass, TRUE, &hRef); if (hr == S_USEIUNKNOWN) { // Not a known type, so use IUnknown ptdesc->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; goto ExitFunc; } // Not a known class, so make this a pointer to . . . ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // . . . a user defined type . . . ptdesc->lptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; // . . . based on the token. ptdesc->lptdesc->hreftype = hRef; } else // It's a value type. { IsStructWithLayout: // If it is an enum, check the underlying type. All COM enums are 32 bits, // so if the .Net enum is not a 32 bit enum, convert to the underlying type // instead of the enum type. if (pRefdClass->IsEnum()) { // Get the element type of the underlying type. CorElementType et = pRefdClass->GetInternalCorElementType(); // If it is not a 32-bit type or MarshalAs is specified, convert as the // underlying type. if ((et != ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 && et != ELEMENT_TYPE_U4) || (nativeElem != 0)) { elem = et; goto TryWithElemType; } // Fall through to convert as the enum type. } else { // Value classes must be either marked with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] // or not have any MarshalAs information. if ((nativeElem != 0) && (nativeElem != NATIVE_TYPE_STRUCT)) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } } // A reference to some non-system-defined type. Get the reference to the // type. Since this is a value class we must get a valid href. Otherwise // we fail the conversion. hr = TokenToHref(pCTI, pMT, tkTypeRef, FALSE, &hRef); if (hr == S_USEIUNKNOWN) { SString sClsName; sClsName.SetUTF8(pclsname); LPCWSTR szVCName = sClsName.GetUnicode(); if (NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WCHAR == *szVCName) szVCName++; ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_NONVISIBLEVALUECLASS, szVCName); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Value class is like other UserDefined types, except passed by value, ie // on the stack, instead of by pointer. // . . . a user defined type . . . ptdesc->vt = VT_USERDEFINED; // . . . based on the token. ptdesc->hreftype = hRef; } break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: case ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY: { SigPointer sig(&pbSig[cbElem]); // Retrieve the type handle for the array elements. TypeHandle thElement = sig.GetTypeHandleThrowing(pModule, &emptyTypeContext); _ASSERTE(!thElement.IsNull()); // Update the index into the managed signature array. IfFailThrow(sig.SkipExactlyOne()); cbElem += static_cast(sig.GetPtr() - &pbSig[cbElem]); switch (nativeElem) { case 0: case NATIVE_TYPE_SAFEARRAY: { ULONG vtElement = VT_EMPTY; // Retrieve the safe array element type. if (cbNativeSig != 0) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &vtElement); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; } ArrayMarshalInfo arrayMarshalInfo(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? amiExport64Bit : amiExport32Bit); MarshalInfo::MarshalScenario ms = bMethodSig ? MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP : MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_FIELD; arrayMarshalInfo.InitForSafeArray(ms, thElement, (VARTYPE)vtElement, fAnsi); if (!arrayMarshalInfo.IsValid()) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, arrayMarshalInfo.GetErrorResourceId()); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // TYPEDESC is an array. ptdesc->vt = VT_SAFEARRAY; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if (ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ArrayToTypeDesc(pCTI, ppool, &arrayMarshalInfo, ptdesc->lptdesc); } break; case NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDARRAY: { ULONG ntElement = NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT; // NATIVE_TYPE_FIXEDARRAY is only allowed on fields. if (bMethodSig) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Retrieve the size of the fixed array. This is required. if (cbNativeSig == 0) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, IDS_EE_BADMARSHALFIELD_FIXEDARRAY_NOSIZE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &nativeCount); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; // A size const of 0 isn't supported. if (nativeCount == 0) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, IDS_EE_BADMARSHALFIELD_FIXEDARRAY_ZEROSIZE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Read the optional array sub type if specified. if (cbNativeSig != 0) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &ntElement); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; } ArrayMarshalInfo arrayMarshalInfo(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? amiExport64Bit : amiExport32Bit); arrayMarshalInfo.InitForFixedArray(thElement, (CorNativeType)ntElement, fAnsi); if (!arrayMarshalInfo.IsValid()) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, arrayMarshalInfo.GetErrorResourceId()); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Set the data ptdesc->vt = VT_CARRAY; ptdesc->lpadesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(ARRAYDESC))); if (ptdesc->lpadesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ArrayToTypeDesc(pCTI, ppool, &arrayMarshalInfo, &ptdesc->lpadesc->tdescElem); ptdesc->lpadesc->cDims = 1; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds->cElements = nativeCount; ptdesc->lpadesc->rgbounds->lLbound = 0; } break; case NATIVE_TYPE_ARRAY: { ULONG ntElement = NATIVE_TYPE_DEFAULT; // NATIVE_TYPE_ARRAY is not allowed on fields. if (!bMethodSig) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_ARRAY_NEEDS_NT_FIXED); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // Read the optional array sub type if specified. if (cbNativeSig != 0) { cb = CorSigUncompressData(pbNativeSig, &ntElement); pbNativeSig += cb; cbNativeSig -= cb; } ArrayMarshalInfo arrayMarshalInfo(IsExportingAs64Bit() ? amiExport64Bit : amiExport32Bit); arrayMarshalInfo.InitForNativeArray(MarshalInfo::MARSHAL_SCENARIO_COMINTEROP, thElement, (CorNativeType)ntElement, fAnsi); if (!arrayMarshalInfo.IsValid()) { ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, arrayMarshalInfo.GetErrorResourceId()); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } ptdesc->vt = VT_PTR; ptdesc->lptdesc = reinterpret_cast(ppool->AllocZero(sizeof(TYPEDESC))); if(ptdesc->lptdesc == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); ArrayToTypeDesc(pCTI, ppool, &arrayMarshalInfo, ptdesc->lptdesc); } break; default: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_BAD_NATIVETYPE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; } // If we are dealing with an ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY, we need to eat the array description. if (elem == ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY) { // Eat the rank. cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); // Count of ubounds, ubounds. cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); for (i=elem; i>0; --i) cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); // Count of lbounds, lbounds. cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); for (i=elem; i>0; --i) cbElem += CorSigUncompressData(pbSig+cbElem, &elem); } break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF: // 0x16 ptdesc->vt = VT_VARIANT; break; //------------------------------------------ // This really should be the commented out // block following. case ELEMENT_TYPE_I: // 0x18, ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_U: // 0x19, ptdesc->vt = GetVtForUIntPtr(); break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD: // 0x1F // required C modifier : E_T_CMOD_REQD ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_UNKNOWN_SIGNATURE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; case ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL: goto TryAgain; case ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT: // 0x20 // optional C modifier : E_T_CMOD_OPT cb = CorSigUncompressToken(&pbSig[cbElem], &tkTypeRef); cbElem += cb; goto TryAgain; case ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR: { ptdesc->vt = GetVtForIntPtr(); // Eat the rest of the signature. SigPointer p(&pbSig[cbElem-1]); IfFailThrow(p.SkipExactlyOne()); cbElem += (ULONG)(p.GetPtr() - &pbSig[cbElem]); // Note I didn't use -1 here. break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_GENERICINST_SIGNATURE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; break; case ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_GENERICPAR_SIGNATURE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; break; default: ReportWarning(TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE, TLBX_E_UNKNOWN_SIGNATURE); hr = TLBX_E_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto ExitFunc; break; } ExitFunc: *pcbElem = cbElem; if (hr == S_USEIUNKNOWN) hr = S_OK; return hr; } // TypeLibExporter::CorSigToTypeDesc #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif //***************************************************************************** // Get an HREFTYPE for an ITypeInfo, in the context of a ICreateTypeInfo2. //***************************************************************************** HRESULT TypeLibExporter::TokenToHref( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // Typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pMT, // MethodTable with the token. mdToken tk, // The TypeRef to resolve. BOOL bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, // A flag indicating if we should warn on substituting IUnknown. HREFTYPE *pHref) // Put HREFTYPE here. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHref)); } CONTRACTL_END; MethodTable *pRefdClass; // MethodTable object for referenced TypeDef. // Get the MethodTable for the referenced class, and see if it is being converted. pRefdClass = LoadClass(pMT->GetModule(), tk); // If the type is not visible from COM then we return S_USEIUNKNOWN. if (!IsTypeVisibleFromCom(TypeHandle(pRefdClass))) return S_USEIUNKNOWN; return EEClassToHref(pCTI, pRefdClass, bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, pHref); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::TokenToHref() //***************************************************************************** // Call the resolver to export the typelib for an assembly. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::ExportReferencedAssembly( Assembly *pAssembly) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pAssembly)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result. ITypeLib *pTLB = 0; // Exported typelib. // Assembly as IP. SafeComHolder pIAssembly = 0; { // Switch to cooperative to get an object ref. GCX_COOP(); // Invoke the callback to resolve the reference. OBJECTREF orAssembly=0; GCPROTECT_BEGIN(orAssembly) { orAssembly = pAssembly->GetExposedObject(); pIAssembly = GetComIPFromObjectRef(&orAssembly, MscorlibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__IASSEMBLY)); } GCPROTECT_END(); } IfFailReport(m_pNotify->ResolveRef((IUnknown*)pIAssembly, (IUnknown**)&pTLB)); // If we got a typelib, store it on the assembly. if (pTLB) pAssembly->SetTypeLib(pTLB); } // void TypeLibExporter::ExportReferencedAssembly() //***************************************************************************** // Determine if a class represents a well-known interface, and return that // interface (from its real typelib) if it does. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::GetWellKnownInterface( MethodTable *pMT, // MethodTable to check. ITypeInfo **ppTI) // Put ITypeInfo here, if found. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMT)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppTI)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. GUID guid; // The MethodTable guid. WCHAR wzGuid[40]; // Guid in string format. LONG cbGuid; // Size of guid buffer. GUID guidTlb; // The typelib guid. DWORD dwError; // Note: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro evaluates the argument 3x times HKEYHolder hInterface; // Registry key HKCR/Interface HKEYHolder hGuid; // Registry key of .../{xxx...xxx} HKEYHolder hTlb; // Registry key of .../TypeLib // The ITypeLib. SafeComHolder pTLB=0; // Get the GUID for the class. Will generate from name if no defined GUID, // will also use signatures if interface. pMT->GetGuid(&guid, TRUE); GuidToLPWSTR(guid, wzGuid, lengthof(wzGuid)); // Look up that interface in the registry. dwError = WszRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, W("Interface"),0,KEY_READ, &hInterface); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); if (FAILED(hr)) return; dwError = WszRegOpenKeyEx((HKEY)hInterface, wzGuid, 0, KEY_READ, &hGuid); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); if (FAILED(hr)) return; dwError = WszRegOpenKeyEx((HKEY)hGuid, W("TypeLib"), 0, KEY_READ, &hTlb); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); if (FAILED(hr)) return; cbGuid = sizeof(wzGuid); dwError = WszRegQueryValue((HKEY)hTlb, W(""), wzGuid, &cbGuid); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); if (FAILED(hr)) return; CLSIDFromString(wzGuid, &guidTlb); // Retrieve the major and minor version number. USHORT wMajor; USHORT wMinor; Assembly *pAssembly = pMT->GetAssembly(); hr = GetTypeLibVersionForAssembly(pAssembly,&wMajor, &wMinor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = LoadRegTypeLib(guidTlb, wMajor, wMinor, 0, &pTLB); } if (FAILED(hr)) { pAssembly->GetVersion(&wMajor, &wMinor, NULL, NULL); hr = LoadRegTypeLib(guidTlb, wMajor, wMinor, 0, &pTLB); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = LoadRegTypeLib(guidTlb, -1, -1, 0, &pTLB); if (FAILED(hr)) { return; } } } hr = pTLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, ppTI); } // void TypeLibExporter::GetWellKnownInterface() //***************************************************************************** // Get an HREFTYPE for an ITypeInfo, in the context of a ICreateTypeInfo2. //***************************************************************************** HRESULT TypeLibExporter::EEClassToHref( // S_OK or error. ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, // Typeinfo being created. MethodTable *pClass, // The MethodTable * to resolve. BOOL bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, // A flag indicating if we should warn on substituting IUnknown. HREFTYPE *pHref) // Put HREFTYPE here. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClass)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHref)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result. int bUseIUnknown=false; // Use IUnknown (if so, don't release pTI)? int bUseIUnknownWarned=false; // If true, used IUnknown, but already issued a more specific warning. CExportedTypesInfo sExported; // Cached ICreateTypeInfo pointers. CExportedTypesInfo *pExported; // Pointer to found or new cached pointers. CHrefOfClassHashKey sLookup; // Hash structure to lookup. CHrefOfClassHashKey *pFound; // Found structure. bool bImportedAssembly; // The assembly containing pClass is imported. bool bForceResolveCallback; // Type library resolution should always be handled by caller first. // A different typeinfo; default for pTI. SafeComHolder pTIDef=0; // A TypeInfo; maybe for TypeDef, maybe for TypeRef. SafeComHolder pTI=0; // See if we already know this MethodTable' href. sLookup.pClass = pClass; if ((pFound=m_HrefOfClassHash.Find(&sLookup)) != NULL) { *pHref = pFound->href; if (*pHref == m_hIUnknown) return S_USEIUNKNOWN; return S_OK; } // See if the class is in the export list. sExported.pClass = pClass; pExported = m_Exports.Find(&sExported); // If not in the exported assembly, possibly it was injected? if (pExported == 0) { pExported = m_InjectedExports.Find(&sExported); } // Is there an export for this class? if (pExported) { // Yes, For interfaces and value types (and enums), just use the typeinfo. if (pClass->IsValueType() || pClass->IsEnum() || pClass->HasLayout()) { // No default interface, so use the class itself. if (pExported->pCTI) IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pExported->pCTI, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI)); } else if (!pClass->IsInterface()) { // If there is an explicit default interface, get the class for it. TypeHandle hndDefItfClass; DefaultInterfaceType DefItfType; DefItfType = GetDefaultInterfaceForClassWrapper(TypeHandle(pClass), &hndDefItfClass); switch (DefItfType) { case DefaultInterfaceType_Explicit: { _ASSERTE(!hndDefItfClass.IsNull()); // Recurse to get the href for the default interface class. hr = EEClassToHref(pCTI, hndDefItfClass.GetMethodTable(), bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, pHref); // Done. Note that the previous call will have cached the href for // the default interface class. As this function exits, it will // also cache the SAME href for this class. goto ErrExit; } case DefaultInterfaceType_AutoDispatch: case DefaultInterfaceType_AutoDual: { _ASSERTE(!hndDefItfClass.IsNull()); if (hndDefItfClass.GetMethodTable() != pClass) { // Recurse to get the href for the default interface class. hr = EEClassToHref(pCTI, hndDefItfClass.GetMethodTable(), bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, pHref); // Done. Note that the previous call will have cached the href for // the default interface class. As this function exits, it will // also cache the SAME href for this class. goto ErrExit; } // Return the class interface. _ASSERTE(pExported->pCTIClassItf); IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pExported->pCTIClassItf, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI)); break; } case DefaultInterfaceType_IUnknown: case DefaultInterfaceType_BaseComClass: { pTI = m_pIUnknown; bUseIUnknown=true; SafeAddRef(pTI); break; } default: { _ASSERTE(!"Invalid default interface type!"); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } } else { // This is an interface, so use the typeinfo for the interface, if there is one. if (pExported->pCTI) IfFailReport(SafeQueryInterface(pExported->pCTI, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI)); } if ((IUnknown*)pTI == 0) { // This is a class from the module/assembly, yet it is not being exported. // Whatever happens, the result is OK. hr = S_OK; if (pClass->IsComImport()) { // If it is an imported type, get an href to it. GetWellKnownInterface(pClass, &pTI); } // If still didn't get a TypeInfo, use IUnknown. if ((IUnknown*)pTI == 0) { pTI = m_pIUnknown; bUseIUnknown=true; SafeAddRef(pTI); } } } else { // Not local. Try to get from the class' module's typelib. // If the caller wants to get a chance to resolve type library references themselves (before we go probing the assembly), // we'll skip the next step and go directly to the notify sink callback. bForceResolveCallback = (m_flags & TlbExporter_CallerResolvedReferences) != 0; if (!bForceResolveCallback) hr = GetITypeInfoForEEClass(pClass, &pTI, false/* interface, not coclass */, false/* do not create */, m_flags); // If getting the typeinfo from the class itself failed, there are // several possibilities: // - typelib didn't exist, and couldn't be created. // - typelib did exist, but didn't contain the typeinfo. // We can create a local (to the exported typelib) copy of the // typeinfo, and get a reference to that. // However, we don't want to export the whole tree into this typelib, // so we only create the typeinfo if the typelib existed but the // typeinfo wasn't found and the assembly is not an imported assembly. bImportedAssembly = pClass->GetAssembly()->IsImportedFromTypeLib(); if (bForceResolveCallback || (FAILED(hr) && hr != TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND && !bImportedAssembly)) { // Invoke the callback to resolve the reference. Assembly *pAssembly = pClass->GetAssembly(); ExportReferencedAssembly(pAssembly); hr = GetITypeInfoForEEClass(pClass, &pTI, false/* interface, not coclass */, false/* do not create */, m_flags); } if (hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND) { if (pClass->IsComImport()) { // If it is an imported type, get an href to it. // Whatever happens, the result is OK. hr = S_OK; GetWellKnownInterface(pClass, &pTI); // If still didn't get a TypeInfo, use IUnknown. if ((IUnknown*)pTI == 0) { pTI = m_pIUnknown; bUseIUnknown=true; SafeAddRef(pTI); } } else { // Convert the single typedef from the other scope. ConvertOneTypeDef(pClass); // Now that the type has been injected, recurse to let the default-interface code run. hr = EEClassToHref(pCTI, pClass, bWarnOnUsingIUnknown, pHref); // This class should already have been cached by the recursive call. Don't want to add // it again. goto ErrExit2; } } else if (FAILED(hr)) { DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassWOnStack(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareW(pClass); if (hr == TLBX_W_LIBNOTREGISTERED) { // The imported typelib is not registered on this machine. Give a warning, and substitute IUnknown. ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, hr, szName, (LPCWSTR) pClass->GetAssembly()->GetManifestModule()->GetPath()); hr = S_OK; pTI = m_pIUnknown; bUseIUnknown = true; SafeAddRef(pTI); bUseIUnknownWarned = true; } else if (hr == TLBX_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY) { // The imported typelib is registered, but can't be loaded. Corrupt? Missing? InternalThrowHRWithContext(TLBX_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY, szName, (LPCWSTR) pClass->GetAssembly()->GetManifestModule()->GetPath()); } IfFailReport(hr); } } // Make sure we could resolve the typeinfo. if (!(IUnknown*)pTI) IfFailReport(TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND); // Assert that the containing typelib for pContainer is the typelib being created. #if defined(_DEBUG) { SafeComHolder pTI=0; SafeComHolder pTL=0; SafeComHolder pTLMe=0; UINT ix; SafeQueryInterface(pCTI, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI); SafeQueryInterface(m_pICreateTLB, IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)&pTLMe); pTI->GetContainingTypeLib(&pTL, &ix); _ASSERTE(pTL == pTLMe); } #endif // If there is an ITypeInfo, convert to HREFTYPE. if ((IUnknown*)pTI) { if ((IUnknown*)pTI != m_pIUnknown) { // Resolve to default. if (pTIDef) hr = S_OK; // Already have default. else { // TypeLib API has a issue (sort of by design): // Before a type (and its dependencies) is completely created (all members added), // if you call Layout(), or anything that will lead to Layout(), such as ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr // it will give the type an incorrect size. Ideally TypeLib API should fail in this case. // Anyway, we only need to avoid calling Layout() directly or indirectly until we have // completely created all types. // In this case, we are calling ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr() in the function below, which is only // needed for coclasses. Fortunately, coclass doesn't have a size problem, as it don't have any members // So, we skip calling GetDefaultInterfaceForCoclass unless the class is an coclass. if (TKindFromClass(pClass) == TKIND_COCLASS) IfFailReport(GetDefaultInterfaceForCoclass(pTI, &pTIDef)); else hr = S_FALSE; } if (hr == S_OK) hr = pCTI->AddRefTypeInfo(pTIDef, pHref); else hr = pCTI->AddRefTypeInfo(pTI, pHref); } else { // pTI == m_pIUnknown if (m_hIUnknown == -1) hr = pCTI->AddRefTypeInfo(pTI, &m_hIUnknown); *pHref = m_hIUnknown; } } ErrExit: // If we got the href... if (hr == S_OK) { // Save for later use. if ( NULL == (pFound=m_HrefOfClassHash.Add(&sLookup))) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); pFound->pClass = pClass; pFound->href = *pHref; } // If substituting IUnknown, give a warning. if (hr == S_OK && bUseIUnknown && bWarnOnUsingIUnknown && !bUseIUnknownWarned) { DefineFullyQualifiedNameForClassWOnStack(); LPCWSTR szName = GetFullyQualifiedNameForClassNestedAwareW(pClass); ReportWarning(S_OK, TLBX_I_USEIUNKNOWN, szName); } ErrExit2: if (hr == S_OK && bUseIUnknown) hr = S_USEIUNKNOWN; return hr; } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::EEClassToHref() //***************************************************************************** // Retrieve an HRef to the a type defined in StdOle. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::StdOleTypeToHRef(ICreateTypeInfo2 *pCTI, REFGUID rGuid, HREFTYPE *pHref) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCTI)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHref)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; SafeComHolder pITLB = NULL; SafeComHolder pITI = NULL; MEMBERID MemID = 0; USHORT cFound = 0; IfFailReport(LoadRegTypeLib(LIBID_STDOLE2, -1, -1, 0, &pITLB)); IfFailReport(pITLB->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(rGuid, &pITI)); IfFailReport(pCTI->AddRefTypeInfo(pITI, pHref)); } // void TypeLibExporter::ColorToHRef() //***************************************************************************** // Given a TypeDef's flags, determine the proper TYPEKIND. //***************************************************************************** TYPEKIND TypeLibExporter::TKindFromClass( MethodTable *pClass) // MethodTable. { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pClass)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; ULONG ulIface = ifDual; // Is this interface [dual], IUnknown, or DISPINTERFACE. if (pClass->IsInterface()) { // IDispatch or IUnknown derived? IfFailReport(pClass->GetMDImport()->GetIfaceTypeOfTypeDef(pClass->GetCl(), &ulIface)); if (ulIface == ifDispatch) return TKIND_DISPATCH; return TKIND_INTERFACE; } if (pClass->IsEnum()) return TKIND_ENUM; if (pClass->IsValueType() || pClass->HasLayout()) { TYPEKIND tkResult=TKIND_RECORD; // The resulting typekind. mdFieldDef fd; // A Field def. ULONG cFD; // Count of fields. ULONG iFD=0; // Loop control. ULONG ulOffset; // Field offset. bool bNonZero=false; // Found any non-zero? MD_CLASS_LAYOUT sLayout; // For enumerating layouts. // To enum fields. HENUMInternalHolder eFDi(pClass->GetMDImport()); eFDi.EnumInit(mdtFieldDef, pClass->GetCl()); // Get an enumerator for the FieldDefs in the TypeDef. Only need the counts. cFD = pClass->GetMDImport()->EnumGetCount(&eFDi); // Get an enumerator for the class layout. IfFailReport(pClass->GetMDImport()->GetClassLayoutInit(pClass->GetCl(), &sLayout)); // Enumerate the layout. while (pClass->GetMDImport()->GetClassLayoutNext(&sLayout, &fd, &ulOffset) == S_OK) { if (ulOffset != 0) { bNonZero = true; break; } ++iFD; } // If there were fields, all had layout, and all layouts are zero, call it a union. if (cFD > 0 && iFD == cFD && !bNonZero) tkResult = TKIND_UNION; return tkResult; } return TKIND_COCLASS; } // TYPEKIND TypeLibExporter::TKindFromClass() //***************************************************************************** // Generate a HREFTYPE in the output TypeLib for a TypeInfo. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::GetRefTypeInfo( ICreateTypeInfo2 *pContainer, ITypeInfo *pReferenced, HREFTYPE *pHref) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pContainer)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pReferenced)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHref)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; // A result. CHrefOfTIHashKey sLookup; // Hash structure to lookup. CHrefOfTIHashKey *pFound; // Found structure. // See if we already know this TypeInfo. sLookup.pITI = pReferenced; if ((pFound=m_HrefHash.Find(&sLookup)) != NULL) { *pHref = pFound->href; return; } // Assert that the containing typelib for pContainer is the typelib being created. #if defined(_DEBUG) { SafeComHolder pTI=0; SafeComHolder pTL=0; SafeComHolder pTLMe=0; UINT ix; SafeQueryInterface(pContainer, IID_ITypeInfo, (IUnknown**)&pTI); SafeQueryInterface(m_pICreateTLB, IID_ITypeLib, (IUnknown**)&pTLMe); pTI->GetContainingTypeLib(&pTL, &ix); _ASSERTE(pTL == pTLMe); } #endif // Haven't seen it -- add the href. // NOTE: This code assumes that hreftypes are per-typelib. IfFailReport(pContainer->AddRefTypeInfo(pReferenced, pHref)); // Save for later use. pFound=m_HrefHash.Add(&sLookup); if (pFound == NULL) IfFailReport(E_OUTOFMEMORY); // Prefix can't tell that IfFailReport will actually throw an exception if pFound is NULL so // let's tell it explicitly that if we reach this point pFound will not be NULL. PREFIX_ASSUME(pFound != NULL); pFound->pITI = pReferenced; pFound->href = *pHref; pReferenced->AddRef(); } // HRESULT TypeLibExporter::GetRefTypeInfo() //***************************************************************************** // Implementation of a hashed ITypeInfo to HREFTYPE association. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Clear() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; SO_TOLERANT; } CONTRACTL_END; CHrefOfTIHashKey *p; for (p=GetFirst(); p; p=GetNext(p)) { SafeRelease(p->pITI); } CClosedHash::Clear(); } // void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Clear() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Hash(const CHrefOfTIHashKey *pData) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifndef _WIN64 // The pointers are at least 4-byte aligned, so ignore bottom two bits. return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pITI))>>2); #else // @TODO IA64: Is this a good hashing mechanism on IA64? return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pITI))>>3); #endif } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Hash() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Compare(const CHrefOfTIHashKey *p1, CHrefOfTIHashKey *p2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p1->pITI == p2->pITI) return (0); return (1); } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Compare() TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Status(CHrefOfTIHashKey *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p->pITI == reinterpret_cast(FREE)) return (FREE); if (p->pITI == reinterpret_cast(DELETED)) return (DELETED); return (USED); } // TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::Status() void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::SetStatus(CHrefOfTIHashKey *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; p->pITI = reinterpret_cast(s); } // void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::SetStatus() void *TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::GetKey(CHrefOfTIHashKey *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &p->pITI; } // void *TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfTIHash::GetKey() //***************************************************************************** // Implementation of a hashed MethodTable* to HREFTYPE association. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Clear() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CClosedHash::Clear(); } // void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Clear() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Hash(const CHrefOfClassHashKey *pData) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifndef _WIN64 // Tbe pointers are at least 4-byte aligned, so ignore bottom two bits. return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pClass))>>2); #else // @TODO IA64: Is this a good hashing mechanism on IA64? return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pClass))>>3); #endif } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Hash() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Compare(const CHrefOfClassHashKey *p1, CHrefOfClassHashKey *p2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p1->pClass == p2->pClass) return (0); return (1); } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Compare() TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Status(CHrefOfClassHashKey *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p->pClass == reinterpret_cast(FREE)) return (FREE); if (p->pClass == reinterpret_cast(DELETED)) return (DELETED); return (USED); } // TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::Status() void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::SetStatus(CHrefOfClassHashKey *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; p->pClass = reinterpret_cast(s); } // void TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::SetStatus() void *TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::GetKey(CHrefOfClassHashKey *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &p->pClass; } // void *TypeLibExporter::CHrefOfClassHash::GetKey() //***************************************************************************** // Implementation of a hashed MethodTable* to conversion information association. //***************************************************************************** void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Clear() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Iterate over entries and free pointers. CExportedTypesInfo *pData; pData = GetFirst(); while (pData) { SetStatus(pData, DELETED); pData = GetNext(pData); } CClosedHash::Clear(); } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Clear() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Hash(const CExportedTypesInfo *pData) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; #ifndef _WIN64 // Tbe pointers are at least 4-byte aligned, so ignore bottom two bits. return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pClass))>>2); #else // @TODO IA64: Is this a good hashing mechanism on IA64? return (unsigned int) (((size_t)(pData->pClass))>>3); #endif } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Hash() unsigned int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Compare(const CExportedTypesInfo *p1, CExportedTypesInfo *p2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p1->pClass == p2->pClass) return (0); return (1); } // unsigned long TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Compare() TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Status(CExportedTypesInfo *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (p->pClass == reinterpret_cast(FREE)) return (FREE); if (p->pClass == reinterpret_cast(DELETED)) return (DELETED); return (USED); } // TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::ELEMENTSTATUS TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::Status() void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SetStatus(CExportedTypesInfo *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // If deleting a used entry, free the pointers. if (s == DELETED && Status(p) == USED) { if (p->pCTI) p->pCTI->Release(), p->pCTI=0; if (p->pCTIClassItf) p->pCTIClassItf->Release(), p->pCTIClassItf=0; } p->pClass = reinterpret_cast(s); } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SetStatus() void *TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::GetKey(CExportedTypesInfo *p) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &p->pClass; } // void *TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::GetKey() void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::InitArray() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // For iterating the entries. CExportedTypesInfo *pData = 0; // Make room for the data. m_iCount = 0; m_Array = new CExportedTypesInfo*[Base::Count()]; // Fill the array. pData = GetFirst(); while (pData) { m_Array[m_iCount++] = pData; pData = GetNext(pData); } } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::InitArray() void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::UpdateArray() { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // For iterating the entries. CExportedTypesInfo *pData = 0; // Clear the old data. if (m_Array) delete[] m_Array; // Make room for the data. m_iCount = 0; m_Array = new CExportedTypesInfo*[Base::Count()]; // Fill the array. pData = GetFirst(); while (pData) { m_Array[m_iCount++] = pData; pData = GetNext(pData); } } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::UpdateArray() void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SortByName() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CSortByName sorter(m_Array, (int)m_iCount); sorter.Sort(); } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SortByName() void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SortByToken() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CSortByToken sorter(m_Array, (int)m_iCount); sorter.Sort(); } // void TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::SortByToken() int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::CSortByToken::Compare( CExportedTypesInfo **p1, CExportedTypesInfo **p2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; MethodTable *pC1 = (*p1)->pClass; MethodTable *pC2 = (*p2)->pClass; // Compare scopes. if (pC1->GetMDImport() < pC2->GetMDImport()) return -1; if (pC1->GetMDImport() > pC2->GetMDImport()) return 1; // Same scopes, compare tokens. if (pC1->GetTypeDefRid() < pC2->GetTypeDefRid()) return -1; if (pC1->GetTypeDefRid() > pC2->GetTypeDefRid()) return 1; // Hmmm. Same class. return 0; } // int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::CSortByToken::Compare() int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::CSortByName::Compare( CExportedTypesInfo **p1, CExportedTypesInfo **p2) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(p1)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(p2)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(*p1)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(*p2)); } CONTRACTL_END; int iRslt; // A compare result. MethodTable *pC1 = (*p1)->pClass; MethodTable *pC2 = (*p2)->pClass; // Ignore scopes. Need to see name collisions across scopes. // Same scopes, compare names. LPCSTR pName1, pNS1; LPCSTR pName2, pNS2; IfFailThrow(pC1->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pC1->GetCl(), &pName1, &pNS1)); IfFailThrow(pC2->GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(pC2->GetCl(), &pName2, &pNS2)); // Compare case-insensitive, because we want different capitalizations to sort together. SString sName1(SString::Utf8, pName1); SString sName2(SString::Utf8, pName2); iRslt = sName1.CompareCaseInsensitive(sName2); if (iRslt) return iRslt; // If names are spelled the same, ignoring capitalization, sort by namespace. // We will attempt to use namespace for disambiguation. SString sNS1(SString::Utf8, pNS1); SString sNS2(SString::Utf8, pNS2); iRslt = sNS1.CompareCaseInsensitive(sNS2); return iRslt; } // int TypeLibExporter::CExportedTypesHash::CSortByName::Compare()