// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //========================================================================= // // ThreadPoolRequest.h // // // This file contains definitions of classes needed to mainain per-appdomain // thread pool work requests. This is needed as unmanaged and managed work // requests are allocted, managed and dispatched in drastically different ways. // However, the scheduler need be aware of these differences, and it should // simply talk to a common interface for managing work request counts. // //========================================================================= #ifndef _THREADPOOL_REQUEST_H #define _THREADPOOL_REQUEST_H #include "util.hpp" #define TP_QUANTUM 2 #define UNUSED_THREADPOOL_INDEX (DWORD)-1 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //IPerAppDomainTPCount is an interface for implementing per-appdomain thread //pool state. It's implementation should include logic to maintain work-counts, //notify thread pool class when work arrives or no work is left. Finally //there is logic to dipatch work items correctly in the right domain. // //Notes: //This class was designed to support both the managed and unmanaged uses //of thread pool. The unmananged part may directly be used through com //interfaces. The differences between the actual management of counts and //dispatching of work is quite different between the two. This interface //hides these differences to the thread scheduler implemented by the thread pool //class. // class IPerAppDomainTPCount{ public: virtual void ResetState() = 0; virtual BOOL IsRequestPending() = 0; //This functions marks the begining of requests queued for the domain. //It needs to notify the scheduler of work-arrival among other things. virtual void SetAppDomainRequestsActive() = 0; //This functions marks the end of requests queued for this domain. virtual void ClearAppDomainRequestsActive() = 0; //Clears the "active" flag if it was set, and returns whether it was set. virtual bool TakeActiveRequest() = 0; //Takes care of dispatching requests in the right domain. virtual void DispatchWorkItem(bool* foundWork, bool* wasNotRecalled) = 0; virtual void SetTPIndexUnused() = 0; virtual BOOL IsTPIndexUnused() = 0; virtual void SetTPIndex(TPIndex index) = 0; }; typedef DPTR(IPerAppDomainTPCount) PTR_IPerAppDomainTPCount; #ifdef _MSC_VER // Disable this warning - we intentionally want __declspec(align()) to insert padding for us #pragma warning(disable: 4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align()) #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount maintains per-appdomain thread pool state. //This class maintains the count of per-appdomain work-items queued by //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. It also dispatches threads in the appdomain //correctly by setting up the right exception handling frames etc. // //Note: The counts are not accurate, and neither do they need to be. The //actual work queue is in managed (implemented in threadpool.cs). This class //just provides heuristics to the thread pool scheduler, along with //synchronization to indicate start/end of requests to the scheduler. class ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount : public IPerAppDomainTPCount { public: ManagedPerAppDomainTPCount(TPIndex index) {ResetState(); m_index = index;} inline void ResetState() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; VolatileStore(&m_numRequestsPending, (LONG)0); } inline BOOL IsRequestPending() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LONG count = VolatileLoad(&m_numRequestsPending); return count > 0; } void SetAppDomainRequestsActive(); void ClearAppDomainRequestsActive(); bool TakeActiveRequest(); inline void SetTPIndex(TPIndex index) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; //This function should be called during appdomain creation when no managed code //has started running yet. That implies, no requests should be pending //or dispatched to this structure yet. _ASSERTE(m_index.m_dwIndex == UNUSED_THREADPOOL_INDEX); m_index = index; } inline BOOL IsTPIndexUnused() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_index.m_dwIndex == UNUSED_THREADPOOL_INDEX) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } inline void SetTPIndexUnused() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_index.m_dwIndex = UNUSED_THREADPOOL_INDEX; } void DispatchWorkItem(bool* foundWork, bool* wasNotRecalled); private: TPIndex m_index; struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) { BYTE m_padding1[MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(LONG)]; // Only use with VolatileLoad+VolatileStore+FastInterlockCompareExchange LONG m_numRequestsPending; BYTE m_padding2[MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE]; }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount maintains the thread pool state/counts for //unmanaged work requests. From thread pool point of view we treat unmanaged //requests as a special "appdomain". This helps in scheduling policies, and //follow same fairness policies as requests in other appdomains. class UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount : public IPerAppDomainTPCount { public: UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ResetState(); } inline void InitResources() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); } CONTRACTL_END; } inline void CleanupResources() { } inline void ResetState() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_NumRequests = 0; VolatileStore(&m_outstandingThreadRequestCount, (LONG)0); } inline BOOL IsRequestPending() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return VolatileLoad(&m_outstandingThreadRequestCount) != (LONG)0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } void SetAppDomainRequestsActive(); inline void ClearAppDomainRequestsActive() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; VolatileStore(&m_outstandingThreadRequestCount, (LONG)0); } bool TakeActiveRequest(); void QueueUnmanagedWorkRequest(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE function, PVOID context); PVOID DeQueueUnManagedWorkRequest(bool* lastOne); void DispatchWorkItem(bool* foundWork, bool* wasNotRecalled); inline void SetTPIndexUnused() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERT(FALSE); } inline BOOL IsTPIndexUnused() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } inline void SetTPIndex(TPIndex index) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERT(FALSE); } private: SpinLock m_lock; ULONG m_NumRequests; struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) { BYTE m_padding1[MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(LONG)]; // Only use with VolatileLoad+VolatileStore+FastInterlockCompareExchange LONG m_outstandingThreadRequestCount; BYTE m_padding2[MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE]; }; }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default: 4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align()) #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //PerAppDomainTPCountList maintains the collection of per-appdomain thread //pool states. Per appdomain counts are added to the list during appdomain //creation inside the sdomain lock. The counts are reset during appdomain //unload after all the threads have //This class maintains the count of per-appdomain work-items queued by //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. It also dispatches threads in the appdomain //correctly by setting up the right exception handling frames etc. // //Note: The counts are not accurate, and neither do they need to be. The //actual work queue is in managed (implemented in threadpool.cs). This class //just provides heuristics to the thread pool scheduler, along with //synchronization to indicate start/end of requests to the scheduler. class PerAppDomainTPCountList{ public: static void InitAppDomainIndexList(); static void ResetAppDomainIndex(TPIndex index); static bool AreRequestsPendingInAnyAppDomains(); static LONG GetAppDomainIndexForThreadpoolDispatch(); static TPIndex AddNewTPIndex(); inline static IPerAppDomainTPCount* GetPerAppdomainCount(TPIndex index) { return dac_cast(s_appDomainIndexList.Get(index.m_dwIndex-1)); } inline static UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount* GetUnmanagedTPCount() { return &s_unmanagedTPCount; } private: static DWORD FindFirstFreeTpEntry(); static BYTE s_padding[MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof(LONG)]; DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) static LONG s_ADHint; DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MAX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) static UnManagedPerAppDomainTPCount s_unmanagedTPCount; //The list of all per-appdomain work-request counts. static ArrayListStatic s_appDomainIndexList; }; #endif //_THREADPOOL_REQUEST_H